

  1. involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope
    neither national nor continental but planetary
    global war
    of worldwide significance
    global monetary policy
    a world crisis
  2. spanning or extending throughout the entire world
    a worldwide epidemic
    worldwide distribution
  3. of worldwide scope or applicability
    the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time
    an issue of cosmopolitan import
    universal experience

How To Use world-wide In A Sentence

  • In summary, Dr. Green, after studying and researching this question for over 20 years, it is my firm conviction that aspartame lowers seizure threshold, mimics or exacerbates a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, contributes to the incidence of certain cancers, and because of it's impact on the hypothalamic "appestat" plays a significant role in the world-wide epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Psychiatry Professor informs Hawaii House Health Committee of Dangers of Aspartame, as Medical Professional
  • It also referred to what it called "extraordinarily challenging world-wide economic conditions" and higher raw material prices. BBC News - Home
  • With more than 50 million Larsson books sold world-wide, publishers scrambled to anoint his literary heir—preferably a political and prolix Scandinavian. Tattooed by Politics
  • By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
  • Apple said it presold more than 600,000 of the phones world-wide on the first day. AT
  • The Islands 'volcanic landforms represent classic features in the continuing study of vulcanology world-wide. Aeolian Islands, Italy
  • This film broke box office attendance records in Cuba and achieved world-wide acclaim.
  • That this region was a sort of alembic, a melting-pot (as America is today) for various peoples of an ancient world-wide culture, as broad at least in its scope as the term Aryan is today. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs
  • The world-wide success of "Suite Fran aise" is a kind of bookend to N mirovsky's success in the 1930s, when she made a name for herself in France by writing a work very different in tone and intention. A Writer's Contradictions
  • Other insects, such as cutworm and grasshoppers, are general agricultural pests world-wide.
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