How To Use Worse In A Sentence

  • A lot of teachers expect the situation to worsen over the next few years.
  • There were subtle lines on the forehead - just making it all a bit worse! The Sun
  • And it does not get a great deal worse than this. The Sun
  • A repair job is bad enough; but an investment in managerial ego is worse. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • To let his brain swell and keep the blood flowing, thereby preventing the damage from worsening, doctors removed virtually the entire left side of his skull, a procedure known as a craniectomy. Traumatic brain injury leaves an often-invisible, life-altering wound
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  • But the consumer magazine also noted that people rated the no-frills carriers slightly worse than two years ago.
  • His health is getting steadily worse.
  • Stephen Chu wants your children to live worse so that his children can live better — in the world he imagines is the correct one. Why scientists are under-represented in politics. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • He goes hysterical when I even wash his face in the bath, and if water gets in his hair it is even worse.
  • The trouble is getting tense often just makes matters worse. The Sun
  • She added that the annual Halloween celebrations will see bonfires on the area, only making things worse than they already are.
  • They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
  • I'm not saying that films shot on location are worse films.
  • Worse still, every paper lists him as a definite starter in Sunday's game.
  • The theories to be discussed do not fare better or worse when restricted to a particular subspecies.
  • Worse, as the streams bend to equalize pressure behind the foil, and may set up a turbulent gyre further slowing the foil by induced drag.
  • September 9th, 2009 10: 03 pm ET cong. wilson 's outburst, is the worse thing i have heard in the congress to a president. GOP congressman heckles Obama during health-care speech
  • And therefore (quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repetita licet abundare, quam unum desiderari) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • Worse, the insurgents appear to be operating closer to Kabul.
  • They also confirm that highly fractionalized societies will have a worse record of the rule of law.
  • To make matters even worse, sharp needles of pain were shooting across her eyes and the soup felt like lead in her stomach.
  • The criticism is worse than meanspirited: it is wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assault and battery on an ederly woman is no worse than assaulting a gay woman, no? landshark Holder pushes hate crimes law; GOP unpersuaded
  • Conditions in the slum worsened
  • Worse the loutish boys galumphed over and started acting as unwanted ballboys for our game.
  • The Scottish foursome sound nicely chilled where they used to be, for better or worse, just plain flaky.
  • In some areas the situation is particularly acute and the problems are only going to get worse.
  • That daunting task was made worse by plentiful leanings, curves, twists and turns.
  • Farther along they spied calami, adversi, frail, and pomposi, which were worse, so they gave up on their search for anything better. Faun & Games
  • This process is worsened by washing with soap. The Sun
  • There is a rule of thumb amongst movie buffs: the more scriptwriters the worse the picture.
  • Cat dander is the only thing which makes me have terrible trouble breathing – my lungs, throat, I get itchy, sneezy, wheezy … and only seems worse, not better, with time around cats. If Wishes Were Pussycats | Her Bad Mother
  • The burn was harsh, but he had fed her worse before.
  • Persistent deflation has crimped corporate earnings and worsened the government's deficit.
  • Many symptoms of organic origin, like angina pectoris, are made worse by anxiety.
  • The Central Powers fared little better and often worse. The Bitter End
  • As the next five years passed, his back pain gradually got worse and eventually spinal canal stenosis was diagnosed.
  • For most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse.
  • If you're prone to rosacea, the increased blood flow post-workout can make symptoms worse. The Sun
  • And, with global warming only getting worse, with us fighting wars over oil, etc., they should be stepping up production of greener vehicles, not making bigger SUVs and the hated Hummers.
  • She opened the back door only to see thrown down on the lawn an empty can of her bully beef and, to make matters worse, an empty tin of her cat's food!
  • Tighter border security is sure to slow import growth even more in coming months, although lower imports will worsen downturns in economies around the world.
  • There are worse smells than dogginess. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make matters worse, thick, fibrous adhesions are often formed anchoring the congested, fatty tissue to the muscular layer below.
  • It gets worse: Spoon and Stretch suddenly find themselves wanted as possible suspects in a gruesome murder case.
  • The path, when we get down again into the tree-fern region, is inches deep in mud and water, and several places where we have a drop of five feet or so over lumps of rock are worse work going down than we found them going up, especially when we have to drop down on to amomum stems. Travels in West Africa
  • In the immediate future, bankers say, airlines in the region will have to be more creative in how they fund future airline purchases as financing becomes scarcer and costlier due to the worsening global economy. Dubai Gears Up For Air Show
  • In a moment," Eric said, "the wheelbarrow got bowsed over, when I managed, worse luck, to fall underneath; and then, finding I couldn't get up again, I hailed you, brother. Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Even worse, thanks to the meddling Tarnian magicker, that bloody boy now owned a living sigil! Conqueror's Moon
  • Things will happen. You can't stop them from happening, but you can control your reaction from making things worse. React positively. Live happily. RVM 
  • This in turn will increase his agitation, reinforce the behaviour and so make things worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine how much worse it was in olden days. This is grim. The Sun
  • And there are symbolic margins along which men get a worse deal than 100 years ago - modern males are probably more afraid to make sexist remarks within earshot of their wives. Are Husbands Really Like Potatoes?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Just don't get him started on jazz or, worse, the blues.
  • I'm afraid that these troubles are just a prelude , ie to worse ones.
  • It's a betrayal of promises on a grand scale, and all the worse for being a betrayal of the poorest people in the world.
  • I guess that proves he’s an impostor, or that public funding is worse than the bankroll from the utilities. Waldo Jaquith - Patrick Michaels: appointed by…nobody?
  • There are fears that the death toll will rise as the weather worsens. Times, Sunday Times
  • They always seem the worse for it; smaller, paunchier, uglier, duller, void of their former interest. Intervals
  • Taskbar is still annoying, everything looks worse than vista, my soundcard still doesn't work (probably creative's fault, but still, it's flawless in vista and 'Buntu), and it actually takes longer to boot than vista for me (or does it need to' mature 'like Vista does?). Windows 7′s Best Underhyped Features | Lifehacker Australia
  • She seems none the worse for her experience.
  • Other government plans to make all nurses take out indemnity insurance could worsen the blame culture, NT says. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anything, it will probably just make things worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another seemingly plausible, but impracticable scheme is feared to end up wasting the nation's energy and worsening social division.
  • Showed that actual performance of reparable spares at the air logistics centers is much worse than planned performance because of understating cycle times for spares during planning processes.
  • This feeling is very strong in many apartment houses where small rooms are overburdened by this kind of wainscot, and to make matters worse, the top is used as a plate-rail. Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today
  • And when it came to details, he was known to be worse than a fussy abbess running a nunnery.
  • In old Mauritania, now Marocco,384 the Moors proper are notable sodomites; Moslems, even of saintly houses, are permitted openly to keep catamites, nor do their disciples think worse of their sanctity for such licence: in one case the English wife failed to banish from the home “that horrid boy.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • You see things far worse on the pitch all the time go unpunished. The Sun
  • This should not be taken to imply that administrative allocations are inevitably worse - a market has costs, and if those costs exceed the value, then markets result in misallocation.
  • This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
  • Thus 12 hours after waking you will feel worse than you thought imaginable.
  • Nick probably hears worse from the little ladies whose cats get stuck up trees.
  • Doing so will provide them with more leeway to loosen policy should global conditions take a sharp turn for the worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • But worse came when I bought them each the smallest size drink and the smallest size popcorn. The Sun
  • Worse than that there is a right turn arrow painted on that one lane, for a side road going off to the right.
  • She had a fiery temper and was sometimes worse than Elaine.
  • Their baserunning is bad, and their overall fundamental play is worse. - Yanks, Mariners will have hands full
  • What's worse is that the insider source was used to say that she was a certainty for the role and the article went onto hammer her and what they called her failing career. Filmstalker: Beckinsale wins Barbarella libel case
  • Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
  • If any one hated papistry Mrs. Bolton did so; but from a similar action of religious fanaticism she had fallen into worse that papistical self-persecution. John Caldigate
  • The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body. 
  • You medicalise trivial ailments and, worse, bore others with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worse, the beam shut off while I was still four-metres from the ground.
  • Perhaps worse still was the monotonous, mechanical regularity imposed on the worker by the factory system. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • The violence, the conflict, the clashes have become worse and worse. The Sun
  • The nurse on duty was fearful that the patient should get worse.
  • Worse, a dean told me that our department had outlived its purpose.
  • What's worse is that the perp will walk and go on to commit more crimes.
  • Not as bad as we feared, worse than we hoped, but surgical cauterisation should have fixed it, the area was quite small. I passed my Medical Exam
  • After paying emergency tax he found himself almost a third worse off than when he was on benefits and was summoned to court for council tax arrears. Times, Sunday Times
  • A good tale is none the worse for being twice told. 
  • There is never a good time to pay bills and annual subscriptions, but some times are worse than others.
  • The doctor told the nurse to call him if there was a positive change for the worse.
  • But it turned out worse than that: the 200 submissions were later judged to be totally at variance with the findings of the RAF's own Board of Inquiry into the accident.
  • Professing not to know that his nubile young companion on one particularly debauched evening was a call girl is even worse than knowing, and then trying to brazen your way out of it.
  • As Hofmann identifies, Joseph Roth senses that things will get steadily worse for the Jews of Europe but hopefully bearably so, "what happened instead was the Holocaust". 52 entries from February 2007
  • Pain is often localised, is worse with extension and rotation, and may be troublesome at night.
  • And it is nothing wonderful; if the devils are proved to cause those to be much worse hated who live not according to a part only of the word diffused ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Just curious as they seemed to be crying about how bad the atmosphere is here while going out of their way to make it worse. Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
  • As he drank more wine his articulation became worse.
  • The stress of worrying about how she was going to afford the insulin would make her condition even worse.
  • Not that I've any issue with gaining the odd pound or two but since I'm guzzling beer and eating chips and chocolate all the time I guess things could only get worse.
  • Further dispute would worsen your relations.
  • Even worse than the interior feeling of alienation is the outward hostility shown to those with opposing political beliefs.
  • Worse still, he smells and if you're unfortunate enough to get next to him on the cross trainer and he starts really pumping it, it can cause disturbed breathing that leads to a fatal arrhythmia.
  • To make matters worse, ‘musette’ was also given to the bagpipe musette de cour, amongst others.
  • While he is always friendly, even jovial in a blokeish high-fiving way (his English having got better as my French gets worse) he tends to be infuriatingly circumspect and diplomatic.
  • He looked even worse than before, only this time he had beads of sweat dripping down his sallow skin and his nostrils were flared in his over-large nose.
  • We all want to minimize the impact on the innocent, but losing to evil in order to avoid hitting a population is worse.
  • A false friend is worse than an avowed enemy. 
  • The yield andand growth of longan and more worse which caused by the disease of chlorosis.
  • The only thing worse than a woman scorned is a mother whose child is in danger. Sarah Connor Chronicles Set for Jan Premiere : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • They are all apparently fit and well and none the worse for the fifteen hour journey.
  • We turned to the left, and marched along its edge in search of a "pont"; but matters became gradually worse; other crevasses joined on to the first one, and the further we proceeded the more riven and dislocated the ice became. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 6 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland, part 2
  • Over the coming period, as the economic situation inevitably worsens, these demands will only intensify.
  • Women also did considerably worse when it came to identifying his main election rival,[sentence dictionary] Labour's Alan Milburn.
  • It's just going to get worse unless we tackle poverty. The Sun
  • The only thing worse than inequality, however, is a facade of equality with nothing behind it.
  • Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.
  • I have been insecure all my life but for the past year it has slowly been getting worse. The Sun
  • It was like we were worse than human traffickers. The Sun
  • The trend gets much worse at midseason, with a "what were they thinking" project called Work It, a shrill Bosom Buddies knockoff about two unemployed he-men who dress as women none too convincingly to get jobs as pharmaceutical reps. Critic's Notebook: The ABC Upfront
  • For better or worse, Vietnam remains seared in our national consciousness.
  • Part of the explanation is psychological: Pain perception is made much worse by worry, fear or the expectation of pain, he notes.
  • These days that can would be thrown at the resident or, worse still, a brick lobbed through their window. The Sun
  • The ice cream was messy, made worse by being smothered in raspberry sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's worse, none of these genres is given enough time to develop, resulting in a scattered and underdeveloped plot.
  • Conditions are now worsening as the days become shorter and the roads icier.
  • It is not an ambiguous message, it is much worse than that: pure poetry. Times, Sunday Times
  • While many of Shaw's grand old homes and classic row houses have been rehabbed, the Woodson home, whose condition worsens by the day, awaits rescue.
  • And all the while their hunger gets worse and worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tl; dr: Covers generally suck at representing the book; these covers suck AND are racist, which is much much worse. JESUS GOD IN HEAVEN KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY
  • Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better. George Santayana 
  • Now that she was back, under the same roof, I considered and instantly dismissed the notion of trying to have a word with her; nothing could have been worse just then than talk spreading in the bazaar and the camp that she'd been colloguing with a British officer. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • In such circumstances, post-merger performance in the relevant market may be no worse than market performance had the merger been blocked and the assets left the market.
  • Had the epicentre of the earthquake been on land, though, the damage would have been considerable and casualties could have been far worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • worried by the worsening storm
  • The political situation is steadily worsening.
  • And face it, killing pretty cooing birds is always going to get a way worse reaction in a telephone survey than killing nasty, scraggly, filthy ole pigs. Poll Shows Iowans Oppose Dove Hunting
  • If that does not happen, it will be bad for him, worse still for Britain, and even worse for the world.
  • After much haggling and horse-trading, a compromise is hammered out that satisfies few but allows each minister to claim that it could have been much worse.
  • The person would feel even worse if the cheater does not get her or his just punishment.
  • These days that can would be thrown at the resident or, worse still, a brick lobbed through their window. The Sun
  • Most of the Sheffield Plate that appears on the market is in relatively good condition, whereas much of the 19th century electroplate is very much the worse for wear.
  • And the problem is worse in the more deprived areas of the country. The Sun
  • Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
  • Worse, when her 'virtuosi' attempted the same, their intonation rubbed like sandpaper on a blister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anonymous said ... mungo is fifty?!?! will the test be worse than knowing that the prez of the united states is younger than you, and will be taking a lot of your money? Celebrating Inauguration Day in Style
  • `Oh, things could be worse," said Hunter, doing his best to imitate Yoller's offhand, sophisticated tone. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The fluctuations didn't seem to get worse, but, when we descended into the heliport, I saw the fluctuations corresponded to power inputs.
  • To make things worse, two sarcastic and sassy FBI agents are also hot on Ford's trail.
  • The existing indices are so sloppy as to be worse than nothing. DOLL'S EYES
  • Although "weak spots" the beginning of cavities may remineralize with luck and usually not with baby molars, you have to remember that once a cavity starts it will get worse even with great brushing/flossing. They Are Just Baby Teeth, Why Fix Them?
  • The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body. 
  • There's evidence that heavy metals such as lead and cadmium can make osteoporosis worse.
  • They decided to kill themselves rather than suffer a worse fate at the hands of their enemy.
  • They found that in control subjects, larger caudate nucleus areas were associated with a worse performance on tests of attention.
  • But farinaceous sediments in the urine are bad, and still worse are the leafy; the white and thin are very bad, but the furfuraceous are still worse than these. The Book Of Prognostics
  • Contrary to popular myth women are not worse drivers than men.
  • These aches and pains are usually worse in the cold. The Sun
  • What's worse is that there are people with reservations, but no seat allocations, the result of overbooking.
  • Yet it was an unhappy household, made worse by hints of Behrman's mania to come.
  • Would they be as quick to label our resourceful young law student a jerk (or much worse) if he were black? The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
  • And to make matters worse, he frittered away the money while she was asleep in bed recovering. The Sun
  • When the worse gets to the worst, a number of people end up indulging in various societal vices to earn a living.
  • Worse, the sense of expectation will be unmanageably high. Times, Sunday Times
  • They knew they were trying to ride a very weak and handicapped candidate to victory, and he went down to a much worse defeat than they had anticipated and so I think right now a lot of Democrats are stunned.
  • Sivagnanam wonders if our patients settled because of the residual effect of the previously administered high dose colchicine that we had stopped; we only reintroduced colchicine, however, if the gout was not settling or was worsening.
  • My mother said the cure for thinking too much about yourself was helping somebody who was worse off than you. Sylvia Plath 
  • Apart from self-deprecatory remarks, will he now start to censor himself beforehand with his writers and, worse, when he interacts with his guests on the panel? Michael Russnow: David Letterman Apology Redux: Shame on Dave for Buckling Under to Palin's Lies
  • The institution of positive-pressure ventilation in an already hyperinflated thorax can markedly worsen hemodynamics and cause abrupt falls in blood pressure including cardiac collapse.
  • the worsened diplomatic relations
  • What was considerably worse is that she had found it.
  • Will stop now as the third couplet is even worse, and wouldn’t wish to give offence. En français
  • During the summer, her depression worsened and she took a potentially fatal overdose.
  • He pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body. 
  • Pop stars, TV soap actors, footballers and celebrity chefs have taken the places of dukes and earls in our modern social pantheon, for better or worse.
  • But what military surges teach us is that repeated but unsustained efforts can make things worse. Suddenly the state is back in vogue at Number 10. But for how long? | Will Hutton
  • She took a turn for the worse last night and I'm scared she's not going to see out the weekend.
  • In the second half with both teams tiring and the conditions worsening it was down to who wanted to win the game more.
  • The horse-trading was even worse, with great swarms of flies settling on the eyes and mouths of man and beast alike. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Perhaps I foozled my drive rather worse than Henry, but then he never took fewer than five strokes on the green, whereas I have occasionally done it in four. Our Elizabeth A Humour Novel
  • Martyn's final went from bad to worse when co-pilot Peter Willcox got tossed out over the side of his boat joined moments later by Justin Saddler getting thrown out of his boat.
  • The long, majestic, tree lined vista is now worse than a gas chamber.
  • Once inside, things simply got worse for any shy, timid souls who plucked up the courage and made it past the front door.
  • My head throbbed with the force of a thousand attacks at once and I could feel the painful sensation worsening with each pulse of my heart.
  • We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more and more like ourselves.
  • Worse than parental leave, she says, is the 120-day annual allowance for parents to tend to sick children, which is impossible to plan and which is suspected of being widely abused.
  • There have been worse films this year, but none has been marketed as this fun-loving and upbeat.
  • The preliminary growth figures come after a 2.2 per cent shrinkage in the first quarter and are worse than government forecasts of a 4.4 per cent decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • This continues until the owner reports the account as stolen, or worse, the account is banned by Blizzard for botting (a grievous violation of the terms of service). How the Virtual Gold Trade Works
  • It was, of course, a completely unnatural oddity of physics, but the Weak Hole in particular was worse than your average black hole.
  • Anna's arm hurt dreadfully, worse than when she'd fallen off the top of the climbing frame at the nursery.
  • She had a friend who was abandoned at birth, a foundling, and she began to realise that abandoned children were in a far worse position than adopted ones.
  • Paterfamilias is obliged to drink the cup of gaiety to the dregs, which is almost worse than being in office. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • The situation will only get worse as the number of unsellable animals increases.
  • The worse part was facing up to what I had done to myself and the hurt I had caused my family.
  • And this could indeed have even worse consequences than leaving the oppressed to rot.

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