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wood alcohol

  1. a light volatile flammable poisonous liquid alcohol; used as an antifreeze and solvent and fuel and as a denaturant for ethyl alcohol

How To Use wood alcohol In A Sentence

  • The researchers converted that carbon to an oxalate, which is the building block of various chemicals, from wood alcohol to antifreeze. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • Absorption of drugs often causes blindness -- tobacco, wood alcohol, lead, used in so many industries; bisulphide of carbon, used in making rubber; nitro-benzol, used in the manufacture of explosives, and some of the anilin dyes. Five Lectures on Blindness
  • Oxygen can be increased by adding methanol (wood alcohol from natural gas, coal or wood), ethanol (grain alcohol, usually from corn or sugar) or compounds made from either and known as MTBE and ETBE. Keep Holding Your Breath
  • The counterfeit vodka was contaminated with methanol, an industrial wood alcohol more commonly used in anti-freeze and paint thinners, which could present a major health risk to anyone drinking it.
  • The destructive distillation of wood to give methanol is the root of its common name - wood alcohol.
  • Tonight I shall drink several pints of wood alcohol with a refreshing mixer of Irn Bru!
  • Ethanol ( grain alcohol ) and methanol ( wood alcohol ) are the Best - known alcohols with one hydroxyl group.
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