
How To Use Wits In A Sentence

  • One of my dazed wits tried to tell me the odds against this actually happening.
  • The Porto Rican boys and girls would be frightened out of their wits if Our Holidays Their Meaning and Spirit; retold from St. Nicholas
  • Ascham, in his elegant description of those whom in modern language we term wits, says, that they are "open flatterers, and private mockers. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • It especially showed up the dimwits in the chamber.
  • ADLER: Bonewits was founder and the archdruid of Ar nDraiocht Fein, a Druid fellowship. Longtime Paganism Leader And Lecturer Dies
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  • ‘No’ she said sharply ‘but there is no reason for me to talk to brainless dimwits like you, I am after all your prisoner’ she said, and she scowled.
  • But the enemy of concord and the adversary of peace finding his projects to be thus illuded and condemned, and seeing the little fruit he had gotten by setting them all by the ears, resolved once again to try his wits, and stir up new discords and troubles, which befel in this manner. The Fourth Book. XVIII. Wherein Are Decided the Controversies of the Helmet of Mambrino and of the Pannel, with Other Strange and Most True Adventures
  • mester," and was laughed at by the Barbie wits who knew that "maister" was the proper English. The House with the Green Shutters
  • I hear from many people after the classes that they had been at wits' end, almost in tears, not knowing what to do with problem behaviors and not sure anything would help, says Hassel. Pet Talk: Be a Responsible Dog Owner
  • To prevent say our wits being blinded or blasted by the unaccommodated nuclear glare of Reality. Archive 2007-02-01
  • A great affecter of wits and such prettinesses; and his company is costly to him, for he seldom has it but invited. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 I always wondered about dimwits who go on holiday, then spend the entire trip a fingerbreadth from the hotel television. Banks Get a Bailing Grade
  • So now we discover that the B'oid Twits are now spending *OUR MONEY* on teaching the B'oidy boid brains how to use TWITTER. OPEN THREAD
  • Keep your wits about you, behave properly and do as you would in your own country.
  • Other migratory birds observed in the shallow waters were bar headed geese, open bill storks, northern pintails, gadwalls, curlews, black tailed godwits, spoonbills, green shanks, red shanks and so on.
  • I'd like to pit my wits against the best.
  • If he does play, however, he will face a keen battle of wits with England's big hitters.
  • just keep your wits about you and steer clear of the concrete jungle that entangles Tokyo's barely beating heart.
  • And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons. An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
  • And he's making several generations of pro golfers look like nitwits.
  • And when that time does come, young twits are going to sneer at you, incredible as that may seem.
  • Ascham, in his elegant description of those whom, in modern language, we term wits, says, that they are "open flatterers, and privy mockers. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • He went for each opponent in a bewildering flurry of movement, using speed and inventiveness to confuse and to scatter the wits of his opponent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Success is possible but so is failure, so you are urged to keep your wits sharply honed.
  • So they went around the house trying to use their wits to outdo each other to cause damage and destruction hitherto unseen.
  • If you keep your wits about you in the touristy and downtown areas, you should be fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Puzzle Planet is the latest attraction at the centre where you can pit your wits against a series of mazes, brainteasers and puzzles to see if you've got the brains to be an astronomer.
  • It's going to be a great occasion for my players to pit their wits against certainly the best squad in the division.
  • They thought he was an old has-been, that the fever had fuddled his wits, that his weeks of near-starvation had starved his brain-tissue into comatose stasis.
  • There this so sweet maid is a polyandrist, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone -- even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist. Dracula
  • The tragedy is that statisticians and pollsters take these pathetic twits seriously.
  • He's also had to deal with the administration's penchant for putting GOP hacks and/or total nitwits in charge of its ‘public diplomacy’ efforts.
  • Inside Man is a rare pleasure; a heist movie that relies on its wits rather than showy pyrotechnics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I found out I was just a sentimental schmuck like those flighty nitwits I've always pitied.
  • But at the date of the "Cross Readings" he was mainly what Burke, speaking contemptuously of his status as a plenipotentiary, styled a "_diseur de bons mots_"; and he was for this reason included among those "most distinguished Wits of the Metropolis," who, following Garrick's lead in 1774, diverted themselves at the St. James's Coffee-house by composing the epitaphs on Goldsmith which gave rise to the incomparable gallery entitled _Retaliation_. De Libris: Prose and Verse
  • As she slowly gathered her wits, she could feel the familiar burning of wrathful anger building up within her.
  • Three days after the Prime Minister's petulant sneer that only reactionary twits claim education standards have fallen comes pretty devastating evidence that this is indeed the case.
  • Left alone, she is exposed to assorted rather too colorful locals: hulks and half-wits, telephone romancers and spurious cops, none of them couth.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • Meat pudding241 wherein gleamed the bangles that my wits amate. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Who are these halfwits they're dredging up for quotes?
  • The name mammoth, which is probably of Tartar origin, Witsen appears to wish to derive from Behemoth, spoken of in the fortieth chapter of the Book of Job. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • Wits, authors, poets, artists, statesmen, whose words could change the fate of Europe, were proud to call the marquise friend. Marie Gourdon A Romance of the Lower St. Lawrence
  • He lives by his wits, playing tricks on a niggardly old victualler and other gullible occupants of the camp, and gets whipped for his pains.
  • This damned heat has addled many people's wits, mine included: made us sluggish, unquestioning, apathetic.
  • I have been idle enough in my time, to make a computation of wits here, and do find we have three hundred performing poets and upwards, in and about this town, reckoning six score to the hundred, and allowing for demies, like pint bottles; including also the several denominations of imitators, translators, and familiar-letter-writers, &c. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet
  • An Asian big-budgeter in which the characters don't get lost among the production design and special effects, costume action-drama "A Battle of Wits" more than lives up to its title.
  • Until then, however, we must assume that the old man still possesses his full wits and that his nerviness is not unjustified. A Letter of Mary
  • Cheney is the enforcer to keep Boy George in line wolfowits and the rest of the bunch feith rove etc.. are the people who broguht the plan for Bush to endorse those are the men who are to blame. EMPTY HEART: Historical roots of the phenomenon of Colin Powell
  • Quite honestly, she scared the wits out of me. Christianity Today
  • Instead we survive by means of our wits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Perhaps we shouldn't be too harsh on the halfwits who came up with these tautological complaints (don't dull, staid and uninteresting mean the same thing?)
  • [FN#196] Abou Abdallah ibn el Casim el Hashimi, surnamed Abou el Ainaa, a blind traditionist and man of letters of Bassora, in the ninth century, and one of the most celebrated wits of his day. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • The family have been at their wits' end trying to ensure somebody answers for this.
  • After a while, when she'd regathered her wits, and caught her breath, she raised her head to look around.
  • Can you imagine seeing that familiar bunch of florid-faced twits gathering outside a rural bus operator's office to protest about the cut in regular services?
  • Currently, visitors to the flats are likely to see sandpipers, avocets, oystercatchers, godwits, dowitchers, plovers and other shorebirds on their way south.
  • I was scared out of my wits
  • Rather, it’s the misguided conviction that alcohol facilitates the act of writing, emboldens the imagination, sharpens wits, and performs many other useful functions in abetting the bardic spirit. Wislawa szymborska | how to (and how not to) write poetry « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Wits were consistent, finishing fourth overall in both classes.
  • All his wits are in his eyes, as you can tell jest to look at him -- an 'for sech a little hop-o'-my-thumb female that don't reach nigh up to his shoulder. The Miller Of Old Church
  • Glad of the chance to depart from the topic of the Godwits ' family life, Bridget went over to the bookstand and took down a slim volume. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • V. i.306 (249,3) [but to read his right wits, is to read thus] Perhaps so, -- _but to read his_ wits right _is to read thus_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He was cunning, sly and a good strategist, beating her at games of wits when others can't.
  • I will stare down the pack of cigarettes, matching wits and strength against tobacco.
  • He had looked scared out of his wits, but the more she had pressed for an explanation, the more he had clammed up. FINAL RESORT
  • Like most wits, Mr. Epstein has the gift of turning cruelty into entertainment, a phrase that could serve as another definition of gossip. Boulevardier's Delight
  • Bartolo; he is literally "astonied," and Figaro makes him the victim of several laughable pranks before he recovers his wits. A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • But the slower wits, such as Mr. Solomon and Mr.. Waule, who both occupied land of their own, took a long time to arrive at this conclusion, their minds halting at the vivid conception of what it would be to cut the Big Pasture in two, and turn it into three-cornered bits, which would be "nohow;" while accommodation-bridges and high payments were remote and incredible. Middlemarch
  • If we bliksem them then it's child abuse?, asks one our forum users - at her wits 'end as she struggles to deal with rude behaviour. Undefined
  • Essentially, the sisters' show is a series of sketches set in a stage school which is staffed and attended by grotesques, halfwits and bubble-brained wannabes.
  • Wits' people put shammy leather over our eyes, shaped our arms with winch rope, and locked us into crates for Labs in a pick-up bed. The Tamarack Swamps
  • She was in lunging motion before Mark had recovered his wits, sliding like a snake southwestward towards Carnarvon and Abermenai, where doubtless her companions were now in harbour or moored in the roads outside the dunes. His Disposition
  • Jurgis 'informant; but it was hard to think of anything new in a place where so many sharp wits had been at work for so long; where men welcomed tuberculosis in the cattle they were feeding, because it made them fatten more quickly; and where they bought up all the old rancid butter left over in the grocery stores of a continent, and "oxidized" it by a forced-air process, to take away the odor, rechurned it with skim milk, and sold it in bricks in the cities! The Jungle
  • Martin clearly had the most to lose in the debate, as in the election; under attack from all sides and able to rely only on his wits, wobbly as they seem to be, he performed about as well as might have been expected.
  • The chance to pit your wits against the best players in the country, in the most sumptuous and atmospheric of football arenas, just doesn't get any better for a professional footballer.
  • William Davenant was a godson of Shakespeare, and he and several of his fellow wits were "Sons of Ben"—drinking associates of Ben Jonson, Shakespeare's friend and fellow playwright. Pens at the Ready
  • I respect your wits, which is why I think I can joke with you once in a while. Think Progress » Let The Cameras Roll
  • Sit back and savour the antics and battle of wits unleashed by the team of buffoons, hold your breath at the breath-stopping show of trapeze artistes and the exciting fare dished out by acrobats on bicycles.
  • For all the halfwits calling for these people to be fired, do they know how to lay track or fix a subway car?
  • But this is an army of rookies, clods, and dimwits - and the women make short work of their glorious space armada.
  • He gets bored in a shooting house but he loves tromping into the woods, settling down next to the bole of a big tree and waiting the five minutes it takes for the squirrel that hid from you when you walked in to lose his wits and make a run for it. What Happened to Squirrel Hunting?
  • Hence the string of television programmes that have been commissioned of late showing people binning their PAYE existence, going out on a limb and living by their own wits.
  • The smooth sciolist Stellato rallied his weak wits and uttered a cry of wonder at such flagitious heresy. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • That's the awful irony of the dynamic: that the stubborn, idiosyncratic, self-possessed auteurs getting stiffed in their coffins wouldn't want these nitwits to finish their careers for them.
  • They'd love to believe that all the halfwits who listen to Tool actually don't get it, but really they're all listening to them for the same reason.
  • I prefer the term necrotic pustular basket of cowards, cheats, thieves, swindlers, con-artists, fuckwits lying bastards, child abusers and war criminals. News
  • I refuse to hand over my country to a bunch of halfwits who can neither protect us or care for us.
  • I cudgelled my wits for some other objection, and hit on one that seemed unanswerable. THE NUMBERS
  • he used his wits to get ahead
  • All his wits are in his eyes, as you can tell jest to look at him -- an 'for sech a little hop-o'-my-thumb female that don't reach nigh up to his shoulder. The Miller Of Old Church
  • The prospective corpse was not "heeled," as he was not in any feud just then, and was not expecting trouble, but he knew that he would have to act, and quickly, by his wits, or he would be shot, and he turned on the fellow and said carelessly: Documenting the American South: The Southern Experience in 19-th Century America
  • _For he, hard_ Head (_and_ hard, _sith like a_ Whet-stone) _It gives_ Wits _edge, and draws them too like_ Jet-stone) _Is_ Caput Mundi _for a world of School-tricks, The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687)
  • But keep your wits about you and your binoculars close at hand, for none of these birds is as accommodating as our own home-grown varieties.
  • However, their quick wits and intelligence often brings them through, and they may make a fortune from nothing.
  • My boyfriend is at his wits' end. The Sun
  • This is their characteristic diplomacy -- the fruit of generations of sharpening wits against savages; and the same is called Kaffir cunning, and is not understood at first by European people. The Transvaal from Within A Private Record of Public Affairs
  • However, my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work.
  • The climax of the movie, and oh boy is it ever a climax, was when the mayor held a press conference in the middle of the city square, surrounded by a crowd of inbred halfwits ingesting funnel cakes and holding balloons.
  • Shore actually plays the smarter of two dimwits who mistakenly lock themselves in a Biosphere-type isolation experiment.
  • Worst of all is the disastrous family his daughter is about to marry into, a graceless mob of halfwits headed by a foul-mouthed virago.
  • He said that person should be made captain for their bravery and quick wits.
  • nimble wits
  • Lose yourself at the Wits Theatre in Braamfontein, where Just In Time interweaves mime and movement, and illusion and the surreal take centre stage.
  • Agricolae manu vulta stirps tam diuturna, quam quae poetae, versu seminari potest, no plant can grow so long as that which is ingenio sata, set and manured by those ever-living wits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • July 3rd, 2009 9: 29 pm ET hey, the liberals are now in complete contol now. lets step aside and let them show us howits done. liberals are infamous for blaming everthing on others, it is time to STEP BACK AND LET THEM DO WHAT THEY WANT. Hillary Clinton 'elbowed' aside?
  • Keimer attempted to reply in Hudibrastic verse on one occasion, but the battle of wits was no contest.
  • These improved weapons will inevitably demand the rearmament of the armies of Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Russia, at an estimated cost of not less than $754,000,000, a sum which will tax the wits of the parliaments to wring from the groaning workers. The Impossibility of War
  • What do the booties find to smile about all day, like a bunch of half wits?
  • You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.
  • I mumbled yes, indeed, so it would be; then I noticed that she was looking at me a trifle arch, and cudgelled my wits to think why - she couldn't be wanting to get off with me, not with Canning there - and then her last words sank in, my legs went weak, and I believe I absolutely said, "Hey? Fiancée
  • In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who seems to anticipate their every move.
  • The shock of it knocked my wits endways — but only for a moment. Flashman In The Great Game
  • It's the the whiny, complaining, nitwits that make you lump the bad with the good on those days, even when the nitwit is your cash cow. Nitwittery Follow up
  • My mother was at her wits end with lentil bakes and vegetable curries.
  • Venal, lazy, irascible, horny, prickly - he's always living by his wits in situations that require anything but.
  • He hadn't the wits/wit enough to realize the danger.
  • And if there happened to rise up any more civil wits; then would he found and erect some new laws, customs, and usages, such as now of late years, when the world was revolute almost to the like rudeness and obscurity, we see both in our own nation and abroad many examples of, as well in Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature
  • They do tough interviews so you'll need to have your wits about you.
  • Determined to have their say before senility scrambled their wits, they would sit down in the afterglow of evening to bear witness to the nature of their times.
  • It is gone even before the predator can gather its wits and make chase.
  • This was what Gaskill liked best about his job, the game of wits culminating in ultimate triumph over his antagonist. INCA GOLD
  • A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader.
  • Would you like to pit your wits against our quiz champion?
  • Take Beckford's millions away; make him coin his wits to supply the want of them; and what would have been the result? The English Novel
  • No twits of squirrels, not a squawk from the tops of the trees. HAVEN • by Kevin Shamel
  • At wits, I stopped to look at the stars, slightly blurred by a haze, but bright and glowing.
  • David Cameron memorably warned about the dangers of over-use of Twitter in a radio interview, claiming: "The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it - too many twits might make a twat. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Especially in that the seasons have been proper to bring up and set forward other more hasty and indifferent plants, whereby this of knowledge bath been starved and overgrown; for in the descent of times always there hath been somewhat else in reign and reputation, which hath generally aliened and diverted wits and labours from that employment. Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature
  • So many men (or heads) so many minds (or wits). 
  • I kind of wish we could get back into Zorro†™ s battles with the army, or at least see the story from Zorro†™ s point of view, as seeing how he outwits his enemies is half the fun. Dueling Reviews: Zorro #17 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Talmudists, who say that there is so little harm in that manner of searching the truth, that in the anxiety and perplexedness of human wits God oftentimes manifesteth the secret pleasure of his divine will. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • All this madness yet proceeds from ourselves, the main engine which batters us is from others, we are merely passive in this business: from a company of parasites and flatterers, that with immoderate praise, and bombast epithets, glossing titles, false eulogiums, so bedaub and applaud, gild over many a silly and undeserving man, that they clap him quite out of his wits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • These totals incorporate both terrestrial and aquatic angiosperms, together with gymnosperms, including the enigmatic gnetophyte Welwitschia mirabilis.
  • Dim-wits! white man and his half-butt police state! Think Progress » Buchanan Argues For Immigration Moratorium To Preserve White Dominance
  • Scared out of my wits, dressed all in shimmering white fabric and scratchy yet beautiful white lace, I felt all alone in the foreign country of England.
  • Fabliaux were comical and often grotesque stories in which the characters most often succeed by means of their sharp wits.
  • Oh K, I did get a little bit TOO inebriated at one point, but it was nice for me to be KAT-atonic for a bit, as a reminder for how wonderful it is to have my wits about me. What a Fuckin' Great Weekend!
  • They lived by their own wits as confidence men and tricksters.
  • Tertullian says, he dares say that "the Scriptures were on purpose framed in many thing to give occasion to proud and curious unhumbled wits to stumble and fall. The Sermons of John Owen
  • He is a great talker and very clever, for in his half-wits is more cunning than in the brains of most; and he shall so bepraise Gudruda's beauty that Eric Brighteyes
  • You might have even gotten the attention of some med school nitwits about that literally laughably insane test.
  • “Only the dumbest, greediest, fcukwits who are destroying America would choose a casino over a company.” Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • I respect the first amendment, however, I believe you are so completely uneducated; your frail argot outwits your inept acumen. Bush Redefines Victory-- And We Don't Want It
  • On my first trip to the pub I am reminded how half a dozen pints can reduce dazzling intellectuals to burbling halfwits.
  • He wants to talk about his life, andmost of the stories are told with a tone of triumphant cheerfulness? these are chapters in anarrative that has Alfie battling against the oddsstacked against him and usually winning inthe face of adversity, surviving on his wits, using his unconventional skills to make up for what he is lacking in academic qualifications andfamily support. 'I don't want to live on the dole and sell weed'
  • It's just the tail end of the edible fungi season and Helen goes foraging with local hotelier Eric Hart looking for ceps, puffballs, winter chanterelles (known as yellowlegs), and blewits with their distinctive scent of Parma violets.
  • The game was a long battle of wits.
  • I admit I live by my wits a lot, but I don't use them to swindle people.
  • How about ‘Columbine,’ the story of how two young teens in love are one day forced to battle evil black coated fiends with only their wits and paper clips.
  • 'Mother,' he answered, 'ye dinna ken, nor yet do I, what to mak o' me -- what wits I hae, and what wits I haena; but this ye'll alloo, that, for onything ye ken, the bonny man may be cryin upon me to gang efter some puir little yowie o 'his, oot her lane i' the storm the nicht! ' Heather and Snow
  • So she strove with herself, and became of better heart, and set herself strongly to the learning of the clerkly lore; she gathered her wits together, and no longer looked for every day and every hour to bring about the return of the Champions, nor blamed the day and the hour because they failed therein, and in all wise she strove to get through the day unworn by vain longing. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Similarly in the modernday, we often use chess as a metaphor of a battle of wits, although I have yet to hear someone say that someone was "checkmated" as a circumlocution for "dead". Symbolisms behind the Egyptian Sinat game
  • I can tell, one summer evening, fifty years syne, my mother coming running in just at the edge of dark, almost fleyed out of her wits, saying she had seen a fairish (fairy) in Fieldhead Hollow; and that was the last fairish that ever was seen on this country side (though they've been heard within these forty years). Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The young Tom was also a fairly headstrong youth and by the age of 15 had left home, adopting his mother's surname and living off his wits, to send himself back to high school.
  • For example, trying to get organized or to clarify your situation when you are at your wits' end may not work.
  • When people are moping, and do not know they are moping, that is the sign their wits are departing. Melbourne House
  • Why do I keep fretting that President Obama's wonderful "housing plan" -- which news reports say could cost "around" 75 billion -- will end up forcing abstentious, responsible people to, in effect, buy homes for irresponsible dimwits with poor impulse control who bought way more house than they could pay for? he assured us last Tuesday night that "it's a plan that won't help speculators or that neighbor down the street who bought a house he could never hope to afford. Telegraph Blogs
  • Unwilling Accomplice is the story of two violent criminals on the run and the tough young woman who outwits them.
  • It is gone even before the predator can gather its wits and make chase.
  • Wherein is declared, what craft and subtilty some wily wits can devise, to deceive the simple, and compasse their owne desires. The Decameron
  • Now most of them look like hippies gone wrong or aged twits clinging to their youth.
  • Then Ajax, at his wits 'end, cries: Zeus, Father, yet save thou Achaia's sons from beneath the gloom,/And make clear day, and vouchsafe unto us with our eyes to see! On the Sublime
  • If not for my quick wits, she would probably be reading me Old Mother Hubbard by now.
  • Hopefully it will have given them a taste for the game - it's great because it's the sort of game you can play until you're 100, and it sharpens your wits.
  • As a soldier learns more in a week of war than in years of parades and pipeclay, so, cut off from all distractions, moving from bivouac to precarious bivouac, and depending, to some extent, for my life on my muscles and wits, I rapidly learnt my work and gained a certain dexterity. The Riddle of the Sands
  • So, in the spirit of bipartisanship (there are plenty of nitwits in both parties), here are some points for discussion.
  • We begin with a text commentary from director Ruzowitsky and lead actor Barnaby Metschurat.
  • Presently I came butt up against something solid, the feel of which gathered all my scattered wits into a compact knub of dread. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • Curley as a municipal politician had the keenest wits of any to ever face an adversary.
  • The fourth behest, O my son, is Beware of wine-bibbing, for wine is the head of all frowardness and a fine solvent of human wits. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The appearance of Graves, hinting at decadence, reinforces the notion that he wasted too much time playing toffee-nosed twits in Waughesque nostalgia flicks, when his range as an actor stretches far beyond billiard room banter.
  • Hicks was the compiler of at least three printed miscellanies, and this collection of prose anecdotes - a sort of prompt book for budding wits - hovers at the edges of texts like The Academy of Complements.
  • A good mystery story is a battle of wits between author and reader.
  • On my first trip to the pub I am reminded how half a dozen pints can reduce dazzling intellectuals to burbling halfwits.
  • Junior high and high school can terrify the wits out of those who are just entering.
  • When he twits them, he does it gently, affectionately.
  • It's rather nice to not be accosted with dimwits and society children.
  • All they do have is quick wits and guys in bars who drink too much.
  • I may be somewhat easy, but I am not without a modicum of self respect. watch me as I choose to sleep with an uneducated redneck over you, simply on the grounds that he's too much of a gentleman to say such things in my general vicinity. that in itself makes the 30-minute drive a non-issue. your pool table and your parents 'money do nothing for me the way his shitty crack shack does. silly little fuckwit. speaking of fuckwits, isn't it funny how WRITING the word fuckwit is so much more funny than SAYING it? go on! say it! isn't it weird and retarded? ps: the funk is gone. Dragonwench Diary Entry
  • The ordeal of the last two hours had been stupefying, but now he gathered his wits and followed the other vehicle gratefully as it led the way back down the narrow road to a fork, where it turned onto an upbound trail. The Cat Who Moved A Mountain
  • From this it proceeds, that many times when they rise, their wits run a wool-gathering, and they are more inclined to look crabbedly, grumble and mumble, then to shew each other any signs of love and friendship: for an empty purse, makes a sorrowfull pate. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • During a night watch, while the male godwits were incubating, it was noted that the females stood sleeping on the poles with their bills tucked backwards in their mantles.
  • According to George Lindsay, welwitschias also absorb moisture in the form of dense fog that flows over the Namib Desert.
  • Please help as we are at our wits' end. The Sun
  • He seems to know his job rather more thoroughly than the dumb twits who've been along so far.
  • It isn't just the Guardian that employs bumbling halfwits, you know.
  • Turning tables on twits and twerps, not to mention Tweedledees & Tweedledums, seemed like good idea at the time.
  • But this bed did not exactly suit our fancy, and, seeing the necessity for some better kind of bedclothes, our wits were once more set to working, in order to discover something with which to fasten together the duck-skins that we had been saving and drying, and of which we had now almost a hundred. Cast Away in the Cold An Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner
  • I'm bored out of my wits and the rest of the guys are playing charades, not exactly my type of game.
  • Good wits jump (together).
  • Lord!" she said, "if the gomeril hasn't gone clean out of his wits this last night! The Great Hunger
  • He trained at Edinburgh because Guy's would not recognise his preclinical year at Witswattersrand University.
  • Geitel and Lewkowitsch, who have studied this question from the physical and chemical point of view respectively, are of opinion that when an oil or fat is saponified, these three reactions do actually occur side by side, the soap-pan containing at the same time unsaponified triglyceride, diglyceride, monoglyceride, glycerol and soap. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • When your hero outwits assassins, solves riddles and escapes execution by firing squad, you do, too. Tintin & Co.
  • Pamela found herself not wanting the attention, wishing she was away from Dewhurst Manor long enough to collect her wits.
  • Keep him in office for all to see and remember ..... that this is the kind of hypocritic, delusional FAILURE that the slack-jawed neo-nitwits elect to office. Sanford resists calls for resignation
  • Suddenly a dog began to chase after he, scaring her almost out of her wits.

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