
How To Use Worldly In A Sentence

  • Her response is to renegotiate the boundaries between spiritual faith and worldly economies.
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • Eternity starts here; worldly aggrandizement is dust" Photography by Diana Ricci. And now for something a little different
  • Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • It was a bit of a comedown in that we had to pack up everything and then spend 48 hours homeless - living in other people's spare rooms, our car packed to the gunnels with all our worldly possessions.
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  • A compendium of wise and worldly sentences can provide something akin to a course of education. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This gave the film an ethereal, otherworldly quality that drew critical praise and, again, commercial indifference.
  • So here again we have her as that which is both of the body and outside of bodily experience, both in the world and otherworldly.
  • Freedom from habit or formula. Escape from daily routine or the ordinary. Unworldly. Transcending the conventional.
  • Critics say he is too unworldly even to understand the hurt he has caused Maori.
  • The only good of worldly riches to the possessor is the beholding them with the eyes. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • My favorite imitator, the Hinckley columbine, is like a butter-yellow, otherworldly bird.
  • That a man should lay down his life for his friend seems strange to vulgar affections and such as confine themselves within that worldly principle, “Charity begins at home.” Religio Medici
  • This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands.
  • Before the war they had been committed to seeking conventional worldly success. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • Pernicious worldly things are great enchantments, they are retinacula spei The Lord's Prayer
  • The absence of a World Series ring is the last, the only blemish on a career that has climbed from the exceptional to the unworldly.
  • The ultimate expression of this deep-seated corruption is the practice of selling, for that most worldly of objects, money, something that concerns man's deepest and inmost nature - the spiritual peace brought by the remission of sins.
  • To portray him out of context could make him appear naive and unworldly.
  • How to succeed and make the most of prosperity might be called the pervading theme of the essays, and subjects which in themselves suggest spiritual treatment are actually considered in accordance with a coldly intellectual calculation of worldly advantage. A History of English Literature
  • Why should he give up half his worldly goods then still pay through the nose when a marriage has withered and died? The Sun
  • Why? because the doctrines he preached to them were directly contrary to their lusts and corrupt affections, and defeated their expectations of a worldly Messias, who should have answered their sensual desires with the plenties and glories of such an earthly kingdom, as they had wholly set their gross hearts and souls upon. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • I was trapped with my flaky mother in a too-small car loaded with all of our worldly possessions, driving to a forsaken destination.
  • From the beginning, the Protestant Reformers looked with disfavor on the contemplative life and on the quality of mystery that they designated ‘otherworldly.’
  • Like the male poet who adopts a macho pose, church officials are eager to seem suave and worldly.
  • These sceptical, cautious and cloistered arrangements constitute the distinctive institutions of science which separate it from other more worldly activities.
  • Suddenly his last couple of posts before his death become something other-worldly, and people stop to read his final words, probably hoping to find some truths: god, life, death.
  • Rich, worldly and sophisticated, he could have been the ideal husband for Gwendolen but feels compelled to crush her independent spirit and mould her into his perfect wife.
  • The Bible thus holds off all the attempts of human beings to divinize or render ultimate some worldly reality. The Register's Daily Blog
  • He did not know where he was, but despite his strange surroundings and the unworldly heat and glaze, he could tell he was still in a prison.
  • The colours of their canoes and clothes were softened by the dim air and long use, and there seemed to accompany each boat and each person an atmosphere within this other haze, a spiritual kind of exhalation; so that one might have thought them, with the crucifixes on their breasts, and that unworldly, distinguished look which comes to those who live much with nature, as sons of men going upon such mission as did they who went into the far land with Arthur. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • After having put in practice all chivalries, devout and worldly, gone with Peredur in quest of the Holy Grail and fair ladies, and dreamed with St. Brandan of mystical Atlantides, who knows what it would produce in the domain of intellect, if it hardened itself to an entrance into the world, and subjected its rich and profound nature to the conditions of modern thought? The Poetry of the Celtic Races. VI.
  • Local red Tolosa beans appear in what Elena Arzak, Mr. Arzak's daughter and the restaurant's co-head chef, calls an "aperitif," an otherworldly broth served in a shot glass. Members Only (Most of the Time)
  • Nor, perhaps, did they wish the supernatural to meld with the sexual, as otherworldly beings turned out to be alluring mortal women in flimsy garments. Scott Repatriated?: La Dame blanche Crosses the Channel
  • And most importantly, Du Bois stressed the ways in which religious institutions can be recognized as social, communal centers which provide this-worldly rewards and comforts.
  • Some of our people, listening in on our ancestors' imagined, other-worldly discourse, hear only the endless repetition of the never again.
  • It also aims, through the same actions, to purify one's soul and weaken one's worldly desires.
  • The puja is a ritual performed by Ayyappa devotees when they give up worldly pleasures before undertaking the pilgrimage to the Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly. aaah, but the difference in MY lil label is that a "sensualist" denotes a certain spiritual connectedness that can only be found through physical/material experience ... to quote and old addage ... the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom you see, how are we to know ourselves if we do not experience all the world around us? how are we to say that something is distasteful if it has never touched our tongues? hmmm? ...JOIN MY NEW DIARYRING NOW DAMMIT!!!...
  • It was against self-will and worldly desires that he set his face; and these could only be overcome by personal conversion.
  • As ever, human happiness requires the skills of both the worldly-wise economist and the passionate scientist.
  • Rather th! an medit ative of people as normal or aberrant it is better for us to consider either an people thoughts as great as behaviours have been helpful as great as adaptive to their worldly as great as devout great being as great as happiness. Archive 2009-11-01
  • That's interesting, because Louisiana's leading candidate for Governor, Rep. Bobby Jindal (R-Kenner), has previously written about his belief in otherworldly entities such as angels, spirits, demons and "related phenomena". Archive 2007-03-01
  • It is the worldly-minded who overlook their own major faults but exploit even the minutest shortcoming in the other; such ones often make a mountain out of even a small word spoken by the other.
  • Suppose a man of great birth and fortune, who in his youth had been an enthusiastic friend of Lord Byron and a jocund companion of George IV.; who had in him an immense degree of lofty romantic sentiment with an equal degree of well-bred worldly cynicism, but who, on account of that admixture, which is so rare, kept The Parisians — Complete
  • It's an otherworldly site, fringed with dunes and studded with bone-white calcium carbonate spires called tufa towers.
  • She does look quite 'otherworldly' - a good match for Matt S. OMG
  • Later medieval chivalry has been criticized for being decadent and other-worldly, yet it never lost touch with the changing military dimensions of war nor was blind to its bloody realities.
  • Any sentient in the galaxy ` took 'on bloodhype would gladly trade you all his worldly possessions, his offspring, his mate, parents, and all his limbs save the minimum needed to inject the drug, in return for the hollow splinter of glass you hold in your hand. Bloodhype
  • For his age, Pyp was a clever child and the past weeks had matured him into a little worldly man.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan seemed in a hurry to give his worldly belongings to a neighbor.
  • The "mystery" is in just how they combine diaphonic singing and dissonant harmonies to produce a breathtaking, otherworldly sound somewhere between the Muslim call to prayer and the Beach Boys. Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares – review
  • Fluff plays a worldly, battered guitar, while Billy accompanies on his harmonica, making a tuneful jingle which feels special because of the supreme effort of the two hard-up men.
  • Today's are so shiny, they are almost otherworldly. The Sun
  • In a place so other-worldly maybe it's easier to believe that normal 'handsy' rules don't apply. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lot of people here identified as red-letter Christians, who believe the words of Jesus have been hijacked by worldly authorities. Rapture Ready!
  • I was awed by the sight of a helium neon laser with its glowing discharge tube emitting an intense collimated beam of red laser light that produced an otherworldly speckle pattern. Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
  • Where East meets West, the old is new, the young are worldly-wise, the wilds are pristine, and the 20 th-century shadows of war are giving way to a hip and happening 21 st-century place to find peace.
  • Honour, duty and order had always driven him, and earned him worldly success despite that relative lack of ambition.
  • It is always to be remembered, that Saint John's Church thus consecrated and set apart to the worship of Almighty God, is by the act of consecration thus performed, separated from all worldly and unhallowed uses, and to be considered sacred to the service of the _Holy and undivided Trinity_. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • Forgot birthdays, mealtimes, hair appointments, anniversaries, all in a miasma of other-worldly hankering. BEHINDLINGS
  • Well, it all starts with an old weather-beaten fisherman who complains to the wise and worldly Dr. Yano that the heavily-polluted water of Suruga Bay can no longer sustain fish.
  • Esko is less worldly than Eliel was, more driven and passionate; his architectural style is more modernistic, more like the other great Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto. An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
  • Ironically, the most fully-rounded woman in this picture is young Natalie Portman, playing a worldly-wise 13-year-old, who has a crush on Willie.
  • Fast-paced, relevant and worldly, it directly challenges Western notions about the universalizing effects of literature.
  • His statement on this topic was so this-worldly and mealy-mouthed that it didn't sound like him at all.
  • Friend, seems strange to vulgar affections, and such as confine themselves within that Worldly principle, Charity begins at home. Religio Medici
  • The darkness was unworldly, he thought; objects blurred into each other, colors shifted to become unnatural.
  • You get a bit of a worldly experience to go with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor is the issue really one of religion versus science or this-worldly concerns. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As participants in communication we adopt as it were an extramundane position with respect to the innerworldly items (including our own experiences) about which we can come to an understanding.
  • If we serve selflessly, we receive spiritual and worldly blessings.
  • Vast herds of goats and camels are grazing by the rust-coloured lake, creating an otherworldly buzz.
  • An 'though as ye told me,' tain't the thing to say no prayers for beasties which is worldly goods, I makes a venture to arsk ye if ye'll step round to the farm to-morrer, jest to please God's Good Man
  • this helplessly unworldly woman
  • That a man should lay down his life for his Friend, seems strange to vulgar affections, and such as confine themselves within that Worldly principle, Charity begins at home. The Second Part
  • For years we whined about being the supporting characters on television shows: the wacky neighbor, the snippy coworker, the world-weary yet worldly-wise florist, the dog walker, the minty banker.
  • His fruitcake theory was Cambridge people were clever but isolated and unworldly, believing what they thought was right took precedence over any duty to their country.
  • Easier to blame the unworldly bureaucrats in Whitehall or Brussels than recognise, never mind grapple with, the underlying tendencies to economic atrophy.
  • So the whole ritual is a sublimated performance in glittering vestments and ceremonial gestures which transform everydayness into a quasi-encounter with the otherworldly.
  • Visions of blue and white delftware passed through our minds as we entered the old town, which hardly looks as though worldly automobilists would be well received. The Automobilist Abroad
  • Worldly-wise though she thought herself, Grace was innocent, even ingenuous, for seventeen. GRACE
  • But his unworldly innocence disguises his disregard for the real social consequences of his actions.
  • He refused to countenance all the signs of worldly glory and churchly vainglory.
  • I hope and pray that the chastenings of our blessed Lord, in depriving us of our worldly possessions, may be sanctified to us, and lead us, more earnestly and undoubtingly, to seek for possessions in that Kingdom where all is joy, and peace, and love. A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Character of Joseph Charless In a Series of Letters to his Grandchildren
  • But where the minds of men, through their native darkness, are disenabled to discern the glory of spiritual things, and, through their carnal, unmortified affection, do cleave unto, and have the highest esteem of, worldly grandeur, it is no wonder if they suppose the beauty and glory of the church to consist in them. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The uneven topography alternated between blocks of ice mesas, deep ice craters, bony ice ridges, and rolling ice dunes glowing an otherworldly sapphire-blue.
  • She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.
  • The man seemed to have grasped the essence of standing aloof from worldly anxieties and vexations.
  • They celebrated China as a great nation and presented themselves as worldly cosmopolitans.
  • Two loud thunks announced the arrival of worldly belongings crammed into his bags.
  • Into his head had come a new mantra, a jingle from a commercial on TV when he was growing up, a child of baseball fields and macadam basketball courts with their bent and rusted hoops and the intense otherworldly green of a New York summer, a green so multivalent and assertive it was like a promise of life to come. The Silence
  • When a man appears as a Fakir or Darwaysh, he casts off, in process of regeneration, together with other worldly sloughs, his laical name for some brilliant coat of nomenclature rich in religious promise. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Contrary to all comprehensive and totalizing theological traditions, we expect that we will have to discern God's will for us in our own age, occasion by occasion, without the benefit of an infallible this-worldly authority.
  • The oculus windows depicted in each of their two cells illuminate the figures with an otherworldly silvery light.
  • Jenny is on the academic track established by her overbearing father (an excellent Alfred Molina) and understanding mother (Cara Seymour) until she meets David (a pitch-perfect Peter Sarsgaard), a charming and worldly thirtyish man. 'An Education' teaches a vivid lesson in life, love
  • Here we see Heidegger critically pointing the finger at Nietzsche for his radical individualism, which equated freedom with a solitude that denied our worldly contextuality.
  • Egypt's magical and mystical other-worldly presence captivates our curiosity with an appeal that crosses all boundaries of time, geography and culture.
  • But if the Georgian and the kind-souled Soloviev served as a palliating beginning against the sharp thorns of great worldly wisdom, in the curious education of the mind and soul of Liubka; and if Liubka forgave the pedantism of Lichonin for the sake of a first sincere and limitless love for him, and forgave just as willingly as she would have forgiven curses, beatings, or a heavy crime -- the lessons of Simanovsky, on the other hand, were a downright torture and a constant, prolonged burden for her. Yama: the pit
  • To the Australians these 'chooms' seemed naive, unworldly, and deferential.
  • He was a kind soul; completely unworldly in every sense of the word. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Indeed, millennialism is largely a construction of particular perceptions of power and justice; it is a sociomoral scenario in which worldly wrongs will be set right.
  • Silly ghost stories are otherworldly dalliances, whereas Frankenstein projects dilemmas of coherence and comprehension that are a permanent challenge for narration.
  • The production design of the spaceship itself is otherworldly and spooky.
  • was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards
  • A this-worldly eschatological hope is at stake.
  • Sir William, still more worldly-minded than he was timid, was reduced to despair by the loss by which he was threatened. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Lodge is a critic as well as a writer, and his down-to-earth stories have a nice blend of the worldly and the ingenious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Otherworldly caws, a sound they produce only when they are at sea, enable the sociable birds to maintain contact even in stormy conditions.
  • Mild-mannered, teetotal, often other-worldly, he was unswerving in his work for a party notable then for its lack of success.
  • There are few better guides for a young man than this book of homely sagacity, which is wisdom about the world without being tainted by the bad sort of worldly wisdom. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Beyond it lies another world, quite unlike the one on bustling Queen West, a serene, unworldly oasis of miniature food, quaint dishes and exotic teas.
  • There is a delightfully odd, twangy soundtrack, which plays counterpoint to the otherworldly feel of the rest of the film.
  • While such potential ebullience is a concern to Inter their worldlywise squad usually prevails. Inter's Rafael Benítez uses 'milk' analogy to turn sour on Liverpool
  • At sixteen, Gwenifer was worldly and knowledgeable about all things, especially flirtations and relationships between men and women.
  • After having put in practice all chivalries, devout and worldly, gone with Peredur in quest of the Holy Grail and fair ladies, and dreamed with St. Brandan of mystical Atlantides, who knows what it would produce in the domain of intellect, if it hardened itself to an entrance into the world, and subjected its rich and profound nature to the conditions of modern thought? The Poetry of the Celtic Races. VI.
  • You get a bit of a worldly experience to go with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The otherworldly contours of this ice chamber were formed by the heat of a geothermal spring.
  • The current dynamic planetary activity is doing wonders for your worldly pursuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • He left the group at the height of their initial success, apparently renouncing worldly wealth and disappearing into the darkness of psychiatric hospitals and menial jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • One should also learn to avoid non-divine traits as ostentation, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, pride and excessive attachment to worldly possessions.
  • And while the thought of a phantom Venkman serving as a sort of otherworldly guru/jokester is amusing, it also means we probably won't be seeing him answer any calls or pursue his longtime love interest, Dana Barrett (ie Weaver). Bill Murray Confirms A Spoiler-y Rumor About ‘Ghostbusters 3′ » MTV Movies Blog
  • It's dark (many of these fish have a vampire-like hatred of anything over 25 watts), it feels very other-worldly, and it's filled with alien beings.
  • To us, enmeshed in the ties of interest and affection, the various heredities and the worldly Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • Similarly, the worldly-minded do not care for anything else except a talk about worldly things.
  • He is an expert magician who specializes in debunking those who use magic techniques to claim psychic or otherwise unworldly powers.
  • It has become unfashionable for women to talk about laundry and washing machines in polite society, as if doing so somehow demonstrated the limits of their worldly interests.
  • There is nothing that might be called otherworldly about this ministry of Jesus. THE NAMES OF JESUS
  • The thing we are dehorted from, covetousness, 293. by which is not meant a prudent forecast and parsimony, 294. but an anxious care about worldly things, attended with a distrust of Providence, 295. a rapacity in getting, 298. by all illegal ways, 301. a tenaciousness in keeping, Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Brutal, avaricious, worldly, ugly, fierce -- I think you'd agree, wouldn't you, that by using these adjectives I'm not misrepresenting him? ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • She goes to a local dance, where she's swept off her feet by a handsome and worldly pilot who steals a kiss as they walk outside.
  • It's intricate, emotional, cerebral, funny, satirical, worldly, and will have you sifting through your reference books with glee.
  • Lodge is a critic as well as a writer, and his down-to-earth stories have a nice blend of the worldly and the ingenious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it the unadorned simple man that you welcome to your bosom, or a thing of stars and garters, a patch of parchment, the minion of a throne, the lordling of twenty descents, in which each has been weaker than that before it, the hero of a scutcheon, whose glory is in his quarterings, and whose worldly wealth comes from the sweat of serfs whom the euphonism of an effete country has learned to decorate with the name of tenants? ' He Knew He Was Right
  • A precious opium-eating den, with a boudoir for hire and an elegant powder room, this hangout is lavish and otherworldly.
  • I walked out quietly, closing my eyes before I faced the otherworldly brightness of the hotel lobby.
  • John Barton was the great benefactor who paid for the town's first schoolteacher and who later renounced his worldly goods and became an Observant Friar.
  • The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods .
  • The practices of exclusive other-worldly salvation religions did not disappear with modernity, despite early Enlightenment imperatives, and have not disappeared so far despite recent globalization.
  • But her last vestige of power had departed, her most loyal followers had been induced to abandon her cause after the defection of the kalif himself, and Sobeyah, who had been the most powerful of all the Moorish sultanas of Cordova, was now forced in humiliation to withdraw from active participation in worldly affairs and to spend the few remaining years of her life in strict seclusion in a lonely cloister. Women of the Romance Countries
  • It vivifies poetry, which might otherwise be reduced to a mere ‘language of ideas’ - ‘a phantom language, lacking in the substance of worldly things’.
  • Fluorescent light fixtures attached to the ceiling illuminated the space, and the green, orange and yellow powder glowed with an otherworldly, psychedelic intensity.
  • An otherworldly beach made entirely of twisted, bleached white coral pieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • The practice became instead this-worldly and secular.
  • The finely attired strangers who inhabited the canal taverns did not impress his worldly eye as they did the local settlers.
  • For example, a ‘pull yourself up by your own bootstraps’ approach to the poor is unbiblical because it's rooted in a worldly survival-of-the-fittest mentality.
  • Readers of this blog are, by definition, sophisticated and worldly-wise individuals who know full well that major film studios do not read unsolicited screenplays.
  • In a different dimension but not far removed, Obama's Chicago pastor, now eclipsed, Rev. Jeremiah Wright showed Obama a non-dogmatic Christianity: a transcendent God and a zeal for this-worldly activism, but not a direct answer to every political question. Christopher Lydon: Reading Obama's Mind: Pragmatism and Its Perils (AUDIO)
  • The church itself became a two-class system: the ascetic monasteries versus the more worldly regular clergy.
  • If the former is individualistic, magical, and salvationist, the latter is collective, technical, and this-worldly. » Why Jews Write Science Fiction and Christians Write Fantasy …
  • Worldly ambition and sexual desire deflected him from the true path.
  • And there was something otherworldly about him, as if he wasn't there. Times, Sunday Times
  • These poems ‘have a different atmosphere and are more other-worldly, in a curious way.’
  • It has an otherworldly quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seeking to flee worldly pursuits by locating their monasteries within remote valleys, the Cistercians emphasized simplified ritual and inner meditation rather than outward ostentation.
  • Suddenly a Chopin polonaise fills the room, soft and enchanting and so otherworldly that nurses pause on their rounds to listen and some patients take a break from their pain.
  • I think our young people now are getting too worldly wise. Daniel Deronda
  • When dons became involved in worldly affairs, they observed, mistakes were inevitable.
  • They even share a house servant, Manuelo, more worldly and streetwise than anyone else around.
  • It is the decision to forswear love in order to gain omnipotent worldly power.
  • So I want us to get rid of the baggage of all worldly vanity and selfish love for ourselves. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • You get to an age where you don't care what people think and enjoy dishing out the worldly wisdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their preachers were both papists and Puritans, Jacobites and republicans; they ravished wives or influenced them to give up all fleshly pleasures; they coveted other men's goods or denied them the use of worldly possessions.
  • There she sat — laughing — relaxed — engaged in a kind of banter he was old enough to label as adultly worldly. The Grass Crown
  • He is too lacking in worldly wisdom to be a politician.
  • To these professed atheists, we may well add that impious and carnal crew of worldly-minded men, impenitent sinners, that go to hell in a lethargy, or in a dream; who though they be professed Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Yet she is a fine thing, speaking in a worldly way; for there are two distinct tempers of mind in which we judge of things, -- the worldly, theatrical, and pantomimical; and the unearthly, spiritual, and ethereal. Among My Books Second Series
  • Those who renounce worldly goods and become sannyasi, wandering holy mendicants, as the boy claims to have, are greatly respected in Hindu society. Hindu holy man, 13, keeps the faith after parents abduct him
  • Those who came to scoff remained to praise as allegedly worldly-wise hacks marvelled at the Queen's serenity and, according to one, her ‘dazzling smile’ and ‘engaging small talk’.
  • You cannot have too much of that yearning which we call aspiration, for, even though you do not attain your ideal, the efforts you make will bring nothing but blessing; while he who fails of attaining mere worldly goals is too often eaten up with the canker-worm of disappointed ambition. How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
  • Korean Protestantism consciously and deliberately assumed the form of a magical religion, accentuating the present and this-worldly rewards.
  • No," said Katy, slowly, "I was only thinking – Cousin Helen, is it worldly to have pretty things when you're sick? What Katy Did: A Story
  • The natives nearly always carry the whole of their worldly property about with them, and the Australian hunter is thus equipped: round his middle is wound, in many folds, a cord spun from the fur of the opossum, which forms a warm, soft and elastic belt of an inch in thickness, in which are stuck his hatchet, his kiley or boomerang, and a short heavy stick to throw at the smaller animals. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • It can sound slightly comical, or sinister and bestial, but mostly I find it evocatively beautiful, perhaps because it sounds so otherworldly, so little like a human sound.
  • He's the other-worldly mystic, cloistered away, who deals daily in more murder, suffering and unforgiveness than most of us encounter in a month of Monday mornings.
  • Please God, save us from such worldly-minded pastors! "I worked under Cardinal Bernardin and he taught me how to collaborate..."
  • This can easily deteriorate into prudential judgment, worldly planning and manipulation of voting procedures.
  • The Evening Press reported the 39-year-old kept all his worldly possessions on the back seat, shaved in the rear-view mirror, and bedded down on the driver's seat every night wrapped in a waterproof smock.
  • They are part of my fascination with the supernatural, the otherworldly, the dark and sinister, in contrast to the radiometer, which is of the material world, and which relies on the light, rather than dark. What does your writing area say about you? « Write Anything
  • The pride of worldly success will not bring any lasting peace and can quite easily destroy a person's soul.
  • He looked alien, almost other worldly - and so desperately assailable.
  • Today the media drive athletes to the view that the important thing is to gain worldly success.
  • The general tone of the piece is cynical, morbid and unpleasantly other-worldly.
  • Dr. Pipa did not shun away from the traditional understanding of Isaiah 58: 13-14 and its proscription of worldly employments and recreations.
  • For some reason now obscure to him, he'd thought it an impractical study, suited only to unworldly dreamers. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • The vision -- which i hasten to point out, is neither "religious" nor "otherworldly" -- feels like a"startling recognition. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • We were supposed to be all wrapped up in Kyle's otherworldly origins -- turned out his lack of bellybutton, his overdeveloped brain, his lack of social smarts, and his fledgling powers of flight / levitation / etc. all resulted from being "gestated" in a pod for 17 years. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Bathed in the red morning light he looked like a young angel - albeit a rather worldly one.
  • King, his wife's father; whilst he wept before her and said, "O my fady, I choose death for myself and loathe this worldly life, if I foregather not with my wife and children: I have set my existence on the venture and will either attain my aim or die. Arabian nights. English
  • Too many think the recipe for worldly success is the same as it is in school and education. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, Saint Augustine realised that the essentially non-worldly nature of Godhead was not conveyed by these means.
  • Most famous musicians are deep in the occult and it is difficult to find a worldly popular musician who has not dabbled in spiritism to acquire fame and wealth.
  • From a worldly point of view, comportment and appearance were constitutive of identity - the self was, in other words, performative.
  • Zemeks -- young, proud, not real-life worldly yet; that's ok, young Grasshopper -- you need to live a few more years on earth before you can engage me with your "real world" observations and advice; your name backwards is Skemez -- "schemes?" how you made it through school and interviews? it figures; Sound Politics: Anti-War Progressives For McGavick?
  • That it can taper is a good sign against the idea of "addiction" and looking back I wouldn't use the word addiction because while habitual the times could be constrained and periods of excessive play were correlated to other personal events...just as likely I would have sort of "turtled" out of worldly stresses reading a novel etc but.. A Virtual World Winter?
  • Everybody has been pleased and amused, except the two clergymen who are here, and who have begun a course of sermons against what they call a destructive torrent of worldly gaiety. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • Some forms of contemporary theology have reacted strongly against this anti-body attitude and this other-worldly spirituality of modern Gnostics, whether within or outside the Church.
  • An otherworldly beach made entirely of twisted, bleached white coral pieces. Times, Sunday Times

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