How To Use Wound In A Sentence

  • She wound up her dance routine with a wobbly pirouette and took a little bow.
  • Back in the mid-1980s, for example, knee replacement surgery was considered a success if the patient wound up with 90 degrees of flexion, which is "nothing near normal," he says. Latest News
  • A little diner food helped, but after the incident with the couple on the street all I wanted was to go home, take a shower, slather lotion on my blistered tootsies, and lick my wounds.
  • The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries - a deep wound to his side had punctured a lung.
  • Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!
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  • In June 2004, the Post Exchange here was mortared, killing two Soldiers and wounding more than a dozen additional troops.
  • The large bone of the upper arm was splintered to the elbow joint, and the wound bled freely.
  • The path from Billy's cottage wound down towards the river bank.
  • Carlotta put the salve on Pierce's wounds, before joining her brother downstairs in the parlor.
  • The teenage survivor suffered puncture wounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch.
  • Visitors are also to be told not to touch wound dressings, drips and monitors of the person they are visiting.
  • None of them were bleeding, so she fetched a washcloth and bathed them, one by one, just to be sure there wasn't any dirt in the wounds. GALILEE
  • These puncture wounds scar and deform the fruit.
  • The tissue is removed from the acid and turned into powder which patients then put on their wound. The Sun
  • She unwound the curtain, then wet her fingers and patted his mussed gray hair.
  • At least two of the job seekers were wounded by gunfire.
  • He regained his balance and then retreated to his post beside the door, curling into himself like a wounded possum. NO BODY
  • Much later, Tomlinson realized that the hotel had already been hit and that all the journalists were either fleeing their rooms or helping evacuate the mortally wounded reporters.
  • Wanat was a horrific insurgent attack on a U.S. combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan last summer that left nine soldiers dead and 27 wounded. Way Up In The Sky Is The Leader Of The Greatest Band Of All Time | ATTACKERMAN
  • The skin wound was dressed with gauze, and sterile plaster wool was applied.
  • Thanks to a swift horse powered by a mysterious elixir, he intercepts Domenico, wounding him mortally.
  • They hurt for the wounded and the dead but they are eager to continue to attack.
  • He wound the cord around a wheel.
  • Eight people were wounded in a clash with border guards.
  • Eli undershot this dark system. i oversaw Jaime when ate me Sky! it told present arch, that enwound sadly... above plough reeved whistle, driving wrung anti the week despite blue chance: "who he gainsaid us? 26th January '05
  • In recent decades, though, especially sine the end of Soviet tyranny, the safe-haven idea has lost cogency like an unwound watch running down.
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • *Although the link between microorganisms and infection was yet to be established, the connection between pus—purulence—and sepsis, fever, and death, often arising from an abscess or wound, was well known to Bennett. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The purposes of this study were to report our experiences with high-energy wartime extremity wounds, to define the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in these patients, and to determine the factors that might lead to development of the condition," said lead author Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Agner Forsberg, MD. Dr. Forsberg and his team compared data from 243 patients who were treated for orthopaedic injuries between March 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 at the medical center, including patients who underwent: amputation external or internal fixation of one or more fractures removal of damaged, dead or infected tissue, or 'debridement' EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Likewise, a car bomb in Dura, Baghdad, killed 9 national guardsmen and wounded 20.
  • Chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers, can sustain bacterial balance and resist infection if well cared for and kept free of necrotic avascular tissue.
  • It appears that after Cook was wounded in the back, islanders clubbed him to death.
  • The wounded pride of a fifteen-year-old boy had to be salvaged someway.
  • Her wounds appeared fresh; she had burst into tears and could not be consoled for quite some time.
  • A stream of blood flowed from the wound.
  • He saw privates, corporals, sergeants, and all the other ranks waiting for treatment from anything such as a broken limb, to a gunshot wound to a vital area of the body.
  • Residents said at least five civilians were also wounded by flying debris.
  • By some miracle all three aircraft landed safely and by an even greater miracle none of the three pilots were wounded.
  • The conflict was very fierce, and took place when the captain and I were at the xebeque, and before we could separate them four of them had fallen; two were killed, and the other two badly wounded. The Privateersman
  • He wound up coining a phrase that is pithier in Russian, sums up so much of the national character and is a favorite saying here to this day. Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin's stolid prime minister, dies
  • That nighttime trip had wounded his pride and bruised his ego.
  • The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 
  • You may also be given a drain, to remove any blood and fluid that accumulates around the wound.
  • Treatment of diabetic wounds with fetal murine mesenchymal stromal cells enhances wound closure. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • As if my ability and determination to restitch his wound had enabled more than just the healing of his leg. It had created the possibility for us to heal as well. Wild Orchid
  • How did you come by that wound in the forehead?
  • The best way to avoid infections of this kind from A. buntonensis is to apply antibiotics such as gentamicin, amikacin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline to the wound immediately after the leech has released itself.
  • To form the wound periderm certain metabolic processes are necessary These processes use energy which is gained by expiring starch stored in the tuber. 4 Yams
  • He had spent some years in dissipation, which had disfigured him more than the wounds. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • This can happen either occasionally during cell wounding or regularly during cytokinesis and meiosis.
  • This war and occupation was founded on Bush's lies and these lies have infected everythingabout thisillegal warand occupation~ from the quasi Iraqi American-controlled government to the purposely misleading body and wounded count and why, you ask? BRING THEM HOME NOW / NOT LATER IN BODY TUBES
  • On this day in 1940 Leon Trotsky died in Mexico City from wounds inflicted by an assassin.
  • At least twenty people were on crutches, had parts bandaged, or with open wounds not even covered.
  • When she raised it, his white nightrobe was stained with blood where her lips had touched, and where the thin open wound in the neck had sent forth drops. Dracula
  • He just goes around there to rub dirt in their wounds.
  • In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
  • None of the wounds developed an infection or became infested by blowfly.
  • Oswald felt heartfeltly sorry to wound the good Colonel's feelings, but he had to remark that he had only done his duty, and he was sure no British scout would take five bob for doing that. The Wouldbegoods
  • They knew how disease was contracted and spread and how to disinfect surgical instruments and wounds with carbolic acid.
  • There were two wounds, one abdominal and one perineal with a tube drain in place draining into a bag.
  • Gray baled out of his shattered Z3060, wounded in the left thigh.
  • After a few minutes, with his thoughts fuzzier than they'd been and his fingers more clumsy, he returned to washing his wounds. EVERVILLE
  • Reflect upon him, too, in your moments of dissipation, and let his idea controul your indiscretions -- not merely in an hour of contradiction call peevishly upon his name, only to wound the dearest friend you have. A Simple Story
  • No army cares for its sick and wounded while neglecting its on-duty, frontline soldiers.
  • -- This form of quittor has its origin more often than not in contusions, punctures, or wounds of the region severe enough to cause death of a small portion of the tissues. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Y., resident still limps from a bullet wound suffered days after his rescue effort.
  • SCHENECTADY - Police are investigating a shooting this morning in Schenectady where a man has suffered three gunshot wounds. - Capital Region News, Weather and Sports from NEWSCHANNEL 13
  • Leeson was looking around for inspiration, a topic that didn't rub salt into wounds.
  • I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
  • Fundamental in the personality of the hysterics is this instability, this emotionality, which is however secondary to an egotistic, easily wounded nature, craving sympathy and respect and often unable legitimately to earn them. The Nervous Housewife
  • Purple Heart medals are awarded to nine soldiers who suffered wounds in Iraq.
  • I think the Government should do more to look after our wounded ex-servicemen and women. The Sun
  • The 6th Guards Army alone lost up to 30 thous of killed and wounded at Kursk.
  • She could feel the strength his lithe body possessed, even wounded and laying on a table.
  • He will not be fully wound up yet. The Sun
  • _The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_ The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 
  • The bullet passed from right to left markedly upwards and forwards, enters the right abdominal cavity where it transfixes and mutilates the right kidney, transfixes the right lobe of the liver, transfixes diaphragm, transfixes the lower lobe of the left lung, transfixes sibson fascia on the left, lacerates the left common carotid artery and emerges through wound no. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • After we placed a wasp on the fruit, she typically initiated searching, which involved slow scanning of the fruit surface using her antennae, and probing with her ovipositor inside fruit wounds and punctures in search for eggs.
  • On 7 September, resisting confinement in the post guardhouse, he received a fatal wound from a soldier's bayonet.
  • You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
  • To this day I recall the piteous expressions of two or three of these wounded horses, as they raised their heads in their suffering and looked at us as we passed between them. Arthur Peronneau Ford. "Life in the Confederate Army; Being Personal Experiences ..."
  • The dragon has wounded him, and his poisonous venom is killing the brave Beowulf.
  • A group of men and women advanced cautiously into the clearing, covering the wounded with their slings, blowpipes, and bows.
  • They spent their time running backwards and forwards around the vehicles and buildings carrying wounded victims to shelter. Broken Lives
  • I put over the wounds a great plaster of diachylum, wherewith I had mixed oil of roses, and vinegar, to avoid inflammation. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • The wounded were trampled and drowned in the shallow waves.
  • Here an officer and party were posted to supervise the movements of the wounded, who, according to the nature of their wounds, either as walking wounded or in horsed ambulances, were directed to the A.D.S. at Annequin, where Major C. P. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • Rhosyn stood up as well, and walked up the stairs that wound up to her large room on the second floor.
  • A Los Angeles artist who gave that city's art establishment a bursting sense of pride for having nurtured such an obstreperous talent, he earned his celebrity status in part by retaining the obsessions and wounds of a smart Catholic working-class kid from the suburbs of Detroit who had never entirely assimilated to his sun-splashed California home. How Will the Future Judge Him?
  • A stream of blood flowed from the wound.
  • His weapon of choice is a deadly flail and he doesn't balk at finishing off wounded soldiers - or at sneaking up on them and strangling them.
  • The open portion of her wound had granulated successfully.
  • His second wound up in Lytham's deep rough and was unplayable.
  • Surgical Glove, Examination Glove, Nitrile Glove, Medical Tape, Wound Dressing, Face Mask Medical Equipment.
  • Only I know how wounded my pride was when he stretched on the bed like a lazy cat and fell asleep.
  • A surgeon's dresser was leaning over him; packing his wound with basilicum powder and bandaging him up.
  • She was bleeding heavily from a head wound.
  • If I were to ask you to describe your traveling companion I should in all probability learn that his features were very indistinct; he probably wore dark glasses, perhaps also a beard, a heavy coat -- an ulster, most likely -- and no doubt also a scarf wound tightly about his neck and chin. PORNOGRAPHY
  • I still hadn't wound my watch so I didn't know the time.
  • The multitude of wounds he'd collected on his way up were nothing beside his newest. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • To stand bedrenched with blood; all wounded with darts was I. Elene; Judith; Athelstan, or the Fight at Brunanburh; Byrhtnoth, or the Fight at Maldon; and the Dream of the Rood Anglo-Saxon Poems
  • Dry the wound by patting it with clean pieces of gauze and apply a plaster large enough to cover the surrounding area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside, the surveillance commander rewound the tape they had just made.
  • His wounded hand wrapped in towels, he is raising the vodka bottle to down its remnants, when "his gaze drifted over the top of the cabinet door and he saw the camera". The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
  • A new provision provides that the regulations do not apply where the outgoing employer is subject to proceedings whereby he may be adjudicated bankrupt or wound up for reasons of insolvency by order of the High Court.
  • The council members seemed wounded by some of the barbs thrown their way. Christianity Today
  • Equation for short-time burst pressure of pipes reinforced by cross helically wound wires (PSP) was formulated based on method of force equivalent.
  • People speak readily of the untended wounds of the dead, but practice silence on the topic of the peaceful, pluralistically driven, and loving Muslims who are seeking to build this center of community. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: Hindsight: Burying the Ghost of Ground Zero
  • Some of our friends must be burning for a mouthful, poor dears; the wounded flesh is drouthy. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • There was ‘ongoing risk that residents' open wounds can become flyblown and infested with maggots’.
  • The abbat got armed men about him, and falling vpon the moonkes, slue thrée of them at the high altar, and wounded xviij. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
  • The screams of the wounded and dying were something to instil fear into the stoutest heart.
  • If your child cuts or scratches his or her skin, be sure to use soap and water to clean the area because open wounds are more susceptible to warts and other infections.
  • He wound a small bandage round her finger.
  • None of these characters is evil, none commits the transgression that precipitates the suicide, but all are driven, understandably yet horrifyingly, to behave in devious ways that wound others badly. Cover to Cover
  • All those wounded were innocent victims.
  • He exercises all the authority that the first ravener had before him, and passes a law that the earth and those living in it must worship the first ravener, the one with the healed fatal wound. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • If the Citadel's desecration had cut him to the core, then Tavern Street was like rubbing salt into the wound. TREASON KEEP
  • The wound opened under the strain and blood oozed out.
  • The anaesthetist and the trainee nurse were found guilty of involuntary wounding and given one-month suspended jail sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • So what better time than the feel-good season to mend a wounded friendship?
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not “good form,” and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word “beslobber” was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • My wound smarts terribly.
  • It was the doctor's assistant who explained I had a skin condition called dehiscence, which means wounds tend to not stay closed. Women Among Us: Terry Galloway
  • He told me how the hospital had opened a telephone medical helpline for those with wounded or sick but who are unable to leave their homes.
  • The sound wound up in me, until it burst from my mouth.
  • Then he covered it up with a soft dressing to keep the wound clean.
  • dirty wounds
  • Fists fly as Eagles sink Sharks THEIR bitter rivalry was born out of the code's most brutal grand final 37 years ago and last night beachboy combatants Cronulla and Manly wound back the clock as the fists flew again in the Sea Eagles '18-4 trial match win. | Top Stories
  • When, presently, Louis's voice came to her, she turned with a swift vision of him as King Amfortas with the unstaunchable wound. Captivity
  • In this ice-sounding, noise similizes the assault: swound is a ghost of sound, Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound
  • They sabered the officer who raised a white surrender flag, and bayoneted the wounded in a merciless slaughter.
  • It may very well build my character for my house to be burned down, my wife to be raped, and one of my children to die from tetanus from a knife wound. An Argument for Home-Schooling
  • I grabbed my first aid kit, wiped the wound clean and patched him up with a bandage before the ambulance arrived.
  • CHETRY: And they were saying that if the wounds are only as deep as the bulbar and they can get back into saltwater, which is much more healing, they should be OK. CNN Transcript May 17, 2007
  • She wound the rattail of the braid into a secure knot and hid the end in the side pieces. BARN BLIND
  • The elderly male (for anthropoids, like anthropoi, wax fierce and surly with increasing years) will fight, but only from fear, when suddenly startled, or with rage when slightly wounded. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • You tend to dwell on the past and rake up old issues which open old wounds and bring fresh pain in relationships.
  • These are wound up after five years and have reduced risk by broadening the scope of their investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • He died after receiving two bullet wounds in the head.
  • Being Sunday it was foul weather nothing remarkable hapned this day onely the enemy fired at our men on Lechmers [196] Point and wounded one and our men returned the fire from copple hill. The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775 With Numerous Illustrative Notes
  • One month on and my portfolio is filled with the walking wounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- [MS.] [103] The calpac is the solid cap or centre part of the head-dress; the shawl is wound round it, and forms the turban. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3
  • He took some time to examine the still-healing wound on her leg that still gave her twinges of pain when pressed.
  • The boy was treated for a minor head wound.
  • Some research also shows that glucosamine can accelerate wound healing and may reduce wrinkles. The Sun
  • Sunlight (heliotherapy) was often a part of healing and was used to treat many disorders, such as tuberculosis, rickets in children and war wounds. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Don Julián, wounded and enfevered, now at last believes the worst. The Theory of the Theatre
  • Towards the middle of the plain, there lay the bodies of several men who had fallen in the very act of grappling with the enemy; and there were seen countenances which still bore the stern expression of unextinguishable hate and defiance, hands which clasped the hilt of the broken falchion, or strove in vain to pluck the deadly arrow from the wound. The Monastery
  • It is obvious that the market is still in delicate health, but it is important to distinguish between old scars and new wounds.
  • She slapped him on his wounded cheek, bloodying her hand.
  • He saves his arm strength and uses his horse's speed and power to inflict the deep wounds and deathblows.
  • Completed, the bandage looked not too unworkmanlike, and was cool and comforting to the hot throb of the wound. Success A Novel
  • Typical patients eligible for V.A.C. ® Therapy in Japan include those with dehisced and hard-to-heal open wounds, and wounds following trauma, surgery, amputation and debridement. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • The wound in the shoulder is miraculously healing, without either blood-letting or cauteries. To Have and to Hold
  • She poured more antiseptic onto the wound, swabbing it away with a sterile cloth.
  • But doctors decided not to patch up her wounds in casualty for fear of scarring her for life.
  • The wounded soldier thrashed about with pain.
  • Only those have right to the name "ecclesiast" who have been redeemed from their sins through Christ's wounds, and who live holy lives. Epistle Sermons, Vol. II Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost
  • Wound reactions of trees have been the subject of numerous investigations at the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
  • But do they really cauterize the wounds of historical separation and loss?
  • He reviewed pages of typed medical records and scribbled notes that charted with clinical precision each sailors fatal wounds: Blast injury to brain, Multiple bullet and shrapnel wounds, Exsanguination from complete transection of body. The Attack on the Liberty
  • She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.
  • A priest saw him right away, and the wounds did not fester.
  • There would be general reaving and a “dimensional crossrip” thing (like the Worldwound or Shadowlands) letting in loads of bizarre Asian monsters to fight. New Campaign: Reavers on the Seas of Fate « Geek Related
  • Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.
  • The wound of the wounded soldier was disimproved for lack of medicine.
  • Botanists have long noted the phenomenon of sap accumulation in tissue above a girdle or major wound in the woody stems of plants.
  • He reacts against the heresy of deism, the belief that God wound up the universe in the beginning but lets it run without intervention.
  • This type of wound is best kept dry without a dressing.
  • _Retrograde esophagoscopy_ through a gastrostomy wound offers some advantages over peroral treatment; but unless the gastrostomy is high, the procedure is undoubtedly more difficult. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Trim bad rips or tears and treat with wound paint. The Sun
  • The gram-negative bugs that pose the biggest threat include acinetobacter baumannii enterobacter aerogenes, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can attack through wounds, surgical incisions, central lines, respirators and catheters. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • NEW YORK mdash; A homeless Good Samaritan who was ignored while lying, mortally wounded, on a New York City sidewalk will be honored at a ... Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax, Good Samaritan Ignored While Bleeding To Death, To Be Honored At NYC Wake (VIDEO)
  • The term arrowroot is said to be derived from the fact that the natives of the West Indies use the roots of the plant as an application to wounds made by poison arrows. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • The convoy wound its way through the West Bank.
  • For, although they refer to lacerations of the hand, it is clear from the photographs used to illustrate the paper, both on the front and inside the journal, that these are incised wounds.
  • Wounds were cleaned, broken bones were set, and medicinal emetics were administered.
  • Y., resident still limps from a bullet wound suffered days after his rescue effort.
  • This presidentelect says he wants to heal the wounds of a divided nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • DUSHANBE (Reuters) - A bomb exploded in a nightclub in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe overnight, wounding at least five people, security sources said on Monday. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • God often works by contrarieties, he first kills and then makes alive, he woundeth first and then healeth, he makes man sow in tears that he may reap in joy; 'tis God's method: he that is so visited, must with patience endure and rest satisfied for the present. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Our hearts have been gouged out and we have been left with ragged, weeping wounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually they would withdraw those investments, turn inward, lick their wounds, repair their factories, and bolster their stock.
  • Individuals with hepatitis A seropositivity were not significantly different from those without such seropositivity with respect to frequency of daily exposure, wounds, use of protective equipment, or smoking status.
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • A standard technique for measuring the effect of electrotherapy on ischemic wounds has provided good reproducibility.
  • The nurse sponged up the blood from the wound.
  • I was grading for a real curmudgeon, the grump who wound up being my thesis advisor.
  • One minute she would sound like a wounded angel, the next like a streetwise hellion.
  • After supper she wound up the gramophone to play the `Kreutzer" Sonata, and he told her about the story by Tolstoy, read on the troopship. THE OPEN DOOR
  • I know you go out on patrol with them and bind up their wounds and so on.
  • She didn't say anything when he unwound her arms from around him and pulled her shirt over her head, peeled her underwear off and stuck her under the running water.

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