How To Use Wood pigeon In A Sentence

  • The bush has abundant bird life, including the bellbird, tomtit, rifleman, wood pigeon and grey warbler.
  • They need to be combined with sugar and made into some kind of preserve, like the traditional rowan jelly often served with roast venison, wood pigeon or wild duck.
  • Silvia could hear the twittering of the young starlings in their nests as their parents went and came carrying food, and the loud and joyful "tirr-a-wee, tirr-a-wee, prooit, tweet!" of the thrushes, and the low currooing of the wood pigeon, and the soft call of the cuckoo, that seemed to come in whenever an interval of silence fitted. Bird Day; How to prepare for it
  • Wood pigeons and songsters flee at its appearance, yet rarely do they fall prey to this large hawk.
  • Here, he fed me a physically light but palatally super-heavy duck liver and foie gras tartine, roasted quail with deep-fried quails' eggs, and a brilliant wood pigeon on parsnip risotto.
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  • In this area you may see the brown creeper, tomtit, robin, bellbird, rifleman, wood pigeon, falcon and kea.
  • It is known to have mild effects on a wide range of British birds such as the dunnock, house sparrow, starling and the wood pigeon. UK garden birds hit by avian pox virus
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • The shadow of a thrush crossed the carpet; from the deepest wells of silence the wood pigeon drew its bubble of sound.
  • Wild birds that might be acceptable alternatives for William include woodcock, wood pigeon, partridge and grouse.
  • Across the river birds warble in the bush - wood pigeons, tui and native parrots flit among the nikau palms and kahikatea.
  • Have I mentioned that my favourite New Zealand bird is the kereru, the native wood pigeon?
  • Others contributing to the soundtrack include the goldcrest, blackbird, thrush, chiffchaff, wren, mallard, coot and even the garden bully, the wood pigeon. Beat winter blues with birdsong, National Trust urges
  • Wood pigeons were churring, providing a steady contra-bass to a splendid dawn chorus, but no more cuckoo.
  • The restaurant specialised in modern British cooking with a French influence, and it was dishes such as muntjac deer with lobster and pan-roasted wood pigeon that had won over the Michelin judges. Home | Mail Online
  • We also saw collared doves, wood pigeons, barn swallows and a red-wattled plover.
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • Birds considered to be endangered or rare are Sri Lanka wood pigeon Columba torringtoni, green-billed coucal Centropus chlororhynchus, Sri Lanka white-headed starling Sturnus senex, Sri Lanka blue magpie Cissa ornata, and ashy-headed babbler Garrulax cinereifrons, all of which are endemic, and red-faced malkoha Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus. Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka
  • In this area you may see the brown creeper, tomtit, robin, bellbird, rifleman, wood pigeon, falcon and kea.
  • The airport attracts corvids, rooks, crows, lapwings and wood pigeons among others.
  • Instead, you can choose a venison escalope topped with wood pigeon or the west coast lobster bisque topped with a light brandy cream.
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • The kitchen'll be turning out seasonal, elevated tavern victuals including a trio of rotating savory pies e.g., lamb & rosemary, curried chicken; hare/wood pigeon/venison-filled Poacher's Soup; Lancashire hot pots w/ braised lamb shoulder; and, sided by a savoy cabbage & wild mushroom casserole, a roasted Berkshire rack, which can happen pretty quickly considering how pale everyone is there. Thrillist: Jones Wood Foundry: A Pub With Proprietary Beer and Meat Pies
  • Until recently, winter nesting in British birds has been very rare beyond a handful of species that include the wood pigeon, feral pigeon, and collared dove.
  • I saw a single coot and lots of wood pigeons perched in the dead trees surrounding the lagoon.
  • Along these roads are many walking tracks where native birds such as wood pigeons, bellbirds, weka and fantails can be seen and heard.
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • In the trees a pair of wood pigeons churred away happily.
  • The bush has abundant bird life, including the bellbird, tomtit, rifleman, wood pigeon and grey warbler.
  • In this area you may see the brown creeper, tomtit, robin, bellbird, rifleman, wood pigeon, falcon and kea.
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • Along these roads are many walking tracks where native birds such as wood pigeons, bellbirds, weka and fantails can be seen and heard.
  • • Other species you can hear include wood pigeon, carrion crow, blue tit, blackcap, mallard, pheasant, coot and the great-crested grebe. Listen to the National Trust audio guide to Britain's bird species
  • I saw a single coot and lots of wood pigeons perched in the dead trees surrounding the lagoon.
  • In this area you may see the brown creeper, tomtit, robin, bellbird, rifleman, wood pigeon, falcon and kea.
  • The bush has abundant bird life, including the bellbird, tomtit, rifleman, wood pigeon and grey warbler.

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