
How To Use Worthiness In A Sentence

  • The helicopter has a high level of crashworthiness, including impact tolerance and redundancy in vital systems and components.
  • But FAA regulations require that if a mandatory inspection or other so-called airworthiness directive is skipped, the aircraft must be pulled out of service immediately until the work is done. Southwest Could Pay Record Fine to FAA
  • Consumers are currently provided with two separate measures to consider when purchasing a vehicle: crashworthiness (and sometimes aggressivity) and fuel economy.
  • I spent the entire night before my Communion in the bathroom hurling up my unworthiness.
  • Liability for seaworthiness is one of"least legal obligations"of carriers.
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  • Now obedience to a superior is due in accordance with the divinely established order of things, as shown above A. 1, and therefore it is a good, since good consists in mode, species, and order, as Augustine states.6 Again, this act has a special aspect of praiseworthiness by reason of its object. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The problem is not the praiseworthiness of Old England.
  • The criminal law normally reflects culpability and blameworthiness for moral wrong in a general sense.
  • Some cabins on the lower decks were awash, giving the clue to the vessel's general lack of seaworthiness.
  • These include the common moral decencies of integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, and fairness.
  • his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness
  • They could, however, bring in fresh forces from the reserves to maintain battle-worthiness.
  • Such a person has surely crossed the threshold of blameworthiness, both in conduct and in the accompanying fault.
  • Following the designation process, Halpern and Long see an underlying mythos that ritual unction ought to be followed by a battle in which the designated individual demonstrates his worthiness to rule.
  • The fact that he is a rubbish candidate who has demonstrated over and over again his flakiness, inconsistency, flip-floppery, lack of principle and general untrustworthiness was unsayable.
  • 4 According to the Apostolic Constitutions the woman deacon is ordained ‘according to her worthiness’ into a ministry of the lower clergy (subdeacon, lector, cantor).
  • Not only would they save Scotland's capital city from irreversible destruction, but they might also spare Edinburgh the embarrassment of being exposed before Unesco as an example of sheer hypocrisy and unworthiness.
  • The American Law Institute recently revised the Model Penal Code's sentencing provisions, calling for a renewed commitment to proportionality based on the gravity of offenses, the "blameworthiness" of offenders, and the "harms done to crime victims. Walker on Herbert Wechsler, the Model Penal Code, and the Uses of Revenge
  • Brand boosters take the values and character traits of the car more seriously than the quality of its steel or its crashworthiness.
  • I suspect if this (mandatory roadworthiness testing) does happen, it will be done every two years," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • However, praiseworthiness is associated with the evaluation of the agent rather than the act, while supererogation refers primarily to the act. How to Kill a Missionary
  • This increases the "newsworthiness" of the event, because of the surprise factor. Chris Weigant: Taking Things Off the Table
  • A number of elements have been identified that contribute to the newsworthiness of a story.
  • It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.
  • Activities such as picnics, walks, riding, croquet, billiards and lawn tennis could show off the young lady at her best angle and prove to the gentleman her intelligence and worthiness of being his bride. The Country House Party | Edwardian Promenade
  • It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.
  • In its more special meaning it has been supposed [134] to imply not merely the going forth of good towards an object, but the meeting of good in that object, the term benevolence being used to express the love of that which in itself does not contain any love-worthiness. Theism: The Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator.
  • Julian DibbellTwo weeks ago, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's "taxpayer advocate," Nancy Olson, announced the release of her office's annual report to Congress, a yearly federal ritual whose long and impeccable streak of unnewsworthiness was broken this year by the inclusion ... MMOz
  • One reason I see for this occurrence is the libtards who want to ban guns and hunting have us running scared and the powers-that-be in the shooting community have developed this "cult of safety" (to show our "worthiness" to keep the hunting/shooting tradition) whereby every person that makes a mistake, no matter the degree, deserves excommunication from our church/religion. Illinois Hunter Killed By Friend In Bowhunting Accident
  • To emphasize the general untrustworthiness of boys she tries to shock me by pointing out their base animal instincts.
  • Regardless, Obama's efforts have increased the "newsworthiness" of the Republican talking points. The So-Called "Liberal" Media
  • The campaign will continue throughout the new year, as authorities will be focusing on the main issues of wearing proper helmets, vehicle roadworthiness and an anti-drink and drive campaign.
  • I kind of wonder about the timing and "newsworthiness" of a 15 second splice job leaked to FoxNews. Jeremiah Wright Steps Down From Obama Campaign
  • Claimed to add instant handling, the extra long wheel base causes the stability to be greatly enhanced while maintaining the off road worthiness thanks to the moulded tub chassis.
  • Brianna, they are called airworthiness directives. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2008
  • the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial
  • The point here is that the newsworthiness of a given event often reflects journalists' expectations much more than it does the events significance.
  • If they lose confidence in the creditworthiness of their counterparties, they'll stop lending to each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Markets are similar in their unworthiness, and articulating the case against them is even more important because markets have so much more support around the world - even on the left.
  • The visibility benefits of daytime running lights to road safety are well-proven world-wide, but South Africa has additional problems with truck roadworthiness," said Rob Handfield-Jones of the AA in a statement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When you write a cheque, you are drawing on your creditworthiness at a bank.
  • Many of you believe that the evidence of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.
  • The severity of the crime is also the factor that comes closest to paralleling the traditional idea of newsworthiness - the more severe the crime the more newsworthy the story.
  • In its half-yearly health check of the financial system, the IMF admitted that governments may not be able to withdraw their life-support for the banks as quickly as they hoped and called for a re-think in the way ratings agencies are used to assess the creditworthiness of government debt. Financial system the 'achilles heel' of global recovery, warns IMF
  • Believing in the other person - extending trust - helps to create and sustain constancy and trustworthiness.
  • The plane is flown often and the owner spends money on airworthiness and upgrades.
  • The FAA documents, officially called airworthiness directives, were posted on the Federal Register's website Thursday and officially appeared in the publication Friday. FAA Orders Cockpit-Door Fixes on Boeing Planes
  • The fight with Goliath is the culminating stage in this paideia, where David proves his worthiness to be king through his personal heroism.
  • Certainly the city deserves some blame for not enforcing their policy from the beginning, but that is blameworthiness that is cured by enforcing the policy not ditching it entirely. The Volokh Conspiracy » Communicating With Those Who Have No Privacy Rights: The Hard Question in City of Ontario v. Quon
  • This will include electricity and heating fuel consumption, car mileage (where there is reporting of mileage with annual roadworthiness testing or insurance policies) or other travel. Ron Dembo: Green Credits -- What Obama and McCain Can do for the Environment
  • Her actions witness to her trustworthiness.
  • An MOT test does not cover all aspects of a car's roadworthiness and it only relates to the condition the car was in at the time of the test.
  • Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article.
  • He specialises in structural crashworthiness research, accident investigation, failure analysis, numerical modelling and experimental testing of a variety of structures subjected to impact and gross deformation loads.
  • the plane received a certificate of airworthiness
  • When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.
  • Safety experts checked the roadworthiness of used cars for sale or hire from forecourts and showrooms across North Yorkshire and blocked the sale of 11 per cent of the vehicles inspected.
  • For today, as earlier noted, time with troops has become the ultimate measure of worthiness for promotion to the highest ranks.
  • The acting Federal Aviation Administration administrator, Robert Sturgell, today is directing Federal Aviation inspectors to reconfirm that commercial carriers are operating in compliance with these things called airworthiness directives. CNN Transcript Mar 18, 2008
  • One metric of trust is transitive, that is, the trustworthiness of the people who trust someone. Trust and reputation systems: redistributing power and influence
  • This is particularly important in crashworthiness.
  • The investigation is concerned with ‘fault’ which includes blameworthiness as well as causation.
  • In our -- what we're calling our airworthiness group, which will become a structures group at some point, we have five individuals in addition to the group chairman. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: NTSB Officials Hold News Conference - February 1, 2000
  • He was up till late, working on the latest arrangements f or the airworthiness trials, to have it out of the way. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • After all, the lenders claim that they base their refi rates on creditworthiness, and there's not much they can do if these groups have lower average creditworthiness.
  • The vote-worthiness of candidates for the Diet will be rated according to their commitment to reformist ideas.
  • Traffic officers were checking buses for roadworthiness and ordering unroadworthy buses off the road.
  • The gratitude of the few who understand you is no less sincere because you do not yet realize your own thankworthiness. The Joyful Heart
  • The wonder is how so many are still complacent about the godlike powers assumed by mere mortals, who have so far demonstrated not the least bit of trustworthiness or honesty concerning the potential of such weapons.
  • A bigger unit can take more casualties before its combat worthiness is eroded.
  • She leaned toward him, entreaty in her eyes, and as he looked at her delicate face and into her pure, limpid eyes, as of old he was struck with his own unworthiness. Chapter 26
  • This embrace of "newsworthiness," and matters of public, as opposed to private, interest, as criteria on which First Amendment protection should turn, is consistent with a recent, prominent impulse in several threads of the Court's free speech jurisprudence, such as in Dun & Bradstreet and in Bartnicki v. Balkinization
  • Driver's licences, roadworthiness, vehicle ownership and blood-alcohol levels will also be checked. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The rigid structure also improves crashworthiness and helps reduce noise, vibration and harshness.
  • He took the company from the bowels of serious worthiness to wowing the London literati with dynamic, subversive, well-produced books that echoed the counterculture bubbling under the historical granite of Edinburgh.
  • None of this is to deny the praiseworthiness of doubt and sceptical inquiry, preconditions for both good government and clear thought. Unthinkable? A more trusting 2011 | Editorial
  • Over the past fifteen years I've sailed various boats of differing seaworthiness in the bay and along the coast.
  • Two private valuators will be appointed for each property, to ‘ensure the trustworthiness of the value placed on every property as far as possible’.
  • It passed the reputation and trustworthiness tests, but it failed in uniqueness and actionability. Penny for his thoughts « BuzzMachine
  • To start with, the referee has to be asked about the customer's character and creditworthiness and, generally, about his circumstances in life.
  • The criminal law normally reflects culpability and blameworthiness for moral wrong in a general sense.
  • The body doesn't have to play a role in the crashworthiness of the vehicle, because that capability can be built right into the skateboard.
  • Indeed she sees her work as an attempt to ‘hop out of the dungarees ‘, a reference to the unsexy worthiness generally associated with organic clothing.’
  • An elaborate mechanism has been developed for investigating and evaluating the credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, and general reputation of consumers.
  • The thankworthiness of suffering is lost by those who return the revilings upon those who utter them. Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
  • Throughout the film she feels that Howl would not love her because she isn't a pretty girl, and the removal of her hair is symbolic of her letting go of her own low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness.
  • Label the left-hand column “Pros,” then below it write down how your feelings of unworthiness are helping you or others around you. The Life You Want
  • There is something about the screen that gives the illusion of trustworthiness.
  • Laws governing the roadworthiness of the little autos vary by state. You Know Gas Prices
  • It limits some occupations but we have no thought that it significantly affects personality, trustworthiness or sanity.
  • The learned judge failed to consider the blameworthiness of the parties properly or at all.
  • But the future is clouded by past deeds and associations that raise questions about their ethics and trustworthiness.
  • The approach taken here of combining a car's fuel economy with its crashworthiness may provide a way forward.
  • It can also be seen as an attempt to obtain legitimacy for purposes of demonstrating social worthiness and mobilising resources.
  • Our proprietary hydroforming and magnetic-pulse welding technologies allow for enhanced structural rigidity, reduced weight, and improved crashworthiness.
  • This broad definition sweeps within its confines the modern "crashworthiness" case that lets a jury hold a manufacturer liable when a drunk driver wraps his car around a telephone pole while driving 80 miles per hour. News
  • Asked if RTMC was thinking of implementing a statutory roadworthiness testing requirement for ageing vehicles, Tsholetsane said that heavy duty lorries as well as public transportation vehicles were currently required to undergo a roadworthiness test every year. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Those who express the sense of unworthiness are said to have low self-esteem, or the person who is to express self-pride are said to hold themselves in highest esteem.
  • No comment was made about my driving or the roadworthiness of my vehicle. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Moreover the seaworthiness of the vessel required that cargo should be correctly stowed.
  • I see that a couple of days ago, the first electric car was approved for use on public roads across the EU (they call it "homologated" but that's technically a mistranslation - this is more like a "certificate of roadworthiness" or "general type approval". The J Curve
  • Passing motorists were randomly pulled in and their vehicles inspected for roadworthiness.
  • On the way in which this is done, however, depends to a great extent the durability and trustworthiness of any arithmometer; in fact, it is often its weakest point. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The helicopter airframe consists of a lightweight aluminium alloy and honeycomb structure with high crashworthiness.
  • The sleigh itself must qualify as an aircraft, and as such has to be licensed by and have a certificate of airworthiness from the Civil Aviation Authority. Archive 2008-12-01
  • They often needed a greater amount of working capital to pay wages or purchase raw materials, which depended on a reputation for trustworthiness and honest dealing.
  • They are asked to examine each one individually and decide its worthiness.
  • But also follows a fundamental reassessment of the creditworthiness and prospects of emerging, versus developed, economies.sentence dictionary
  • Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring: The anticipation of maintenance problems is significant in terms of aircraft airworthiness and economic considerations.
  • The inspectorate is the only competent authority in Bulgaria that can assess the air worthiness of military helicopters and aeroplanes. IAGblog
  • To satisfy the definition of unseaworthiness it must exist at the commencement of the voyage.
  • That we give moral properties a priority in praiseworthiness over power properties as to do not with any lack of intrinsic goodness on the part of power, but in the relation between the two kinds of intrinsic goodness. posted by Brandon | 11:44 PM Archive 2005-05-01
  • By the mid-1980s, safety minded companies like Volvo, Saab, BMW and Mercedes-Benz began cashing in on their reputation for crashworthiness.
  • Integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.
  • At last, however, when the damsel was departing, he plucked up courage to ask if he might try; and when she hesitated he said: "Fair damsel, worthiness and good deeds are not only in arrayment, but manhood and worship are hid within man's person. Sandy
  • Stories with a funny video clip -- that are so far removed from the concept of "newsworthiness" that they're not even on the same planet -- are run endlessly throughout the day. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [152] -- A Palin-Free Month?
  • Again and again it comes back to seeing Jeff Quon as the primary recipient of blameworthiness in this little melodrama. The Volokh Conspiracy » Communicating With Those Who Have No Privacy Rights: The Hard Question in City of Ontario v. Quon
  • Importantly, hirers of house keeping services are spared from the risk of appointing housemaids or servants, whose trustworthiness is a moot point now-a-days.
  • The confession of his unworthiness in comparison with the mightier one who should follow is unmistakably sincere, as is the completed joy of this friend of the bridegroom rejoicing greatly because of the bridegroom's voice, even when the bridegroom's presence meant the recedence of the friend into ever deepening obscurity (John iii. The Life of Jesus of Nazareth
  • For example, many articles on various aspects of the crash performance of vehicles and human tolerance to injury are published in various specialist journals that focus on biomechanics and other aspects of vehicle crashworthiness.
  • In its so-called airworthiness directive issued Thursday night, the Federal Aviation Administration said investigators determined that a June 5 incident in which the engines of an Eclipse aircraft repeatedly failed to respond to pilot commands was caused by the crew moving the throttle levers with "enough force" to exceed the design limit for sending such electronic signals. Emergency Inspections of Jets Issued
  • She is beautiful but her worthiness as my mate is still very unclear.
  • The burden of proving that the ship was not seaworthy and that unseaworthiness caused or contributed to the loss or damage complained of, lies on the defendants.
  • The passive safety of vehicles has two components - crashworthiness and aggressivity.
  • Objective To detect the trustworthiness of HIV - 1 antibody in the urine specimens.
  • He recommended a review of crashworthiness standards for trains, increased fire protection and direct radio contact between trains and signallers.
  • Is she bowed down before God in prostration of need, in conscious dejection of unworthiness, in passionate self-abasement and desire for that renewal which comes through renunciation?
  • But it is not moral revulsion, let alone newsworthiness, that is animating the news media.
  • Only by layering security can wireless networks truly begin to approach the trustworthiness of a wired LAN.
  • The annual inspection makes sure that all general-aviation aircraft are inspected for airworthiness at least once a year.
  • From these letters we learn of his constant anxiety about conducting, his sense of unworthiness and deficiency, almost crippling, until the moment he stepped before the orchestra, transcending time and place.
  • His expressed doubt of the music’s worthiness is to be ignored; the score is fantastic. Blog De Ganz | Archive | June
  • Assuming the company has a fleet of transportation trucks - or even company cars - there's road traffic legislation under which fall things like certificates of roadworthiness and bald tyres.
  • Today, the AAIB made nine further safety recommendations, including some which address plane "crashworthiness" - the ability of an aircraft to withstand an accident. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • They say they want to document fully who was on the train for the coroner's inquiry and also to help the Health and Safety Executive in its consideration of rail vehicle crashworthiness issues.
  • The films seem refreshingly free from worthiness, irony, and political correctness, and do not attempt to work on more than one level.
  • The burden of proving that the ship was not seaworthy and that unseaworthiness caused or contributed to the loss or damage complained of, lies on the defendants.
  • He makes the point that Democrats have to prove their trustworthiness in managing the public fisc with tax cuts and fiscal discipline.
  • But worthiness and good deeds are not all only in arrayment. Stories of King Arthur and His Knights Retold from Malory's "Morte dArthur"
  • But then the direct utilitarian can appeal to the same distinctions among praiseworthiness and blameworthiness that the sanction utilitarian appeals to, while denying that her own deontic distinctions track blame and praise. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • There's only so much newsworthiness you can get out of laundry, cleaning, cooking, housework.
  • England know this day, that we lie unthankfully under as full a dispensation of mercy and grace as ever nation in the world enjoyed, and that without a lively acknowledgment thereof, with our own unworthiness of it, we shall one day know what it is (being taught with briers and thorns) to undervalue the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Of course, ultimate responsibility for the airworthiness of an airplane rests with the owner/operator, and must be determined before each flight.
  • I will explain why this means that the industry surrounding music will never cease to exist in some form. will explain that the online world presents us with a ‘gift economy, ’m where no moral blameworthiness attaches to non-commercial sharing, and I will explain why this does not threaten the music industry. John Perry Barlow on RIAA v Tenenbaum
  • The 21-year-old came across as arrogant in Hollywood, particularly when making prospective group members audition for him to prove their worthiness, which isn't a great move unless he has the goods to back that up. Top headlines
  • Such as if a seaman in injured aboard a United States (and some US contracted) vessels the United States is responsible for all claims (maintenance and cure, seaworthiness, negligence, etc.) from that injury regardless of whether the vessel is operated by a private contractor or charterer. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
  • Budget Committee Chair Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Ranking Republican Judd Gregg (R-NH) commiserated that they were almost alone among their colleagues in their concern for the long-run credit worthiness of the United States. Matthew Yglesias » The Strong Dollar
  • If a store owner has a good reputation for trustworthiness, the store's due bills and scrip might be exchanged in transactions among local people before they were eventually cashed in at the store.
  • It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.
  • Traditional access control model hardly consider the issue of subjects'trust worthiness and privilege partition.
  • Educate them to update the cognition of abiding and trustworthiness.
  • A couple of statements are made to convince the audience of his worthiness of the medals collected.
  • The sense of class worthiness, that is to say of status, of a honorific differentiation of the sexes according to a distinction between superior and inferior intellectual dignity, survives in a vigorous form in these corporations of the aristocracy of learning. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • Many of these are due to circumstances that have little or nothing to do with the borrower's long-term creditworthiness, such as misleadingly marketed and predatory loans or recession-related job losses. Preeti Vissa: How Credit Scores Disproportionately Hurt Communities of Color
  • They have met with tremendous success and virtually no opposition in mainline Protestantism because of the praiseworthiness of their aims.
  • To believe that a man lived and died, Phyllis, is not to accept his help, and to affy thee in his trustworthiness. The White Lady of Hazelwood A Tale of the Fourteenth Century
  • The MOT is a test of the roadworthiness of an individual vehicle.
  • But it is not moral revulsion, let alone newsworthiness, that is animating the news media.
  • As regards the mobilization of transport vehicles, the weakest link here today is ensuring their timely delivery to the assembly points of military commissariats and especially their roadworthiness and readiness for service.
  • Yet another strategy is to divorce completely the moral appraisals of acts from the blameworthiness or praiseworthiness of the agents who undertake them, even when those agents are fully cognizant of the moral appraisals. Deontological Ethics
  • This product, sold more widely in Europe than the U.S., was little-understood, with much of the risk related to market movements, not credit-worthiness, which is the main factor used by the Moody's Corp. unit and other ratings firms to determine a bond's rating. New Debt Products Test Moody's Methods
  • Some vehicles perform relatively well on both crashworthiness and fuel consumption measures.
  • Ah! fair damosel, said Balin, worthiness, and good tatches, and good deeds, are not only in arrayment, but manhood and worship is hid within man's person, and many a worshipful knight is not known unto all people, and therefore worship and hardiness is not in arrayment. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 1
  • All our aircraft have certificates of airworthiness.
  • It steers away from the academic worthiness that kills so many similar projects.
  • A bigger unit can take more casualties before its combat worthiness is eroded.
  • But I have never heard him confess his unworthiness in this field of human endeavour.
  • He proves his worthiness when he courts her silently and persistently.
  • The plaintiffs obtained a report from the defendants, merchant bankers with whom E had an account, as to E's creditworthiness.
  • Three months after the accident, the United States FAA issued an Airworthiness Directive that "required the deactivation of all electrically controlled B767… thrust reversers until corrective actions were identified to prevent uncommanded in-flight thrust reverser deployment" (as summarized in Thai Aircraft Accident Investigation Committee report, 2.5.4, paragraph 4). There Is Nothing Left To Do But Care
  • Under the old regime the nominated person himself applied for canonical institution; the superior made inquiry as to the applicant and, unless the inquiry disclosed unworthiness or unfitness, granted canonical institution according to the customary forms – most often by consistorial preconization. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Obviously, the trustworthiness, perspicuity and plenary inspiration of Scripture cannot be maintained aside from the belief that the Bible is a thoroughly self-consistent whole.
  • In these and hundreds of other cases he uses remorse almost as promiscuously as the adjective "awful" is now often popularly used where a much milder word would do, and in his employment of it in relation to his dead wife, it is his sense of profound and unavailing sorrow that he desires to convey by it or his despairing consciousness of his own unworthiness of the woman he had beatified. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Your fellow epistler Walter Bradley co-authored the 1984 creationist book _The Mystery of Life’s Origin_, and his creationist paper “The trustworthiness of scripture in areas relating to natural science” is online. A critique of Himmelfarb's scientific views - The Panda's Thumb
  • To add insult to injury, circulation of "Tragedy of the Commons," which slams muni credit-worthiness, is tightly controlled. Overheard: Muni Skewer
  • To outroot the conviction of my own unworthiness, to persuade myself that I was regarded with the tenderness that Stevens had ascribed to her, that the discovery of my thoughts would not excite her anger and grief, I felt to be impossible. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
  • Other cholos and cholas believed that the occupation of chicha seller inherently meant untrustworthiness when it came to money.
  • Nine safety recommendations were made following earlier AAIB reports into the BA incident and a further nine were made today, including some which address plane "crashworthiness" - the ability of an aircraft to withstand an accident. Economic news and analysis |
  • I would like to be able to walk down the street drinking a beer, register a vehicle without the need for a certificate of roadworthiness and defend myself without worrying about being charged with assult by my would be attacker. What Do You Want to Be Free to Choose?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The suffix "- ec -" is used to form words indicating the "abstract quality" of that which is expressed in the root, or formation, to which it is attached: amikeco = friendship. fleksebleco = flexibility. ofteco = frequency. patreco = fatherhood. indeco = worthiness. patrineco = motherhood. dankemeco = thankfulness. maltrankvileco = uneasiness. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • The AAIB has made nine further safety recommendations, including some which address plane "crashworthiness" - the ability of an aircraft to withstand an accident. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • For example, they propose trustworthiness as a criterion of how good a qualitative study is.
  • The impact of the two vehicles exceeded ‘the parameters of all recognised crashworthiness standards’.
  • Internal Revenue Service's "taxpayer advocate," Nancy Nina Olson, announced the release of her office's annual report to Congress, a yearly federal ritual whose long and impeccable streak of unnewsworthiness was broken this year by the inclusion of an item that actually made headlines. January 2009
  • The machine-milled frames are strengthened for crashworthiness.
  • They also proved their worthiness as naval auxiliaries in case of war.
  • He said government was "doing a study" to see how often roadworthiness tests could be done. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The numbers belie the claims being made on Capitol Hill that Democrats were dragged into signing off on what one lawmaker described as a "sugar-coated Satan sandwich," with the creditworthiness of the United States on the line.
  • Typically, a credit crunch happens when banks start to worry about the creditworthiness of their borrowers.
  • He liked grandly to have the notion fathered on himself; and his complacency of course was suggestive of the hakim's trustworthiness. In The Time Of Light
  • She was also detained by the United States Coastguard for unseaworthiness.
  • Cooking our own meals added to a smug sense of self-sufficiency and general worthiness.
  • The practical law based on the motive of happiness I term a pragmatical law (or prudential rule); but that law, assuming such to exist, which has no other motive than the worthiness of being happy, I term a moral or ethical law. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • This arrangement would give designers much more packaging freedom and improve crashworthiness by removing large centrally located components that intrude into the cabin in a collision.
  • The praiseworthiness of an action ought not be contingent upon factors beyond an agent's control but instead depends solely upon the agent himself.
  • Those of us who reject outright the idea that our worthiness is to be found in our genes (or our jeans) must therefore make our case, again and again -- and primarily to ourselves. Archive 2009-10-01
  • This consideration, however, may have more to do with the whistle blower's praiseworthiness than with the justifiability of blowing the whistle. Loyalty
  • The way a straying partner restores trust is to go out of his way to prove his trustworthiness to you.
  • There is a solution that would be worth trying by those media organisations wanting a fresh approach to newsworthiness and news gathering.
  • So I always try my best to prove my worthiness.

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