
How To Use Wordless In A Sentence

  • Kim depends so much on wordless communication and meaningful interplay of glances.
  • Her hands clenched rhythmically in his hair as she cried out in the wordless language of ecstasy. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • Teigue wordlessly toed off his shoes, letting them hit the floor with two dull thuds.
  • Shi Jialei, who is talkative and always wears a smile, said he was a wordless and silent child before he came to the school.
  • A quick and wordless wrestle ensued, both men exerting themselves physically to pry away the files.
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  • Other scenes describe the beauty of wordless communication with an infant, while another narrative traces the pain and anxiety of parents watching their premature baby fight for survival in a hospital incubator.
  • Her friend nodded wordlessly, and the two of them burst into tears and began hugging each other.
  • Dark, muffled organ sets the stage for a plaintive piano line, which is echoed by wordless singing.
  • In an echo of the wild rumpus scenes from "Where the Wild Things Are," we soon embark on six densely illustrated but wordless pages of roistering, in which Bumble-Ardy and his friends feed one another cake, rattle tambourines and prance about with birthday banners. Sendak's Party Animals
  • instrumental" in an effort to justify their wordless noise or songs with failed lyrics, just like how we, back in high school, kept calling the crappiest of our work "abstract. Both Sides of the Mouth
  • Her bending body evoked wordless memories of love and life, her supple arms gave meaning to nameless emotions, and her springing legs bore testament to perfection.
  • She threw her arms around him in wordless grief.
  • Wordlessly, Joe turned and walked a few paces, setting the distance for the gunfight.
  • In his introduction to this collection, a former Rolling Stone editor Paul Scanlon writes about how the young Thompson used to enter their San-Francisco-based office "with a bowlegged quickstep, making the zigzagging seriocomic, dramatic entrance," then plop down his leather rucksack while wordlessly removing the contents, which "usually included something edible, like a grapefruit, a carton of Dunhills, a large police flashlight, a bottle of Wild Turkey and a can of liquid Mace. Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride
  • He offers a handclasp that Fiedler can scarcely feel: ‘I stood there baffled, a little ashamed of how I had braced myself involuntarily for a bone-crushing grip, how I must have yearned for some wordless preliminary test of strength.’
  • Wordlessly, with Sister Probina's hateful eyes on her, Adriana unharnessed the black saddle-mule, her favorite of the two.
  • Despite the distances between them, however, they clung to each other's company grimly, wordlessly coming to the help of the family whose house was blown over by the storm, anonymously leaving a young he-goat among the herd whose sire died the day before, and occasionally gathering at each other's homes for a night of tall and terrible tales or songs of loneliness and silent longing. Enjoyment
  • In the swordless platies, females also prefer males with artificially attached swords over conspecific males.
  • The hallways are hushed as kids move wordlessly between classes, lined up single-file on the right side of each hallway, though they do bop and sashay in muted, youthful excitement.
  • Remembering these things the idle young "flatty" turned and looked at the green-coated and sunken-shouldered figure, touched into some rough pity by the wordless pathos of an existence which seemed without aim or reason. Never-Fail Blake
  • For the Bristol-based musician's new release, "Love Songs And Carboot Electronica," Brown created an illustrated six-panel digipack and a 16-page comic book that features a brief wordless comic strip (four panels at most) for each track on the album. Comic Artist And Author Leaves Traditional Books Behind
  • The moan was a wordless cry of hunger that drifted to them through the pillars of oak trees, like the plaintive call of a wandering ghost. Rot & Ruin
  • The film is a retelling of the timeframe between Jesus' prayers for strength in Gethsemane through to his agonising death on the cross, and a wordless epilogue for Easter Sunday's resurrection.
  • The disc closes with "Praise Be to the Man," a twelve-minute opus with more sitars, a lumbering bass line, and amorphous wordless shouts in the background.
  • The book is largely wordless, relying instead on a symphony of onomatopoeia.
  • Their wordless improvisations and clear world music influences have shattered, reconfigured and picked up lyrics, culminating in a sprawling album that comes off as some kind of art-damaged radio play.
  • Over a wavery organ loop that gently builds then fades away amid a wash of echoes, a singer slowly groans out a wordless lament.
  • Even the fast numbers have a bitter bitonality, and the final one is a wordless requiem. Times, Sunday Times
  • He raised a dripping fist and shook it at the departing boat with a wordless screech, only to splutter again as he went under once more.
  • Becky had clung wordlessly to her neck, unconsoled even by the promise of presents. Slightly Married
  • She would have run off, if I had let her - I caught her one day heading for the thistled horse paddocks; after that I kept her tender feet unshod and let the bindi-eyes do the policing with their peculiarly masculine and wordless perseverance.
  • Wordlessly they walked the last few yards to the yawning chasm in the ground, their little fingers linked once more.
  • By replacing the alleluia sung in the normal seasons, it represents a kind of fasting from the wordless jubilation of the alleluia. What We Learn from Music
  • Asked why he was robbing the house, one man wordlessly pointed to his open mouth to indicate he was hungry.
  • The record, at times, is a circus of sounds, an ornate hodgepodge of moody keyboards and skronky guitars, wordless angel chorales, ambient electronics, airy woodwinds and overcharged fuzzboxes.
  • We finish Havdalah, the ceremony that separates Shabbat from the rest of the week, with an unspoken urgency; at its conclusion, we will wordlessly dash to the computer to check the news.
  • Stanley also describes another eye-popper: "A 1968 Nixon ad reveling in Democratic Party chaos, for instance, is a wordless montage of the Chicago convention, Vietnam and civil unrest, set to a daffily jaunty rendition of 'Happy Days Are Here Again.' GreenCine Daily
  • And while practically everyone I know cried during the opening montage of Up that wordlessly summarized the love, growth and lingering regrets of a long marriage, no one talked much about the rest of the film save for the spot-on dopiness of the talking golden retriever character, Dug. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Toy Story 3
  • The wordless theatre of everyday life occasionally threatens to subside into banality.
  • Wordless cartoon balloons float in dumb surprise above.
  • It wasn't the wordless lyrics of death of the wraith, but it was very close, and Jeremy had the sickening feeling that it was a call to arms.
  • But now Giblets has a means of giving voice to his wordless rage, a vehicle for his footless fury!
  • Usually the wordless communication acts to qualify the words.
  • Panama city beach condos a wordlessly undisputedly systematic sloe ago, i can easy wildfire how i neuropsychiatric to luau when i flagrantly thrombopenia to tetrao my littre. Rational Review
  • They revelled in each other's company, not talking very much, occasionally wordlessly reaching out a hand which swiftly found a response. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Beginner's luck, they wordlessly agreed, anteing again - but then kept a watchful eye on the underfed scrapman who'd just appropriated their potential winnings. The DreydelMaker (exerpt)
  • In fact a wordless world might in many respects be a better place. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • At the heart of the symphony, structurally and emotionally, is the adagio, the wordless love scene, conceived for orchestra alone. Forgotten Berlioz: Roméo et Juliette
  • Sometimes the latter, when they were back at the rest camp, would hum slow melodious wordless songs, while Johannes drew. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Wordlessly, we turned and took our first swirling steps into the deep water of one of the jungle pools in the Raspaculo river.
  • In spite of this, they seem to have completely forgotten this principle when they fail to apprize the value of the Wordless Scriptures.
  • Wordlessly, she stands up and, doesn't drop, but jumps off going further than she should.
  • And then, for the first time since she had first appeared in Belloc's garden, she began to sing, in a quiet, penetrating, wordless, altogether eldritch voice.
  • He watched her, wordlessly, using a carefully organized gait to hide the limp.
  • One fragment with the smile intact rests a step above the Moor's head, as wordless cartoon balloons float in dumb surprise above.
  • Check out his nearly wordless performance in Happy End, or in Im Kwon-taek's Chihwaseon - both intense roles, both played to sheer perfection.
  • Rae snarled wordlessly and kick-started the bike, the engine noise drowning out her rantings.
  • The Wordless Music Orchestra, clad in phantasmal white, performed Gavin Bryars ' 1969 piece "The Sinking of the Titanic. All Aboard the RMS Guggenheim
  • She uttered a wordless cry of despair.
  • A long, wordless tracking shot follows a man on a winter jog in Central Park.
  • He nodded wordlessly and then thirstily drank the water she offered.
  • No recondite phrase or pleasing neologism, it is a wordless summons like that made by the infant in distress.
  • The act ends with a paean of created Nature as the wordless chorus - sung with the characteristic ebullience of the Opera North Chorus - takes up the Wedding Chant.
  • The clowns are neither the bewigged bozos who gave you nightmares as a child nor the bemasked Italian Harlequins that gave you nightmares as a college student, but instead red-nosed, wordless caricatures that embody certain Metro tropes like Guy From Baltimore Who Hits on All the Ladies (Jon Reynolds) or Uptight Intern With a Laugh Like a Fire Alarm (Micael Bogar) or Tourist Who Apparently Has Never Before Seen a Map (Lenore Sack). Theater review of 'Separated at Birth' at Mead Theatre Lab
  • There is a wordless conversation among these shows.
  • Slowly his voice is joined by the sound of a stone xylophone and a wordless choir.
  • They sat wordlessly, each consumed in their own thoughts, punctuated by the sharp ting of the rain.
  • Wordlessly, he replaced the phone back to its original cradle and idly picked up his jacket and suitcase.
  • He chose wordless comics as his Grand Prix exhibition theme, to be seen during the next edition of the biyearly magazine in 2006
  • Wordlessly, he rides through the wilderness, until he hears the yaps of coyotes in the distance, which to anyone who has watched a lot of Westerns means one thing, Indians.
  • It is a rapturous transcription of an evening in one woman's life, paced out almost in real time and mostly wordless.
  • The Zorn, a wordless vocalise, packs considerable rhythmic variety into 10 minutes; it is sung with brio by Anu Komsi, who ends with a shriek. Slipping Over the Edge at City Opera
  • She begged for food and alms, reaching wordlessly through the open windows of the buses parked at the bus stand.
  • While wordless understanding seems a bit mystical and precious, it may not be as strange as it seems.
  • Snares turn into handclaps, drums fall in and out of the mix, the beat sounds like it's running backwards - to which Jackson responds by singing wordless falsetto over the top.
  • About fifteen minutes after the _planton_ had locked everyone in, The Zulu driftingly arrived before us; whereupon we attempted to give him his purchases -- but he winked and told us wordlessly that we should (if we would be so kind) keep them for him, immediately following this suggestion by a request that we open the marmalade or jam or whatever it might be called -- preserve is perhaps the best word. The Enormous Room
  • Johnny Weissmuller makes a brief and wordless cameo as himself, when he picks the duo up in his convertible.
  • Kerry Fox and Mark Rylance star as a couple whose wordless, adulterous affair descends into paranoia and self-destruction.
  • For many the only remaining escape from the lie of sovietism was descent into an alcoholic stupor, wordless and sullen, repeated over and over again until the cognitive functions withered, the liver gave out, and death arrived as a relief. This Side of Ultima Thule
  • Nielsen introduces two solo voices singing a wordless vocalise in the glorious slow movement.
  • Wordlessly, she took a seat around the bonfire she had lit earlier.
  • The song ends with the drummer alone on the stage pounding out the final measures as the crowd chants a wordless South African mantra.
  • The former is the group's raison d' etre - its wordless doo-wop chorus gently fluttering underneath the plaintive expression of individual empowerment that had been Sly's credo up to that point.
  • For all its rambunctious energy, Rossini's music is full of subtle details here, especially in the contrasting middle section in C-sharp minor — pianissimo again — dominated by a rushing line of wordless patter for the first violins with soft woodwind and string accompaniment. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • The singer then enters in the "correct" mode and finishes the song with a rapturous, wordless counter-melody.
  • The very minute she awoke she would begin this relentless spine-chilling howling, her wordless distress all too apparent.
  • Ezra joined him wordlessly and stepped up to the opposite end of a full barrel and dragged it to the gangway.
  • choking exasperation and wordless shame
  • Some of the tracks here were intensely experimental, featuring the electric keyboard equivalent of scordatura tuning, lush quasi-orchestral Hammond organ backdrops, haunting saxophone and ethereal wordless vocals.
  • I could feel the heat surrounding me, burning me, scorching my skin, causing me to cry out wordlessly in pain.
  • The singing was a queer, ragged noise — an earnest booming from Mr Macgregor, a kind of shamefaced muttering from the other Europeans, and from the back a loud, wordless lowing, for the Karen Christians knew the tunes of the hymns but not the words. Burmese Days
  • The directors similarly stripped down the action, skillfully focusing confrontations, blocking chorus scenes choreographically, and staging the wordless performance of the Players with creepily stylized mime. Pedestrian Score
  • In such instances, the chant becomes wordless and the music begins to echo a kind of heavenly or angelic music.
  • We finish Havdalah, the ceremony that separates Shabbat from the rest of the week, with an unspoken urgency; at its conclusion, we will wordlessly dash to the computer to check the news.
  • When meditating, it seems best for most people to be in a dark room lit by scentless candles while listening to wordless soundscape music.
  • This wordless tragedy informs every moment of what we are shown from then on.
  • The impulses to wordless prayer rappelz rupees.
  • I watched him wordlessly shimmy up a tree, retie the knots, and resecure the tarps. Steve and Me
  • He stands and walks over to the sink, wordlessly handing the mother the dish and she accepts it without reacting or commenting upon the remaining uneaten food.
  • I imagine I'll then smile, at last unselfconsciously, as I wordlessly witness the weightless Mystery. Mise-en-scène - French Word-A-Day
  • When the daughters accidentally humiliate her at the dinner table by breezily offering up a wounding description of how they see their mother, Sarandon's wordless reaction is an example of superb screen acting.
  • There are two vocal items, a wordless vocalise with flute and guitar and a trenchant, highly effective group of eight Haiku, a minute each.
  • At various points, the baritone joins the soprano for his own wordless riffs, perhaps representing the observer at one with nature.
  • Wordless, be drunk woman bar public.
  • Dimly and wordlessly he had felt that here was a creature who had reached an orchidlike perfection through a long process of evolution, and generations of luxury. The Port of Adventure
  • No recondite phrase or pleasing neologism, it is a wordless summons like that made by the infant in distress.
  • Steven Tyler's perpetual lechery; the way the entire panel hedges about criticism by qualifying it by saying, "At first ..." and then explaining how any given contestant pulled it together; Jacob Lusk's wordless wailing. VIDEO: American Idol's End-on-the-Title Montage

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