
How To Use Wog In A Sentence

  • Well, luckily for you, the publisher hornswoggled more out of me than this mere introduction. The Codex Continual » Bulwark Publishing: Kharndam Collected (#3)
  • And Mike was hornswoggled enough to replace some of his martial graphics with a picture of some nice mountain scenery.
  • This episode just shows that scientists and technicians who are exposed to phenomena that are sufficiently far out of their fields, can be completely hornswoggled.
  • Lori and theother twoguys whose names I forgot (doh!) were wonderful hosts. John Brown – the author’s official site » 2009 » November » 21
  • You can always speed it up by recruiting assistance; for example, I bet the local scouts would be only too happy to help in return for a handful of woggles.
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  • Expects imply that such situation belongs to the normal immigration of toads in the course of becoming a frog from a polliwog, having nothing to do with earthquakes.
  • It gives a whole new meaning to checking your woggle. The Sun
  • Corporation chiefs told her that unless she acknowledged that using the word golliwog was unacceptable, she could not work on the show again. Home | Mail Online
  • Mr Powell, 44, came in for fierce criticism when he replaced Terry Wogan with the £10 million drama.
  • One of the songs, I suppose you would call it a signature tune, 'Wild Horses', has had a great reception and was first played on the radio by Terry Wogan!
  • There are many who were shocked by Thatcher's use of the word golliwog, Adrian Chiles and Jo Brand among them, and many more who are equally outraged that she could be sacked for uttering it. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • In a post called "le biniou et la bombarde" a play on words for bagpipe and "wog", commentators claimed that "an extra-European will never be a real Breton. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But at least that is useful, I guess - given the way people so often get hornswoggled by so-called ‘experts’ these days.
  • On Cub night I would leave the house in pristine condition, uniform ironed and starched, woggle adjusted to the right position, lanyard gleaming white, my Swiss army knife and my Madras Police whistle polished to perfection.
  • The humble polliwog in its development is significant of far more marvellous facts than the caterpillar changing into the butterfly, embodying as it does the deepest poetry and romance of evolution. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • But pollywogs must grow legs, lose a tail, and completely reconfigure their jaws and digestive tract to prepare for a life of eating flies.
  • The 627 patient-trial, called SWOG S0106, began in 2004 but was stopped early after an interim analysis revealed that Mylotarg in combination with standard chemotherapy (daunorubicin and cytosine arabinoside) did not demonstrate improved survival compared with chemotherapy alone in patients with previously-untreated AML. PharmaTimes World News
  • Whilst being muggled and hornswoggled, Eddie managed to reach into his pocket, pull out his pistol, and shoot himself in the leg.
  • That should put the frighteners on them. on July 15, 2008 at 9: 13 am | Reply Captain Cumswoggle Knife Crime Spin. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Great … … on February 4, 2009 at 1: 12 pm | Reply petoskystone here i was thinking that ‘gollywog’ was like ‘polliwog’. which lead to ‘frogs have no hair, so this makes no sense’. dang – i miss all the decent slurs! on February 4, 2009 at 1: 30 pm | Reply Stocking That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Wogan realised that ad-libbing between records was something that came easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a vision at this point of Quantum Fields staggering back and, hand to brow, muttering ‘Godfrey Daniel, I've been hornswoggled!’
  • Try as they might to update their image, it seems we in the press are incapable of reporting on those abiding British institutions without cracking mean-minded jokes about woggles and campfire ditties.
  • Compulsive nanoscenarist that I am, I held off offering my version of this weeks news from The Leader in order to give democommie his chance to mind-woggle the story. Fast Times in Box Elder County
  • Until a few years ago, only a small number of southerners such as Bob Geldof and Terry Wogan had been invited around to Buckingham Palace for investitures.
  • Meanwhile, the 25,000 Scottish Scouts who have pitched at 34 camps across the country this weekend can rest assured that the neckties and woggles which are the hallmark of Scouting are almost certainly here to stay.
  • Now at school I was not only a wog, but a wog who didn't like soccer, which I'm glad to say confused the boys of St. Marylebone no end and resulted in my making no friends, but which may have prevented further physical altercations. Hooman Majd: An American Wog on July 4th
  • I have seen magic done without props but never without an audience; any audience will do, but I must leave hornswoggling to the aspiring magician.
  • Now at school I was not only a wog, but a wog who didn't like soccer, which I'm glad to say confused the boys of St. Marylebone no end and resulted in my making no friends, but which may have prevented further physical altercations. Hooman Majd: An American Wog on July 4th
  • Not only is it disappointing that so many legislators were hornswoggled by the cute initiative messaging is everything these days, it is also alarming that they didn't understand the business case at all. Penny Wise, Pound Foolish, and Bipartisan to Boot
  • It is said that those who fail to appear before Neptunus Rex are forever damned as pirates, and no shellback shall ever tread upon the deck of a pollywog without incurring the wrath of said monarch. Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday
  • However those responsible for this 30th Anniversary release are sentenced to 30 years of hard labor in the California desert for lying to, cheating, and hornswoggling an unsuspecting public.
  • Milano was not one to grant interviews, but on occasion he spoke with Cleveland Press reporter Tony Natale or Mairy Jayn Woge of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Kill the Irishman
  • You won't be hornswoggled if you don't want to gain extra advantage.
  • There is also a sobering running assumption that Jessica, as a woman of what the French call a certain age, is starved for love and easily hornswoggled by any handsome young man who cozies up to her.
  • Before an audience of people who supposedly spend their days pursuing the truth, he joked about misstatements (if not lies) he had used to persuade (if not hornswoggle) the American people and the media.
  • And how could they have been so brazenly hornswoggled?
  • In those early days, it had been only a faint polliwog of mist, moving slowly through the constellation of Eridanus, just south of the Equator. Of Time and Stars
  • Did you just go around: donging dagos bashing boongs wacking wogs and slashing slopes? A politician's conversation with an asylum seeker
  • Carol Thatcher repeated the word golliwog when referring to a black tennis player after she was told it was racist and offensive by both Adrian Chiles and Jo Brand, it has been revealed. Home | Mail Online
  • Put aside the political correctness agruments for a while (to a child, a golliwog is just a golliwog, ok, a nice, different-looking but just as well-loved doll) and give the child the benefit of the doubt that given the right stimulus, he/she WILL have the interest and attention span to follow through on longer stories - or even series of stories. British Books for Malaysian Schools
  • In contrast to the designer wear she is usually seen in, she will wear the standard uniform of polo shirt and scarf, secured with a friendship knot rather than a woggle these days. Duchess of Cambridge names the charities she will support
  • A fat, middle-aged lubra, a black golliwog of a woman, laid the table and presently appeared with two plates of the inevitable steak with two eggs on the top, and a pot of strong tea. A Town Like Alice
  • The Leaders, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers that were invested were presented with a neckerchief, woggle and an investiture certificate.
  • She had been mistaken, lulled, hopeful, hornswoggled.
  • “She made a light aside about this tennis player and his similarity to the golliwog on the jampot when she was growing up,” he said. How to shock the BBC « Anglican Samizdat
  • You won't be hornswoggled if you don't want to gain extra advantage.
  • Cy was exultant after watching Ed, my club's best player, hornswoggle a good declarer out of a vulnerable game. Bridge
  • Of the latter truth we may judge from the fact that if one of those cells should be injured, only one-half a polliwog would result, -- either a head or a tail half. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • Marty scraped by, Alina was voted out, and Jane was hornswoggled, by gum. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior citizens: Crime and Punishment.
  • Miss Thatcher used the word golliwog while in the green room with comedian Jo Brand and One Show presenter Adrian Chiles last Thursday. Home | Mail Online
  • It followed the furore over Carol Thatcher's use of the word golliwog during a private conversation after the BBC's One Show. Home | Mail Online
  • Moving on, I'm also pleased to report that, while my Universal Sports Giro d'Italia blog has concluded along with the Giro itself spoiler alert: Basso won, I have been hornswoggled into "curating" yet another extracurricular blogular undertaking. Back in the Saddle: The Unwatched Pot Boils Over
  • He'd been sitting at home when the doorbell rang and when he answered it there stood before him a young boy scout, resplendent in his uniform with neckerchief and woggle, who asked him ‘Bob-a-job, sir?’
  • Them letters he wrote was certainly the squashiest -- why, every one of them seemed to woggle like a tumbler of jelly -- sweet and sloppy, as you might say! Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
  • She doesn't criticize the fascist warfare state when calling out the Jiminy Crickets so perhaps people can finally start to ponder how badly they have been hornswoggled by the positivity pimps. OpEdNews - Diary: Star Spangled Land of Misfit Toys - A Review of Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion
  • Among the 22 flavone derivatives tested, only wogonin was strongly mutagenic, while five derivatives, apigenin triacetate, acacetin, chrysoeriol, pedalitin, and pedalitin tetraacetate, were only weakly mutagenic. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Adrenalin and sheer bloody delight flooded through my aching body as I grasped the silky material in one hand and tightened the leather woggle with the other. Black Butterfly
  • They could not even be unflexed; and other mere pollywogs near by were wriggling toes, calves, and thighs while yet these were but imperfect buds. Edge of the Jungle
  • So don't be hornswoggled into thinking that this is some sort of magic bridge between the legendary and the not-so-good.
  • How could the ultimate scientist have been seemingly hornswoggled by a totemic psuedoscience like alchemy, which in its commonest rendering is described as the desire to transform lead into gold?
  • Instead, he seems to have suggested he was hornswoggled by someone named Lucy.
  • Old forms of polliwog are _pollywig_, _polewiggle_, and _pollwiggle_. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • A couple of the young lions of the business will show you the limits of credibility, the far reaches of imagination, and the ease with which the less skeptical can be hornswoggled.
  • When I was a Girl Guide (3rd Box Hill Unit) we used to go to our local dawn service, badges shiny, woggles straight, socks pulled up.
  • Obviously, the target of the use of the term golliwog makes some difference to the situation, but whether ot not Carol Thatcher is employed by the BBC is hardly an earth-shattering issue. Harry's Place
  • Them letters he wrote was certainly the squashiest -- why, every one of them seemed to woggle like a tumbler of jelly -- sweet and sloppy, as you might say! Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
  • I had my Howard Jones haircut at the time, incongruous against my woggle and neckerchief.
  • The Foreign Secretary slipped on a banana skin when he accidentally referred to foreigners as wogs.
  • Wogan alone is said to earn £800,000 a year for presenting Radio 2's breakfast show.
  • The ten mile car journey can only be described as average as yet again I ponder the folly of the cheap cat box tied up with baler twine and a yowling bouncing cat that even Terry Wogan couldn't drown out. A day at the vets...if you hate cats, skip this one
  • Impressed by the proud caterpillar's boast that she will turn into a butterfly when she grows up, a polliwog determines to watch the caterpillar very carefully and turn into a butterfly too.
  • I got a woggle and a sheet of paper with the words to scout song which I was told to guard with my life.’
  • The press and public, never really admitting that they were hornswoggled by a talented grifter, won't play the game again on a national stage. Michael Jones: Getting Away With It
  • At this the Scarecrow gave a gasp and the Tin Woodman stopped short and looked reproachfully at the Woggle-Bug. The Woggle-Bug’s Thorough Command of the Language
  • I found them a couple of blocks off the beach and secured a room at the Vistamar Villa, a two-story L-shaped motel bent around a woggle-shaped pool and lushly landscaped courtyard. Motel Paradiso
  • But you don't have to wear a woggle and neckerchief while tying 76 types of knots and helping old ladies across camp fires, or something, to know that that doesn't apply when the team's manager strops off into the sunset just five days before the start of the new season, leaving the club's plans in a bigger mess than the Gulf of Mexico. The Jumping-Up-And-Down-Like-An-Angry-Tigger Routine
  • It seems unlikely that Palin, Lazio and other opponents of the project are enraged at the specter of polliwog swim classes and family movie nights a few blocks from Ground Zero. Kelly Caldwell: Say Yes to a Mosque at Ground Zero
  • A Boy Scout, of course, needs no reminding of the Seven Deadly Sins - he probably has them branded on his woggle.
  • When I was in the Scouts and a woggle polisher of the highest order, (yes, sorry if you are involved in the movement, I know I'm pandering to a misconception of modern Scouting), we went on a camp to one of the Witterings.
  • I would get my boys out of the classroom, and we'd be in a field all day long chasing tadpoles and pollywogs and looking at swamp water.
  • Sea Scouts didn't just have to cope with the infamous woggle, but with a lanyard as well.
  • Now the Mangy Mouse is trying to milk any money it can out of the ape-raised human, hoping to, yet again, hornswoggle parents out of their hard-earned mortgage payments.
  • So the next time you see a scout in the street, look beyond the woggle and neckerchief – you're looking at a citizen of the future and one of tomorrow's leaders today. Measuring what scouting contributes to local communities
  • Al had lost his special Cubs 90th birthday woggle on the hike so was sad about that. Snell-Pym » Disastor Central
  • Increasingly desperate to procure himself a place in history, last week he managed a new trophy to set beside the Boy Scout woggle, which sits proudly on his desk.
  • Douglas Florian's lizards, frogs, and polliwogs pairs primal yet sophisticated watercolors with clever poems that subtly instruct on the nature of amphibians.
  • He feels after his pocket instinctively while yet in what corresponds in the _genus homo_ with the polywog state in batrachia. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • The oligarchs running the bogus Education Equality Project paid for 70 buses to bring busloads of hornswoggled poor people to Washington, DC to watch Arne's over-the-hill gang promote segregation via charter school, all the while advocating for equality on a day marked to remember the now-esiscerated Brown v Board of Education decision. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Was he really trying to hornswoggle the troops and the American people?
  • The tail of a polliwog seems a very useless appendage so far as the adult frog is concerned, yet if the polliwog's tail is cut off a perfect frog never develops. The Mind and Its Education
  • All she could think now, though, was that the fabulous Mr. Frog was only a polliwog when it came to crazy rides. The Disunited States of America
  • With an approval rating that is historically low, it will not take much for people to be convinced that the book is true and that Bush has allowed himself to be hornswoggled by the biggest group of corrupt ideological bankrupt buffoons to ever advise a president. Blitzer: Most explosive charges I can remember
  • Throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, American school children planted and tended gardens, watched polliwogs develop into frogs, tamed and bred animals, and learned to identify trees.
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is a kind of Scouts organisation for young adults fearful of wogglesand uniforms.
  • Visitors are especially intrigued by the large frog pond, complete with real frogs, pollywogs, bog plants, bulrushes, pickerel and water lilies, adjacent to the winery tasting room and cellars.
  • Visitors are especially intrigued by the large frog pond, complete with real frogs, pollywogs, bog plants, bulrushes, pickerel and water lilies, adjacent to the winery tasting room and cellars.
  • Our host for tonight's show is Terry Wogan.
  • A reader identified simply as, ‘Vincenzo,’ amplifies Christian's description of the previous time that this same program was hornswoggled by the very same trick.
  • He's very easily dazzled, and we might add, hornswoggled and hoodwinked.
  • Italian Somaliland, I'm sure there's some museum display somewhere that's itchin 'fer a repeat against them Eyetie wogs! Alternate Brain

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