How To Use Word for word In A Sentence

  • MR. COLLIS'S dogmatic assertions, that the Roman Catholics "conformed" for the twelve years, and that Popes Paul IV. and Pius IV. offered to confirm the Book of Common Prayer if Elizabeth would acknowledge the papal supremacy, are evidently borrowed, word for word, from Dr. Wordsworth's [4] _Theophilus Anglicanus_, cap.vii. p. 219. Notes and Queries A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc
  • I then translated the ode from the Greek, and as nearly as possible, word for word; and the impression was, that in the general movement of the periods, in the form of the connections and transitions, and in the sober majesty of lofty sense, it appeared to them to approach more nearly, than any other poetry they had heard, to the style of our Biographia Literaria
  • #150 Interesting, this rant is almost word for word what we were told about Iraq … when the Bush administration was advocating their “pre-emptive strike” doctrine. Think Progress » Kristol Suggests People of Iran Would Embrace U.S. Attack, Triggering Regime Change
  • Interesting, this rant is almost word for word what we were told about Iraq - down to the Hitler reference - when the Bush administration was advocating their “pre-emptive strike” doctrine. Think Progress » Kristol Suggests People of Iran Would Embrace U.S. Attack, Triggering Regime Change
  • It sounded rather old-fashioned, and he may have learnt it word for word from a training manual. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I began by translating Perrault’s tales, very nearly word for word; because to me his style has always seemed nearly perfect for its purpose; and the essence of “style” in writing is propriety to its purpose. Preface.
  • Well | | at the last came one that redde the tytle, it was wryten in laten with greate Romayne lettres, ye Greke was wryten with capytale lettres of Greke, whiche at the fyrst syght do apere to be capytale latê lettres, at thayr desyer I dyd expownde ye verses in laten, trãslatynge thaym word for word. The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion
  • But yesterday, red-faced officials admitted whole swathes were lifted word for word grammatical slips and all from a student thesis.
  • Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?
  • People have offered their own substitutes: kanth langote for 'necktie' - a literal word for word translation, and murg poonchhal sammelan for 'a cocktail party '. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • True to form, ‘anonymous’ continues to call the libels “misquotes”, as if the quotations about slavery and James Earl Ray were almost word for word. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Limbaugh Have a Libel Suit Against CNN?
  • As scary as it is for me I love it because I can look out and see everybody singing the song word for word.
  • 'I can see no reason,' he says, in one passage in particular which I remember word for word, I think, it gives me such pleasure to recall it -- 'I can see no reason for supposing that _some such_ insight would be impossible to the quickened faculties of a higher development. Ideala
  • Simply put your phone to your ear and repeat, word for word, the vacuities that your annoying neighbour is expressing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over a two-day period, a copy editor reads and rereads a manuscript, word for word, sentence for sentence, page for page.
  • On following the English text, I realised that the translator had translated word for word because she did not fully understand.
  • Similarly, it is better to paraphrase points made above, rather than repeat them word for word.
  • If you don't want to hire an attorney, another option is to retype your existing wills word for word as they are written, while at the same time making your desired changes.
  • The contents of this horrible, atrocious, grotesque and blackguardly letter were as follows, word for word: A Raw Youth
  • Research has also shown that good readers depend very heavily upon the visual information contained in the word for word identification what is commonly called the graphemic information or orthographic information. Barriers to Reading Comprehension « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • Don't translate word for word.
  • But he admits that it's favoured by people who, and I quote him word for word, ‘neither speak English nor Spanish properly’.
  • In the end, it's likely that no one - not even the boss who hires you - will read your résumé word for word.
  • I am not actually quoting him word for word, you know.
  • Avoid translating prompts word for word because syntax and common word usage vary widely among languages.
  • When all of our great educational reformers, those beacons of light in the cesspools known as public schools, have learned that the only way students can learn is for each teacher to follow the same script word for word, how can we tolerate these so-called educators who believe they have to abandon the script and try something new when the script is not working with the majority of our students? Randy Turner: The Time for Term Limits for Teachers Is Now
  • The concordances providing word for word breakdowns of Horace's Latin provided quite a challenge.
  • Making all allowance for the older sources utilised, and to a large extent transcribed word for word, in Judges, Samuel, and Kings, we find that apart from the Pentateuch the preexilic portion of the Old Testament amounts in bulk to little more than the half of the entire volume. Prolegomena
  • Other tale-tellers repeated tales identical to Perrault's text word for word.
  • We know, however, that Beethoven had some poetic idea in his mind as he wrote this; but as he never gave the clew to the world, the music has been swallowed as 'absolute music' by the modern formalists "-- a comment which would apply almost word for word, with a change of names and titles, to a certain tumultuous and" unbeautiful "passage in MacDowell's" Lancelot and Elaine. Edward MacDowell
  • All five, in statements so similar that they mostly read word for word, said the idea for the journey was hatched in 2008 after the group watched the movie "Kite Runner" at Umar Chaudhry's house -- what they called the usual hangout of the youths, who lived in the same neighborhood off Route 1. 5 Virginia men facing terrorism charges in Pakistan write of 'noble' motivation
  • Sentences are repeated, word for word. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is literally on the edge of his seat, silently reciting her pitch, word for word, right along with her.
  • In these notes, the borrowing is the most direct, often corresponding word for word. Introduction
  • In his room I told him about this farmer, word for word; and I sat picking at the table cover like one bereft of sagaciousness. The Gentle Grafter
  • A man who never ventured one impious word or deed against the gods we worship, but whose whole language concerning them, and his every act, closely coincided, word for word, and deed for deed, with all we deem distinctive of devoutest piety. Memorabilia
  • It blows your mind to hear everyone sing word for word. The Sun
  • It is good practice to write your proposal word for word as if it were the final draft.
  • Repeat, word for word, as closely as you can remember, all that was told you by the sycee The Argosy Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 1891
  • You write the whole thing out word for word, check the spelling, check the grammar.
  • The recollection might not be word for word but it's pretty accurate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sign language is visual, and isn't always translated word for word into English.
  • When I disagree with you, I am not obligated to then repeat your response word for word out loud for all to hear.
  • `Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild. LOHENGRIN
  • American Sign Language, which has its own grammatical system, cannot be translated word for word because of idioms.
  • Don't translate word for word , sentence for sentence.
  • `Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild. LOHENGRIN
  • Sarah: I know I have to stick to my script word for word, but is this the part where I can ad lib a laugh at least? abram hollon Beat 360° 9/10/08
  • His point has been repeated, almost word for word, by US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher.

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