How To Use World view In A Sentence

  • From that perch, one's picture of the cosmos grows to galactic proportions, dwarfing any prior world view and yielding a perspective transcendent beyond imagination.
  • I refer to the far greater and more sweeping drama in which we are all caught up and which will profoundly affect our world view in the years ahead.
  • This brought about by a Republican President with a chiliastic world view aided by the Neocon Manicheanism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In those days the study of nature turned away from the Aristotelian world view with its em - phasis on qualitative change and teleological reasoning. NUMBER
  • `Elizabeth, we don't have to rehash our opposing world views. DOUBTING THOMAS
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  • The reliance on luck, with all the hunches and superstitions it involves, is portrayed here as a kind of world view, an attitude towards life that turns out to be founded on despair.
  • Just call it wack and go on about your business of treating those with a different world view as something to poop on. Think Progress » Help Improve ThinkProgress
  • `Elizabeth, we don't have to rehash our opposing world views. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • It is built into a world view which, given time, rarely fails to bubble up.
  • We now have the third and fourth generation growing up since then for whom it is simply outside their world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, two events occurred recently which, had they happened in isolation, would probably not have resulted in such a seismic shift in my world view as they did in combination.
  • As a world view it is quite as bleak as one based on inheritance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of reticence or modesty played little part in their world view.
  • As part of the world view the sacred cosmos stands in a relationship with the social structure as a whole. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • If someone shows me evidence that destroys my world view, or even shakes it sizeably, then I will stop being an atheist.
  • Even several people I know who generally share his world view told me they found his strutting pomposity almost unbearable this year.
  • Her paintings and drawings offer a glimpse into the world view of an Aboriginal Australian who has emerged with a positive vision of the future for all people.
  • The key problem is that the burden of proof, or demand for evidence, may vary according to a policy's perceived fit with the prevailing collective world views about issues of popular topical interest.
  • The sacred cosmos is part of the world view. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The pro-choice world view is not centered around a Divine Being, but rather around a belief in the highest abilities of human beings. American Grace
  • From the folk culture, adolescents receive a world view and an identification with a unique cultural system.
  • The difficulty, as ever, is that it inevitably encompasses a very partial and contradictory world view.
  • It is not his fault if Waugh's world view seeps too biliously through the pictures, or if one of the central actors has been drastically miscast.
  • Rawlins operates on the streets, filtering the ghetto life around him through a world view that is cynical to the point of world-weary.
  • But the complexity of his own world view he opposed British involvement in the war but was himself a power-worshiper with a totalitarian itch who believed passionately in human perfectibility charges what might have been a standard-issue Shavian sermon with the multilayered ambiguity of high art. Smile as the Bomb Goes Off
  • It's a small act of altruism which changes not only their world view but the space time continuum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The live coverage by the three channels, which experts estimate beams into tens of millions of Arab homes, plays a key role in shaping how this part of the world views a conflict.
  • A major concern — though not an immediate one — is that an Islamist government could someday take power in Cairo, drastically reordering Egypt's world view in a manner similar to what happened in Iran, when the 1979 Islamic revolution overthrew the American -backed shah. Rioters Jolt Egyptian Regime
  • They are faced with a myriad flood of information that they have to process and integrate into their world view very rapidly and quite literally on the fly.
  • In the following weeks, I came to realise that I had to reassess my world view.
  • In this twisted world view, teachers, nursery staff and now childminders are assumed to be the least trustworthy adults of all.
  • The scientific perspective is a profoundly kinetic view of the world, a world view predisposed to change.
  • The world view as a historical matrix of meaning spans the life of the individual and the life of generations. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • They are genuinely by ideas that run contrary world view. The Sun
  • I think that might concentrate his mind wonderfully as to the validity of different world views!
  • These binary oppositions were natural to a medical world view that took for granted a Cartesian mind-body dualism.
  • Though the Protestant Christianity is lonesome in the Tibetan ethnic group, the course of the propagation reflected the cross swords of two world view.
  • This break implies not only a change in organizational affiliations, but a profound and thoroughgoing transformation in the political perspective and world view of the working class.
  • Ostensibly the techno- and ecocentric world views are very different, though they overlap in such centrist doctrines as ‘sustainable development’ and ‘ecological modernisation’.
  • And I thought that free thinking involved examining the claims for differing world views, whether religious or atheistical, evaluating those views and reaching a conclusion which is not determined in advance by prejudice. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.
  • Don Juan, the shamanic teacher of Carlos Castaneda, expressed the Spider Woman world view when he described the silver filaments that extend from everyone's solar plexus and reach out to join the silver filaments of everyone else's cord, creating a vibrant living web of connection. Donna Henes: Connecting To The World Wide Web Of Life
  • They are genuinely by ideas that run contrary world view. The Sun
  • It has a broad world view, but with a healthy North-West England bias.
  • Our world view is quite different from that of writers in the fourth century BC.
  • Your stance on them is a telling indicator of your world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • They provide a world view of people working to protect the planet we live on.
  • He has that beautiful kind of stretchy mind that can understand--and help you understand-- different people's world views--from the Dutch Muslim kid to the right-wing politician. Getting Unstuck
  • The average wishy-washy middle-class liberal like myself finds herself thrashing desperately between her worthy political world view of them as victims and sheer annoyance at their failure to seize their chances.
  • He would have prophetically foreseen the emergence of a strong current of materialism and secularism from the core orientations of the preceding era which had been marked by the spirit of the enlightenment and in which the traditional values of the old world view had already begun to be shaken. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • I, in other words, explain how the holistic and ecological world view can meet postmodern feminist critical theory.
  • Providing ideological world views to the ignorant is how neocons make their way in the world.
  • The best illustration of this world view - a view of thought rather than of action - was the Stoic and Epicurean therapies of the Hellenistic Age.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The Stoics developed a sophisticated psychological theory to explain how the advent of reason fundamentally transforms the world view of human beings as they mature.
  • All these nine characteristics have both weaknesses and strengths; out of duality of being, these unique natures can provide certain creative energies, motives, and world views.
  • In my world view, this life we are living right now is all we have, and thus every moment of it should be enjoyed.
  • Like a mardy teenager, they bang on about how everything that doesn't fit in with their very narrow world view as ‘unfair’.
  • All of this adds up to a world view that seems inconsistent. Times, Sunday Times
  • A start can be world viewpoints that people hold dear and strong in their hearts.
  • What arises from it is a mix of affinities and disaffinities, a network of discussants who don't necessarily share the same world view.
  • If someone shows me evidence that destroys my world view, or even shakes it sizeably, then I will stop being an atheist.
  • Where we diverge most sharply with Mr. Dean is on his emerging world view.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Gradually my understanding of existence led me more and more to a scientific, materialistic world view.
  • Berlin's monochrome world view is now under attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • From that perch, one's picture of the cosmos grows to galactic proportions, dwarfing any prior world view and yielding a perspective transcendent beyond imagination.
  • I had to change my world view to actively learn shamanic techniques from Nepal.
  • Behind this need to retaliate is the damage to our world view.
  • Teachers influence the world view of their young students.
  • Their world view was the most unpleasant ever conceived by man.
  • It turns out that nearly everyone, Japanese or otherwise, is a philistine in the condescending and rather snobbish world view of the film.
  • One of the things I don't like about his book is that it begins by outlining a mythic cosmogeny, a mythic beginning of the universe, and then dismissing it in favour of the scientific world view, as though one is redundant.
  • Among Marston's many world views was that civilization was reverting into a 'matriarchy' and that females would ultimately use innate powers of 'sexual enslavement' to achieve dominance over men. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.
  • a friend of mine pointed me to this article and said that a political science class that he was in in the 60s did an exercise to demonstrate to the students exactly this sort of bias in themselves, which was nontrivially disconcerting especially for those like Marxists who flatter themselves that their world views are based on constant challenging of their own thesis… Partisan Thinkers Don’t Use Reasoning
  • This, of course, signifies a mythopoeic world view - myth-making - as well as the beginning of religion.
  • He attempts to present a world view in which humans are not central and which argues against the humanist belief in progress.
  • The easiest way to do this is to come up with a glib explanation for the failure, to explain how this failure is not real - or can readily be overcome - and to power ahead so that any disconfirmation of a person's world view is interpreted instead as affirmation for it. Stanton Peele: Afghanistan: The Psychology of Failure as Justification for Continuing Futility
  • His music, MacMillan confesses, is “very much shaped” by his world view and Catholic faith. The Passion of James MacMillan
  • They don't organise like a communist party and their world view is radically different from that of the stodgy dogmatists of the past.
  • Our world view is quite different from that of writers in the fourth century BC.
  • It is not his fault if Waugh's world view seeps too biliously through the pictures, or if one of the central actors has been drastically miscast.
  • They more often become full-blown—but usually unacknowledged—metaphysical world views, especially in times of great social change when older belief systems are being unreflectively marginalized in the name of progress. What Do Boys and Girls Draw? » Sociological Images
  • Many artists express their world view in their work.
  • He argued that the journalists have a particular world view that can't be shaken up.
  • His world view revolves around a battle between rich and poor.
  • The outlook, the world view, was clearly other-worldly.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • `Elizabeth, we don't have to rehash our opposing world views. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Someone needs to call him on his patently racist and supremacist world view.
  • As a result, they end up with very homogeneous institutions, like major media, which reflect the world view of a self-selecting few.
  • We now have the third and fourth generation growing up since then for whom it is simply outside their world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may be the difference between Cohen's deontology, concerned with duty for its own sake, and a teleological world view, concerned with the consequences of actions.
  • In this world view objecting to isreali overkill is “anti jewish”, and objecting to american troops raping and killing innocent iraqis with impunity is “anti-american”. Think Progress » 66.
  • I realise I'm wrong about both of these people, I just can't bring myself to embrace their world view.
  • Heaven forbid you exist as a woman of color and decide to allow your experience to shape your world view when everyone knows that whiteness is the great normaliser. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The overwhelming solid proof that the CMS is more efficient than any private health insurance company is just rejected as unpossible by people with this world view. Matthew Yglesias » Saving Money vs Spending Less Money
  • Selfish, survivalist world views are extremely resilient to opposition.
  • Theories of intimate relationships in the modern world view passionate love as a problem to be managed.
  • In doing so they fool themselves that the wisdom of the people must inevitably support their world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • The failures of the system are attributed to causes within the world view of the those receiving the welfare, namely the unlikelihood of that class of people being honest, and not the fact that the administrators of the program were dishonest. On Being Bad
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • His unilateralist world view, reinforced by his close advisers, cannot work in a world where global cooperation is necessary.
  • The third flaw in the protesters ' world view is their lack of a counter proposal.
  • His argument may seem arcane, even to most Muslims, but to men who had risked their lives in order to carry out what they saw as the authentic precepts of their religion, every word assaulted their world view and brought into question their own chances for salvation. RELIGION Blog |
  • At other times, the children's comments suggest irreconcilable differences and utterly incommensurable world views.
  • On that sun-drenched summer day, every bend commanded out-of-the-world views and we surrendered to the seductions of the idyllic setting, knowing that life couldn't get better than this!
  • Thirdly systems philosophy which involves reorientation of thought and world view consequent upon the advent of system as a new scientific paradigm.
  • I feel like my world view will not sustain itself and I may implode.
  • In doing so they fool themselves that the wisdom of the people must inevitably support their world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • That should come as no surprise, given that Lang was quoted in The Globe and Mail on Aug. 10, 2006, saying: The problem is, there isn’t anyone who can take him Hillier on with a counterworld view. Expectedly partisan
  • No, I'm watching the mind at work, moving fluidly between ideas before weaving them into a cohesive world view.
  • In their focus on Jesus they are basically concerned with how he relates to current world views and frameworks of understanding.
  • Students were assigned to three distinctive world views: monotheism, polytheism, and atheism.
  • But the complexity of his own world view he opposed British involvement in the war but was himself a power-worshiper with a totalitarian itch who believed passionately in human perfectibility charges what might have been a standard-issue Shavian sermon with the multilayered ambiguity of high art. Smile as the Bomb Goes Off
  • Loses points however for reducing The Fall's world view to "curmudgeonly". FallNews - Unreadable.....
  • In effect their fiscal mandate meant their version of reality failed to synchronize with the police world view.
  • Bleak as it is, it is not the book of a disenchanter; and in writing it Crace was not simply proclaiming his adherence to a scientifically informed world view or crudely demolishing the concept of an afterlife. Homo Erectus
  • I think western civilization is built on three fundamental and interlocking principles that form the Western world view.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • They adhered to an 'exclusivist and reactionary world view' and were loud and well-organised, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was it the man himself or someone else with a bigger world view?
  • And their world view became embodied in a pagan cult.
  • These are voices that represent all world views and political creeds.
  • The fact that she cannot comprehend this says more about her world view than ours.
  • They pick candidates, they pick issues, they pick sort of world views based upon viewpoints.
  • Many artists express their world view in their work.
  • Many artists express their world view in their work.
  • There is little room for theism in this world view.
  • We defined the world view as an elementary social form of religion. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • You make the mistake of thinking, in your pisspoor posts, that we don; t know jack abotu US or world politics, and that we buy into a paranoid world view where we choose leaders because they 'frighten' other leaders. The McCain factor
  • With nonsense verse, he demonstrated his unique world view, recorded the social situation of his time and displayed his objection to the Victorian seriousness and portentousness.
  • Apart from being completely unscientific and unsupported this whole line betrays a world view of utter despair.
  • (Part 3 will be posted in the next few weeks) [1] Interestingly, the nature of Brahman is described as transpersonal, personal, and impersonal by different philosophical schools; hence my statement at the very beginning of this essay that Hinduism is less a monolithic religion than a system of varied beliefs and practices based around similar world views and understandings of the universe. Unknowing Mind
  • And a peep from an uncommon angle imparts a new dimension not just to the artist's world view but also to the audience.
  • Our world view has become debased. We no longer have a sense of the sacred.
  • At other times, the children's comments suggest irreconcilable differences and utterly incommensurable world views.
  • Our world view is quite different from that of writers in the fourth century BC.
  • He would have experienced a thoroughly unpleasant and ugly world view but a breathtaking piece of theatre.
  • The naff lyrics of karaoke anthems make an amusing vehicle for their simplistic world view. Times, Sunday Times
  • You engaged in hyperbolic vitriol and attempted to turn my stance into one of a patronizing controlling male incapable of comprehending your world view. Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Sphere sovereignty is an alternative to the world views of ecclesiasticism and secularism (especially in its Statist form).
  • Here she is not only a blues poet, but also a part of a blues people grounded in a specific set of conditions that give birth to the blues as music and as world view.
  • You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view.
  • The meaningful coherence of the world view as a whole and of the sacred cosmos is worked out "theoretically" by a body of incipient experts. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • His world view revolves around a battle between rich and poor.
  • In our scientific age with its rationalistic world view, the idea of a person being raised form the dead sees laughable.
  • Eco argues passionately for a world view that is tolerant of those who are different, as we all ultimately are.
  • Through practice, we should make continuous adjustments to our world view.
  • The differences in world views between America and continental Europe are gradual, not antithetic, and the similarities exceed the differences by large.
  • But, surprisingly, much of the world views that money creation only occurs with the deposit into a bank account.
  • Means I am currently trying to unpack What so worthy and requiring of understanding in Sustainability (The balance between human needs and those of the natural environment), and Kaitiakitanga (Managing the modern day environment based on a Maori world view and notions of guardianship, all life is connected, manu, tapu and mauri). Minsky's attempt to explain hard problem solving
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The protectors of pornography have arguments and principles; the status quo supports the validity and legitimacy of their world view.
  • Labour have been severely punished for the social and economic policies that lie at the very core of their world view.
  • The big ones are power satellites (beaming zero-carbon-footprint energy to earth), zero-G industrial processes (things that can't be cheaply made in a gravity field, such as foamed steel), and tourism (I'm looking forward to Disneymoon, and that first Hyatt with an out-of-this-world view). Near-future Space Industries
  • The world view as a historical matrix of meaning spans the life of the individual and the life of generations. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The world view of the secular left or hard left is indeed a dogma or a religious faith.
  • Impose your world view on others because you don't like the world view being imposed by those others.
  • He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.
  • Therefore, the researcher is limited in the degree to which he or she can genuinely adopt the world view of the people being studied.

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