[ UK /wˈʊlfɹæm/ ]
[ UK /wˈʊlfɹæm/ ]
- a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite
How To Use wolfram In A Sentence
- In the Democratic Republic of Congo, armed groups force villagers to mine minerals like wolframite and cassiterite. Stanford Students Take Stand Against 'Conflict Minerals'
- Minerals such as wolframite, arsenopyrite, fluorite, and quartz are well known from this mine.
- This is especially important for those valuable minerals which exhibit a brittle to very brittle tenacity, such as cassiterite, sphalerite and the tungsten minerals scheelite and wolframite. Chapter 20
- Yuuri responds by slapping Wolfram across the face … except it turns out that for Mazoku, that slap is actually a marriage proposal. Light Novels: Kyou Kara Maou! (Demon King From Now On!) » Fanboy.com
- Feldspar has been hydrothermally altered by a fluorine-rich water vapor to quartz, mica (usually lithian), topaz and/or tourmaline with fluorite, cassiterite, molybdenite, rutile, and wolframite as typical accessory minerals.
- As of last week, the Wolfram | Alpha API is available. Wolfram Blog : Future Directions of Wolfram|Alpha
- Tungsten is retrieved from the ore minerals scheelite (CaWO4, calcium tungstate) and wolframite ((Fe, Mn) WO4, iron-manganese tungstate). Tungsten
- Wolfram Alpha is like Google with calculational capability. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Roberts Court “Anti-Environment”?
- In Wolfram's view of the universe there is no continuum, and particles are a mere epiphenomenon; indeed, motion and geometry are also little more than illusions.
- The chief foreign matters in the black tin are silica, oxides of iron and copper, and wolfram, with traces of manganese and niobic acid; and in certain stream ores there may be as much as 6 or 7 per cent. of titaniferous iron. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.