How To Use Workable In A Sentence
When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
It has appointed a working group to produce a workable plan by the end of April.
Times, Sunday Times
It has proved to be workable and effective.
Times, Sunday Times
They did not quite endorse "dismember and disembowel" as a workable alternative.
Beyond Repeal And Replace
This book is about achieving workable strategy in a complex world.

The energy giants have played hardball - and a scheme to make them fund the handouts has proved unworkable.
The Sun
Ordered by Sennett to come up with a more workable screen image, Chaplin improvised an outfit consisting of a too-small coat, too-large pants, floppy shoes, and a battered derby.
Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
Investigations at the site found that key elements of the automatic hose system had been unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
These fields of practice, along with the study of gerontology, have formulated many workable answers to the hard questions.
She said that she had worn the dress after the outfit she first chose proved unworkable with the weather screen.
Times, Sunday Times
The supporters of so-called ‘bimetallism’ were not interested in a workable bimetallic system with a market-responsive ratio.
This proposal is unfair, unworkable, highly illiberal and probably open to legal challenge.
Times, Sunday Times
Negotiations reconvene one day after the top Republican lawmaker suggested an ambitious effort to trim future indebtedness by more than $4 trillion may be unworkable.
It is to be hoped their solutions are workable.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't want to use the term 'overreach,' " Dunn told me, pausing for effect, "but the broad nature of the proposed regulations, both in terms of who they apply to, this gigantic universe of people, what they consider 'children's programming,' the unworkable, impracticable standards they use in their nutritional values - that's the issue.
NPR Topics: News
What would have been the fairest and most workable solution?
Times, Sunday Times
Flash I was saddled with 'Hologram' for a while, in respect of my annoying habit of disappearing instantly on a run ashore and reappearing magically in camp tucked up in bed minus speech, faculties and an workable digestive system teuchter. it means country folk.
Army Rumour Service
Part 3 introduces a scheme that is unworkable and unprincipled.
The problem is one of achieving reasonably effective " workable competition ".
The scheme is expensive, confused, unworkable and unrealistic.
This idea is fine for those who live alone or as couples but is totally unworkable for families.
Within the restricted scope, the infinite power series is convergent and the formula is workable.
It is workable if we have a bunch of brilliant people the schools have an incentive to employ.
Times, Sunday Times
An idea that may also prove unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
It becomes unworkable unless you bring up the standards... politically there is a huge problem.
Times, Sunday Times
As the ground becomes warmer and more workable, plant out onion sets and shallots in the vegetable plot.
Lester's blastoff drums were still in the freight compartment, but the ionics and air-restorers had been similarly rendered unworkable.
The Planet Strappers
How can you dislike a town where everybody jaywalks and the libramientos are known locally as the "other cemetary" and people drive in chaotic but workable distraction and many folks are short and fat and ridiculed by the overcompensating snobbish Highlanders as redneck morons and eating and drinking and dancing are local sports.
Driving From San Crist�bal de Las Casas to Lake Chapala
Nevertheless, for gradualists, who hoped that devolution would provide a workable and stable form of home rule that could endure for years before coming under question, recent developments have been sobering.
We found a workable version (version 2 is better than the 98 version) on Home Of The Underdogs - a site devoted to 'abandonware' - software no longer sold or supported by anyone.
Light Blogging
We want a workable policy whether you keep a few sheep or a lot of sheep.
Maverick Pluto inspires some wild yet workable ideas that can make life rewarding for you and a team of pals.
The Sun
Any sane and workable approach to life obviously has to contain both an attitude to individuals and an attitude towards the whole.
But negotiations with the ISPs became gridlocked when the providers called the proposals unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
Marshall argued, correctly, that this would create an unworkable command structure.
When you came to me and suggested that you should make two copies of everything, one correct, one a mass of incorrectness, I must admit that I thought the idea farfetched and unworkable.
The Betrayal
The researchers believe that these logic gates could be scaled up to include many qubits in a large, workable quantum computer.
The experiment does not yet yield a gravity measurement of great accuracy, but the researchers believe the technique could lead to a workable "gravimeter" small enough to use in navigation systems that depend on acceleration measurements.
Physical Review Focus -
It also doesn't help when companies come up with complex and unworkable investment schemes that people don't understand.
This current system is unworkable, impractical and damaging to the physical and economic health of our once lovely Auld Grey Town.
The police think that such legislation would be unworkable.
Just as soon as the ground was workable Jack set his coldframe.
The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming.
Spending billions of dollars on unworkable border fences is the opposite of rational. pseudonymous in nc Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Once In a Blue Moon!
Any sane and workable approach to life obviously has to contain both an attitude to individuals and an attitude towards the whole.
The police think that such legislation would be unworkable.
The New Zealand Aquaculture Council believes that the provision is unrealistic and unworkable.
While it would be technically possible to encrypt the data between a keyboard and browser, it probably wouldnt be a generally workable solution and would require a plugin in the browser to 'decrypt' the data, rather than encrypt it. from the product of the trend micro website
Geekzone: IT, mobility, wireless and handheld news
Both mammals and reptiles returning to the sea developed quite workable homocercal tails in very short order.
They derive their strength from the realization that not to abide by them would make for an unworkable constitution.
The pioneers hoped to transform the arid outback into a workable landscape.
Daily running checks need to be made and these checks must be supported by a workable maintenance system.
Tempting as it is to seize on the first workable plan, continue to explore.
Times, Sunday Times
Should the clubs address the whole issue of who runs Scottish rugby or is the present system workable with a minor tweak here and there?
The young technical innovator didn't lose heart though the new system was not yet brought into a workable condition.
Personally, do you believe that the third umpire concept is workable in a fast game like hockey?
We have discussed your proposal and we have to say your price appears unworkable.
The word plastic also means moldable or workable , such as with dough or wet clay .
The specific meanings "whip" and "scutch" aren't actual, but something like "Today he has to spend the afternoon messing the hemp" would be a workable idiom if anyone actually used it. SCUTCH.
In the long run this discrimination proved unworkable.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
While Cyclo Nord-Sud focuses exclusively on helping people in the South, one cycling group with a local angle is SOS Vélo, now issuing a call-out for decrepit bikes that will be cannibalized and transformed into workable wheels.
Not only might these be unworkable, but they would still be seen as kangaroo courts.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics say such a scheme is unworkable but already one example is working - or at least soon will be.
The bill was not just excessive but also expensive, not just illiberal but impractical, not just unnecessary but unworkable.
So far 3.5 billion has been spent, as suppliers are paid only when they deliver fully workable systems.
Times, Sunday Times
The Tasmanian small business council said the plan was unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
If the Obamatons want to lead with this message, they have to understand that it will strain credulity that you just now figured out that this was unworkable.
Matthew Yglesias » Are Televised Negotiations Even Possible?
In fact, it is a precondition for security and for brokering a workable agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
Opposition, by contrast, doesn't simply attack a government policy; it proposes workable, sensible, fundable alternatives.
Times, Sunday Times
Iraqi scient ists were well on the way to having a workable nuclear weapons design.
Statement On Nuclear Deterrence
Are you actually waiting to see what they're going to propose in detail, to see if it is possibly workable?
His suggestion is in a sense workable.
Technology watchdogs and campaign groups such as Friends of the Earth and ETC Group initially called unrealistically for a total ban on synthetic biology, even though it lacked a workable definition.
The Guardian World News
Economists and tax experts have said that the plan is unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
To get a single workable drug takes more than a decade and close to a billion pounds.
Times, Sunday Times
Progress has been good, with a number of workable prototypes developed and good results in field tests.
Fluxes are used in the production of glass to increase the fusibility of the glass as well as to increase the workable temperature range of the glass.
The need for a workable system to implement Dublin II was obvious.
Times, Sunday Times
Only out of free and open debate can you achieve workable policies.
Any workable theory of visual perception must incorporate this discovery.
He said that it was more in farmers' interests than anyone else to have traceability but there was no point in trying to achieve that with a scheme that was unworkable.
Somebody has to pay for the connection - and a workable system for that has proved elusive.
Times, Sunday Times
An idea that may also prove unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
The impractical nature of one sovereign having to perform homage as a vassal to another, with ties of fealty that theoretically prevented an independent foreign policy, were unworkable and was a major cause of the Hundred Years War.
He figured out that you didn't really need dice or mathematical models to make a workable baseball role-playing game.
In fact, it is a precondition for security and for brokering a workable agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
Bitumen can, however, be transferred into a workable state by applying heat, by blending with petroleum solvents or by emulsification in water to form a bitumen emulsion.
Then, almost simultaneously in 1911 and 1912, several engineers—de Forest among them—did manage to combine the triode with other existing circuit components to produce a workable amplifier.
The Nature of Technology
We should have the makings of a very workable plan so we can have an orderly evacuation of Port-of-Spain.
If they found the situation workable, they would call the choppers in, try to get them to the spot and attempt the pickup.
Thud Ridge
Strict Saturn adds the planning to turn your wild, creative ideas into workable ones.
The Sun
Combined with a sufficient number of low vents in the eaves or soffits, it offers a workable alternative for ventilating just about any type of attic.
Her father had saved it since the smooth, flat surface was still workable.
As the costs rise and the race hate builds and the unworkable, self-defeating new scheme unravels, Labor will be mute.
It seemed an unworkable paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
Ordered by Sennett to come up with a more workable screen image, Chaplin improvised an outfit consisting of a too-small coat, too-large pants, floppy shoes, and a battered derby.
Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
Attacked and defended by a thousand politicians and pamphleteers, it has held the field as the only theory which provides an intelligible, self-consistent, workable system.
And we haven't even been able to set up workable biospheres on Earth, let alone in space.
The features are good, and the resulting weblogs perfectly workable: but something is lacking here.
This makes flats a dressier option and workable in the evening with a long gown or party dress, while thongs are now beaded, metallic, diamanté or - in a nod to the Grecian look - a simple gladiator style.
It would be unworkable for the Crown, as applicant, to disapprove a respondent's ownership interest.
Once you've turned your idea into a workable business plan, you can approach potential investors.
The Sun
Norman, who is chandlery manager said that ‘it feels like an ironic kick in the teeth’ particularly as a workable management plan should have been formulated 15 years ago.
Buyer undesirous of take risk therefore you quality guarantee imperative otherwise unworkable.
It is in nobody's interest that an unworkable scheme is introduced.
Plans to jail the parents of persistent truants have been dismissed as unworkable - by the pupils themselves.
However, while the Trust had to prove their take-over plans were workable, solvent clubs can be traded with no questions asked by the governing body.
The young technical innovator didn't lose heart though the new system was not yet brought into a workable condition.
It is a paradox that Augustine would not have accepted, but it is rooted in the pragmatic imagination as a workable metaphysics.
And of course there have been some very silly, very illiberal and lots of unworkable, ‘eyecatching’ initiatives such as the famously ridiculous plan to frogmarch teenagers to cash points for on the spot fines.
Not only would it be impractical and unworkable, I doubt whether anyone could seriously believe it.
Proposition afraid unworkable try submit al terminative.
If there is no workable defence of insanity, it is surely wrong to convict a grossly disordered killer of murder when the less stigmatic offence of manslaughter is at hand.
The government's approach in persuasion, not enforcement, since enforcement of current legislation is unworkable.
As a consequence, we believe that the bill has continued to evolve into a workable proposition and a good piece of legislation.
Marx's critique of ecocentrism reflects a practical-minded conviction that environmentalism must be anthropocentric (i.e. respectful of human interests) in order to be workable.
An Exchange on Thoreau
These physical techniques of preparation eliminate air pockets and increase homogenisation of moisture and inclusions making the clay more workable.
In those cases, the tripod is still your best friend, but for a workable and cheap DIY, this is a great DIY tool.
Thursday, January 31, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
Workable budgets meant the service bloomed by the early '70s.
And who else but idiots would support a missile defence system that has proved penetrable and unworkable?
The idea is still sketchy and some lenders wonder whether it will be workable.
Times, Sunday Times
Sounds entirely workable … Any means of storing renewable energy, even for a few hours or so, gets past one of the main hurdles – that such sources as wind and sun are unpredictable and/or not 24hr.
Commercializing Solar Power with Molten Salt | Inhabitat
But the logistics of carrying bees inside army vehicles moving around Afghanistan have proved unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
But her book leads into a tangled theological thicket, without suggesting a workable path forward.
Christianity Today
When the class had the backgrounds rendered with about four to six values, we held a class critique to evaluate if they had developed their contrast enough to go ahead and spray the artwork with workable fixative.
It is a good time to plant bare rooted shrubs and trees while the weather stays mild and the ground is still workable.
We have a shortage of anyone capable of realising modern workable and innovative policies which will benefit the local community.
When I came back up both radios, I found the HAC was still conversing with our compadres to the southwest about workable areas and weather.
They offer no alternatives, no workable plans and in a time of crisis they linger, allowing more destruction and disaster to take place against the will of the majority for purely political reasons ... to "obstruct" implementing any real change.
Election Central Morning Roundup
At times he seems caught out like a student tied to an unworkable premise for the sake of writing a heavy tome.
More to the point, though, they've settled on a workable sound and they use it quite effectively.
It would would be nice if Mr Obama would come up with one workable solution or the real issues taha face us.
Michelle Obama: Let's move past Wright, get back to issues
Washington is unhappy with the peace plan which it views as unworkable.
This is very helpful, as creating workable policies generally requires a lot of time and effort.
Now we had a workable plan and it was my job to put it into effect.
Broken Lives
If this decision stands, your Honours, the whole scheme is unworkable.
His suggestion is in a sense workable.
It can also happen if one partner leaves due to the relationship having become unworkable.
Not only might these be unworkable, but they would still be seen as kangaroo courts.
Times, Sunday Times
You may find they come up with a workable solution.
The Sun
One of the big problems in cyberspace is the lack of workable analogies.
The Museum of Unworkable Devices explores the interface between hope and physical impossibility.
If you can write bestsellers in it, it's a workable shed.
Times, Sunday Times
The concept of a superlens cloak is a long way from a workable device, but the integrity of the mathematical concept has sent some experimentalists into the laboratory to try and turn the theory into reality.
» Life is getting more like Star Trek every day heinleinblog
The nationwide foreclosure mess "might shake up the banks enough to convince them to finally become real partners" in devising workable solutions for distressed borrowers, "forcing them to deal with the reality they've created.
What does foreclosure mess mean to buyers and sellers?
There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
It seemed an unworkable paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
Fred Reed says that placing women in combat is “stupid and unworkable” — then provides some data to back his harsh claims:
Women In Combat « Isegoria
Designing a workable model requires not only vision, but also respect for the individual parts that make up the whole.
How this makes Social Security less workable or efficient is difficult for me to understand since Social Security is the ultimate in portability.
That could make consumer-friendly computers running on harvested energy workable.
In short, this proposal is unworkable in the real world.
Times, Sunday Times
I feel that it is like other 'crazes' or 'addictions', the initial engagement stage is the most intense and then it settles down into being a more workable scenario.
Archive 2007-05-01
There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
The Court stated: "To read the Article II powers of the president as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of 'a workable government 'and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III.
Jackson Williams: "Executive Privilege" Alert: White House Planning Major Effort to Confuse Americans Yet Again
We never could find a workable substitute for attaching the spinners, however.
Zingana moderately well workable, cleavable with difficulty, can well be glued, stained and varnished, resistant to wood pests and weather influences for sliced veneers, in furniture construction, for interior furnishing, for windows and doors
1. Wood
Physicist Donald Simanek talked about perpetual motion machines and other unworkable devices.
Only those who unconditionally and unrestrictedly consider the market economy as the only workable form of social cooperation are opponents of the totalitarian systems and are capable of fighting them successfully.
To develop a workable budget with your child, have her divide the total amount of the allowance into three categories: spending, savings, and giving.
This area had been damaged so many times the metal was unworkable and the raised section needed to be replaced.
These physical techniques of preparation eliminate air pockets and increase homogenisation of moisture and inclusions making the clay more workable.
But they must be workable ideas and add value.
‘Schools must be energisers, producing innovative and workable facilities which strengthen the community in which they are founded.’
A procedure which left it to individual officers in police stations to perform some sort of balancing exercise would, it was said, be unworkable.
Further, given its emphasis on local self-sufficiency and the virtue of life in small communities, a question arises over whether bioregionalism is workable in an overcrowded planet.
Environmental Ethics
“Spending billions of dollars on unworkable border fences is the opposite of rational.”
Matthew Yglesias » Once In a Blue Moon!
But some officials say that introducing a system allowing discounts for some offences and not others will quickly become unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
His claims that he can devise and fund a workable plan have been greeted with some scepticism.
Times, Sunday Times
The young technical innovator didn't lose heart though the new system was not yet brought into a workable condition.
A democracy erected on the foundations of social choice theory will see the role of politics as a stage on which different agglomerations of self-interest bargain and reach workable compromises.
I knew that I was going to have to come up with a plan that was reasonable and workable.
Your mentor planet Pluto turns wild ambitions into workable ones.
The Sun
The former Chief Inspector of Schools in Scotland has claimed his plans are unrealistic and unworkable.
He said Bophuthatswana remained wary of surrendering its independence with the options still unclear, but added that it was no secret that the Christian Democratic Party favoured confederalism, with maximum economic co-operation, as the first choice as a workable alternative to independence.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This means that the members of a society must first organize themselves in workable household arrangements before they organize their descent patterns.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
Even though the automobile industry had also remained the pacemaker when it came to wages and working standards for its employees, it was not without its periods of labor turbulence - nor was it lacking in the desire to find workable and satisfactory solutions to labor problems.
This seems to me an eminently practical and workable scheme of legislation.
Buyer undesirous of take risk therefore you quality guarantee imperative otherwise unworkable.
The film producer behind Chariots of Fire said the scheme was unworkable.
The solvents act to decrease the viscosity of the bitumen making it more workable.
Any increase linked to speculative valuations would seem confiscatory, chaotic and unworkable.
Times, Sunday Times
Based on the above hopeful interactions, I am convinced that joint custody is workable and feasible in this case.
Boys carted crates of water in and others hauled workable furniture out on tractors.
American shipwrights would come to understand that it could be soaked in brine and made workable, and it soon became apparent that salt water had a tremendous preservative effect on the wood.
It could also have said that break-up would have been messy, unworkable and difficult to get through the courts.
But the system must be workable.
Times, Sunday Times
A construction technique called ‘the woodpile’ which creates a diamond lattice, requires years to produce a workable structure.
To achieve a workable space, the floor of the arcades that covered the footprint of the theatre was demolished.
Sadly, not having access to time-lapse photography, he failed to understand how birds actually flew - and, even if they had ever been built, his machines would have been unworkable.
There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.
The telegraph began with the first workable telegraphs in Britain and Germany around 1835, there was large-scale wiring of individual countries by 1855, and the world was linked by submarine cables by 1885.
Plant the shrubs when the soil is soft and workable.
In the next decade this distinction proved unworkable.
Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
I'm sure we can come to some workable arrangement.
We explore a number of avenues, some of which turn out to be workable and we have two dynos dedicated exclusively to development.
Maybe you should be less of a hack and admit that a system where politicians lie with impunity is unworkable and undemocratic.
Matthew Yglesias » Are Televised Negotiations Even Possible?
He said their proposals were too widely drawn, impractical and unworkable.
He says:It's a simple answer for most of them: to get them into workHe rejects the amendment, which he calls a "wrecking amendment" designed to make a policy unworkable: "It's the same as not having a cap at all.
Welfare reform bill: household benefit cap Lords debate - Monday 23 January
If you can write bestsellers in it, it's a workable shed.
Times, Sunday Times