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How To Use Wraith In A Sentence

  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • His St. Petersburg is another "Unreal City" whose wraithlike inhabitants leave hardly a smudge where they've passed. A Master of Technique
  • Her illegitimate position has rendered her wraithlike and insubstantial, almost disembodied.
  • No trace, only my cigarette smoke, hovering like a wraith, betrayed my presence by leaving the shadow of its scent as it passed through drab walls.
  • The faintest noise, it sounded like the creeping of some wraith.
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  • The wraiths and phantoms creep under your carpets and between the warp and weft of fabric, they lurk in wardrobes and lie flat under drawer-liners.
  • Even if he had some kind of weird pseudo consciousness it would be no more than that of a wraith; nothing you couldn't override. SANDS OF TIME
  • Through the veil she saw the blink of gold, the flash of a silver ring on a pale wraith's finger.
  • Once inside the building, both Evoke and Max could feel the spirits and wraiths, but Evoke could feel the more powerful ones.
  • She becomes daily more insubstantial, her figure wraithlike.
  • Vampyre umbral skulker until sunlight dwindles then bat becomes nocturnal prince throat ravager, claret quaffer, night wraith fearless charlatan, blood drunkard but at dawn's flushing kiss he yields to light Archive 2006-08-01
  • As in the four other pictures, one glimpses a passing figure, perhaps the wraith of paganism.
  • However much I'd told myself he wouldn't, there was still the wraith of a hope inside me that he would. GO!
  • Instead, the Moon Beings became like wraiths, cloudy figures always shrouded by a misty covering-willing to do anything their master asked.
  • Startled by the wraithlike words, I stumbled back. Mercy Kill
  • By the time she made it to the 2000 Grammy Awards, she was literally a shadow, or perhaps even a wraith, of her former self.
  • Wraith starships are biomechanical, that is they are made from organic, semi-alive materials rather than built out of metal, rubber and other more familiar materials. Stargate Atlantis Gets Biomechanical
  • There are times when I regret the decision to hide in plain sight, fictionalizing accounts of my activities in the pages of The Wraith Magazine so that any reports of a silver masked figure seen lurking in the streets of Recondito will be written off as an overimaginative reader with more costuming skill than sense. Masked
  • The form stepped forward out of the corner, condensing from the darkness into a head, shoulders, and indiscernible body cloaked in some material light and impatient in movement as the summer wraiths in this part of the world.
  • I encountered layers of airborne mist and fog on the Taunton road, quite thick in the hollows but mostly wisping across at about head height, caught in the headlights and looking like wraiths and ghosties in the night.
  • At any rate René, over his busy work in the lantern, whistled and hummed snatches of song with unwonted blithesomeness, and, after lighting the steady watch-light and securing all his paraphernalia with extra care, dallied some time longer than usual on the outer platform, striving to snatch through the driven wraith a glance of the distant lights of Pulwick. The Light of Scarthey
  • I had never seen the rancher, who lived in the thrown-together compound of unmatched buildings down by the river, only a thin wraith of smoke coiling out of his chimney.
  • Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition; spectral.
  • It's powerful, unsettling stuff, those thin wraiths marching off to war.
  • But in the end it is fascinating, as Pilate's figure swirls before us, a wraith of smoke whose shape shifts with each new attempt to grasp it.
  • At least Olivia was an undemanding little wraith, so generous with those she had left behind. EVERY SECRET THING
  • In the mirror above the fireplace he caught sight of himself, a ghostly wraith in shades of gray. The Hole in the Wall « A Fly in Amber
  • And I would depicture her, a foiled and wistful little wraith, very lonely in eternity, and a bit regretful of the world she loved and of its blundering men, and unhappy, -- for she could never be entirely happy without Peter, -- and I feared, indignant. The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
  • Or you could use Wraith, but the words wight and wraith have identical meanings in fantasy literature. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Open Writing Forum
  • We who lived in the suburbs of towns that were themselves anonymous and mediocre were exiles from the city's Real: insubstantial wraiths, resigned to our status as non-beings.
  • In a very few minutes the dory was a mere gray wraith on the water, but there it hung. Radio Boys Loyalty Bill Brown Listens In
  • Willis was in his early twenties: a short wiry man, thin like a wraith with black hair and a large wart on the side of his nose.
  • Two missiles flew out from Nymph's hull and crashed into the oncoming Wraiths, the first had been shattered into pieces while the other had merely been winged.
  • She almost didn't see Wraith slipping through the shadows, but he caught her arm and motioned for her to follow him.
  • Her voice was tired, but she was starting to look like her usual self instead of the pale, thin wraith she had been.
  • Majestieis dewtie towartis [892] your pure subjectis, Godis chosin pepill, and quhat ye aucht to craif justlie of thame agane; for than we sould haif na occatioun to feir your Majestieis wraith and indignatioun, nor your Hienes suspitioun in our inobedience. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Peering into the hollows of trees, you may come face to face with this wraithlike creature.
  • 'Mind ye, I dinna ken whether 'twas a wraith I saw or no -- for I'd been first footin', ye ken, an 'maybe I had a wee drappie i' my e'e. ' Border Ghost Stories
  • Majestieis dewtie towartis [892] your pure subjectis, Godis chosin pepill, and quhat ye aucht to craif justlie of thame agane; for than we sould haif na occatioun to feir your Majestieis wraith and indignatioun, nor your Hienes suspitioun in our inobedience. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Maggie watched powerless as Kate and Joe headed out into the hall, the surprise and disbelief lingering around her like a wraith. FALLEN WOMEN
  • Steam rose from the distillation plant, a pale wraith floating on the shoulder of the wind. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Ordinarily there was a suspicion of hardness in her face but there was also upon occasions a kind of winsomeness, an unexpected peeping out of a personality which was like the wraith of the child which she once had been -- a suggestion of girlish charm and spontaneity utterly unlike her usual self. The Lady Doc
  • For instance, in the middle of picture No. 45 stand two women in overcoats and hats with their arms linked, and on either side of the couple is a wraithlike image of a man in a three-piece suit, white shirt, tie and fedora. Candid Albums Of Strangers
  • It freed itself from the halyard and slipped away into the darker water, a gliding wraith that sailed towards the closing doors of the deep. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • * This in the North of Ireland is called wraith, as in The Ned M'Keown Stories Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • Steam rose from the distillation plant, a pale wraith floating on the shoulder of the wind. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • It broke Eleanora's heart to see her daughter become that wraith of her former self.
  • Loyd says he has been personally informed by an actual ghost that these wraiths are ‘balls of energy,’ so masses of meters and detectors would seem essential to such investigations.
  • She moved wraithlike, ducking beneath an arm, reeling back from another, and diving between its legs. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Most appropriately, she looked like a wraith, thin and stooped, with dark, tragic eyes.
  • Percival Ford looked at the Kanaka half-breed who played under the hau tree, and it seemed, as by some illumination, that he was gazing on a wraith of himself. The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii:The House of Pride
  • As far into the distance as I'm able to see there are ghosts and wraiths, rank upon rank of them, progressively grey and formless, still, silent, and waiting with solemn eyes to see what we will do with the world they left behind them.
  • Praise be to their live bait alluring, their handsome, wraithlike bodies. Heart death
  • Very memorable is Carter's last stand aboard the Phoenix in SGA's 'The Last Man' in season four, as she battles against three Wraith hive ships. Question of the Day: What Are The Coolest SF Space Battles You've Seen?
  • Banquo's wraith, which is invisible to all but Macbeth, is the haunting of an evil conscience. From Chaucer to Tennyson
  • It wasn't the wordless lyrics of death of the wraith, but it was very close, and Jeremy had the sickening feeling that it was a call to arms.
  • A very old man, shrunken and faded, a waxen wraith of his former self, was sitting in a high-backed armchair by the fireplace. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • The faces of Efia, Ynsandrailia, Kjarian, and Zlatthanalian were within the dream, but they were faded, like wraiths.
  • [1] The word "wraith" is here used in an obviously inexact sense; but the wraith seemed to be the nearest equivalent in English mythology to the Scandinavian "fylgie," an attendant spirit, often regarded as a sort of emanation from the person it accompanied, and sometimes (as in this case) typifying that person's moral attributes. The Vikings of Helgeland The Prose Dramas Of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. III.
  • In his mythology, those who use the Ring will become disembodied wraiths, but will still have physical as well as spiritual powers.
  • Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors.
  • He is a kind of political transvestite, all-dressed up as a maverick, when in fact he is in many ways a more hardboiled conservative than Bush and political wraiths who swirl around him in the White House. Pentagon Thievery
  • We who lived in the suburbs of towns that were themselves anonymous and mediocre were exiles from the city's Real: insubstantial wraiths, resigned to our status as non-beings.
  • At least Olivia was an undemanding little wraith, so generous with those she had left behind. EVERY SECRET THING
  • Next moment their wraithlike figures had darted out of sight among the trees like two startled deer.
  • Finally satisfied with the job that they had done, Loren and his militia gunmen gathered up their weapons and disappeared like wraiths into the darkness.
  • Bausch and another female dancer move through a café setting with their eyes closed while a man, struggling to anticipate their wraithlike movements, hurriedly moves tables and chairs out of their way.
  • A tall black wraith of a man with one missing eye put his hand out for alms and on getting it launched into a spiel of how he fought to defend the right of God in the Civil War.
  • Otis Rush, Bobby Blue Bland, Muddy Waters and Skip James get their due here as well, Waters with a nasty, slide guitar-laced version of "I Can't Be Satisfied," James with a wraithlike take of the Delta blues classic "Devil Got My Woman. Album review: Gregg Allman, "Low Country Blues"
  • When next we see Dean, he is standing in the hallway, monitoring the mirror where he expects to see the true reflection of the wraith, which is the monster that’s been killing people. Supernatural: Sam, Interrupted - Pink
  • The 'wraith' of a small box whose image was out at the right, appeared above the other image off at the left and it was turned with a corner to the front. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • It wasn't as bad as the pit-bull, he thought as he threw himself to his left, nor as horrifying as some gramarye wraith, but it looked quite capable of butchering each and every one of mem without pausing to take a breath, including the massive Snaugenhutt. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • In Tolkien's mythical Middle Earth, evil is personified by Sauron, a dark wraith whose shadow reaches out for the one ring of power he can use to bring every living creature under his dominion.
  • Treading silently like tigers on the prowl, they slipped into the silky black shadows, blending into the night like wraiths.
  • Mysore in those days had the eternal odour of horse-dung and urine, of jasmine and masala dosa and of coffee and cow-dung cake whose smoke rose in blue whirls like wraiths melting in the sun.
  • Those writers probably mean "wraith," a ghost or spectral figure seen by a dying person, though there will be no convincing them of that. CJR
  • The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms.
  • One or two were wobbling along on bicycles, throwing up thin wraiths of dust in their wake.
  • It is not her own betrothal, but mine with Winnie's wraith, that is deluding her crazy brain. Aylwin
  • He was also superstitious, explaining that the fox's tail he fastened to his saddle was for good luck, and the blue and brown beads he wore around his wrist were meant to ward off wraiths and evil spirits.
  • DVM, PhD, professor in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology at Washington State University, and C. Wayne McIlwraith, BVSc, PhD, DSc, FRCVS, Dipl. News
  • Yet she remains a wraith of a character, a glimpse.
  • “The last innocent has suffered at your hands, recreant,” grimly intoned THE WRAITH. Masked
  • Nay, touch me, and see whether I am not of sinful Scots flesh and blood "; and thereon I laughed aloud, knowing what caused his fear, and merry at the sight of it, for he had ever held tales of" diablerie, "and of wraiths and freits and fetches, in high scorn. A Monk of Fife
  • In contrast to these girthy ladies, other Blackwood women are wraiths and ambulating phantoms, eaten up by anxieties and rage.
  • For I would sooner face fifty deevils as my master’s ghaist, or even his wraith; wherefore, aroint ye, if ye were ten times my master, unless ye come in bodily shape, lith and limb.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Mist brooded on the cerulean-green sea like incandescent wraiths, yet the sky was a faint blush of cerulean, and the diluted sun was indolently mountaineering the stairway into the heavens.
  • The Wraith Lord is a master of Death magic.
  • The stage is designer Andy Klunder's evocation of a World War I blue remembered battlefield, peopled by a ghostly lost generation in sad tin hats and mouldy cloth, their women anonymous wraiths in caps and shrouds.
  • For I would sooner face fifty deevils as my master's ghaist, or even his wraith; wherefore, aroint ye, if ye were ten times my master, unless ye come in bodily shape, lith and limb. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Despite the insubstantial nature of the wraith, it appeared opaque enough, and stood in the center of the study's hardwood floor with its wings fully outstretched.
  • Moreover fictional ghosts take many forms, from the recognizably human to the fearfully alien: insubstantial wraiths, or corporeal creatures with the ability to inflict gross physical harm.
  • Loads of good stuff in there and a good post from 'wraith' a coupla pages back, too. Undefined
  • Maggie watched powerless as Kate and Joe headed out into the hall, the surprise and disbelief lingering around her like a wraith. FALLEN WOMEN
  • Then he stole across the tiny meadow, pausing once and again to listen, and faded away out of the cãnon like a wraith, soft-footed and without sound. All Gold Cañon
  • The wraiths and phantoms creep under your carpets and between the warp and weft of fabric, they lurk in wardrobes and lie flat under drawer-liners.
  • a wraithlike column of smoke
  • She flitted from shadow to shadow among the houses, wraithlike, till she reached the edge of the burg.
  • When the lonely bagpipe finally plays a somber song for either entity, its wraithlike warble filling the air with all manner of mixed emotions, it will not be a celebration.
  • It shows the old fellow faded away almost to a wraith.
  • Aeriel begins a journey at the behest of the wraiths and a dwarflike creature who befriends her, and her own desire to save Irrylath to decipher a riddle about the vampyres destruction. Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary » REVIEW: The DarkAngel by Meredith Ann Pierce » Print
  • What strangers we meet are wraith-like, insubstantial, as if at a quarter-turn from our reality.
  • Just a wraith of cloud over Rangitoto at 0615 and then a partial eclipse kicked in.
  • She becomes daily more insubstantial, her figure wraithlike.
  • I had never seen the rancher, who lived in the thrown-together compound of unmatched buildings down by the river, only a thin wraith of smoke coiling out of his chimney.
  • An ondine is a water wraith, a mermaid with legs, but no soul, so this is a fish restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was filled with a strange mixture of awe and fear at seeing Erik's skill with the sword, almost that he wasn't a man at all, but a ghostly night wraith.
  • In keeping with the Batman myth established in the 30's comics, Wayne Senior is killed in a random street robbery, surviving only as a moral wraith tormenting the conscience of his orphaned son.
  • They had their hoods drawn in the manner of their kind, and like vultures over a battlefield or perhaps like wraiths over a grave, they hovered over him to see if he was hurt.
  • Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors.
  • I could almost see the wraith of our dear ‘Elder Brother’ hovering over them.
  • He put on a black cloak he had found, covering him from just beneath his nose to slightly below his knees, and giving him a rather wraithlike appearance, and began to make a plan.
  • Dalrion appeared out of the shadows to my left, reminding me strongly of a wraith - mysterious and silent.
  • He blew a stream of smoke into the rafters, and being a superstitious lot, they watched until it dissipated, wraithlike, in the firelight.
  • However much I'd told myself he wouldn't, there was still the wraith of a hope inside me that he would. GO!
  • His St. Petersburg is another "Unreal City" whose wraithlike inhabitants leave hardly a smudge where they've passed. A Master of Technique
  • Sylvia enters first, a wraith of a girl, her clothing falling on her as it might on a hanger, no conceivable form underneath.

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