- a weapon that kills or injures civilian as well as military personnel (nuclear and chemical and biological weapons)
How To Use WMD In A Sentence
- I now think that 'hoodwinked' is the word for the Administration approach on WMDs. William E. Jackson Jr.: Dialogue with a Jewish Friend over Israel in Lebanon
- McConnell and Boehner have repeated the Orwellian GOP strategy that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it one that worked with Iraq's non-existent WMD. Paul Tullis: Tax Cut = Growth? Actually Not So Much
- But the very intensity of his conviction discouraged divergent views, notably the claim that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes, or the intelligence report received just days before the war that Saddam's chemical weapons may have been "disassembled". news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
- On May 20th, Iran tested the Sajjil-2 IRBM, a solid-fuel missile that is meant for delivering WMDs, not for launching satellites. They Say The Classics Never Go Out Of Style, But They Do, Baby. They Do | ATTACKERMAN
- He is the epitome of those evil characters you see in movies where maddish morons want to hold the world in the palm of their right hand, while they destroy mankind with the ultimate WMD they are holding in their left hand. Drupal
- After being wrong on WMD's, Nukes and Al Queda links to Iraq – all of which were found to be wrong and furthest from the truth. First on the CNN Ticker: DNC takes aim at Cheney
- She turned left on to Princes Street as the smirring rain began to get heavier, drumming the roof and the wmdscreen in loud syncopation, occasionally intensified by random gusts of wind. Boiling a frog
- Two threats dominated attention: escalating terrorism and the proliferation of WMD.
- The primary outcome was weighted mean difference (WMD) for CIMT comparing HIV positive versus negative patients.
- July 15th, 2006 at 2: 24 pm kitchensinkwmds says: seixon forgets that bushy says putin has a beautiful soul! and bushy is never wrong! Think Progress » Putin Jabs Bush: ‘We Certainly Would Not Want…The Same Kind of Democracy As They Have in Iraq’