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How To Use Withers In A Sentence

  • After a cut on the face or an exudation into the lungs, the loose tissues and multiple vessels allow the proliferating cells to obtain rich nourishment; absorption can take place readily, and the part regains its normal condition entirely, while a bruise at the heel or at the withers finds a dense, inextensible tissue where the multiplying elements and exuded fluids choke up all communication, and the parts die Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Q : How could Reese Witherspoon have possibly chosen Josh Lucas over you in Sweet Home Alabama?
  • The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely vulnerable to other painful and life-threatening diseases.
  • Creativity withers when these ties are forgotten, neglected or severed.
  • the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon
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  • Tue 11/10/09 11: 58 AM reese witherspoon. she was so funny and sharp in freeway, pleasantville, election. and then sweet home alabama. ew Have you ever felt 'betrayed' by an actor? |
  • She was then tossed across a horse's withers and cried out involuntarily as her belly slammed into the horse's back.
  • The delicate anicham flower withers when merely smelled, but an unwelcome look is enough to wither a guest's heart.
  • Horses are measured from the bottom of the hoof to the withers, or the shoulders.
  • Whatever he touches withers in his grasp and sinks from view into a muck of despair, negativism and nihilism.
  • In the email, Bourne, 60, from Dawlish, Devon, apparently rebukes Withers, 29, for her behaviour during a visit to the family in April, which she describes as "staggering in its uncouthness and lack of grace". Mother-in-law's withering email to bride-to-be goes viral
  • The height at the highest point of the withers equals the length of the body from the prosternum to the rump. Undefined
  • A necropsy later revealed he had fractured his spine behind the withers.
  • `I'm doing a piece for the Sunday Tribune -- you know, wringing their withers, lots of colour, plenty of topspin. DEAD BEAT
  • Throughout, Tait notes that Witherspoon's sermons were earnest, clear, precise, direct, and unembellished by rhetorical flourishes.
  • Witherspoon then dug in the knife a little more, calling her smooch session with Pattinson "a little bit of a downer. Judy Kurtz: This Week's Shining and Falling Stars: Lady Gaga and Reese Witherspoon
  • Witherspoon is Jeffers's one and only novelistic venture.
  • Otherwise, it either withers away or entangles the individual lives of the couple in a terrible way.
  • Key stylist Joy Zapata is interviewed, as well as the director, Reese Witherspoon, and other hair nuts from Legally Blonde.
  • He reminded me of Reese Witherspoons dad in the Blonde flick, who is standing by the pool with his martini glass and asks her with bored puzzlement in his voice, as she floats in the pool with her hotpink sequined bikini, 'whyever would you want to go to law school Elle, that is for boring folks who want to work, not us .... CT-SEN: Lieberman Ahead In New Poll
  • Reese · Witherspoon Her spoon may be rusty but I want it anyway.
  • A snig of the red blade severed the thong; and the Indian's body sliding down from the withers of the horse, fell with a dull dead sound upon the turf. The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
  • The juice, of which the camphire is made, runs out from a hole bored in the upper part of the tree, is received in a vessel, where it grows to a consistency, and becomes what we call camphire; and the juice being thus drawn out, the tree withers and dies. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01
  • Then she began to lightly rub the bareback pad on Thundering Glory's neck, slowly moving to his withers, then down his front leg.
  • The plant's foliage withers back during the summer while pretty, orange-red berries appear in the fall.
  • The forequarters have flat, somewhat sloping shoulders and high withers.
  • A necropsy later revealed he had fractured his spine behind the withers.
  • John tried to remember statistics from the relevant summary he'd read on joining the Withers office. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • In the programme tonight we hear Dr Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Witherspoon.
  • He took Mrs Witherspoon home and returned to open Dad's safe. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK
  • The fetichist now follows an impersonal and abstract symbol withersoever it may lead him. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • ‘My love then and his bonny ship turn'd withershins about’ - sing along now!
  • Females stand, on average, 23 to 25 inches at the withers (shoulders).
  • A good workhorse, it was always said, should be well put together with powerful haunches as well as being short-coupled, which meant it must have a short back from withers to tail head.
  • She was then tossed across a horse's withers and cried out involuntarily as her belly slammed into the horse's back.
  • When the 356th got ready to ship out they only needed one Replacement Pilot so they kept Withers and sent three of us back to Westover for re-assignment.
  • “You should never let those troubles touch you so closely,” said his lordship, whose own withers at this moment were by no means unwrung. The American Senator
  • The ‘bike mania’, for most men, begins at a very early age and grows, mellows and at last withers away.
  • Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. Kahlil Gibran 
  • The keyboardist invents a new, ear-grabbing bass figure for the Withers number and adds strutting stride piano to Ellington's. Baltimore City Paper
  • Horses differ greatly in their oral cavity, and that difference is not proportional to height at the withers.
  • Parton thinks Witherspoon needs a "big ol 'boob job" to play her Katie Price sports chavtastic leather bomber jacket on morning ride. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • He leapt the distance that separated him and the gang's leader, grabbing the horse's withers as the animal reared.
  • Just remember that as the State withers away, so will the many evils which accompany the capitalist state.
  • Freddie Bourne with his bride-to-be Heidi Withers. Freddie Bourne and the fine art of the publicity stunt
  • Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.
  • That Simpsons parody comes to mind: the state-of-the-art sonic blast withers the theater crowd, and cracks teeth.
  • So Withers and the shroff continued their desolate journey, day by day, across the plains, over such roads as are not, save in North Civilization Tales of the Orient
  • My love then and his bonnie ship turn'd withershins about. Lowlands of Holland 6
  • In Bloom By Reese Witherspoon — described as a gardenia, magnolia and jasmine scent and priced at $34 a bottle — will debut in November. Reese Witherspoon: Avon Press Conference
  • In the programme tonight we hear Dr Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Witherspoon.
  • Witherslack's Windfall Co-Operative is adding value to the local damson crop by making handmade preserves with fruit from orchards within the parish.
  • To move against the sun was improper and productive of evil consequences, and the name given to this direction of movement was _withershins_. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • The hair of Withers was radiant with pomatum, in these days of down, and he wore kid gloves and smelt of the water of Cologne. Dombey and Son
  • He was close enough now to see the knotted ridges on the horse's withers, the marks of abuse. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • A rub on the withers from you is often greatly appreciated in return!
  • Withers owns property within sound of that site.
  • What makes it even more confusing is that this anti-heroine is played by Reese Witherspoon, who radiates sweetness and charm.
  • The length of body, from prosternum to the rearmost projection of the rump, is slightly longer than the height of the dog at the withers, the most desirable proportion of the height to length being 9 to 10. Undefined
  • This is of special importance on premises where several horses develop fistulous withers and poll evil. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • He went on to record a live album in 1966 with the blues legend Jimmy Witherspoon.
  • Pryce started Friday's 46-6 victory covering for an absent colleague, injured full back Withers.
  • -- A horse-like animal at the first glance, owing to its lean head, long, flat, and deep neck, and high withers, but with cervine hind-quarters, lower than in front. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Withers has a beautiful tone but she hides behind this, allowing it to speak over the words she is singing.
  • I start at the top of his neck (side without his mane showing) and move down his withers and along his back.
  • Osberne made up toward the door, but the carline put forth her hand and thrust him back, and said: "Not yet; abide where thou art a minute;" and straightway fell to going withershins round the house. The Sundering Flood
  • The majority is most likely above the size of 14.2 hands, measured at the withers, qualifying them actually as horses.
  • A lot of folks are out to sightsee, says Melissa Withers, a spokeswoman for the city. Irene leaves up to half of Rhode Island without power
  • The hands of an intermediate rider move only about six to eight inches in front of the horse's withers in a short crest release.
  • The sap flows from an incision made high up in the tree into a vessel hung there to receive it, and soon hardens into the substance called camphor, but the tree itself withers up and dies when it has been so treated. Still Separate & Unequal
  • As Boy Scout marksmanship programs disappear, and marksmanship training withers in our schools due to withering budgets and increasing pressure of potential liability, that spiral will continue among the young who would otherwise be exposed to proper training and familiarization with basic marksmanship. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • He has very strange withers and no saddle fits him right.
  • She says she withers if she doesn't get the light -- like a rose. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • For each group of arches come later than the last in the order of sculpture, and the sculptors during those 300 years went withershins as should you. Hills and the Sea
  • More interestingly, the old (especially Scottish) word widdershins or withershins, etymologically suggesting ` a contrary direction, 'similarly refers to a movement against the apparent course of the sun and therefore considered unlucky or unnatural. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 1
  • I will be grateful to her for ever, and my gratitude is only increased by the certainty that the withershins of anxious, unthinking PC will never know anything like it. In the news in Pompeii
  • She does not repel him, but her bored and absent expression discourages any amorous action and withers the kisses at the very moment when they alight upon her flesh. The Choice of Life
  • Their strength he withers, and unmans their souls. The Iliad of Homer
  • Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.
  • Past his prime and carrying too much prime rib of beef, Witherspoon was still far too much for Cole.
  • Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. Kahlil Gibran 
  • When he awoke, and sprang up causelessly frightened, the words were in his ears, as if her voice had slowly spoken them at his pillow, to break his rest: ‘He withers away in his prison; I wither away in mine; inexorable justice is done; what do I owe on this score!’ Little Dorrit
  • The juice, of which the camphire is made, exudes from a hole bored in the upper part of the tree, is received in a vessel, where it thickens to a consistency, and becomes what we call camphire; after the juice is thus drawn out, the tree withers and dies. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
  • Withers might have ignored or snubbed this gratuitous intervention from a youthful stranger. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • The same tree withers, droops and drops the dead leaves in autumn.
  • El Condor Pasa, age seven, and End Sweep, 11, died in July after respectively suffering intestinal torsion and fractured withers.
  • At this remark, our uncle changed colour, and looked round the company, conscious that his own withers were not altogether unwrung. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • But when the irresistible arguments of the post-boy have prevailed upon them to proceed a mile or two, they will become callous to the first sensation; and being warm in the harness, as the said post-boy may term it, proceed as if their withers were altogether unwrung. Waverley
  • The juice of which the camphire is made exudes from a hole bored in the upper part of the tree, is received in a vessel, where it thickens to a consistency, and becomes what we call camphire; after the juice is thus drawn out, the tree withers and dies. The Arabian Nights Their Best-known Tales
  • Surely its life withers away, and from the soil other plants grow.
  • The plant's foliage withers back during the summer while pretty, orange-red berries appear in the fall.
  • He was astride a pegasi - a black horse with wings sprouting from its withers - and rode along in silence.
  • Starve a soul of prayer and it atrophies and withers. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's as bouncy and lively as anyone this side of Reese Witherspoon.
  • Expertly he ran a soothing hand up the gelding's broad face and caressed one ear, tweaking it familiarly before running his hand down the horse's neck from the poll to the withers, then back up to the head again.
  • The forequarters have flat, somewhat sloping shoulders and high withers.
  • It is not anti-Semitic, but it is about anti-Semitism and how the prejudice withers its perpetrators as well as their victims.
  • The offices of the management were on the first floor, and Henry was conducted thither and shown into Witherspoon's private apartment -- into the calico, bombazine, hardware and universal nick-nack holy of holies. The Colossus A Novel
  • Past his prime and carrying too much prime rib of beef, Witherspoon was still far too much for Cole.
  • At least, my name sneaked into Matt Withers piece on Nick Bourne in today's Wales on Sunday Out of the Limelight.
  • When there is a free and open alternative (think AOL versus a typical modern ISP), the garden eventually withers as every able-minded user scrambles over the wall. Tony Greenberg: The Google/Verizon Walled Garden Plan: No Substantive Impact on Net Neutrality
  • His slender build, and even more slender hunger lines, made him look taller than he really was: just a head taller than his horse's withers.
  • He spun it around with his tongue as she threw the saddle high up on his withers, pulling it back so none of his hairs were in the wrong direction.
  • The juice of which the camphor is made runs out from a hole bored in the upper part of the tree, is received in a vessel, where it grows thick, and becomes what we call camphor; and the juice thus drawn out the tree withers and dies. Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights
  • These new plans also appear to face squarely the fact that extreme departmentalism is an unfortunate affliction that withers everything truly educational that comes under its shadow and should, therefore, be removed. Undergraduate Work and the University of North Carolina
  • Either a journalist withers on the vine when they take a job like this or they become a corporate PR person following their bland, risk-averse PR orders i.e. a million miles away from the freedom of news desk reportage.
  • A form of bacterial wilt which withers healthy banana plants and prematurely ripens fruits into a smelly goo is destroying crops and livelihoods as it moves across Uganda.
  • In the programme tonight we hear Dr Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Witherspoon.
  • If neighbors had a Thanksgiving turkey, the Witherses told everyone they did, too, even if their holiday dinner was ham hocks and beans.
  • But these reproaches would leave my withers quite ungalled. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Arrived at the kirk, they paced around it withershins, that is, in reverse of the apparent motion of the sun. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions — Volume 2
  • He went on to record a live album in 1966 with the blues legend Jimmy Witherspoon.
  • The cartilage of prolongation of the scapula is sometimes seriously involved in certain cases of fistulous withers, and in some instances it has been separated from its attachment to the rhomboidea muscles, and lameness has resulted. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • MEMPHIS - Roburt Sallie and Wesley Witherspoon scored 20 points apiece as Memphis recovered from its first Conference USA loss in almost four years with a 92-77 victory over Houston on Saturday night. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • At least, my name sneaked into Matt Withers piece on Nick Bourne in today's Wales on Sunday - even if Matt was trying to stir things between me and Nick by implying that we don't see 'eye to eye' on the 'Rainbow Coalition' stuff I've been banging on about. Out of the Limelight.
  • Withershins 'Latch, wi' ilka ane a gude oak souple in his hand, we wadna turn back, no for half a dizzen o 'yon scaff-raff.' Guy Mannering — Complete
  • As you approach the center of the circle, swing your primary line so that it is behind the horse's withers.
  • These are all created by either a single point of applied pressure or a combination of pressure and motion (back and forwards within track, clockwise, withershins).
  • He stood behind a huge black stallion and looked over the horse's withers.
  • ‘I had maist forgotten’t, ’ said the hardy Borderer; ‘but I think this morning, now that I am fresh and sober, if you and I were at the Withershins’ Latch, wi’ ilka ane a gude oak souple in his hand, we wadna turn back, no for half a dizzen o’ yon scaff-raff. Chapter XXV
  • Depending on the horse's comfort level, I might want to start on the shoulder and move up to the withers.
  • Help to open up an area of peat bog by cutting and burning small trees at Cumbria Wildlife Trust's Foulshaw Moss, near Witherslack, on Saturday.
  • FRESNO - At various points on the figurative and literal road between Bakersfield and Fresno and on to San Diego, Ryan Mathews could have veered into the ditch where potential withers up and dies, its promise mourned for a time but then forgotten. Fore, right!
  • He was popularly credited with assisting, in this disguise, in the instruction of a novice into the mysteries of Freemasonry, and was supposed to allow the novice to ride on his back, and go withershins three times round the room. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • As Matt Withers mentioned on Sunday, despite stiff competition I won the Wales On Sunday competition for best completing the sentence: I believe Jane Hutt is eminently qualified to be First Minister of Wales because ... Hutted
  • No stormy preacher, President Witherspoon quietly won the confidence of his colleagues.
  • Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. Kahlil Gibran 
  • As soon as the fern is firmly established, the prothallium withers away. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • Then as you go round the arches, "withershins" against the sun (in which way lucky progression has always been made in sacred places), there pass you one after the other the epochs of the Hills and the Sea
  • My love then and his bonny ship turn’d withershins about. The Lowlands o' Holland
  • Without such military drills, capacity atrophies and deterrence withers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Merris, there is no escaping justice for you. Whether or not you are guilty of the crimes Withers spoke of, I have seen enough evil here to condemn you to the headsman . And I will see justice done.
  • Witherspoon is the wealthy, apparently airheaded, Elle Woods, who follows her embarrassed boyfriend to Harvard Law in order to prove that blondes have brains, too.
  • To go round a person in the opposite direction, or withershins (German wider-shins), is unlucky, and a sort of incantation. Waverley
  • 'I had maist forgotten't,' said the hardy Borderer; 'but I think this morning, now that I am fresh and sober, if you and I were at the Withershins' Latch, wi 'ilka ane a gude oak souple in his hand, we wadna turn back, no for half a dizzen o' yon scaff-raff. ' Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • The sheltie pattern specifies that shelties may be no smaller than 10 and no greater than 13 inches at the withers.
  • The guerrilla athenaeum, which appeared this spring at the intersection of Leonard and Withers streets in Williamsburg, has clapboard siding and sits on a hand truck chained to a one-way street sign—a clever skirting of city regulation by its founder, 31-year-old artist Colin McMullan . Guerrilla Librarians Making Noise
  • `I'm doing a piece for the Sunday Tribune -- you know, wringing their withers, lots of colour, plenty of topspin. DEAD BEAT
  • Yet "Revolutionary Road" -- the name fatuously meant to imply that America's revolutionary promise withers and dies in the suburbs -- caught the reflexive attitudes of many readers. Why Does Hollywood Hate the Suburbs?
  • This apparently magical feat is accomplished by means of a halter of horsehair, which is passed round under the neck of the horse, and both ends braided into the mane, on the withers, thus forming a loop which hangs under the neck and against the breast. The Dog Crusoe and his Master
  • If you stand alongside the shoulder of a horse that wants to fight with you and grab a chunk of mane right at his withers, you can stay alongside him quietly while he backs up, spins, or goes up in front and he can't hurt you.
  • It isn't a Streisand schnoz or a Witherspoon button. The Good, the Bad and the Rancid
  • She didn't waken as Ander scooped her up in his arms, carried her down the wide staircase, then turned fully withershins so that he was facing the ship's forward quarters.
  • He took Mrs Witherspoon home and returned to open Dad's safe. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK
  • Witherspoon is a gangster, a cheat, and a God damn liar, but he is of very little actual importance; merely a boodling nincompoop. First Lensman
  • A stout numdah of this kind can be used with a high withered animal, and a thin one with a horse which has thick withers. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.

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