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How To Use Worker In A Sentence

  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • In July, the project came to a standstill for nine days when workers stopped to oppose the use of non-union contract labour on the site.
  • In the meantime Esco workers will be stuck with a bad deal.
  • They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major discount supermarkets in the area.
  • All of a sudden St. Philip's ten bells start tanging - one o’clock already - and at once the workshops and factories around the yard begin disgorging throngs of workers on their way to lunch
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  • Under the "fly-in fly-out" roster system, workers can be moved to a different self-contained unit, or "donga", rather than having their own rooms, as they have had in the past. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.
  • A fellow council worker, who had just got out of the vehicle and was standing close at the time of the impact, suffered serious injuries.
  • She is a professionally qualified social worker.
  • Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
  • Together, they were able to mollify workers and quietly implement the destruction of thousands of jobs.
  • The man won his year-long battle to clear his name only after a bank worker was arrested for fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • After that I felt that we, the workers, needed unity and I have been attempting to unionise the place.
  • The orchestrated escort and the accompanying police violence in clearing the picket reflected the involvement of city based police, the local constabulary having been cooperative with the workers.
  • There is nobody to direct the workers.
  • British postal workers lag behind their continental counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company employs six full-timers and one part-time worker.
  • Though the threat of some biohazards receded for workers in health-care and other human services, the threat of others, such as hepatitis B virus, grew.
  • An explosion at a chemical plant has left one worker dead and four injured.
  • Furious staff have lashed out at company bosses for not informing workers that the plant was in trouble before it became public knowledge.
  • Workers feed them daily a mix of flakes, worms, grasshoppers and freeze-dried shrimp.
  • The Act enshrines principles social workers fought hard to get on the statute book.
  • On the basis of the existing study we tries to resurvey and explore the urban inclusion of peasant workers using the perspective of social exclusion.
  • In one media report, a ramp worker was even caught with a duffel bag of ammunition and a gun at work.
  • It was settled when incoming workers agreed to work permanent night shifts.
  • The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.
  • But he's always a tireless worker. The Sun
  • He stopped the seamen and dock workers joining the strike, but he did not take too hard a line.
  • While workers are at home sleeping, their computers are humming along.
  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • Rogan Ward/Reuters A poll worker waited for voters to arrive at a Nkandla, South Africa, polling site Wednesday. Voters in South Africa Head to Polls
  • Meanwhile, I will be having a final farewell party this Friday with all my buddies, climbing friends, old coworkers, old classmates and random strangers.
  • However, he continued to press the need for military intervention to support, he said, worker risings in the country.
  • Some workers on zero-hours contracts are happy with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The U.S. economy is operating with a massive amount of slack" or unutilized resources such as workers and manufacturing capacity says Sal Guatieri, an economist at Toronto-based BMO Capital Markets. Canada Bank Shift Signals Strong Recovery
  • We are determined to ensure that the legal entitlements owed to Australian workers are delivered.
  • It's said that only the united power of industrial workers can crush capitalism.
  • To meet the inherent challenge of harmonizing a variety of capabilities in a group endeavor, Chicago proposed, and all the needleworkers agreed, to use the same background color fade, the same techniques and a common border.
  • Workers were paid only for their output, and employers did not have to bear the cost of lighting and heating, nor provide space for the machines which were used.
  • No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
  • Rescue workers had to use special equipment to cut open the steel doors.
  • Historically, the postal service, which employs 532,800 workers, paid for retiree health benefits when they came due. Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices
  • Their lawyers advised them that they might be sued by older workers not allowed to work on. Times, Sunday Times
  • One worker would have suffered fatal burns had he not worn a protective chemical suit which was not routine for repair work.
  • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • It means ambulance workers now join police and fire personnel in having a prestigious medal for exemplary services. The Sun
  • Previous workers have attributed these differences to changes in rheology, i.e. brittle faulting in sandstones v. more ductile folding and faulting in dolostones.
  • Despite being very comfortable by Zambian standards, he is a man who does not spend his money carelessly and he is on a salary just like his wife and his workers.
  • Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department. Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
  • Many companies still treat their management staff better than their workers.
  • She is a professionally qualified social worker.
  • Workers in hierarchical workplaces cannot reasonably be expected to identify themselves if their opinions might touch upon their workplaces -- that's a disciplinary issue for most workers & most employers. Who Are You People? « PubliCola
  • Soldiers resemble worker termites, except that they have enlarged brownish heads and strong, well-developed jaws.
  • The downshift hits workers of color particularly hard.
  • The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.
  • I contented myself with merely trying to become a migrant worker, a plan that fizzled because nobody in my family would advance me the cash necessary to go out west and meet my fellow migrants.
  • Quarry workers digging limestone had found bones that they thought were the remains of a bear. Times, Sunday Times
  • On October 11, some 60,000 unionized grocery workers at 852 stores in southern California went on strike or were locked out of their jobs.
  • From 1972 to 1982 the percentage of self­-employed workers in nonagricultural industries who are women rose from 26 to 32. Women in the Work Force
  • Bouchons were originally wine bars where the local silk workers or passing stagecoach drivers could fill up on a simple, hearty cuisine that was based on fresh local products -- mostly pig in the form of andouillette, fried crackling, tripes, petit salé -- and lots of the local wine among like-minded souls, enjoying their brief moment of freedom amid laughter and loud, boisterous behavior. Jamie Schler: A Side Trip to Lyons: Le Bouchon
  • And workers 'wages barely budged, meaning consumers will probably stay somewhat cautious in the months ahead. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Avila, who in May tussled with bloodmobile workers who had parked in front of the Health and Welfare Building, apparently impinging on Avila's designated space. PhillyDeals
  • Some postal workers specifically avoided the World Trade Centre because its upper floors were known to creak and sway in stiff winds.
  • The proposals also raise questions about when employers would be able to force workers to retire. Times, Sunday Times
  • As darkness fell, rescue workers with flashlights began recovering and identifying bodies.
  • The Kensington High Street rag reckons chuggers—paid workers who stop you in the street and persuade you to give over your bank details for charity—are well on their way out.
  • Global labor arbitrage is hard at work narrowing the international wage gap among educated workers. Wages Move Toward Equilibrium, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She was there to be the volunteer coordinator of the women's centre, and unlike other government and contract workers, planned to be in the community for a long time.
  • Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office. The Sun
  • Increased Irish emigration to Britain during the 1940s supplied navvies, nurses, clerks, policemen and munition workers.
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • According to the report, the massacre occurred after the guerrillas had tried to force the workers to stage a strike against the company.
  • Life as an aid worker can be a risky business .
  • The budget airline was floated on the stock market in 1997 and since 1998 some 10 million share options have been awarded to workers.
  • Workers butted the panels together and sealed the joints with special seaming tape.
  • They were crammed with what we term indirect workersworkers on their way to relieve a fellow employee, machine repairers en route to troubleshoot a problem, housekeepers, inventory runners. The Machine That Changed the World
  • For most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse.
  • At the city morgue, workers nailed together coffins and put some of the dead in an ambulance to transport them to cemeteries.
  • An agreement to restrain wages on the part of the central labour federation might not extend to the population of non-union workers.
  • In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.
  • In a threatened workplace by far the best answer is for workers to occupy the factory or plant.
  • Agricultural pesticides may be applied by farmworkers or growers to reduce infestations of insects or rodents.
  • The womenfolk of the Longbridge workers - the phrase is not inaccurate - are preparing to bring a mass demonstration to London.
  • Often treated as a separate craft in the open shop, welders are supplied by several unions in the organized sector, such as the boilermakers, plumbers and pipefitters' and ironworkers' unions.
  • Workers had toiled to move dirt to fill in the deeper puddles and the match was able to proceed with two days of fast shooting in excellent weather.
  • Many companies are worried by the worker-participation clauses: if they are really so flexible, why bother with them at all?
  • Is the appointment of worker - directors to be mandatory?
  • I judge him a skilled worker.
  • The Dodgers were “dem Bums,” the “daffiness boys,” the unpretentious clowns, whose fans were seen as scruffy bluecollar workers who spoke with bad diction. Wait Till Next Year
  • Indeed many are still advice workers and are thus constantly furnished with very real on-going practical experience to support their tutoring role.
  • Her keyworker loves her to bits which is a relief, I do worry that people dont like Katie. Katie: An update « MeltedMoment's Weblog
  • Very few workers were willing to cross the picket line .
  • Without the proper equipment, a worker risks injuries such as abrasions, or friction burns.
  • WORKERS will be given the power to block excessive wage rises for their bosses under plans to be unveiled this week. The Sun
  • The workers often decided to go slow in those days.
  • A worker beyond belief, exuding charm and hospitality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The workers had also complained about the unit's single non-functional fire extinguisher, which was replaced by two new ones.
  • This was a worker who showed up every day, never complained, you know, gave the job his all.
  • They included casual and agency workers. The Sun
  • If a health-care worker becomes latex hypersensitive, he or she may be qualified to receive workmen's compensation, depending upon the state in which he or she resides.
  • And that's what it will come to, for the council workers and other public sector parasites.
  • A number are involved with music as musicians, managers, writers, and record store workers.
  • Violence victims face homelessness Social workers need more training in housing legislation to protect victims of domestic violence being made homeless.
  • It has an untamed feel, having been largely unmanaged for many decades and it's littered with old wood and falling trees, a perfect habitat for these invisible workers.
  • It was clearly a case of workers trying to use union muscle to hold off reality.
  • Emergency workers arrived at the scene to be confronted by the enormous size of the landslide and hundreds of homeless families. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
  • Out of this fraught legal and financial tangle the bureau worker must work with the client to create order and stability.
  • Those who attack health care workers deserve nothing less than lengthy jail sentences.
  • The workers are reluctant to be ordered around by the employers.
  • A year after the Darlington Help Furniture project was launched, volunteer workers are still busy organising furniture switches throughout the town.
  • Employers could also adopt policies such as offering workers paid sick leave.
  • In summary, this is an excellent book for white collar workers.
  • Such profits are endangered by the strike by about 500 United Auto Worker members who are demanding a contract with higher wages.
  • Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.
  • City residents also condemn migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
  • Unions campaigning for changes that benefit all workers - organized and unorganized - will demonstrate in a new way the value of unions to the broader population.
  • Many electrical based light workers also crave protein in an attempt to rebuild the muscular structure as it burns off in the light infusion.
  • Recently, itinerant workers - some illegal immigrants - have moved into the trade, at the risk of being exploited by gangmasters.
  • The railworkers were offered a 3% pay rise .
  • In fact, most violent crimes against sex workers remain unreported. Open Invitation to the Int’l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Trenches are especially hazardous for workers because the lines of sight with equipment operators are obscured.
  • To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.
  • The dispute has destroyed unity among the workers.
  • Foster trained as a silversmith and has an established reputation both as a designer and metalworker.
  • In San Diego, the shortage of skilled workers is acute.
  • The spotlight needs to be shone hard on social workers. The Sun
  • The most important thing for him and his workers there is the fulfillment of orders every month to run their factory.
  • He told of participating in strikes that he and his co-workers had no stomach for.
  • Their slapstick stick-ups keep escalating till they realize that all of Dick's former co-workers have also turned to a similar life of crime.
  • Indigenous paraprofessional health educators (outreach workers) identified and screened active drug injectors using street outreach and drug user social networks.
  • Returning workers flashed special identification cards issued by the union and walked in.
  • With these programs, families have access to innovative pre-packaged treatment kits that contain a dispersible, flavored oral antibiotic accompanied by illustrated instructions designed to allow caregivers or rural community health workers to treat pneumonia at home - when and where it matters. Mandy Moore: Remembering the Forgotten Killer
  • In this regard, offshoring is likely to show up more in the compensation trends of our domestic workers in affected sectors than in their employment trends.
  • Child protection workers were meeting to discuss her case.
  • About 100 workers' representatives attended the hearing, but Sony was only represented by two Indonesian assistant managers.
  • Workers requested a raise in the wage.
  • The move by the farmers may sour relations with the government, which has in the past accused white farmers of mistreating their black workers.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • But in today's economy, educated, white - collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing.
  • Most of donators' attitude was active, among which 67.7% were self-giving, such as army men, college students, medical personnel, and immigrant workers.
  • A small group of six chemicals (monocrotophos, glyphosate, metamidophos, zineb, benomyl and deltamethrin) belonging to different chemical classes were used by 50 or more workers.
  • He did a lot to improve conditions for factory workers.
  • Unemployed workers have a thin time.
  • He has worked as an editor, copywriter, lecturer, careworker, sheep wrangler, bookshop assistant and supply teacher.
  • The latter seeks to provide similar pay and conditions to agency workers as employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's 1968 and a group of female factory workers go on strike over unfair pay. The Sun
  • After all, if there were no seasonal workers, how would an Upper Canadian feel if he came East on his vacation and found there was no one to cook his lobster?
  • This person needs the information and the learning opportunities that alliance with other, similar workers could provide.
  • The promise of the reward was too much of an enticement for the migrant workers to resist.
  • The answer is that the clubs lay at the heart of industrial Lanarkshire and football was pre-eminently the game of steelworkers, miners and shipbuilders.
  • Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.
  • Steel sections are being lifted by cranes to the top of the glass pyramid, where workers wearing safety harnesses bolt them together. The Sun
  • There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers.
  • By mid-century, the Marxist sociologist C. Wright Mills could write persuasively…of American office and store workers as a new proletariat, no less regimented, poorly paid, and declassed than manual workers of the previous century.
  • He has called for a retraining and reskilling package for workers.
  • Note that among indoor workers we included nonworking people in some age groups.
  • Meanwhile airport bosses have recruited an army of private security workers to prevent the airport from grinding to a halt.
  • Yet in the early decades of the 20th Century, they said, the assumption behind machines had been that "labor is an evil"; the new technological devices did not so much "emancipate" workers, as "evict" them. Agrarianism and the Popular Education Culture
  • He has a well-deserved reputation as a reliable worker.
  • At around the same time engineers struck and formed a workers' committee which spread its influence to other industrial centres.
  • His tattered clothing indicated a traveler and a worker, but his stately manner leaned away from both of those.
  • In many cases, life insurance payouts will run into millions as many victims were top-financial sector workers.
  • Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.
  • I carry about no afterglow from the 1990s — they only look good compared to the 80s and the 00s which both stunk putrid economically for workers. Matthew Yglesias » It’s Stupid How We Always Seem to do It Again
  • They left that to a social worker untrained in criminal investigations. The Sun
  • Before we can accept the firm's offer, we must consult with the workers.
  • The firm promised a wage increase to the workers / promised the workers a wage increase.
  • No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently - often by the same company.
  • We don't allow people to come into our plant and try to unionize the workers
  • The only positive aspect that has emerged from the meeting is the fact that more objective members have started questioning the sudden conversion of Zuma into a friend of the workers and the masses.
  • Artillery bombarded rescue workers in the aftermath of the strike, the aid group added. Times, Sunday Times
  • People were presumably far too busy at the time, and the principal workers have now died.
  • A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.
  • Her response was immediate, she said: “I would like to train volunteer workers to go as outreach workers to help the needy - rough sleepers who are in the outlaying areas and who are too frightened to come into town to the soup kitchens for help”. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Our workers are being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
  • Don't name-drop the CEO you had lunch with, mention the conference you're attending or talk excitedly about your new job or salary with less-fortunate coworkers.
  • Meanwhile the union is training 250 union stewards to provide counseling and help in directing laid-off workers to aid agencies.
  • This second Adam Winthrop, at the age of seventeen, went to London, binding himself as an apprentice for ten years under the well-esteemed and profitable guild of the "clothiers," or cloth-workers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • Edinburgh had practically no textile workers, men or women; but as we have seen it had a great many domestic servants.
  • As last week's electronics action plan highlights, Scottish-based industries will have a role to play in reskilling and upskilling our workers.
  • When al Molqi took off, he was under the charge of Roman Catholic charity workers.
  • Community and self respect must be returned to the underclass or there will never be enough social workers to prevent this underside of Britain festering. Archive 2007-11-18
  • My experience taught me that an owner should know every detail, from the cooking of the food up to its management, or he will be tricked by his workers.
  • Cosby portrays a blue-collar worker who was forced to retire early from an airline.
  • Workers spent their cheques on fiery spirits or shypoo.
  • Perhaps worse still was the monotonous, mechanical regularity imposed on the worker by the factory system. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • The poisoned workers were taken from the plant in straitjackets, hallucinating, convulsing and screaming.
  • So while visiting a disco in Rouen on Christmas Eve with his porcine coworker he decides to take his revenge.
  • Schools are closed and thousands of health workers are fleeing the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of workers in each group must not be over thirty.
  • Types of workers thus ranged from peasants who supplemented their income with domestic industry, usually in textiles, to highly skilled craftsmen in towns and cities who concentrated on luxury items.
  • Average earnings for unskilled workers are decreasing now.
  • Heparinized blood samples were drawn by venipuncture from medical workers.
  • Blacks troubled him most because the sight of a white worker emptying shit cans engaged their attention.
  • Two Chinese coworkers who came unasked to my filthy apartment when I was laid up with a miserable viral scunge and brought me soup, medicine and tidied the place up. Imagethief
  • Aid workers reported finding the displacement camps razed and empty of civilians. Times, Sunday Times
  • The campers typically don't remember details of the retreat, says Caitlin Morgan, the gerontologist and social worker who directs the camp. But the experience significantly lifts their mood.
  • The worker, employed by stevedoring company Perkins, was crushed by a container while unloading an Indonesian ship.

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