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How To Use Work on In A Sentence

  • He did his final piece of serious work on Tuesday morning, which was grand, and we have just kept him ticking over with a couple of canters.
  • This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
  • She needs to work on her interview technique if she's going to get a job.
  • It is time to take a look at this most outstanding work on algebra in Greek mathematics.
  • Mycoinsecticides are fungal sprays that work on insect pests from the inside out.
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  • I hope my work on the evolution of cooperation helps the world avoid conflict.
  • Note 17: Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande, L'Art de faire le maroquin, ([Paris, 1766]). de Lalande also published earlier work on a similar subject L'Art du tanneur ([Paris], 1764). back The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
  • Your brand of beer, the artwork on your walls, your choice of dog - a pure-bred poodle as opposed to a mutt - are all potential status details.
  • But one day he disturbed her privacy and barged into her room, presumably to force more work on her, while she had it out.
  • Tusking," published in March 1986, was the first of his poems to appear in the TLS: a powerful frightening parable of coloniser and colonised, it is untypical of Imlah's work only in its short lines. Archive 2009-04-01
  • In the absence of networking, students need to submit work on floppy disks.
  • Their lawyers advised them that they might be sued by older workers not allowed to work on. Times, Sunday Times
  • These 60 drawings show Picasso's work on paper with pencil, charcoal, ink and gouache.
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • No longer able to sell his craftwork, he has found it difficult to carry on his work on the church. Globe and Mail
  • Conan O'Brien is back at work on the Tonight Show and joking about a stunt accident that gave him what he called a slight concussion. - Articles related to Whitney Houston: the life, death and rebirth of a pop princess
  • It was a plum job to work on the Flying Scotsman, partly because the Americans liked it and they were big tippers.
  • So went you go to work on the iron do you remove you head out of your 4th point of contact, to place your brain bucket on? Think Progress » WellPoint Failed To Deliver Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Promised To Help Uninsured Americans
  • Tom had started work on the framework and modeler/lofter modules in 1988 and by summer of CGArena - Get Attention in the Computer Graphics Community
  • Enveloped in that smell, I would play grown up and sit in the office sometimes, studiously recording the numbers of the vehicles that came in for work on the twin ramps over the six-foot-deep pit where the mufflers were installed.
  • Could extra work on the mental side be more beneficial than additional physical input? Times, Sunday Times
  • You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house.
  • City of York Council is to start work on the footway of Station Avenue - from the traffic lights to the city walls.
  • Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia. UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
  • I decide to work on the first option - chipping the rock away.
  • It thus promises to take us beyond the Nature-Society dualism organising both previous Marxian work on nature and versions of bourgeois technocentrism and radical ecocentrism.
  • The committee and officer will be responsible for selecting people from the community who will go for training in skills like building and carpentry before starting work on the projects.
  • The children had to work on the family farm.
  • He wanted to work on the vegetation inventory for a pitcher plant bog he had going.
  • Gauss in 1801 was to take Euler's work much further and gives a considerable amount of work on modular arithmetic which amounts to a fair amount of theory of abelian groups.
  • Today, professional whitening techniques go to work on the tooth structure itself, using peroxide to oxidize and decolorize gray and yellow tooth pigments.
  • He was being driven to work one October morning in his luxury vehicle when he was cut down by a gunman.
  • The new owners will be able to visit trainers' yards and to watch the horses work on the gallops.
  • Greek soldiers are already hard at work on other crisis-hit islands, distributing food packages to refugees. Times, Sunday Times
  • With that in hand, the city advanced $500,000 to start work on the interior.
  • Natural History From aardwolves and bandicoots to yapoks and zorillas, Ernest P. Walker's Mammals of the World is the most comprehensive - the pre-eminent - reference work on mammals.
  • So it was I who would work on alone in our exercise bouts, the youngest and healthiest of us all. Anti-Ice
  • Fortunately we have completed all of the suit study trials, have collected a bunch of rock samples for the microfossil and extremophile studies, and have finished work on the telescope, so we are in good shape, but there's still plenty of data analysis to do on those projects and lots of GPS tracking and geotagging yet to do. Reminder: Paul's and Laksen's blogs
  • She is currently at work on a literary thriller and a book of short stories based on her travels
  • A functional computer needs input and output devices, memory, data to work on, and a program that defines how the data are handled.
  • Newman's foray into Monophysitism, still operating from the hermeneutic established in his work on Arianism, helped to pave the way for his conversion.
  • Construction work on the barriers began in early 2003 and the estimated completion date is 2011.
  • The work on double stars had been undertaken as a continuation of his father's work which attempted to measure the parallax of a star.
  • Ten years ago, officials from the Western Isles Council were sweating, hoping, praying, that the BCCI would somehow be refloated; that they would go back to work on Monday with their finances restored.
  • There's some nifty guitar work on his latest CD.
  • It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
  • The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings.
  • In 1923 he published important work on real and complex algebras of low dimension.
  • There were appeals for Mr Bush to work on healing the transatlantic rift.
  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • When you are relaxed and balanced, you can begin to work on following the horse's motion at the walk, trot and canter.
  • IBM's early efforts in "smart" infrastructure technology around the world have already decongested Stockholm, improved water management in Brazil and started work on an automated power grid in Malta. Undefined
  • These neutrals work on all skin tones. Times, Sunday Times
  • It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
  • Does it work on mains electricity?
  • You're going to have to do a lot more work on this essay before it's presentable.
  • I hope my work on the evolution of cooperation helps the world avoid conflict.
  • Retailers, mainly garages and newsagents, have already privately canvassed staff on whether they would be willing to work on the Sabbath.
  • It was not exactly a cakewalk for the actresses either: ‘There is a lot of Urdu used in the film and we had to work on our diction as well as dance for the songs.’
  • I can't manage all this work on my own.
  • I want you to hand in this homework on Friday.
  • Plus, you have to watch for possible explosions, gas leaks, backdrafts, and flash fires, and so you can't just point your firefighters at fires and let them work on their own.
  • The door needs to be in alignment with the frame before you start work on it.
  • The company bought the land last year and started work on the site by digging into the chalk, creating a white bank which has become a landmark in the town.
  • I'm also hard at work on a Trog Rose midquel called Scrapheap Mary, and a big project with some likeminded publishers and magazines in my hometown, which will help us all combine resources in what we hope is a new and innovative manner. An Interview with Johanna Sinisalo
  • Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
  • The reason why we [work on the solar car] is to show that there is the applicability of renewable resources.
  • Both these artists work on a small scale but there the similarity ends.
  • Work on the densely literary Essay on Irish Bulls sophisticated Edgeworth's approach, by requiring her to reflect on what a nation is when it is less than an autonomous state.
  • The system can enable two or more designers to work on the same sketch collaboratively on the Internet.
  • If countries have to work together and have to work with companies from other countries, then it makes it nigh impossible – certainly undesireable – for anybody to work on an orbital superweapon. Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
  • Butenandt was recognized "for his work on sex hormones", having isolated estrone, progesterone and androsterone. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The outstanding singer, songwriter, musician and producer did the majority of work on his new album himself, holding a tight rein on its creative direction.
  • Many of our educated girls, when they can work on people's heads and feet, and present a card with some big word on it, as "chiropodist," which means foot-cleaner, are perfectly satisfied. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • My best writing period came when I'd go to a carrel in the library every morning and work on the novel for one or two or three hours.
  • The design method of gravity network on the basis of the principle of the linea- programming and the sequential optimization is given.
  • I think, if we know we have a reasonable amount of work on the books, we'll take it.
  • The company is looking to hire between 20-30 to work on Airbus wing production.
  • I suppose I better leave it here tonight and let sleep work on it.
  • Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
  • Because they work on simple-minded theories and are totally oblivious of facts.
  • The hardest part is definitely being in a minority opinion, then having to work on overdrive trying to persuade others to your way of thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its spare time, Teraflops will work on civilian projects and scientific research.
  • I examined the books they possessed, and found a small work on medicine, a small cyclopaedia, and a Portuguese dictionary, in which the definition of a “priest” seemed strange to a Protestant, namely, Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • The artwork on the site gives the game world a decidedly fantasy flair, but also with what could be steampunk elements.
  • The shuttle will remain for a week and a half to complete work on a Japanese space laboratory.
  • It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
  • The sort of work on which I was proud to set my touchmark? The Blue Cat of Castle Town
  • If anybody wants to work on this, be my guest.
  • The trails we went to work on had literally become streams thanks to massive run-off from a new building's parking lot shedding water straight into this watershed area.
  • Ataren said nothing but got to work on opening and unrolling the old scroll.
  • If you work only with guys, and you're a nerdy programmer, the thought of women probably doesn't enter your head for most of the day.
  • Such scenes work on the level of stylization and pure martial arts action, and may be appreciated wholly out of context, but the essence of heroism remains elusive.
  • The formwork on this system is hung on the scaffolding so that it can be easily retracted and opened.
  • The elaborate knit work on cotton and silk sarees from Dacca takes at least 12 days to complete.
  • I suggest you pick a few of your unhealthy eating habits, and give yourself a month to work on breaking those habits.
  • Curry had observed in his work on combinatory logic in the late 1950's the analogy between implication elimination in natural deduction and functional application. Chores
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession.
  • As building work on a £400,000 recreation of historic cottages in Leigh goes full steam ahead plans are already afoot to get the buildings listed.
  • Riggs had executed scrollwork on more than 75 percent of the big Smith and then had it satin nickeled to better show off the engraving.
  • The NFL Network on Friday announced the two-year experiment to find out whether Bryant Gumbel could become an NFL play-by-play announcer is over. Announcers play Tiger card at The Masters
  • We began work on the project in May.
  • Surely in the world, there's expert in this task, but that expert does not work on your little cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere.
  • ‘At least one of the classes is an armorer's school where dealers learn to disassemble, reassemble and do minor repair work on certain firearms,’ Spatharos said.
  • As you may already know, I work on my Heart Smarts goodwill program full time, helping people fight off vices that plague their lives, like gambling and genocide.
  • He inquired after his wife and the ranch, commenting upon the work on the irrigating ditch.
  • Work on the soil before you buy a single plant. Times, Sunday Times
  • French directors of the time thought little of setting several composers to work on a score.
  • He was hard at work on the translation of a play which had to be ready two days later.
  • With CAP, a volunteer can work on a number of fronts, including search and rescue, disaster relief and counterdrug missions Volunteer opportunities in government can help build resumes, open doors
  • There are few qualified teachers or other professionals who are able to work on a semi-voluntary basis.
  • Some guys remortgage their houses and sit on their own to work on an idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to thicken my back and improve the sweep of my quads and upper pecs, and I'll work on my triceps, too.
  • Work on the cathedral began almost immediately; the Lady Chapel was consecrated in 1225, and the cathedral as a whole in 1258.
  • But it was Oxlade-Chamberlain's intelligent movement, dextrous footwork on the left flank and composed finishing that warmed the hearts of the Arsenal supporters who gave him a standing ovation when he was withdrawn. Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is a natural, says Arsène Wenger
  • Corporation chiefs told her that unless she acknowledged that using the word golliwog was unacceptable, she could not work on the show again. Home | Mail Online
  • Seminal work on the diffraction grating was done by Joseph von Fraunhofer beginning in 1821, who demonstrated that the gratings could produce spectra of unprecedented quality.
  • Many people I talk to--even academics in other fields--profess great surprise at how "historicist" or "non-theoretical" the projects that I and most of my friends work on are. Ferule & Fescue
  • Whittaker was elected as a fellow of Trinity College in 1896 and became first Smith's prizeman in 1897 for a work on pure mathematics, namely on uniform functions.
  • During the 1950s further work on marine guidance was adapted for use in ballistic missiles.
  • Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks variety.
  • The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease.
  • About 40 industry members have been recruited to work on the war effort.
  • The new centres will essentially complement SKF's Europe research work on the five focus areas - bearings, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems.
  • The majority of communities invited carvers and artists to come and put their work on display.
  • Guerrieri is a defense counselor in Bari, Italy, and he's asked to work on the appeal of a man named Fabio Paolicelli, accused of drug smuggling. Reasonable Doubts -- Gianrico Carofiglio (Trans. Howard Curtis)
  • You will notice that the Emotional Stability Routine does not include several types of asans—for example, those that work on limberness of hips and knees and those that stretch the fronts of the thighs and the backs of the legs. American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated
  • He has recouped a little of his lost global and domestic esteem with his work on Africa.
  • Once the service was over the men would start work on the railway that ran alongside the camp.
  • Today, this volume stands as a fitting and lasting monument of its time to Finzi's pioneering work on behalf of the composer whose achievements he valued so much.
  • It was during his work on the ergot fungus, which grows in rye kernels, that he stumbled on LSD, accidentally ingesting a trace of the compound one Friday afternoon in April 1943. April « 2008 « Isegoria
  • Though celebrated for her work on Disney's hugely successful "Lion King" musical and on films such as "Frida" and "The Tempest," Ms. Taymor has also frequently been described as a micromanager, accused of devoting all her attention to the details of a production while turning a blind eye to budget. 'Spidey' Director's Role Is Cut
  • The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.
  • They constantly bounce ideas off each other, work on the premise that anything is possible and are so in tune that they finish each other's sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • They replied that for a day's work on a fruit farm, they can make 5,000 riels - but for a wild pig caught from the forest, whose flesh is a delicacy, they can get 30,000 riels.
  • When the group almost split over the issue of whether to focus on confrontational action or voter registration, she healed the breach by saying it should work on both.
  • After having fastened both ends together again, turn the work the right side upwards and the outer scallops upwards also, fasten the cotton over which you work on to the short purl which is under the first loop; * work 4 times 2 double, 1 purl, 2 double, fasten the cotton over which you work on the purl under the next loop, and repeat from * till the lace is completed. Beeton's Book of Needlework
  • Her work on environmental matters, conservation and protection of endangered species ranks high on her list of endless worthwhile endeavors.
  • Instead of paying local taxi firms to work on contract, the courtesy cars will ferry patients and staff about in a more readily available service which will also save money.
  • The halon gas fire suppression systems required in the cargo compartments of passenger planes don't work on fires caused by lithium metal batteries. Battery Safety Fight: Pilots Take On Big Business After Deadly Crash
  • In more than 28 years of flying aerial wildlife surveys, I've had the opportunity to work on many unique projects.
  • All that we were supposed to do was work on our perspective drawings, and largely ignore Ciappa and everyone else.
  • The central dome is some fifty feet in height, and passing to the right the guide seats the party in such a position that the frost work on the wall can be seen to advantage.
  • At a shelter for homeless and at-risk youth in southeast Washington, President-elect Barack Obama rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a paint brush and went to work on Monday. On Day of Service, Obama Visits Homeless Shelter - The Caucus Blog -
  • We'll work on it, and we'll move forward and we'll get them back to pre-war levels here in the next 60 days.
  • It had been the perfect place to work on his greatest inventions in complete peace and solitude.
  • He studied time dependent hyperbolic partial differential equations and also began to work on the Cauchy problem.
  • The moment you enter the gates you're swallowed up in a labyrinth of latticed houses where tailors embroider silken hangings and silversmiths work on glittering jewellery.
  • Most work on unsteady flow during locomotion in fluids has focused on flapping propulsors, and verifications of the theory have necessarily focused on rigid robotic limbs under carefully controlled conditions.
  • In 1865 he started his work on indigo - the blue dye had fascinated him since his youth-and this soon led to the discovery of indole and to the partial synthesis of indigotin. Adolf von Baeyer - Biography
  • But talking about the series again energized me to get to work on the prequel and I wrote almost a thousand words forward last night. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Could we need to work on stronger couplers for humans to make a train for everyone to ride on? Gareth Harris: Science & Religion: Using A 36 Horsepower Brain
  • I also discussed in some depth the potential for bypassing firewalls using the proxying components of the protocol. demo DNS is a routing, caching, globally deployed overlay network on top of the Internet. Boing Boing: January 9, 2005 - January 15, 2005 Archives
  • As soon as work on the eastbound lanes of Columbia is completed, the northern, westbound half will be completely replaced as well.
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • I work on the basis that, if you are right eight or nine times out of ten, you are not doing too badly.
  • In this account of the Hawsted harvest the large number of hired men and the few customary tenants is noteworthy as a sign of the times, for before the Black Death the harvest work on the demesne was the special work of the latter. A Short History of English Agriculture
  • Recent work on Upper Cretaceous sequence stratigraphy in European basins has demonstrated that chalks provide valuable information on short- and long-term sea-level change.
  • The phenomenon of chaos is still not completely understood and mathematicians work on it even today.
  • Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
  • Inhabitancy configuration and collective inhabitation work on social distance.
  • She said yesterday that she found her portfolio unsuited to her interests and wanted to work on the London Child Poverty Commission.
  • The portfolio mostly held unfinished charcoals or watercolors, some activities to work on flowing lines and facial expressions, and a few sketches and watercolors of different types of flowers.
  • Wally Schirra never flew the "big" missions; he was never a star, but if it hadn't been for his work on Apollo and his rendezvous flight in Gemini 6A, the program would have suffered, and he lead the way for the rest of the missions. Wally Schirra - 1923-2007
  • Employed in the mailroom at CBC and called upon once in a while to do part-time stagehand chores, I jumped at the chance to work on Ninety Minutes Live for a week, much of it spent being a gopher for the host.
  • I had no writing desk before. I did my homework on a bench.
  • For anyone with eyes to see and a television to be parked in front of by benignly neglectful eighties parents Floella is of course best known for her exuberantly dungareed presenting work on Playschool and Playaway. Film |
  • Charming cutwork on the jars will be ideal for holding your favourite spices and pickles.
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • In what felt like no time at all, we had arrived and entered the somewhat draughty Upper Hall with its rather interesting artwork on the wall, a floor to ceiling spiral of golden handprints, which is a lot better than some of the weird and wonderful stuff a previous modern-art-loving Master installed, including a huge wooden dinosaur in the grounds. The Office Party « Tales from the Reading Room
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • To the developer, making Linux work on an iPod is more than a clever hack or a technical challenge.
  • W3C work on rules, primarily through RIF and OWL, is focused on translating between rule languages and exchanging rules among different systems.
  • But she will make no formal announcement and is instead pouring her heart out in the recording studio as she continues work on her new album. The Sun
  • For those of us currently deluged with work, stretching from one week to another, or simply those who work on many different things, tracking down when an event is happening in nigh impossible. The Grand App Writing Challenge Submissions! | jonobacon@home
  • Although the Taipings have been much studied, Mr Spence breaks new ground with his work on the theological texts.
  • Kiltane locals are prepared to stand in front of bulldozers to stop work on the rehabilitation of bogs in Erris.
  • Clearly, when we work on reports on sensitive stories there is always attention that local innocent names are not mentioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Engineers are carrying out essential maintenance work on the main line to Cambridge.
  • Your task is to work on your skills and ensure your partner feels part of your success. The Sun
  • The triangular slave trade had begun to supply these Atlantic colonies with unfree African labour, for work on tobacco, rice and sugar plantations.
  • It also served as a useful stop gap exercise whilst the band started work on a new studio album.
  • Not only could we do advanced work on the training ground in terms of tactics and positional play. The Sun
  • Austin agreed and I began work on my first, very modest contribution to deep-sea research.
  • Simplo has an initial understanding to work on passenger cars with saic, the big state automaker there. Batteries Required?
  • Thomas Simpson is best remembered for his work on interpolation and numerical methods of integration.
  • Thanks MTV and please let us know more about this movie. karo (9/29/2008 12: 47: 11 PM) "... the young actors who play the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been trying to cram as much non-wizarding world work on their resumes as possible ... Rupert Grint Gets Bloody for ‘Cherrybomb’ - Check Out Exclusive Photos! » MTV Movies Blog
  • Somewhere along the line, I fell in with the charismatic megafauna, and now I work on the physiology, bioenergetics, behavior, and bioacoustics of marine mammals.
  • She can work on the body, relieving it of stress, aches and pain.
  • Work on the premises is set to begin next month with a view to a grand opening in March or April next year.
  • It's basically just the DOS version recompiled to work on Windows.
  • Analytical methods which will work on undiluted, individual ingredients may not work well on finished products containing other non-herbal ingredients or excipients.
  • Work on abridgement of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's masterpiece Tarjumanul Quran is going to be started soon.
  • Pappus tells us, therefore, that Theaetetus was inspired by the work of Theodorus to work on incommensurables and that he made major contributions to the theory.
  • One of the major objections some gun dealers have to adding bowhunting to their shops is the technical knowledge required to work on their customers' bows.
  • Daly further elaborated on this theme with his work on “steady state economics” [78] which worked out the implications of acknowledging that the Earth is materially finite and nongrowing, and that the economy is a subset of this finite global system. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • Basing her work on far-flung archives, Ms. Jasanoff takes us on a global voyage from North America to Europe, Africa and even India — and back again — as her subjects cross and recross the Atlantic in search of an elusive utopia. The Refugees Who Built an Empire
  • Men were sometimes summoned during the night and they took it in turns to work on Sundays.

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