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How To Use Wont In A Sentence

  • Relaxing, in amusement at her unwonted altruism of motive, she had drawn her moleskin coat more closely around her, and settled back to wait the other woman's pleasure in returning to the bright warmth that the pale-orange ribbon of light, wavering upon the swaying platform, harbingered. Undesirables
  • Perhaps if he hadn't looked so unwontedly silly, then he would have been able to keep it down, but instead he snorted.
  • Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
  • The opening door woke Roger, startled Patrick and gave the cat an unwonted and sudden attack of conscience. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Leinsdorf shows unwonted impetuosity in his approach to tempos, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, while not consistently as refined as it could be, plays the music tautly.
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Master English with Ease
  • Under this head, too, may be included those cases wherein an ordinarily spicate inflorescence becomes paniculate owing to the branching of the axis and the formation of an unwonted number of secondary buds. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Commander of the Faithful, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, who hath heard tell of the lord Solomon, son of David (on whom be peace!) and of that which the Most High bestowed upon him of supreme dominion; how he held sway over Jinn and beast and bird and was wont when he was wroth with one of the Marids, to shut him in a cucurbite of brass and, stopping its mouth on him with lead, whereon he impressed his seal ring, to cast him into the sea of Al – Karkar. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And now, gentlemen," said Clifford, as soon as the revellers had provided themselves with their wonted luxuries, potatory and fumous, "let us hear your adventures, and rejoice our eyes with their produce. Paul Clifford — Volume 04
  • Andrea, then, was wont to cast in moulds of this material such natural objects as hands, feet, knees, legs, arms, and torsi, in order to have them before him and imitate them with greater convenience. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 03 (of 10), Filarete and Simone to Mantegna
  • The ball was old and the pitch was slow and Jones, as was his wont, was moving around the crease to disrupt the bowler's line. Jack decided to stand up to the stumps.
  • To this cfFcdl recalling the wonted fcrenity cf hi-s countenance, which lie liad tor tome time loft, ar, d taking him by the hand, with a de - portment vviiully pallionate i Pharamond; or, The history of France. A fam'd romance in twelve parts; the whole work never before Englished;
  • But on this particular day it seemed as if some of the ingredients were wanting, for the morning and afternoon passed, to the astonishment of all, without a single "phiz" as the girls were wont somewhat felicitously to call the frequent passages of arms in which the two girls considered it their peculiar privilege to indulge. Hollowmell or, A Schoolgirl's Mission
  • First, the council are of opinion that you should now begin to stir in the thirlage cause; and they think they will be able, from evidence NOVITER REPERTUM, to enable you to amend your condescendence upon the use and wont of the burgh, touching the GRANA INVECTA ET ILLATA. Redgauntlet
  • It must really irk you guys that Mccain and bush pretty much agree with the democrats on illegal immigration. and you are scared dems will destroy oil companies? wont unrenewable fossil fuels do the job anyways? Duck, It's Hillary!
  • my local continental bakery (barbakan in chorlton uk) does a lovely cake he calls a beesting but its not like any beesting I have seen before and he wont share his recipe - (understandably) The Fresh Loaf
  • If you connect an LED the wrong way round it won't kill it - it just wont produce any light.
  • He watches Rebecca watch the protectiveness they show for each other, unwonted. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • It comprised the Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of Franklin. The Crossing
  • The first group, wont to judge the parents who believe an occasional, mild, judicious spanking is proper — or the second group, who harshly condemns the parents who truly abuse their child, even to the point ofdeath? The Volokh Conspiracy » The Rhetoric of Opposition
  • = -- The term phyllomania has been vaguely applied both to the production of an unwonted number of leaves and to their development in unusual situations. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • I think thats the point they were trying to make … Palin wont be interviewing them. Think Progress » Toby Keith joins LL Cool J in shock at being used for Palin’s Fox News show.
  • The haters from Palin/McCain rallies from the last election didnt have any impact then and they wont now. Obama political arm goes on offense
  • Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Why Teddy, zed Pall, dwontye zend Miss Hanson thic zong which ye made yerzel; I thenk ther is a moril in thic. The Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire
  • For thy heart has been touched, and been made more than wontedly tender. Euterpe
  • I was warned that senators - as is politicians' wont everywhere - like to speak for most of their allotted time, leaving only a small gap for an answer.
  • You can shoot slugs from a smooth bore, but theyll be less accurate and wont go as far. What are the two types of barrels for shotguns?and what is each of them used for?
  • _Corona Australis_ was blazing with unwonted brilliancy, and, it seemed to him, the constellation was making signs to him from its signal station in the heavens. The Wedge of Gold
  • I'd like to get something like this, but wont use credit card, is there apay as you go card or something else out there, there are so many things made nowadays, can anyone help,this way its used up before the stealers for lack of a better term are able to get to it. thank you Convert old tapes into MP3s — now just $149 | Sync Blog
  • As was his wont he walked briskly, pausing occasionally to inspect a young camellia bud or to throw a stick for Charlie. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • What do we do as a MOP, do we just let them in with open arms - ‘please steal my things - I wont resist I wouldnt want to effect your human right to burgle me’? or does it have to reach the other end of the spectrum, whereby if you want justice people are forced to action? The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Not only did Obama refute that case with the FedX, UPS example, the bigger proof that it wont is Universities. Lieberman: Obama should delay trying to cover the uninsured
  • Away in the background some of them had familiars or casual prompters to whose counsels they were wont to listen, but many of the adjoints who moved in the limelight of the world-stage were gritless and pithless. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • He was wont to fall asleep after supper.
  • Plus The HILUX and Navara/Hardbody drivers wont buy this Passenger "bakkie". Undefined
  • There is a rumor going the rounds that Mr Wonton will be the new superintendent.
  • This, however, was no unwonted mood of passion with Darsie Latimer, upon whom Cupid was used to triumph only in the degree of a Mahratta conqueror, who overruns a province with the rapidity of lightning, but finds it impossible to retain it beyond a very brief space. Redgauntlet
  • After his marriage he was wont to say he had got all that was worth having out of the crowd of houses they called London. Wives and Daughters
  • Joe: Jindal wont be VP because McCain wont be President. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Gerry, as was his wont, recalled some of the stories of the old days in the Mayo News, the ‘hot metal’ days as he would always describe them.
  • In most instances the successful maintenance of a glaucomatous life, exclusive of operative interference, in addition to sustained myosis, demands the investigation of the patient's metabolism, which must be kept at the normal standard, the removal of the evil effects of auto-infection, as we are wont to call it, and especially the elimination of the cause which is responsible for the over plus tension of the arteries and of the veins. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Old use and wont legs about the fire. 
  • She was tall for her fourteen years, and very slender – "scraggy," Jim was wont to say, with the cheerful frankness of brothers. Mates at Billabong
  • The tone was richer and warmer than is her wont, the coloratura brilliant and smooth. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • It was his wont to paste up long altar-pieces of Liana's charms, charms which her father had sought to enhance by means of delicate and almost meagre fare, by shutting up his orangery, whose window he seldom lifted off from this flower of a milder clime -- until she had become a tender creature of pastil-dust, which the gusts of fate and monsoons of climate could almost blow to pieces. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 07 — Fiction
  • I wont tu ryde mi buy-cicle, I wont tu ryde mi byke, I wont tu ride mi buy-cicle, I wont o ride it to da nearest kitteh for a snorglefest! Lolcat IRL - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Wont it be strange when all fully grown.
  • Ruth (1/14/2010 7: 00: 56 PM) oh no bad news i love the guy he is one of my fave tv actors hope your well and back in filming soon dude tv wont be the same without our dexter fix ‘Dexter’ Star Michael C. Hall Has Cancer, Now In Remission » MTV Movies Blog
  • I was wont to point out that since the sea presented an impassable barrier, the sand spit, drawn out to a fine point, was just the spot where a piccaninny might be easily rounded up, if it were detected in a preoccupied mood. My Tropic Isle
  • The mother was dressed as her kind are wont to be on Sunday morning - that is to say, not dressed at all, but hung about with coarse garments, her hair in unbeautiful disarray.
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • an unwonted softness in her face
  • But the country did not recover with its wonted elasticity. Chapter XXI
  • September 17th, 2009 7: 06 pm ET sure carter is wrong. he is rich he does not have to worry about paying for health care like all us working stiffs do. see he does not worry who is going to pay for all this. he is sure it wont come out his pocket. Commentary: Carter is wrong on Obama’s opposition
  • Matt Suhu on Jul 21, 2008 they wont use the penguin because nolan has said publically that he doesnt like the penguin character if you read the story on the website in the address listed a few comments back nolan says that the riddler is the next villian .. howevere whon knows how reliable that website .. for all we know its all BS so who knows. if nolan decides that he doesnt want to do a third batman i dont think that they should do a third .. but then again whoever takes up the mantle will hopefully do it justice. Contest: Where Could The Dark Knight Go Next? «
  • From what i've heard she is a good actress, but she wont make a good Warewolf, and since there is only one female warewolf, the actress that gets the part needs to be more grungey than her. ‘HSM3’ Star Vanessa Hudgens Auditions For ‘Twilight’ Sequel » MTV Movies Blog
  • Vpon the forenamed plaine there were wont to be great store of villages: but for the most part they were all wasted, in regarde of the fertile pastures, that the Tartars might feede their cattel there. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • It was incredible that the wontedly dignified and sweet-tempered collie had thus returned a greeting. Bruce
  • McCain wont even fund the wounded vets coming home. franco Obama targets McCain, limits mentions of Clinton
  • The shock and shame I felt on reading that statement of transfer, in all its lack of human affect, took the form of an unwanted, and unwonted, sense of complicity, and then remorse, over a century after the fact.
  • March 22, 2008 at 2:17 pm ohia billy, eye wont hold the scotch, it wuld be berry messie. eye jus leave it in bottle. heres ur water. Keep friends close, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • * thumbs up short of the occasional "look out" or behind you if i dont know you you wont here a word outa me. Destructoid
  • Philautus, upbraiding his treacherous friend Euphues for robbing him of his lady's love, delivers himself of the following speech: "Although hitherto Euphues I have shrined thee in my heart for a trusty friend, I will shunne thee hereafter as a trothless foe, and although I cannot see in thee less wit than I was wont, yet do I find less honesty. John Lyly
  • And this, till its end was answered, they would all steadily continue, and then, with chearful self-approvance, resume their wonted comforts. Camilla
  • At any rate René, over his busy work in the lantern, whistled and hummed snatches of song with unwonted blithesomeness, and, after lighting the steady watch-light and securing all his paraphernalia with extra care, dallied some time longer than usual on the outer platform, striving to snatch through the driven wraith a glance of the distant lights of Pulwick. The Light of Scarthey
  • The previous city council was wont to overspend.
  • It is rather in what we call psychical vision that the poet is wont to excel, that is, in his ability to perceive the meaning of visual phenomena. A Study of Poetry
  • Its founder tall, known as a long one wonton.
  • Titian, indeed, may be said to have first opened his eyes to the mysteries of nature; but they were no sooner opened, than he rushed into them with a rapidity and daring unwont to the more cautious spirit of his master; and, though irregular, eccentric, and often inferior, yet sometimes he made his way to poetical regions, of whose celestial hues even Titian himself had never dreamt. Lectures on Art
  • One variation is to have open-faced steamed wontons, shaped to have a flat bottom so that they will stand upright; these are shao mai.
  • Carmen's thought was that, as she had feared, her unwonted swain had not recognized her. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Nothing ever "feazed" him, as he was wont to boast. A Little Miss Nobody Or, With the Girls of Pinewood Hall
  • He complied of course, and stood shading his haggard face in the unwonted sunlight of the great window, looking as wan and unearthly as if he had been summoned from the grave.
  • 'Brecknel and Turner's' flamed and swealed in profusion on the table; while every now and then an expiring lamp on the sideboards or brackets proclaimed the unwonted splendour of the scene, and added a flavour to the repast not contemplated by the cook. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • Also, see links under ‘Demographic Jihad’ at the Religion of Peace™ Subject Index. aj 5:12 pm on May 15, 2009 | # | Reply well a lot of comments on how bad it is an how its all obviously wrong,all i say is why dont u just dig into it,i did for about a week solid,the video is more or less on the money.u know as kaiser soyze said “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist”.well i for one beleive the video through my research online.i can tell all of you now that there will only be only so much room in australia when europe becomes muslim,at least that country wont let them build too many mosques………go to mecca and try and build a church yeah good luck! The Muslim Demographic Threat » Sociological Images
  • OMFG omg just stop moaning! he wont die, well he will but then Dean would make a deal and bring him back ... and the colt comes from the demon itself, well i dont want to spoil the episode for ya xD kirsty** TheTVaddict First Look: SUPERNATURAL Season Finale Pics | the TV addict
  • :) …) I got to edit this thing they called "pipping" - I wont go much into detail on what it is, but I had to slap on the "KGMB9 bug" on 15 second commercials that is played on tv. Undefined
  • a little better than any other because it was their world, had kept the old Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout. The Forsyte Saga, Volume III. Awakening To Let
  • Shards of pine palm and baby conifers added unwonted volume while steady backcombing against a succession of branches had created a Byzantine intricacy of form. Archive 2007-03-01
  • An unwonted expression of happiness beamed from the fire-lit faces of these prison-clad individuals, drawn together from many parts of the country and from widely-differing walks of life. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • Of course it could also be better if Americans stopped to be such nancies and started to watch foreign films, but as long as the trailer wont include either Jaden Smith or any person associated with Twilight, I have faith that it will be watchable due to the source material alone. Let Me In Director Matt Reeves Offers Further Thoughts on Remaking a Cult Classic, Defends Against Twilight Comparisons | /Film
  • Certainly, those who were wont to "orate" in the building when it stood in Brompton would have failed to recognise the edifice as it arose in Blue Lights Hot Work in the Soudan
  • I will miss cousin Glenn Losack this time as he wont be there the chatti of the Holy Saint qawwalis all night long kaif trance dancing in the air Archive 2009-06-01
  • NEED HIM! without him, 2 wont be as good as one …. sean on Jun 10, 2008 not only did he make ironman a success but i bet you anything that hulk is gonna be a success too and it will all be because of ironman and how great it was! Jon Favreau Might Not Direct Iron Man 2 - It Can't Be?! «
  • On top of the milieu, in wonted Godspeed fashion, an old man recalls a bizarre and oddly moving story of how a penguin is gobbled up by a killer whale.
  • He was unwontedly stirred both by the Big House and by the Little Lady who was its mistress. CHAPTER XI
  • Jesuits themselves were wont to call their own pliableness. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Then I thought of my cousin and all the kind offices she had been wont to do me, and I learned when too late that she had truly loved me; so I wept for her and my mother wept also Presently she said to me, “O my son, thy sire is dead.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It's a no-win situation, if you ignore the character's race it means that you are trying to "downplay" it, so audiences wont notice. Marketing Up’s Asian-American Lead Character | /Film
  • On the third dish, place a warm piece of oxtail served with an oxtail-filled wonton.
  • Tom Wood ruled the vast Citadel Theatre Shoctor Stage as he is wont.
  • Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • Now all folk at Wethermel when they looked upon Osberne's face deemed that he was bettering of the drearihood which had weighed on him ever since the battle with the strong-thieves, and of that bettering they were right glad, for they were wont to have much joy of his fellowship. The Sundering Flood
  • Its funny cause we are such a comically group, like you have Taylor ... who is just Taylor, Pat who is not very used to all this gurly stuff and really grown up, Michelle who wont shut up .... Jenna-bear Diary Entry
  • It does not indeed necessarily follow from his facility and plenipotence of wit in writing, that he could shine at those extempore “flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar.” Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Training fails to adress the issue too-yet needs to to stop the waste of public money and resources on officers who wont work Friday and Saturday nights-if they cant take a bit of Fing and blinding from the Training Sgt how are they going to cope with someone trying to gouge their eyes out in a pub fight? Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • She and I have been wont to predetermine you, your character, foothold, and outlook, by — say by the fact that you knew your Wordsworth and that you knew him without being able to take for yourself his austere peace. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • October 9, 2007 at 12:47 am thats why britneys single has reached number 3 in the american charts based on massive download sales if thats anythink 2 go by the album wont underproform Britney Spears’ Blackout Now Coming Out Super-Soon
  • Nevertheless, the intense rivalry between France, England, and the empire, compounded by heightened religious tensions and the nervousness of Rome, lent the Scottish king unwonted diplomatic weight.
  • _Quand je serai là_," he was wont to say, pointing to where his dogs were buried in the palace park, "_je serai sans souci_. William of Germany
  • He was growing stout and soft, and there was unwonted flabbiness in his muscles. Chapter X
  • But now, in the long absence of wonted delights, the keen yearning of his stomach was tickled hugely by the sharp, salty bacon. FINIS
  • Pinchot's funny accent work is quite unexpectedly perfect for the Dupin stories, featuring as they do the semi-hysterical Prefect of the Paris police, "G____," who is wont to burst into peals of lunatic laughter whenever Dupin calls his sagacity into question. Boing Boing
  • If the waiver is agreed-to by the next sitting president (in excercise of his inherent authority to conduct US foreign policy) it wont matter who controls congress. Think Progress » Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • At such times she was very subdued in gentleness and in observance of Mr. Carlisle's pleasure; subdued to a meekness foreign to her natural mood, and which, generally, to tell the truth, was accompanied by a very unwonted sedateness of spirits also; something very like the sedateness of despair. The Old Helmet
  • To which, gratified but unelated, Cousin Maria replied, according to her simple, sociable wont: 'Well, it _does_ seem quite a successful occasion. A London Life and Other Tales
  • As a result he not only arrived on time but he also avoided the usual cheap jibes that we journalists are wont to make about ministerial limousines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yea, they need to be concerned becasue they only have 21 percent that Identified themself as a Repubicans and have that percentage will go to Sara Palin becasue we don't wont her. Huckabee warns Palin: Don't leave GOP
  • Far from degrading that character, as the comic is wont to do, the stoic ethic here takes on a sacred or beatific grace, but one that nevertheless permits the audience to distance themselves from its ethical dimension.
  • People snack on whatever's around: noodles, wontons or steamed glutinous dumplings wrapped in fragrant leaves.
  • For lunch there is a $20 three-course option: pumpkin and bibb salad, stir-fried wonton noodles and house-made ice cream. Reinventing Thai Dishes
  • I can see distinctly the little stone cottages in the narrow wynds off South Street, which I was wont to visit; I can recall the whirr and rattle of the loom "ben the house," and picture to myself the grave elderly man who on my entrance would rise from the rickety machine in front of which he was seated, and, after refreshing himself with a pinch of snuff, adjust his horn-rimmed spectacles and stare, with a seriousness which to me was somewhat disquieting, at the little English boy who had found his way into his presence. Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885
  • Several erudite readers, invoking Joycean fragments, have in recent months suggested ways of rehabilitating my wonted usage, for which I am grateful.
  • But, like that archimage, conscious that all depends on the exertion of his wonted empire, he struggled hard to regain his lost authority. The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • I also had a local specialty for lunch - white roses are prawn meat steamed inside wonton wrappers.
  • Now, albeit he was a Merchant, yet he wanted not courage, and boldnesse of spirit, and opening the doore without any noyse, onely as his wife was wont to doe: The Decameron
  • Later on, he was wont to say that this poverty had been the best possible thing for him, its enforced abstinences having come just at the time when he had begun to "wallow" -- his word for any sort of excess; and "wallowing" was undoubtedly a peril to which Norbert's temper particularly exposed him. Will Warburton
  • Whether Rabbins be such as that they should be anointed with aromatical ointments, as the more nice sort are wont to be anointed? From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.
  • Hey boardman - you wont ever subscribe to their paper, but you'll rant on their website for free. stories: Newswatch » Breaking News from around Youngstown, Warren, Columbiana Ohio
  • He watches Rebecca watch the protectiveness they show for each other, unwonted. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Hopefully i wont be all stiff and achy since i might have done a bit too much today, but i was eager to get in and do some gardening!
  • As is their wont, Melrose will no doubt withdraw into themselves and adopt a siege mentality, blaming referees and everybody else for problems which are of their own making.
  • March 28, 2008 at 6:27 am dat wuz buutifulz wen ai waz yungerz, wee said: “seeled wif a lick, cuz a kiss wont stick” Welcome bak 2 dr. phil - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Again, however, did Donna Serafina intervene, recalling her wonted severity of voice: "Giacomo, you will please stay here. The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Complete
  • A short and animated conversation with her lover, as the day began to wane, partially recalled her wonted cheerfulness, but when he was gone she relapsed into her former mood. The Cavaliers of Virginia, or the Recluse of Jamestown. An Historical Romance of the Old Dominion. By the author of "The Kentuckian in New-York." In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • I was myself an excellent swimmer — the very sight of the sea was wont to raise in me such sensations, as a huntsman experiences, when he hears a pack of hounds in full cry; I loved to feel the waves wrap me and strive to overpower me; while I, lord of myself, moved this way or that, in spite of their angry buffetings. The Last Man
  • I had sushi, wonton soup, rice balls, and just about everything else they had there.
  • If the waiver is agreed-to by the next sitting president (in excercise of his inherent authority to conduct US foreign policy) it wont matter who controls congress. Think Progress » Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • Watauga settlement among the mountains of what is now Tennessee, and was called prosaically (as is the wont of the Anglo-Saxon) the free State of Franklin. The Crossing
  • Unfortunately, mum wants me to do some things around the house so I wont be able to bludge or nap. Sierrazen Diary Entry
  • As he drank the cup of tea with which his servant supplied him while he was yet in bed, he could not say of himself, teres atque rotundus, as he was wont to do when things were well with him. The Way We Live Now
  • I wont go blabbing your secrets around the school and I won't tell your guardians,’ he smiled.
  • Appetizers include Spring Rolls, dumplings, Deep fried Wontons, a selection of salad rolls and even a Pan-Fried Turnip Cake.
  • If we take care to see this, if we are canny enough to attend to it and faithful enough to lean into it, then the particular ache of that waking can initiate a response that the Greeks were wont to call kenosis -- an emptying. Scott Cairns: Moments That Wake Us Up
  • Here is proof that Clinton and McCain wont do what they say they will on the campaign. Clinton makes popular vote pitch in new ad
  • Assuming the E.P.A. Puts its intrusive restrictions on the economy coupled with cap and trade legislation with health reform that bloats the deficit, I, along with every other american willing put a little foresight into what seems to be happening to our way of life since this administration took power can easily tell that we wont be seeing any truly good news for some time to come, if ever again. Obama: 'Economy is growing again'
  • If you tax pot as commodity and allow the people to regulate themselves then cops wont have a reason to group stoners and other drug users together.
  • That rare possibility of self-contemplation which comes in any complete severance from our wonted life made her judge herself as she had never done before: the compunction which is inseparable from a sympathetic nature keenly alive to the possible experience of others, began to stir in her with growing force. Romola
  • For he was wont to say, that although he could not declare the waters which he patronised to be an absolute _panpharmacon_, yet he would with word and pen maintain, that they possessed the principal virtues of the most celebrated medicinal springs in the known world. St. Ronan's Well
  • On the first day of the following year he went, as was his wont, to the Exchange which was in the bazar, but found the gate shut; and enquiring the reason was told, “One of the merchants is dead and all the others have gone to follow his bier,82 and why shouldst thou not win the meed of good deeds by walking with them?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For he was wont to say, that although he could not declare the waters which he patronised to be an absolute panpharmacon, yet he would with word and pen maintain, that they possessed the principal virtues of the most celebrated medicinal springs in the known world. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Which also were altogether insupportable did not I pity its condition, in being present with it, and, as the poets 'gods were wont to assist such as were dying with some pleasant metamorphosis, help their decrepitness as much as in me lies by bringing them back to a second childhood, from whence they are not improperly called twice children. The Praise of Folly
  • Whereas also the foresaid marchants were not wont to pay for a cocket for the conueyance and transportation of their goods out of the realme The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Old use and wont legs about the fire. 
  • Here a gang of older boys and men were wont to congregate at such times as they had naught else to occupy their time, and as the bridewell was the only place in which they ever held a job for more than a day or two, they had considerable time to devote to congregating. The Mucker
  • They were not wont, say the Glosses, to bury men of the same family here and there, scatteringly, and by themselves, but altogether in one cave: whence, if any one sells his neighbour a place of burial, he sells him room for two caves, or hollows on both sides, and a floor in the middle. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • As is his wont, Latapy drifts left when he is getting bogged down in the middle and, from the wing position, he cut in past his man for Grant Brebner to flick his low cross behind Mampaey.
  • I wont be heading there, but the info is appreciated. Tuttulik Caribou SCAM
  • Up pretty betimes, but yet I observe how my dancing and lying a morning or two longer than ordinary for my cold do make me hard to rise as I used to do, or look after my business as I am wont.
  • His skin was darker than a Urani's wont and slightly olive skinned.
  • But the Lord did not choose that the champan should be lost; for the Camucones did not break it up, as is their wont, but abandoned it after having plundered its articles of value -- which were considerable, and which caused great loss to the province. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • At least I wont have to worry about Phil dobbing me in anymore.
  • He sprang to the telephone with unwonted eagerness.
  • Chiefs of Departments sat at their desks, concentrated upon problems or at ease, according to the demands of the moment; televisotypes and recorders flashed busily but silently; calmly efficient men and women went wontedly about the all-embracing business of Triplanetary's space-pervading Secret Service. Triplanetary
  • ...was wont to complain that this is a cold world
  • September 8, 2009 at 12: 51 pm this is the most awesome thing i have ever seen i give you props for making that jump i wont even jump with a regular bungee cord lol genny snider says: The 18,500 Condom Bungee Jump. A Darwin Award Winner : about:blank
  • That it didn't materialise was not for the wont of endeavour or skill.
  • Anthony loved it but, as customers are wont to do, he insisted I name the drink.
  • He has long loved and cheered me; but you, madam, who have never forgiven me the least fault, or praised any good act I may have done, though you knew by experience that it was not my wont to talk of love and mundane vanities, and that I lived a more religious life than any other of your servants, you have not hesitated from the first to take offence at my speaking to a gentleman as unfortunate as myself, and in whose friendship I sought nothing else than consolation of mind. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • Mr. Beauffet told me he was ordered to offer a glass of wine to the person who collected the income tax, and that the poor man was so overcome by a reception so unwontedly generous, that he had well-nigh fainted on the spot. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Now Aladdin was wont every day to thread the city streets with his Mamelukes riding a-van and arear of him showering rightward and leftward gold upon the folk, and all the world, stranger and neighbor, far and near, were fulfilled of his love for the excess of his liberality and generosity. Tehran Winter
  • And if practicality is your wont rather than sentimentality, you should still go.
  • Thus it was that Bruce missed his wontedly uproarious welcome as he cantered, at sunset one July day, into a smashed farmstead where his friends, the "Here-We-Comes," were bivouacked for the night. Bruce
  • Luxeuil, where Cæsar's cohorts were wont to besport themselves. Flying for France With the American escadrille at Verdun
  • I noticed he was dressed in formality that night, forgoing his wonted loud, showy colors I normally saw him in.
  • It was listening to this music, at times so pathetic and sweet, that emotion would often lend almost supernatural beauty to his countenance, so that even Mr. Stendhall, the least enthusiastic of men, was wont to say with enthusiasm, _that never, in his whole life, had he seen any thing so beautiful and expressive as Lord Byron's look, or so sublime as his style of beauty_. Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
  • And I have to start looking good too, as my latest crush wont be turned on by pastiness.
  • My friends guns are all very weak and i probably will be called a cheater when i get shot because i wont even feel a thing. Gun Wars | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Like helpless bods clinging to a leaky wreck somewhere between Indonesia and Australia, we were willing to grasp any straw floating past, as drowning people are wont to do.
  • He had "belled" in vain for several days, searched in vain the limits of his wonted range, and at last set out in quest of some little herd whose leader his superior strength might beat down and supplant. The Watchers of the Trails A Book of Animal Life
  • The day was sunny, and the Marshalsea, with the hot noon striking upon it, was unwontedly quiet. Little Dorrit
  • In that instant all I could remember of it were his gibes at the "geologian," as he was wont to term Professor Dobbs, Stories in Light and Shadow
  • So when the nest-owner would have gone out after his wont, he drew near the Cat; whereupon she seized him and taking him in her claws, began to bite him and shake him and take him in her mouth and lift him up and cast him down and run after him and cranch him and torture him. 63 The Mouse cried out for help, beseeching deliverance of Allah and began to upbraid the Cat, saying, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Im glads robs' back, its the only way I could support a sequel; which they were going to do anyway; at least this way it wont suck…. Confirmed: Rob Zombie in for Halloween Sequel - H2 «
  • Tomorrow imma smile and be happy Ü and imma talk to mary who will also be alone for Valentines Day Imma be on the phone wif her just talking so that we wont be alone * smile* I miss Mary although she seemed like a bad friend but I realize that she needed a friend too I miss her so much and I miss Sergio too. .aww I wanna go back ... Fairytears Diary Entry
  • Mulberry Street was wont to adjust its differences over the cards and the wine-cup, it came "heeled," ready for what might befall. Children of the Tenements
  • Don't shave larh, sometime it will the maomao will auto drop one shave already ur ger ger wont like it .. iceboyboy
  • In Smith's Discourse of the Commonweal, a maker of caps is made to say: ‘I am fain to give my journeymen twopence in a day more than I was wont to do, and yet they say they cannot sufficiently live thereon.
  • It means we wont set certain stipulations before we talk to them but have demands once we come to the table for discussions. Obama: Cuba policy to be based on 'libertad'
  • He is an important man, after all, his voice strong in the folkmoot, and-and very busy while the fleet is here, not just as a chandler but-well, when you deal with men of many nations, it becomes politics and schemes and-" He was not wont to speak thus awkwardly. The Boat of a Million Years
  • I had seen several of the men snip the head from a rattlesnake with a single offhand shot -- yes, they all carried their weapons easily and wontedly. Desert Dust
  • On the part of sin, there are two things which may withdraw man therefrom: one is the inordinateness and shamefulness of the act, the consideration of which is wont to arouse man to repentance for the sin he has committed, and against this there is "impenitence," not as denoting permanence in sin until death, in which sense it was taken above (for thus it would not be a special sin, but a circumstance of sin), but as denoting the purpose of not repenting. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • And yet we are wont to date our birth, as that of the babes we christen, from the body's advent, so duteously inscribed in our family registers, as if time and space could chronicle the periods of the immortal mind, and mark its longevity by our chronometers.
  • Nay, they are rather wont to signalize iniquity than to chase it away, and hence arises our indignation that honours so often fall to the most iniquitous of men. Consolation of Philosophy
  • When mass feeling, mass-morality, becomes too oppressive, poets are wont to escape from its trammelling conventions at any cost. The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • Most familiar are those adapted from the culinary sphere, to refer to dishes initially purveyed by Chinese immigrants, mainly from Canton, and hence from Cantonese: chop suey, bok choy, dim sum, wonton. The English Is Coming!
  • He is describing a paradigm shift, and this fact is all the more obvious for his unwonted coyness in discussing it.
  • She was just sitting there, as araneids are wont to do when there is no prey on their web.
  • Just opposite to this vennel, there is another that leads north-west, from the chiefe street to the green, which is a pleasant plott of ground, enclosed round with an earthen wall, wherein they were wont to play football, but now at the Gowff and byasse-bowls. Essays of Travel
  • The rough bare boards of the walls, naked but for one old picture of a horse cut from a magazine, carefully pasted upside down, and probably designed chiefly to cover some defective spot that was admitting too much coldness; the crazy table shaking with every gust and causing a tiny kerosene lamp to flare up and menace the dim religious darkness by depositing even more lamp-black than was its wont on its already negrine globe; the meagre board of dark bread, "oleo," and molasses; the weird minstrelsy of the hurricane -- the whole a harmony of poverty and war. Labrador Days Tales of the Sea Toilers
  • As a result he not only arrived on time but he also avoided the usual cheap jibes that we journalists are wont to make about ministerial limousines. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had Wonton Soup, Pork Fried Rice, and Chicken Chow Mein.
  • Since he has his living in the water he keeps his mouth all full within of leeches; and whereas all other birds and beasts fly from him, the trochilus is a creature which is at peace with him, seeing that from her he receives benefit; for the crocodile having come out of the water to the land and then having opened his mouth (this he is wont to do generally towards the West Wind), the trochilus upon that enters into his mouth and swallows down the leeches, and he being benefited is pleased and does no harm to the trochilus. The History of Herodotus
  • But whatever she did by day, she danced by night, with her wild gyration and gesture, as naturally as a moth flies; and when not in demand with the seigniory, was wont to perform in even keener force and fire at the quarters, to an admiring circle of her own kind, with ambitious imitators on the outskirts. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • I hope one day I wont be summoned from the dark with frantic cries of ma ma ma ma ma, and clutched tight while he burrows his head into my neck, whimpering because I left him. The Science Of Sleep | Her Bad Mother
  • Well, linguistician that I am, my first thoughts set me to playing about with semantics and, as is my wont on these occasions, to casting my thoughts back to the bard.
  • I went into college today, as is my wont, to study English.
  • [[mitral stenosis]]: a condition where the mitral valve wont open correctly becausei t has been narrowed. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]

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