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wood vinegar

  1. a red-brown liquid formed in distillation of wood which contains acetic acid, methanol, acetone, wood oils, and tars

How To Use wood vinegar In A Sentence

  • Large deposits of frothy reddish-brown pyrolignic acid, or “wood vinegar,” as the men called it, had also been found, indicating, as Roebling said, “that a destructive distillation of wood had been going on.” The Great Bridge
  • The differences of density, odor and color for wood vinegar collected at different smoke temperature were very little.
  • Wood vinegar, also known as pyroligneous acid, is the sap or fluid derived from tree cells. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • All, claimed to be based on a traditional Japanese system, are teabag-like pads containing wood vinegar (aka pyroligneous acid) and other ingredients such as herbs and minerals. More pseudoscience afoot
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