How To Use Withered In A Sentence
How has it managed to do all that - when other, more capitalized businesses have withered away?
He scowled at Zilla, whose withered lips were again writhing into speech, and compelled her to silence.
The White Man's Way
On the path a few solitary scraps of withered white and blue police tape were a solemn reminder of the crime scene.
And behold, he shrivelled and withered under their eyes, and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder.
With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deep.

They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced.
A slow descent into a long and murky winter; on my doorstep, the colourful leaves on the trees withered and fell, and there was no spring.
Even at his preparatory school, where he was known as a swot of the first water, he had displayed an unhealthy infatuation for that tongue; he loved its cold, lapidary construction; and while other boys played football or cricket, this withered little fellow used to lark about with a note-book, all by himself, torturing sensible
South Wind
Were it not for that jar or _tinaja_ of _aguardiente_ which the old man keeps so snugly in the corner of his burrow, he would have withered up long ago, like the mummies of the Great Saint Bernard.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
Perhaps he had never had any talent for it; perhaps it had withered away, unnourished.
It was a quarter moon, what Papa called a horned moon, and I thought I could see the profile of the man in the moon, old and withered looking.
My Sweet Audrina
The fig tree you cursed has withered!
Christianity Today
Why should he give up half his worldly goods then still pay through the nose when a marriage has withered and died?
The Sun
Yet, while imperialism has generally withered, other forms of domination or hegemony have arisen.
Though far remote from the ivy chaplet on Wisdom's glorious brow, yet his stump of withered birch inculcates a lesson of virtue, by reminding us, that we should take heed to our steps in our journeyings through the wilderness of life; and, so far as in him lies, he helps us to do so, and by the exercise of a very catholic faith, looks for his reward to the value he supposes us to entertain for that virtue which, from time immemorial, has been in popular parlance classed as next to godliness.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 437 Volume 17, New Series, May 15, 1852
The natural glutin is produced while the slim, fluted, inch-long seeds are green, but its virtue remains even after the whole panicle has withered and has fallen.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
-- Do you suppose that I will rest -- while any of their branch is unwithered? do you suppose that I will turn aside till they are trodden under foot?
Romantic Anger and Byron
Our adventurer expected to see in Mr Jacobs a withered and filthy old being, similar in external appearance to those of his race who then perambulated the metropolis as dealers in cast-off clothing.
Ralph Rashleigh
So the only thing that surprised when he was asked if he would take a draw and a replay at Ibrox, was the fact that he swithered, albeit fleetingly, before deciding against it.
Doubtless, it was by half-unconscious, automatic motions of her hands, that this heavy-hearted one performed the final office for Felipe, and planted a rude cross of withered sticks -- no green ones might be had -- at the head of that lonely grave, where rested now in lasting un-complaint and quiet haven he whom untranquil seas had overthrown.
The Piazza Tales
The two trees with the smoky trunks were blighted high up, and the withered branches domineered above the leaves, Through the whole building white had turned yellow, yellow nearly black; and since the time when the poor lady died, it had slowly become a dark gap in the long monotonous street.
Dombey and Son
The second face was withered and ancient, with watery eyes peering out from above a crooked hooked nose.
But we confess that it is a little mortifying to our pride of time and place, to meet an old beggar-woman, who from the dust on her tattered brogues has evidently marched miles from her last night's wayside howf, and who holds out her withered palm for charity, at an hour when a cripple of fourscore might have been supposed sleeping on her pallet of straw.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
Her fingers were old and withered, wrinkles and extra skin from weight loss that had happened too quickly made the effect even worse.
Then all grew withered and lost shape, becoming a pulpy mass, like gelatin.
This was reinforced by supportive messages from pals and, while I swithered, they gave me business introductions and I waited for my restrictive covenant to end,’ he said.
Her face looked curiously unstable, sometimes young and unlined, sometimes withered with years.
he did well despite his withered arm
Many horse chestnut trees are withered from top to toe, but this is not due to seasonal change.
Times, Sunday Times
For half a century Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau withered any rival in vocal range with an austere glare and an iron grip on recording opportunities.
Her face was withered from long years of struggle yet lightened with blissfulness from so many happy times.
The scent of fresh turned soil, mixed with the scent of withered flowers permeated the air.
All bepatched and coiled asleep in his lonely lava den among the mountains, he looked, they say, as a heaped drift of withered leaves, torn from autumn trees, and so left in some hidden nook by the whirling halt for an instant of a fierce night-wind, which then ruthlessly sweeps on, somewhere else to repeat the capricious act.
The Piazza Tales
Dowager went off in her jingling old coach, attended by two faithful and withered old maids of honour, and a little snuffy spindle-shanked gentleman in waiting, in a brown jasey and a green coat covered with orders — of which the star and the grand yellow cordon of the order of St. Michael of Pumpernickel were most conspicuous.
Vanity Fair
Even with all this, the hollow cheeks, the scalp withered, you could still see how handsome Hugh had been.
Q CAN you tell me why the buds on my jasmine plant have withered?
The Sun
Zilla, whose withered lips were again writhing into speech, and compelled her to silence.
Most men expected to find a consumed kell,10 empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration.
Letter to a Friend
She shut her harsh lips together tightly at what she saw; Jase certainly was puffy under his watery, pink-rimmed eyes, and the withered cheeks above his thin graying beard really did have a pasty, gray look.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
It was something sudden, and it makes one shiver to think of a strong man with all the strength withered out of him by one glance from the soft eyes of a weak, blond, female creature like Flush of Gold.
Flush of Gold
My white hair seemed yellow as if stained with nicotine; my eyes looked withered, mouth shrunk.
The world suddenly became cold as the grass withered down to nothing.
Nonetheless, after a generation or two, the movement withered away leaving few traces behind it (except for the German Lutheran cities of the north); and this occurred, not because the movement was persecuted out of existence, but because its principal sponsors, the independent-minded szlachta, abandoned it for a revived, populistic Catholicism as a result of the crisis of national survival produced by the mid-seventeenth-century Swedish invasion, the "Deluge.
Poland's Past
Although the body is deteriorated, the garland, which symbolized his glories, remains unwithered.
The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered.
Then we'd collect withered dry leaves and cipins and light a bonfire around which we'd dance and make weird noises, dressed as witches and really imagining we were flying on broomsticks.
It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it.
Her limbs dragged and shuffled, her eyes dimmed and bleared, and only the little children found joy against the withered cheek of the old squaw by the fire.
It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it.
Nemeth was probably being taken to Tardonia, either to be ransomed or more likely to be unpleasantly executed, body charred and features withered by hostile magic.
The grass withered because there was no water.
She held on straight for the Red Sea under a serene sky, under a sky scorching and unclouded, enveloped in a fulgor of sunshine that killed all thought, oppressed the heart, withered all impulses of strength and energy.
Lord Jim
Choose eggplants that feel heavy with smooth, taut, unblemished skin and fresh-looking unwithered green stalks.
Instead of air-drying, the unwithered leaves are merely steamed.
The fig tree you cursed has withered!
Christianity Today
The reeking flowers had withered, their petals dropped to reveal small, flesh-colored fruits.
End of Time
That as the State withered away, so would sexism, racism and all other unpleasant social evils.
With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way.
Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.
When he went into retirement, he visibly withered.
The brake fern is dead and withered; the tip of each frond curled over downwards by the frost, but it forms a brown background to the dull green furze which is alight here and there with scattered blossom, by contrast so brilliantly yellow as to seem like flame.
Hodge and His Masters
A pair of bright eyes, shaded by bushy white brows, glittered in his brown face -- seamed and wrinkled like the bark of a gnarled oaklike gay flowers amid withered leaves, forming a strange contrast to his lean, bowed, and shrivelled form.
Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
The crops withered up because there was no rain.
Rifles were cocked, and every eye carefully scrutinised the dry drabby-yellow grass through which the lion would be stealing its way, and so much like the withered stems in colour that, unless moving, it was quite possible to miss seeing such a creature as they rode along.
Off to the Wilds Being the Adventures of Two Brothers
His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.
A sudden tragic bouquet of withered flowers beside a road.
Times, Sunday Times
An instant of heat and he was suddenly standing at the edge of a great expanse of grassland, the grass withered and blackened in places but generally a dry yellow.
That host on the morrow lay withered and strown.
She was like a fine flower, already past its bloom and without fragrance, though the petals were still unwithered.
Anna Karenina
After all flowers have withered, cut off the entire stem.
Carrie withered her, and for a second Stevie was taken aback.
Occasionally I found a broken branch so fresh that it still carried unwithered leaves, as if unaware that its very world had passed away.
The Urth of the New Sun
For the old and withered Nonna Rosa, he restores her youthful dewiness, awakening all the passion deadened by her long passionless marriage.
The jabbering of foreign tongues lashed around his ears and the old man subsided, resistance withered.
There has been a stunted growth of various kharif crops and in certain parts the crop has withered.
Yellow, withered bean leaves rustled on the plants and flapped around on the ground.
Her teeth protruded from the withered binding like a set rattrap.
Change Me Into Zeus’s Daughter
[5] this maxim is as true as ever fell from poetical pen & there has more morality distilled from the waters of Helicon [6] than ever was procured from the withered skulls of metaphysicians or Philosophers.
Letter 51
He swithered for a while,then told me yes.
We stood for some moments contemplating the group before us, and then, following the steps of an old, withered crone, who, with a cracked cup in her hand, was pushing her way through the throng, we found ourselves in that dreary pandaemonium, at once the origin and the refuge of humble vices -- a Gin-shop.
Pelham — Complete
Lord Keel was covered in several large wounds in his chest and his skin had withered and thinned as if he had been dried like a mannequin.
The pageant device itself was made up of the representation of two hills or mountains, the one on the north side being "cragged, barreyn, and stonye; in whiche was erected one tree, artificiallye made, all withered and deadde ...".
He acknowledged that his fingers had lost their cunning, but the fates ordained that his ideas should blossom as his manipulatory skill withered
Tropic Days
It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it.
Withered beyond longevity, a tiny man in dwarf's overalls, deeply addicted to codeine and Valium, fears colored people; occasionally makes scratching protests on his old violin, which has become too large for him.
March 2004
Death cuts off a good man, as a choice imp is cut off to be grafted in a better stock; but it cuts off a wicked man, as a withered branch is cut off for the fire-cuts him off from this world, which he set his heart so much upon, and was, as it were, one with.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Age has not withered their mutual loathing and neither will let it lie.
Times, Sunday Times
We hope that the undergrowth of limitations is sparse enough to let the flowers of Oz grow unwithered.
The numbers of flowers closed, opened and withered in every marked inflorescence were periodically recorded during the flowering period.
At the same time, to clear his way, and the better to enable him to take a good mark, he gave James Batter a shove, that made him stoiter against the wall, and snacked the good new farthing tobacco-pipe, that James was taking his first whiff out of; crying, at the same blessed moment -- "Hold out o 'my road, ye long withered wabster.
The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
A search for last year's helleborines almost drew a blank, until the discovery of just three withered stems that had been completely savaged by slugs.
Also, to one side, limped a score or more of foot-sore, yoke-galled, skeleton oxen, that ever paused to nip at the occasional tufts of withered grass, and that ever were prodded on by the tired-faced youths who herded them.
Chapter 12
Then, long after the foxgloves have withered and the last crabapple has rolled from the tree and been carted off by a brown squirrel, the asters bloom, the last flower before snow.
In every garret, from every rafter, slowly swayed great susurrous bunches of withered herbs and simples awaiting expression and distillation, and dreaming perhaps of the summer breezes that had blown through them in the sunny days of their youth in their meadow homes.
Customs and Fashions in Old New England
My lats, deltoids, and trapezia are apparently as withered as month-old grapes.
Waldo Jaquith - Whupped again.
With no need for locomotion, the arms and legs withered into pencil thin stumps.
The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered.
She withered him with a glance.
The heather on the hill came in deep russet tones of glory defeated, and the withered bracken with tints of gold, all gaining a double brilliancy from the liquid medium that returned their image.
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
Staring in disbelief Kana realized that the flower had withered slowly beneath her touch.
Her whole body seemed sucked dry of every liquid; she seemed withered in old age when she heard the two words that would forever change her life.
Each probably already demanding to be the one to hand up the traditional Holy Tax-Inspector Immersion Day decorations, such as the withered bunch of daffodils hung upside down from the mantelpiece, the buttered goat in the hallway, the precise traditional arrangement of liquorice allsorts on the top surface of the DVD Player.
Archive 2009-05-01
My small olive-branch of fancy will be withered, in truth, and ready to drop budless from the tree, when I cease to feel a mild delight in the billings and cooings of the little birds that separate from the flocks to fly together in pairs, or in the uninstructive but mutually satisfactory converse which Strephon holds with Chloe while they dally along the primrose path.
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things
With Father Sandru's passing (at the relatively tender age of sixty-two ), what little enthusiasm there had been for change withered.
Other small live music venues just withered on the vine.
She looks upon an open space of withered grass and tired, bald turf.
With the larvae feeding inside them, the leaves turn brown and withered, and usually the whole tree is afflicted.
Times, Sunday Times
Whenever he touched the ground the grass withered and died underneath his foot.
It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it.
The flowers near the wall withered.
He was an ancient, withered man, wrinkled and creased but corded like a whip, tempered hard in the forge of the Wilds.
Jimmy looked a little withered after his bypass operation, but his spirit seemed as spunky as ever.
The industry has already withered on the vine.
Times, Sunday Times
Some were for getting over the difficulty by dragging the mere wasted "letter of the Word," or the rotten and withered husks of it, into the highways and byways, where the "blazin '" scorn of the World would finish it.
A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories
Saxon had not failed to note the litheness and grace in that lean and withered body.
The natural glutin is produced while the slim, fluted, inch-long seeds are green, but its virtue remains even after the whole panicle has withered and has fallen.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
When the cutting edge of human civilization and encounter the evil guns, instantly withered green olive branch in the war and political disputes and fight in this changed world history.
Her withered bosom rose and fell in short, convulsive sobs, and it was evident that she could scarcely stand.
His Sombre Rivals
Over the years, his muscles withered, his bones thinned, and he suffered repeated bouts of infection and life-threatening complications.
The similitude is explained in the following words, It is a people of no understanding, brutish and sottish, and destitute of the knowledge of God, and that have no relish or savour of divine things, like a withered branch that has no sap in it; and this is at the bottom of all those sins for which God left them desolate, their idolatry first and afterwards their infidelity.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
She has one slightly withered leg, noticeably thinner than the other.
His thin body is withered and frail, and he shivers in the cold night air.
Flowers withered up soon after they were cut.
Sam, what on earth possessed you to spend all that time making a terrine that has the appearance of an ugly, withered, old leather boot?
Its wings long ago gave up the idea of lifting such a plumpy off the ground, and withered away into decorative little stumps.
Last Chance to See
Probably the real ground of his disinclination was the fear that a residence at Valence might revive the painful emotions which time had somewhat withered.
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. I. (of IV.)
The crops of Egypt withered in the fields and the kine died in the pasture, and the children of Egypt went hungry; their ribs and bones stuck out like those of corpses.
For as long as the rosemary was unwithered, she would be free of the spell.
Phoenix And Ashes
The plant may recover ; it's very dry and withered, but there's still life in it.
On the withered, bent tree the foliage is smaller, more scanty -- but the verdure is the same as ever.
A Reckless Character And Other Stories
In the interest of keeping our local cemetery neat and tidy you are asked not to discard old or withered wreaths, grass cuttings trimmings in the area.
The wine cellar's been ransacked, the telly's gone missing and the plants are withered and smelling of pee, but apart from that, it's more or less how I left it.
that he merely had lost the habit of speaking and his vocal cords had withered from neglect and nonuse.
Their support had simply withered away.
For the first two hours the road lay through doura plantations and high grass which rose above the heads even of men mounted on camels; but as the town was approached, the doura ceased, and the troops emerged from the jungle on to an undulating moorland with occasional patches of rushes and withered grass.
The River War An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
And behold, he shrivelled and withered under their eyes, and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder.
If you see any withered, toothless, gimpy old men it gives you a good sign to run.] Or is that too graphics intensive at this time?
The rolling of unwithered leaf leads to breaking them up into small flakes, which would not respond to the subsequent processing steps and produce unacceptable teas.
Caroline merely tucked a curl behind her ear and withered him with a stare she had studied from Margaret Thatcher until he wilted completely.
The two remaining guards had swithered and decided to flee.
Her eyes were a pale red, her body seemed withered and drawn out, and she was constantly yawning.
The flowers withered in the cold.
The blast withered to nothing as the attack stopped; Joshua fell from his position, hitting the ground with a dull thud.
There were dark shadows under her green-blue eyes in this wan light, a pinching about her full lipped mouth, as if both harsh dayshine and the cold had aged and withered her for the nonce.
Year of the Unicorn
Cows and herdsmen alike shun the warm sand of a track bordered with withered sedge, to hide in the shade of an oakwood on a nearby knoll.
I found him first, a little withered, dried-up old fellow, wrinkled-faced and bleary-eyed and tottery.
Instead of air-drying, the unwithered leaves are merely steamed.
Will green tea really save my life?
Most men expected to find a consumed kell, [III. 10] empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration.
Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
Prolonged boozing can actually eat away at a man's body, leaving his wedding tackle withered, his muscles punier and his bones weaker.
All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience.
All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience.
His body was wrinkled and withered, slightly bent over and hunched.
She would take it back into the keeping of her heart, and if a day should ever come when he would be free to return, and demand it of her, he would find it there, unwithered, with all the unbreathed perfume hoarded in its folded leaves.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
Men and animals became weary, and plants withered under the powerful rays of the sun.
Christianity Today
Approaching the small township of Pripyat, downwind from the disaster, we passed through a belt of pinewoods, sere and withered, the needles distorted as if scorched by unseen flame.
Whatever middle-class donnishness I inherited quickly withered as I became involved in left-wing student and anti-racist politics.
They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
The tree itself had been small and gnarly, withered and twisted like the arthritic seizure of an old man.
In 20 years, if there's some kind of rockumentary and they want to interview my withered old form about how crazy it was back in the '90s, I'd totally be into it.
Many horse chestnut trees are withered from top to toe, but this is not due to seasonal change.
Times, Sunday Times
They stood a moment, before taking seats, at an open glass door gazing out on the gardens sered and withered and covered in places with patches of snow, but bathed in moonlight.
Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
In the emergency feeding centre, Malawian nuns feed withered infants with protruding ribcages an emergency mix.
She has one slightly withered leg, noticeably thinner than the other.
We in New Zealand, you know, used to be able to relax a bit, to be able to think that we would sit comfortably while the rest of the world seared, singed, withered.
She would take it back into the keeping of her heart, and if a day should ever come when he would be free to return, and demand it of her, he would find it there, unwithered, with all the unbreathed perfume hoarded in its folded leaves.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
People sometimes call these dark yards ‘gardens’; it is not supposed that they were ever planted, but rather that they are pieces of unreclaimed land, with the withered vegetation of the original brick – field.
Nicholas Nickleby
`No, you withered, senseless, quibbling, drivelling, fumbling nincompoop!
The black windcheater and jeans stuck to her lean form, making her appear like a withered scarecrow.
We stood for some moments contemplating the group before us, and then, following the steps of an old, withered crone, who, with a cracked cup in her hand, was pushing her way through the throng, we found ourselves in that dreary pandaemonium, at once the origin and the refuge of humble vices -- a Gin - shop.
Pelham — Volume 04
a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws
The doors opened and two aged citizens emerged, a withered old crow and a thin old duffer.
The plant may recover ; it's very dry and withered, but there's still life in it.
When lyart leaves bestrow the yird, [withered, earth]
Robert Burns How To Know Him
His brothers could never quite agree on his ransom price, so Ferdinand withered away in captivity.
He had a year in hospital and withered away to six stone.
Times, Sunday Times
The doors opened and two aged citizens emerged, a withered old crow and a thin old duffer.
Withered crones filled every seat, wrapped in thick black woolen coats, huddled forwards like emperor penguins defending their young.
The leafless trees become spires of flame in the sunset, with the blue east for their back-ground, and the stars of the dead calices of flowers, and every withered stem and stubble rimed with frost, contribute something to the mute music.
The grass withered and the flower faded dutifully, note by note and line by line.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the past few months four palm trees, or cabbage trees (cordyline australis) as they should correctly be called, have withered away, and now the worry is that the problem will spread to others.
Picture-Perfect Palm Trees Withering Away | Impact Lab
Gradually but surely, that tiresome old anecdote has sapped my strength, undermined my constitution, withered my life.
If Marlboro 'begged him to toss up for chances, St. George answered that he never threw up a chance; when he went further and offered to stake success or loss, St. George told him he had cast his last die; when he would have spoken her name to him directly, St. George withered him with flamy eyes, and let his manner become too rigid for one to dare more with him.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
Their support had simply withered away.
Grass had withered in the fields.
The thief withered under the stare of the policeman.
My friends' faces and arms tanned a beautiful bronze while my arms withered, blistered, burned and peeled.
Eliot, looking unwithered in the rain, was working the voters of the Upper East Side, handing out his fliers and hoping to chat with anyone who recognized him.
Many Tibetans believe that in ancient times Jiuzhaigou suffered such disasters that its mountains collapsed, trees and flowers withered and inhabitants fled.
I suppose I should have stopped, if only because it seemed in such poor taste, calibrating my body's improvement as Dad's withered away.
With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deepsea.
For many the only remaining escape from the lie of sovietism was descent into an alcoholic stupor, wordless and sullen, repeated over and over again until the cognitive functions withered, the liver gave out, and death arrived as a relief.
This Side of Ultima Thule
Now 85, withered through a strict diabetic diet, troubled by intermittent back spasms, Caddy is a frail figure, her eyes splodged with bright blue eye-shadow, ‘an old one’ in her own words.
This is also a good plan with plants in balconies, to prevent the roots of the plants becoming dry and withered.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
He acknowledged that his fingers had lost their cunning, but the fates ordained that his ideas should blossom as his manipulatory skill withered Gradually he became feeble in mind and body, and was wont to spend his time crouched in a rough shelter dreaming prodigious dreams.
Tropic Days
Wow! If you said it's a withered leaf.
How has it managed to do all that - when other, more capitalized businesses have withered away?
It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it.
I quite like the idea of looking withered and weird with an overly long fringe and too much eyeliner on.
The Sun
The incipient sapling shrivelled and withered, but her knowledge of gardening techniques improved.
I think it's just been too cold at times in the unheated, uninsulated shed, and many of the shoots from the spuds have withered, and other tubers show signs of rot.