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How To Use Worn-out In A Sentence

  • only worn-out horses and cattle
  • The pricey firm that does my curtains took one look and pronounced my upholstery too old and worn-out to survive its processes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The legal procedural is such a worn-out television fixture, it's amazing that they keep being cranked out.
  • Soon after this ordeal, Richard was bereaved by the death of his prematurely worn-out father.
  • Women folded their worn-out linens and few spare clothes, packing them into cloth sacks to be carried.
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  • On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.
  • Certain sewing days in school, called darning days, are sacred to the renovation of worn-out garments which the girls bring from home. The New Education A Review of Progressive Educational Movements of the Day (1915)
  • It will prompt marriages with worn-out widows so eaten with disease that 'the spital house and ulcerous sores/Would cast the gorge at'. Shakespeare
  • Ryo was carrying a worn-out Chava on his back, and Zaila too looked tired and ornery.
  • In the distant, lying on the summer grass is a body with a worn-out and raggedy cloak.
  • The pricey firm that does my curtains took one look and pronounced my upholstery too old and worn-out to survive its processes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worn-out truck tyres stacked in heaps announce the arrival in the village of the industrial era.
  • The pricey firm that does my curtains took one look and pronounced my upholstery too old and worn-out to survive its processes. Times, Sunday Times
  • You see you set a bad example to the rest and it costs a mint of money to chase you every time, arousing the whole country and having such a hulla-baloo all over a worn-out old slave. Sunshine and Shadow of Slave Life. Reminiscences As Told by Isaac D. Williams to "Tege"
  • Kitchen of his resemblance to King Lear in the plee — of his having a thankless choild, bedad — of his being a pore worn-out lonely old man, dthriven to dthrinking by ingratitude, and seeking to dthrown his sorrows in punch. The History of Pendennis
  • He too was dressed in his pajamas, a green thermal shirt and green striped pants, along with old, worn-out brown shoes and his jacket.
  • ‘A Century's Aged, Worn-out Children’ summarizes what has gone before by identifying a series of changes that define the fourteenth century and underlie its characteristic forms and topoi.
  • Then, with an ample supply of worn-out rasps on hand, he used the technique to make knife blades that held an edge longer.
  • They stand in the hot sun and wait: it is not so much stoical or fatalistic as a worn-out realism.
  • We need to do for the 21st century what FDR did for the twentieth -- invest in worn-out highways, our frail electrical grid, our public transit, brittle bridges, and water supplies. Job Creation Idea No. 8: Time For A New WPA
  • And tossing in worn-out phrases about "imperialist" agendas just doesn't impress anyone anymore.
  • You look worn-out after your long journey.
  • But how often have you seen men slip up and wear derby shoes with worn-out jeans, or even casual loafers with suits, for example?
  • Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled t-shirts, and frankly, most of the time, I say embrace it.
  • She looked very charming and imposing in her evening dress, but when Betty ventured to admire it she was informed that it was "A rag, my dear -- a prehistoric _rag_!" and warned that at any moment the worn-out fabric might be expected to fly asunder, when "As you love me, fling yourself upon me, and _hurl_ me from the room! Betty Trevor
  • Three years of repeated contradictions, distortions, and stonewalling from this Administration has worn-out public trustless. The Credibility Gap
  • Besides being a superb antioxidant itself, ALA recycles worn-out vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione, and makes them useful again.
  • OK, well, that's a worn-out cliche that many people use about putting the victim on trial.
  • And tho 'wi' crazy eild I'm sair forfairn [old age, sorely worn-out] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • `I'm like a worn-out dishcloth, but I'll be this way until polling day. POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • And in the United States, the Federal Reserve used to end up with 13 million pounds of worn-out currency each year, some of which now mixes with recovered cotton waste to create a rich-textured, watermarked paper.
  • Soon the cabs drove up with the functionaries connected with the administration of the theatre, in black hats and coats, with an official air of sadness; young reporters, the outflow of journalism, staring at everybody and taking notes; dramatic authors, Monday feuilletonists -- in short, all of those nocturnal beings, tired and worn-out, who are properly called the actives of Paris. Ten Tales
  • You have written a cliche, a worn-out metaphor.
  • Having shown himself ready to abandon those favourite notions of Frenchmen and Italians, it is a pity he should obstinately retain certain worn-out phrases about the Germans.
  • This is a cop show that dispenses with all the worn-out platitudes of cop shows. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greene found himself helping to push-start the clinic's worn-out ambulance, a battered old mini-van whose back seats had been removed.
  • Sporting a brave front, he put on his battle gear: a worn-out helmet, its straps in tatters.
  • They are the very fool's cap of baboons, the echo of parrots, the wallet and satchel of polecats, the scum of stagnant pools, the exuvial, the worn-out skins of slaveholders; they dress in their old clothes. Narratives of the sufferings of Lewis and Milton Clarke : sons of a soldier of the Revolution, during a captivity of more than twenty years among the slaveholders of Kentucky, one of the so called Christian states of North America, by dictated
  • M. M.rmontel, who made his acquaintance in 1832, represents him as a worn-out, vulgar-looking man of fifty, whose outward appearance contrasted painfully with his artistic performances, and whose heavy, thick-set form in conjunction with the delicacy and dreaminess of his musical thoughts and execution called to mind Rossini's saying of a celebrated singer, "Elle a l'air d'un elephant qui aurait avale un rossignol. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • On the cantoris side the worn-out alto held an animated conversation with the cracked tenor. The Nebuly Coat
  • He believed that the worn-out academicism of the day could be revitalized by direct contact with peasant life and with the genuine folk art of the people.
  • The old saddles are tied on with twine; one side of the bridle is a worn-out strap and the other a rope. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Hat frames are covered with maline; it is used to cover wings to keep feathers in place; to cover faded or worn-out flowers; for shirred brims and crowns; for pleatings; for folds on edges of brims to give a soft look; and for bows. Make Your Own Hats
  • Kay's sumptuous bath had to be set up in the box-room, between two towel-horses and an old box of selected games which contained a worn-out straw dart-board-it was called flechette in those days-because all the other rooms were full of packing. NPR Topics: Opinion
  • In order to watch M. de Coralth, he had again arrayed himself in his cast-off clothes, and with his blouse and his worn-out shoes, his "knockers" and his glazed cap, he looked the vagabond to perfection. Baron Trigault's Vengeance
  • The labourers were in a bad condition, with tattered clothes and worn-out expressions.
  • And tho 'wi' crazy eild I'm sair forfairn [old age, sorely worn-out] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Snakes shed their worn-out skin about six times a year.
  • The briefest explanation is to tell you that in the 1930s I envied the ‘liberals’ for the fact that their leaders entered political campaigns armed not with worn-out bromides, but with intellectual arguments.
  • Economy in order to articulate what I am going to say with the other possible tropical system of usure, in the sense of usury, thus of interest, surplus value, fiduciary calculation, or interest rate, which Ricoeur indicates but leaves in the shadows, although it forms a heterogeneous and discontinuous supplement. a tropical divergence irreducible to that of being-worn-out or worn down. Archive 2009-05-01
  • He had a face like worn-out leather: gnarled by high cheekbones and a sullen brow. NIGHT SISTERS
  • A vision not completely incongruous with the streets; a small European-looking boy with worn-out boots, carrying a large hand-woven bag of gaudy colors advertising Cuernavaca. The Calling
  • This is a cop show that dispenses with all the worn-out platitudes of cop shows. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the books we see these days perched perfectly in high street seasonal window displays are written by static, worn-out, curmudgeonly blatherskites.
  • Every worn-out, pasty-faced pauper, every blind man, every prison babe, every man, woman, and child whose belly is gnawing with hunger pangs, is hungry because the funds have been misappropriated by the management. THE MANAGEMENT
  • “Santa Monica cocktail parties” gets the job done, but his usual brio is lacking, much like a worn-out band performing a medley of hit songs from 40 years ago. Matthew Yglesias » The Wages of Immigration
  • Ricky and Fred love their worn-out clothes so much that the girls see no choice but to sell their rags to a local second-hand store.
  • She had been sold when he first beheld her, and should, he muttered austerely, have been ticketed the property of a middle-aged man, a worn-out French marquis, whom she had agreed to marry, unwooed, without love -- the creature of a transaction. Beauchamp's Career — Complete
  • The cold wind riddled through the worn-out roof.
  • “The next piece was a satire on certain members who were getting very much into the way of joking on the worn-out subjects of matrimony and old maid and old bachelorism. The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • The word "harridan" derives from the French word "haridelle" - a worn-out horse or nag. THE NEWS BLOG
  • It was a pair of worn-out tatterdemalions that Captain Jones of the Mounted Police welcomed and fed, and he afterward averred that they possessed two of the most tremendous appetites he had ever observed. Trust
  • As the teenagers tentatively waded into the brown muck, a skinny, worn-out alcoholic teetered over from his broken-down pickup.
  • Finally, as the evening cooled, Graham took himself up to the loft to replace the worn-out ballcock float and valve that's been giving us a problem for some time.
  • Worn-out truck tyres stacked in heaps announce the arrival in the village of the industrial era.
  • The lower, yet still an estimable class, take up with worn-out Symbols of the Godlike; keep trimming and trucking between these and Hypocrisy, purblindly enough, miserably enough. Paras. 40-58
  • Then there was the suit, which he wore well for a guy who lived in battered jeans and worn-out shirts.
  • Where can you offload your clunky old computer or worn-out armchair? Times, Sunday Times
  • Even a very rich and hearty luncheon, which her maid had provided, was gormandized rather than enjoyed, so tempting did her couch look to the worn-out damsel. Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter
  • Dig up and store tender bulbs from your summer garden, and cut back the worn-out perennials and biennials.
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Have you used words that are too familiar, worn-out similes, too many abstract nouns?
  • ‘In a few years these worn-out structures may vanish and I want to document the village life,’ he avers.
  • worn-out shoes with flapping soles
  • Have you used words that are too familiar, worn-out similes, too many abstract nouns?
  • She was used to looking at his scruffy suits and worn-out shoes. YELLOW BIRD
  • However, so many handwriting copybooks offer boring, worn-out sayings that do not interest most children today!
  • He urged her "to rise above the worn-out, negative tactics of presidential politics and assume the role of stateswoman. Geoffrey Dunn: Wally Hickel and Sarah Palin's Betrayal
  • “Youth and comeliness were gone, but the foppishness remained, and the red-faced man, with false teeth and the voice of a worn-out actor had his scanty grey hair curled.” Louisa May Alcott
  • A 'knacker' is one who slaughters worn-out livestock and sells their flesh, bones and hides. Irish Blogs
  • I call your especial attention to the bulletin of the Bureau of Labor which gives a statement of the methods of treating the unemployed in European countries, as this is a subject which in Germany, for instance, is treated in connection with making provision for worn-out and crippled workmen. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • As the ungainly old tub surged slowly out of the little harbour, her worn-out and generally used-up appearance would have given a Board of Trade Inspector the nightmare; the piratical looks of her crowd were enough to frighten a shipload of passengers into fits; but to us who had seen their performances in all weathers, and under all circumstances, accidental externals had no weight in biassing our high opinion of them all. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • The next piece was a satire on certain members who were getting very much into the way of joking on the worn-out subjects of matrimony and old maid and old bachelorism. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe Compiled From Her Letters and Journals by Her Son Charles Edward Stowe
  • Standing in queues is not easy for us old fogeys with worn-out joints.
  • Worn-out soles will wear out your knees: replace them or pick up a new pair of kicks.
  • Even though the value of scrap metal is currently high, motorists can no longer expect to be paid for their worn-out vehicles.
  • Practitioners use ginseng as a tonic, primarily to treat patients who are worn-out, either from overwork, emotional stress, or old age.
  • Later his feet grew hard to the trail, and the worn-out footgear was thrown away.
  • January has wrapped the worn-out city in a cold gauze of wood smoke and exhaust fumes.
  • It's very quick and easy. I can upcycle a worn-out ordinary shirt into a designer handprinted B.Earley one.
  • One of Alex's friends loaned us a rusty Chevy Vega with eighty-nine thousand miles and worn-out shocks. A KING'S RANSOM
  • A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings.
  • Coming up beside her, he looked with interest at her own small paper factory: a dozen big, fired-clay basins, each filled with scraps of used paper, worn-out scraps of silk and cotton, flax fibers, the soft pith of cattail reeds, and anything else she could get her hands on that might be useful, torn to shreds or ground small in a quern. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Ricky and Fred love their worn-out clothes so much that the girls see no choice but to sell their rags to a local second-hand store.

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