
How To Use Workings In A Sentence

  • Many people confuse the workings of capitalism that lead to lower costs and greater profits with free trade.
  • The nature reserve is covered with quarry pits, grooves, and mines resulting from Roman and later workings.
  • The inner workings of alien spacecraft are at last revealed!
  • Brooks managed to squeeze 'peripatetic', 'equanimity', 'homeostasis', 'sojourner', 'grandiloquent' and 'didactic' into the brief 850 word article on the inner workings of Obama's mind, exposing a fragile psyche of his own, and a desperate need to validate his position as a national talking head. Ben Cohen: David Brooks and Big Words
  • Shops and open markets lined the streets, blacksmiths and leather shops had iron workings and hides tanning outside.
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  • The workings of opera are turned inside out.
  • This, admittedly, gives one a splendid insight into the more mysterious workings of the human mind.
  • Our bewilderment derives from our failure to turn inward and really examine the workings of our own minds.
  • In fact, it's precisely because we do not know how it works that we do not rule out the possibility that it does in fact work, the possibility even that others might understand the workings we do not -- hence the term arcanum, with its associations of secret knowledge. Archive 2008-08-01
  • It's an odd story, a keek through the keyhole at the inner workings of how to stay famous, but it also serves to illustrate just how far the writer has come.
  • The building is surrounded on three sides by the pink-brown textured walls of old quarry workings, so that the archives are held in a granite embrace.
  • I wear a belt and chain at the workings to get the corves out.
  • Explore the workings of democracy in a vibrant community; get to know the kibbutz through its leaders; learn about the history of the kibbutz movement.
  • This has been attributed to the workings of the claque of a rival singer; but whatever the truth of the matter, it was Albani's first and last appearance in that theatre.
  • We usually don't see the workings of the behind-the-scenes handlers and shapers and coaxers and helpers.
  • As far as Roe vs. Wade goes, I'm somewhat ignorant on the inner political workings, but my thought is that McCain is going to find he has what Wodehouse likes to call a "pippin" on his hands if he tries to relegate Palin to high-school graduation speeches once in office. News
  • Here these creatures had harnessed the grinding workings of the planets themselves, all to survive, all to call a plaintive note into a still and silent sky. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding.
  • The poem depicts the workings of an imminent deity that has the power to reanimate himself in every ‘face’ and take on the form of any human being, even the ‘dark skins His Father wrought.’
  • Sure enough, as Jesus taught, when I answered vileness with kindness the stranger did part from my coopery as my friend instead of my enemy, and with a wiser eye about the workings of the Lord among men. Alvin Journeyman
  • a basic situation, and psychological-medical issues concerned with the actual character of ataractic processes in the inner workings of the person. HAPPINESS AND PLEASURE
  • Without this crucial element, we can never expect to grasp fully the workings of large-group psychology.
  • What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me.
  • The normal workings of the rugby world are put on hold in the week before an international, but as soon as something approximating to business as usual resumes tomorrow morning, the inquest which has been brewing all week will begin.
  • Upper classes are often heavily loaded with current world affairs and the complicated workings of the United Nations and its agencies.
  • They do not have the same intricate inner workings of women and they are not unfathomable pools of emotions swirling effervescently in a bubbling turmoil of feelings and needs.
  • The day will come when I too must be pushed from my stool by the workings of younger genius, and shall sink, as poor Mr. Brown is now sinking, into the foggy depths of fogeydom. The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson By One of the Firm
  • For the parapsychologist, this should be considered a useful introduction to the workings of the mind of a creative thinker in the field of conjuring.
  • The guessing game over the commandante's health and influence? diplomats in Havana admit ignorance over the hermetic regime's inner workings? recalled the inexact science of Kremlinology, which tracked Politburo dynamics during Red Square parades. Cuba left guessing on Revolution Day as Fidel Castro misses big parade
  • In the end, it's an argument that profoundly misunderstands the role and the workings of fiction, mistaking its ability to reflect and allegorize the world for an idea that a change in the representation might change the world reflected and allegorized. The “Do You Know What MySpace Is?” of its Day | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • They are alone with the rollercoaster of emotion even though they are still part of the workings of political machine.
  • Reading his “contract on america”, then the inverview, I never expected to see such die-hard, heatless, dogmatic, indomitable cluelessness about the workings of Society. Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
  • The public has had the pleasure of an unprecedented and still unfolding expose on the inner workings of a public service operating in a culture of fear.
  • He talked about being able to purge yourself of issues, fears and anxieties by personifying them as demons and then doing workings to expel them.
  • Although seen as toys, many are indistinguishable from real weapons unless you hold them and examine their workings.
  • It is hard to understand the complex workings of the social security system.
  • There are also plans being drawn up to simplify the language and workings of courts to make them clearer.
  • Ultimately, it precludes a collective understanding of the workings of an economic system which destroys people's lives.
  • With this grand insight into the inner workings of oppression, our educational theorists inveigh against “standard English” and counsel respect for “alternative dialects.” February 9th, 2009
  • She is now a self-employed consultant advising on the workings of the Scottish parliament.
  • Upper classes are often heavily loaded with current world affairs and the complicated workings of the United Nations and its agencies.
  • Looking into his eyes while carrying on a conversation was like glimpsing the inner workings of a supercomputer, for you could almost see the sparks flying, brain synapses in rapid fire. Sunday Scribblings-Date
  • Caves, tunnels and mine workings may be used to provide cover for communications centers and stations.
  • Their research aims to shed light on the workings of the human mind.
  • Your responses to his work are planned long in advance, using the logic and workings of an emotional mathematician.
  • First, the synthetic systems can serve as a basis to understand the workings of natural systems, which are usually much more complicated and difficult to unravel.
  • Although they often deal with the same subject, the clearest message here is that the prints are neither preliminary workings for his paintings nor mere afterthoughts.
  • Virchow entered medicine in the early 1840s, when nearly every disease was attributed to the workings of some invisible force: miasmas, neuroses, bad humors, and hysterias. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The mine workings occupy much of the west side of an isolated low hill composed mainly of light-colored volcanic rock, described as felsite porphyry or trachyte, highly altered to clay minerals.
  • Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind, your humor, your kindness and your moral courage.
  • Eventually stoping cut farther into the veins so that either shafts had to be sunk or adits driven into the hillside to make connections with the underground workings.
  • His speciality - opening his face mask to reveal the electronic workings of his head - had the audience gasping.
  • Charles A. Ruud and Sergei A. Stepanov have mined a rich collection of memoirs and archival materials to explore the psychology and workings of the secret police.
  • He employed thirty to forty men in the mid-1930s and extracted ore from underground workings that were accessed by shafts and declines.
  • To understand the workings of an organisation we need to impose the structure of human relationships on top of the formal structure.
  • He homes in on exactly where the drugs are hidden, seeming to know the workings of their minds in hiding the drugs in the most inaccessible of places.
  • Foxgloves, bright polypody ferns and rushes thrive in the hollows of surface tin workings while wheel pits, settling tanks and buddles associated with the extraction of tin and china clay are masked by scrub, and the derelict structures colonised by spleenwort ferns and moss. Country diary: Bodmin Moor
  • These Oxford dons were convinced that the only reason the state could interfere in the workings of the church was that the English nation had forgotten the apostolic roots of its church.
  • The substantial remains of the cavalry fort include a bath house showing the sophisticated workings of the underfloor heating system.
  • The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.
  • With the dumps gone, datolite collecting switched to the accessible underground workings of the Michigan mine.
  • I pull myself away from a session on "The workings of chevre kadishas," tip toe out of an interesting session on Gaza with John Ging, the UNRWA director, altogether skip the session on "How Matzah became square," and head out to do some interviews. Danna Harman: What I Learned At Limmud
  • I'll never understand the inner workings of the film industry.
  • This argument will never convince those who see our bodies as machines, as complex assemblages of molecular parts, whose workings become more manipulable the more we understand them.
  • The water and blackdamp came from disused workings adjoining the mine.
  • On the hillside above the valley evidence of ancient agricultural field systems and workings known as strip lynchets can be seen.
  • Use of Cimzia, Enbrel Humira and Remicade may put patients at risk for deadly fungal infections such as histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis (San Joaquin Valley Fever). disease that seeks out the patient's lungs as primary target for its workings, has been known since 1905 as Darling's disease. All Categories Featured Content - Associated Content
  • Children competed for the job of ‘door boy’: opening and closing canvas brattices that directed air through the active workings underground.
  • The media has exposed deceit and fabrication behind the workings of the government machinery and the various commissions set up to look into acts of violence.
  • Success is what we're after, not fiddling around debating things to do with the internal workings of the party.
  • The specific biochemical workings of that signal are very complex and involve opiate receptors in the spinal cord, and a special interneuron pathway that facilitates communication within the spinal cord itself Opiate receptors operate in response to acupuncture in a similar manner as they do with drug intervention. The Last Chance Dog
  • Alan Turing was not to see the coming revolution in modern biology, or the advances of neuroscience in deciphering the workings of the brain.
  • From my workings with the government departments, as well as colleagues, it is always the government officials which push for money on the side, if in the order of discount, or in the order of free tickers, or actual off the book "commision", and where we did not comply with there requirements they just did not help us. News24 Top Stories
  • The workings consist of three adits with 3,300 feet of drifts, raises, and crosscuts.
  • Explore the Lowther Hills or wander along lower-level paths, past the old lead mine workings.
  • It's great to hear the inner-workings of Madsen, whom in my opinion, is quite unique and woefully unappreciated. /Film Boston - An Interview with Michael Madsen | /Film
  • This makes for a natural dissolve to the internal workings of the company and, specifically, the Colet boardroom, in which Madame Colet is meeting with her governing board.
  • This fascination with the workings of the semiconscious mind and with the phenomenology of sense impression goes back to his earliest efforts.
  • Their research aims to shed light on the workings of the human mind.
  • Tthe veteran MP provided him with advice and mentorship on the workings of parliament.
  • The world in general, and the book trade in particular, is unfair, unjust, and patently absurd in its workings.
  • These international alliances, Edwards argues, constitute diaspora in practice, and that its inner workings can be most tangibly grasped in translation.
  • Daniel Defoe was knowledgeable and proficient in seamanship, he understood the workings of a ship and the skills required for its operation.
  • Hollywood suffers, as does parliamentary journalism, from a belief that people are far more interested in the inner workings and machinations of the business than they are.
  • In the end, it's an argument that profoundly misunderstands the role and the workings of fiction, mistaking its ability to reflect and allegorize the world for an idea that a change in the representation might change the world reflected and allegorized. The “Do You Know What MySpace Is?” of its Day | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Being; and "the Son's" recognition of Love as the active principle of this Unity gives him an intuitive insight into all those inner workings of the Universal Life which we call the arcana of Nature. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
  • In his treatise on the Florentine family, I libri della famiglia, Alberti echoes Vitruvius in describing the reciprocity between material works and the workings of the mind: There are ... activities in which the powers of body and mind function together to bring profit. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Now you can confabulate about the inner workings of his mind when he composed Quixote if you want. Concept of the unified text
  • The structure of the political system and the workings of that system favour those who have economic influence.
  • His title marks and deforms the subject with the stroke of a typo, a coquille, the semi-random byproduct of the workings of technological reproduction; his thesis is that "Romanticism, broadly understood, can be said to trouble the reduction of the subject to the merely subjective," even though Romanticism has also "promoted that somewhat newfangled thing called the subject. Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • Readers up on Carr's recent writings on terrorism may wonder, however, if there's some allegorizing going on when it comes to the workings or not of Victoria's intelligence agents. The Little Professor:
  • And if you're a longtime fan, the biography helps explain the inner workings of the band and offers factoids you can use to, ahem, impress your friends.
  • Most likely, firedamp had accumulated in a sealed-off area of exhausted workings, then an old wall had cracked and was rapidly leaking the dreaded gas into the occupied tunnels. A Place Called Freedom
  • Some monastic granges had particular functions, for example as agrarian farms, sheep farms, cattle ranches, horse studs, or industrial workings.
  • The South African asbestos trade responded to the post-war boom by initiating and extending underground workings, and by centralizing and mechanizing the refining process.
  • He professes to be unpractical, yet is prone to complex diagrams to explain the inner workings of telecom circuits and market dynamics.
  • You can read the book fairly quickly, but there are things you'll want to come back to -- some of the musings about destiny, and the place of what some call the numinous or the fates, some call the workings of God, in the way things turn out. Dewey's Treehouse
  • The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonable assumed. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • He inveigled himself into the workings of the claimant company indicating to them that he was a solicitor and could assist them in litigation with which they were involved.
  • Most of our supermarkets are adventurous about wine, and existing hotels, bars, wine bars and wine shops are reinvesting their profits into luxurious and thoughtful re-workings of their existing shops.
  • Beneath the site there were some disused mine shafts leading to old coal workings which, unknown to the defendants, were connected to the plaintiff's mine.
  • They can open a window on the inner workings of ivory tower, debunking stereotypes of academics as detached from the real world.
  • But our object is not to analyze the social influence of Monachism in the middle ages: much might be said against it, and many evils traced to the sad workings of its evil spirit, but still withal something may be said in favor of it, and those who regard its influence in _those days alone_ may find more to admire and defend than they expected, or their Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • By watching the workings of our own mind we can learn how to identify these delusions.
  • Modern thinkers, who have thoroughly assimilated the idea of changeless laws underlying all phenomena, and who have studied the workings of these laws, are at first apt to reject any and every theory of the forgiveness of sins as being inconsistent with that fundamental truth, just as the scientist, penetrated with the idea of the inviolability of law, repels all thought which is inconsistent with it. Esoteric Christianity, or The Lesser Mysteries
  • It immediately recalls the contemporary paintings of Johannes Phokela, whose re-workings of European Old Masters insert black figures into otherwise Western contexts.
  • Among the Barcaeans there was a skilled worker in brass who took a brazen shield and, carrying it round within the wall, applied it here and there at places where he thought the workings might be.
  • In some instances, subsurface information from drill holes, mine workings, and geophysical surveys provide supporting factual information.
  • Now, we realize that the rest of the planet doesn't give a dog's bone about the inner workings of shluppy, underpaid media schmucks, but let me tell you: This is a really huge thing in our little world.
  • Both areas include extensive abandoned mine workings for coal and, locally, oil-shale.
  • Basic facts of Indian history and life are laboriously spelt out in early chapters while in others the author assumes that readers know the meanings of Hindi words such as sannyasi someone who has renounced worldly things and be acquainted with the workings of Indian 'vote banks'. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Mining mostly took place in opencast workings, and primitive methods involving hand sorting and sieving were used to refine the fibre.
  • My favorite quote from the book concerns the early workings of American-style democratic politics.
  • Pinker claims that ISN provides another example of creolization and the workings of the innate language faculty: it is Innateness and Language
  • The vehicles are sometime rather complicated to run, and it is essential to have the workings explained to you.
  • Ah," she said, on a tone judiciously compounded of feminine artlessness and of forthright British candour, and with a play of the eyebrows that attributed her momentary suscitation to the workings of memory, "of course -- Blanchemain. My Friend Prospero
  • They counterpose their views with the views of many modern scientists - who dissect nature in an attempt to isolate and understand its workings.
  • A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
  • The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.
  • Is it a fad, or an unscrupulous plot against favorite exotic ornamentals like privet or barberry, or perhaps a revelation borne from scrutinizing eyes on the workings of our natural world?
  • He was evidently brimful of mischief -- his expression betokened it; no doubt he was one of the most thorough little scamps that ever played at "morra," but there was a charm about his handsome dirty face and unkempt hair, and I watched him amusedly, glad to be distracted for a few minutes from the tired inner workings of my own unhappy thoughts. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • The former includes meditations on the precious human existence, impermanence, the defects of sasra, the workings of karma and the need for a spiritual guide or guru.
  • He describes the inner workings of the Persian court where fear of and toadying to the king predominated and how that affected the campaign against Greece.
  • Their research aims to shed light on the workings of the human mind.
  • I felt I had finally penetrated William's menacing mask and gained some understanding of the workings of his mind.
  • His references to ‘God’ did not mark a reversion to religion, but expressed a certain awe at the workings of nature.
  • Learn to read shell scripts and follow their workings.
  • It was an exercise he sometimes practised when attempting to understand the inner workings of those predisposed to crime. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • A pump was used to remove water from the old workings.
  • Nobel Prizes have recognized a number of the triumphs along the way, among them Watson, Crick and Wilkins 'decipherment of the helical structure of DNA and Roger Kornberg's uncovering of the workings of the enzyme RNA polymerase, which turns DNA into RNA. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Speed Read
  • Thus there is both a suitableness and a constancy in the workings of the heart.
  • On this DVD David Taylor shares with you the inner workings of this fantastic piece of mentalism .
  • Embracing value-based metrics fully means taking the time to adjust their inner workings to fit your company's needs.
  • One of my Hermetic hobbies is the dissection and understanding of the workings of individual emotional responses.
  • He was an engineer by profession, and used to look after the engines and trucks which ran on the light railways out to the more distant parts of the opencast mine workings.
  • The workings of the Stock Exchange are beyond most people's ken.
  • And being a politician helps me get good raw material about the inside workings of governments and organizations.
  • New investigative techniques have opened up the black box of the brain and have begun to shed light on its inner workings.
  • Ultimately, Green Hill became honeycombed with mine workings and covered in dumps.
  • It was time to delve into uncharted territory: the workings of the handle itself.
  • She is now a self-employed consultant advising on the workings of the Scottish parliament.
  • I know the manor, but not well enough to know the workings of my fool brother's mind.
  • With a quiet word to his Mary, he started a night-long search, checking at the Gaming House, questioning other miners and searching the tracks and workings.
  • See if you can pry the insole up and see what's going on in the inner workings.
  • In vain do we look for Providence in the workings of nature.
  • The draft constitution claims that the workings of the union ‘shall be founded on the principle of representative democracy’.
  • Water ingress was a major problem in such workings, and in 1830 Admiral Lord Thomas Cochrane patented the technique of using compressed air in tunnels and caissons to exclude water.
  • Our understanding of its workings is so good that we are able to use it to develop lasers, transistors, microchips, and computers; the whole of our technological society is built upon it in a thousand different ways.
  • The rape of a slave woman disrupted the workings of the plantation, since angry slaves were not hard-working slaves. A Renegade History of the United States
  • For the most part these aren't radical reworkings, although the omnipresent parping horns and hammering keys at times mean the sound approaches showband-esque sameyness, and a couple of tracks are marred by ham-fisted editing.
  • Critical of science's objectification of nature, Smith constructs mechanized assemblages whose structural workings derive from natural laws and principles, such as chaos theory, fractal geometry and biomathematics.
  • You may be lucky and that necessary little twist may be given to you by the workings of intuition.
  • As a result, there is a general suspicion about the truth of statements emerging from the machine about the workings of government policy.
  • A main body with a small monitor sitting above the main workings of the machine, all encased in plastic.
  • Males can be beguiled into a signal by the workings of the female mind.
  • The expected solution is a permanent diversion around the problem, which is a legacy of old mine workings.
  • Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind, your humor, your kindness and your moral courage.
  • The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.
  • Romeo and Juliet, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead and West Side Story are just some of the many classic reworkings of Shakespearean text, paying due homage to his work, the apotheosis of the art of the dramaturge.
  • The incense had been burning for a while now, and the damp cottage was full of the sleepy, hypnotic smell that goes with magical workings.
  • Will it ever be possible to develop computer simulations that accurately model the complex inner workings of the human brain and other vital organs?
  • In this light, it is easier to understand why he has lent himself so readily to metafictional reworkings. The Times Literary Supplement
  • the inscrutable workings of Providence
  • I'll never understand the inner workings of the film industry.
  • He gained a lot more insight into the workings of our legal system from his experience than I did from mine.
  • The workings of the system were entirely capricious and arbitrary.
  • If demarcation is a mute issue, perhaps educational institutions would be well served to adopt a broader and more vital approach to the inquiry into the workings of our cosmos. Demarcation, Credentials, and Science Education
  • But planes would still fly, and life still evolves through natural selection, common descent, and the known workings of genetics.
  • The philosophical position known as panentheism or, all things within God, is employed to highlight the workings of mind and spirit. Darren Iammarino - The Emergence of God
  • Explore the Lowther Hills or wander along lower-level paths, past the old lead mine workings.
  • On the other hand, wherever intelligence and tractability mattered, as in mine workings and coal pits, and in pulling harvesters and ploughs, horses were the favoured form of power.
  • It was centered on the Black Iron mine workings.
  • In the spring of 1995 the main Nightingale mine workings were investigated, and on each subsequent trip, workings were examined one by one in a northerly direction.
  • It is the heat given off by the workings of quite different machinery.
  • While the complete workings of this ancient calendar may never be fully determined, it is clear that the textile contains three of the components suggested for the later Inka calendar: the solar, sidereal lunar, and synodic lunar cycles. Fabric of Time
  • All workings here are contrived so that the full corves are put down an inclination and the empty ones up.
  • 'I suspect, however, that, if we were able to get a bird's-eye view of his mind and all its workings, we should discover that what he called assurance was not the condition you would call such. Wilfrid Cumbermede
  • When i started, i was pretty sure i wanted to do a filter blog, not a Dear Diary - after all, the workings of my mind are not of interest to the world at large, unlike a certain multidimensional artist and author, or this talented young writer i know. Archive 2004-12-01
  • She was always calm, not through any innate serenity, but more out of an acceptance of the workings of the State. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The campsite at La Torerera, near the town of Huelva in the southwest corner of Andalucia, is on the site of old mineral workings, now partly a nature reserve.
  • scientific principles such as chemical bonding or the workings of jet propulsion
  • And they also had to study up on DNA science and the workings of the legal system.
  • But to watch yuppie parents squirm with dread and confusion when anything in their households goes on the fritz is to wonder whether it was such a bad thing for one half of the marriageable population to know how to mend a fallen hem and the other to have rudimentary knowledge of the workings of a fuse box. Leaving It to the Professionals
  • Access to the transparent buildings reproduced a feeling of knowledge, knowledge of the inner workings of both machines and humans.
  • The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed. Undefined
  • A pump was used to remove water from the old workings.
  • Piaget's insight opened a new window into the inner workings of the mind.
  • The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. Undefined
  • In Saturday's issue of The Times David Aaronovitch wrote: I am as captivated by the abandoned cottages and workings of the 18th-century barytes miners beside the Shropshire Stiperstones as I am by the 2,000-year-old white tombs of Turkish Lycia. David Aaronovitch trespasses on my manor
  • The workings of the Vatican essentially cease, until a new Pope makes his own appointments, or confirms the current occupants of various Curial posts.
  • Neural networks are computer systems which mimic the workings of the brain.
  • Expect to learn about the workings of a Highland shieling summer grazing in the high mountains, the method for waterproofing boots when going duck shooting in a marsh, castle architecture, battle tactics and strategy. Archive 2006-10-01
  • The ground sloped upwards after a while, and he tore up the incline, breathing deep and hard; down into a shallow valley, leaping gorse bushes, crashing through whortle and meadowsweet, stumbling over peat-cuttings and the workings of forgotten tin-mines. Uncanny Tales
  • The land, off Newhill Road in Monk Bretton, Barnsley, is one of the worst areas in the country to be affected by methane gas - known by miners as firedamp - leaching through the ground from disused mine workings.
  • A long stint on the Harvard Board of Overseers immersed him in the inner workings of his alma mater.
  • Both return to early quartos of the plays in question, bypassing Jonson's magisterial - perhaps too magisterial - reworkings of them in his 1616 Folio: the plays that emerge are fresh, exuberant, and distinctly unfamiliar.
  • Here's your chance to tap into the inner-workings of Congress by clicking onto this fun, interactive, and irreverent site that clues you in to everything you ever wanted to know about Congress.
  • This vein trends to the northeast, and it is likely that it intersects the Greenbank vein somewhere to the north of the current mine workings.
  • For secular, atheological processists evolution typifies the creative workings of a self-sustaining nature that dispenses with the services of God. Process Philosophy
  • He began meeting bankers and fund managers and mastered the workings of our financial sector.

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