How To Use Withdrawn In A Sentence
The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders.
Times, Sunday Times
Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn.
But shortly afterwards they wrote to him informing him that the job offer had been withdrawn.
More than 200 weedkillers, mainly lawn treatments, are being withdrawn from the market after manufacturers chose not to submit them for EU safety tests.

The closely held retailer said it would sue its partner to recoup more than $ 50 million it claims was unfairly withdrawn.
Price pulled up during a routine drill and was withdrawn from the squad by medical staff.
Times, Sunday Times
Lena found her there a minute later, slumped down in the piles of paper, listlessly pawing through them, disconnected and withdrawn, a mental patient in a dayroom.
A spokesman for the Conservative party said that since she had had the whip withdrawn from her she could no longer have any of the normal backing given to Conservative MPs.
I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
The presentation of the passbook is therefore required before any moneys can be withdrawn from an account.
In the arrhythmic patients, the antiarrhythmic treatment was gradually reduced, and in patients 1, 3, and 9, it was withdrawn.
She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.
The cloth has been withdrawn, the General has given the King’s health, the servants have left the room, the guests sit conticent, and so, after a little hemming and blushing, Mr. George proceeds: — “I remember, at the table of our General, how the little
The Virginians
As the younger became more wilful and wayward, making the most of her privileged status, the elder became more withdrawn, worried about her destiny.
The inoculum was injected slowly into the bladder to avoid leakage and the catheter was withdrawn carefully.
While his peers were busy making mischief and thinking about the opposite sex, he became withdrawn.
For a moment, in the joy of anticipation, a strange light illuminated his face, his lips parted as in a foretasted wonder, and he forgot even to drop the hand he had just withdrawn.
The Little City of Hope A Christmas Story
The painting failed to reach to its reserve and was withdrawn from the sale.
Although threats to sack refusenik players who will not defer their wages have now been withdrawn, negotiations with the PFA are expected to continue for at least a fortnight.
Business as usual for suspended Confederation of African Football pair
The strength of local feeling was such that they were hastily withdrawn.
Many student loan servicers offer a discounted rate if you opt to have your monthly payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account.
He also confirmed that a second charge of behaving in an aggressive and threatening manner had been withdrawn.
Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked.
Remarkable Incident of Dr
As you should know once the authorisation is given to use firearms it is then down to the individual officer as to how and when to use their firearm, until authorization is withdrawn. on February 10, 2010 at 1: 27 pm Shafted
Why front-line police officers are glad about Dizaei « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
She takes hold of my hand, and having roll'd up her own petticoats, forced it half strivingly towards those parts, where, now grown more knowing, I miss'd the main object of my wishes; and finding not even the shadow of what I wanted, where every thing was so flat, or so hollow, in the vexation I was in at it, I should have withdrawn my hand but for fear of disobliging her.
Fanny Hill, Part II (first letter)
Personal allowances withdrawn gradually for those who earn more than 100,000.
Times, Sunday Times
Five cottages were to be sold as one lot but the bidding started at £300 and rose slowly to £510 when the property was withdrawn.
The hospital - one of the leading cancer treatment centres in the country - was supplied with two types of ready-made meals for a reception vending machine, which have now had to be withdrawn.
Others find this more difficult - they may become withdrawn emotionally, or completely overreact to events.
One of the more flexible mortgage options for first-time buyers was withdrawn last week.
Times, Sunday Times
Trading standards officers warned that convenience stores may still be selling products which have been withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.
It had recently withdrawn the ice-breaker Endurance, generally taken as a clear sign of retreat.
On July 15, 1874, at the Ackley House stables, Mr. John Waddle offered twelve cows and one bull at public auction, but prices ruled so low that they were soon withdrawn from market.
But it was Oxlade-Chamberlain's intelligent movement, dextrous footwork on the left flank and composed finishing that warmed the hearts of the Arsenal supporters who gave him a standing ovation when he was withdrawn.
Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is a natural, says Arsène Wenger
He was temperamental, a kind of simple man, withdrawn, a loner.
The Treasurer is right: the remark must be withdrawn if it is unparliamentary and offensive.
Living reclusively in a rented cottage in nearby Nunnington, they have both withdrawn from community life.
From what has been said, it must be evident that life is the effect of a number of external powers, constantly acting on the body, through the medium of that property which we call excitability; that it cannot exist independent of the action of these stimuli; when they are withdrawn, though the excitability does not instantly vanish, there is no life, no motion, but the semblance of death.
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A new challenge arose when Bessus, who had withdrawn to his satrapy, proclaimed himself King of Kings under the regnal name Artaxerxes V.
He remained quiet and seemed withdrawn into his shell.
The aircraft has since been almost completely withdrawn from commercial flights but continues in service with the defence ministry.
Times, Sunday Times
He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent.
Even now, the last of my forces have withdrawn from the field of battle back into the keep.
He takes their election out of context, not recognizing the U.S. push towards this "democratic" event and not recognizing that it was the withdrawal of economic support by the U.S. and its servient allies that led to the weakening of the government – and not that the support was withdrawn after the Hamas almost-government had become weakened and ineffective.
The Hebrew Republic - Book Review
The Motive Power depot at Derby Road had been disused since 1966 when the last steam locomotives were withdrawn from service.
One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl.
PIP implants were withdrawn after being found to rupture and cause inflammation and irritation.
Times, Sunday Times
Aliquots were withdrawn at the indicated times, the viable titer was determined, and the percentage of survivors was calculated.
At dinner, Kestril was cold and withdrawn, as if he faced a trial the next day.
Unfortunately his car had to be withdrawn from the feature due to a bent axle.
Torquay made a substitution at half-time and changed their formation as Neil Prince was withdrawn and Marcus Richardson was sent on to join Howard Forinton in attack.
The people trudged through their rainy grey days, repressed and emotionally withdrawn.
Like children with autism, as the monkeys grew, they became increasingly withdrawn and avoided social contact.
Investment incentives are contingent on execution by specified proposal expiry date, and may be withdrawn at any time prior to acceptance.
‘We have not yet withdrawn from using the degradable bags, but we are looking at a number of alternatives, including paper bags which are not as environmentally-friendly,’ she said.
By the time we left the hairdressers, Flora was practically stooped, extremely withdrawn.
And suddenly the terrible sense of impending doom seemed to have withdrawn.
The face that stared back at her from the small mirror was reassuringly familiar, her expression faintly aloof and withdrawn, the cleverly tailored cut of her thick glossy hair making it fall in a smooth, controlled curve.
Passionate Relationship
But even he has withdrawn to the shade of a canopy draped above a couple of threadbare sofas and that glorious moment now seems an age away.
Strengthening of that infrastructure would stimulate self-sustaining growth in the private sector-growth which would continue after federal assistance had been withdrawn.
I discovered that my house actually had its site in such a withdrawn, but forever new and unprofaned, part of the universe.
Not deviating from their steady course of maintaining mass-confusion, the government lawyer yesterday commented that they were revising that withdrawn environmental assessment, which they erringly referred to as a 'study.'
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Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
Two thousand troops were withdrawn from the battle zone.
Rail services to rural areas could be withdrawn without undue hardship.
April 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) - Supporters of Yasir Arman, withdrawn candidate for the Sudanese presidency, protested today outside the SPLM's premises in Khartoum demanding him to compete again against President Omer Al-Bashir.
Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
Sufferers may also become depressed and withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
He's become increasingly withdrawn since his wife's death.
Hotel and apartment owners were said to fear they would have to shut up shop if credit facilities were withdrawn.
The Sun
They quarrel with God as if he had dealt unkindly by them in forsaking them, whereas they by their idolatry had driven him from them; they have withdrawn from their allegiance to him, and so have thrown themselves out of this protection.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Initially, he'd assumed that geeks and nerds were by default withdrawn, shy, mostly losers.
When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.
The product was hastily withdrawn from the market and all 2,000 copies had to be pulped.
She was quiet and withdrawn from a lot of people.
Cuomo called the arrangement "typical;" it automatically disbars Harding, but would permit him to re-gain his law license if the felony plea is withdrawn.
Two Plead Guilty in Pension Fund Investigation
The splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens, and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her tongue.
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My selfish desires had led me into betraying this withdrawn and deeply religious family.
Two thousand troops were withdrawn from the battle zone.
Phenformin, another biguanide, was withdrawn from the market after a rate of 40 to 64 cases of lactic acidosis per 100,000 patient-years was reported.
The second point that should be hammered home is that the hoodlums who rampaged through the Pune institute decided to express their sentiments after Laine's book had been withdrawn.
None of them went into a downward spiral, becoming withdrawn or incommunicative or unable to function.
Poems begin with negatives or questions, and words are withdrawn as soon as they are offered - 'unbreathed'.
The Times Literary Supplement
Workers have threatened further protests unless the restructuring and privatisation plans are withdrawn.
If you have enough money to pay your taxes and are simply looking for convenience, file electronically and arrange for the money to be withdrawn from your checking account.
In the evenings, when I am apt to recede to a withdrawn vacancy, she will come to stroke my hand.
While for some, video games conjure up the image of the socially withdrawn and uncommunicative male, the milieu of video games is intensely social.
Parents for Justice had withdrawn its co-operation from the faltering Dunne investigation and, riven by internal bickering, was close to splintering.
The men allegedly forced him at gunpoint to drive to Stilfontein where money was withdrawn from his bank account.
A cloture motion failed, and the nomination was withdrawn.
The cholesterol-lowering drug Baycol, for example, was withdrawn in 2001 after 52 deaths from rhabdomyolysis, a muscle and kidney disorder, turned up in the adverse-event files.
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For customers wishing to set up payment by direct debit, the money is withdrawn from their account on the 15th of every month.
When he hands in his nomination form, he must have withdrawn his candidature in respect of all other constituencies , if any, or else his new nomination will be held to be invalid.
There is a minimum deposit of 1,000 and money can be withdrawn after two years without penalty or loss of interest.
Times, Sunday Times
Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked.
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
She has now withdrawn this claim, leaving her open to possible prosecution for perjury.
Trading standards officers warned that convenience stores may still be selling products which have been withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Years of drought, crop failure and migration have meant that land is continually withdrawn from active production.
Wilner saw him changed by the hunger strike from a happy, outgoing, strongly pro-American young man to a withdrawn, cadaverous, weak figure.
In most of our minds, he is a withdrawn, lonely figure, brave but enigmatic - scarcely to be compared with his rival, who was combative, a drinker and something of a wencher.
A prior version of this vaccine was withdrawn from the market in 1999 because it was linked to a severe condition known as intussusception, a blockage or telescoping of the intestine that may require surgery or a radiologic procedure and rarely can be fatal.
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A few minutes after, looking up towards the gallery, she perceived, in one of the furthest rows, young Melmond; his eye fixt upon their pew, but withdrawn the instant he was observed and his air the most melancholy and dejected.
Many regional brewers' products have already been withdrawn, leaving the major brewers to flex their marketing muscle.
Now these recent weather conditions are by no means a freak event, and if salmon farms cannot prevent their fish escaping into the wild then the licence to farm should be withdrawn.
If he feels he's facing an uninterested or hostile audience, he will be vague, non-committal and withdrawn.
While the maid helped Freda off with her wraps, Floyd Vanderlip replenished the fire; and by the time the maid had withdrawn to an inner room, his head over the stove, he was busily thawing out his burdened upper lip.
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Since then, the military has deployed armoured personnel carriers around sensitive buildings in the city, and police are said to have mostly withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
At times she became profoundly withdrawn and totally uncommunicative; at other times she was wildly excited, violent, and destructive.
This requirement has been withdrawn from the final report, although it remains within the body of the text.
Earned - income tax credits topped up wages and reduced the high marginal tax rates that would otherwise occur as benefits were withdrawn.
Fare includes all applicable discounts, is capacity controlled and may be withdrawn at any time.
Times, Sunday Times
The president did so, informing the professor that the matter was being brought to closure with the charge against her withdrawn.
According to the deal, both sides should have withdrawn artillery from the conflict zone.
Times, Sunday Times
Two candidates had withdrawn from the contest, leaving him as sole contender.
In the latter case, money may be withdrawn in cash by a person or company writing out a cheque payable to themselves.
Collins Dictionary of Economics
In 1977 the Blue Streak railcars were withdrawn and all passenger services on the main lines were taken over by buses.
It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production, samples be withdrawn periodically and put on long-term stability test.
_upon all_, it were found that some of _such_ counts -- that is, that some of the misdemeanours -- charged, must be withdrawn from the consideration of the court, by reason of defects in either the counts themselves or the findings upon them, it cannot, in many cases, be supposed that the sentence could be the same as if the court had the duty thrown upon it of punishing _all the offences charged_.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 349, November, 1844
The vast majority of the time he was unreachable—autistically withdrawn.
Over the Edge
The drug was withdrawn earlier this year when it emerged that two patients being treated with the drug had died of a brain infection.
As capital is withdrawn, refinancing becomes dearer, on top of which currency depreciation makes those loans more expensive to service.
Times, Sunday Times
The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research.
The stopper is too tight that it can't be withdrawn.
After holding for selected periods of time, the specimens are withdrawn from the bath and rapidly quenched in cold water.
PIP implants were withdrawn after being found to rupture and cause inflammation and irritation.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result no questions about the text appeared in the English module exam two weeks ago and students were withdrawn without sitting the paper.
National parliaments have a ‘right to reply’, but not a right to cause the original legislation to be withdrawn.
The police have now withdrawn an arrest warrant.
The Sun
Allergencity has been associated with several sunscreens over the years, including PABA (4-aminobenzoic acid) and its derivatives, benzophenones and dibenzoylmethanes, many of which have now been withdrawn from the market.
But Taylor will insist on independent medical evidence if any selected players are withdrawn.
It was withdrawn after only a handful of performances in 1668, and apparently remained unperformed.
Times, Sunday Times
a light cast its broken image among the ripples, as it shone for an instant through the bosky laurel, white, stellular, splendid -- only a tallow dip suddenly placed in the window of a log-cabin, and as suddenly withdrawn.
His "Day In Court" 1895
They had withdrawn to places not far from those whence they had moved forward ten long days ago.
I am sorry if I have given you bad news but my understanding is that there were two appeals involving the Department which have been withdrawn, apparently because of supervening legislation which deals with the issue.
The presumption must therefore be that at some point the money was transferred to another of your accounts or withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation.
[...] The patient strangled and gasped and suffocated and, at intervals, the toca was withdrawn and he was adjured to tell the truth.
Matthew Yglesias » If Marc Thiessen Doesn’t Want to be Compared to the Spanish Inquisition, He Should Stop Advocating Torture Techniques Used in the Spanish Inquisition
The pellets were resuspended and two aliquots withdrawn for analysis.
Price pulled up during a routine drill and was withdrawn from the squad by medical staff.
Times, Sunday Times
If they are unable to breathe unaided after being on life support for one week, it should be withdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
That charge was withdrawn from the jury.
Times, Sunday Times
The company has withdrawn the drug as a precautionary measure.
Then came the victory with Celestial Gold, who ironically was seen as a reserve for Johnson and Pipe's original first choice, Our Vic, the ante-post favourite for the race until he had to be withdrawn early last week with a muscle injury.
My wife and I would suffer a great loss if our bus passes were withdrawn.
The other three have in common an isolated central character that has withdrawn from the world.
Twelve had undergone lasting personality change, leaving them hostile and mistrustful, socially withdrawn and plagued by feelings of emptiness and hopelessness.
If he lost or played badly, he would become so withdrawn and quiet that his parents worried a great deal about him.
In each case the pipette should be gently inserted and withdrawn from the fluid in order to minimize disturbance.
The needle was withdrawn and the specimen laid on the phlebotomy tray while the phlebotomist applied pressure to the puncture site for five minutes.
A small amount is withdrawn from each tube and loaded into separate wells of a polyacrylamide gel.
The paper also reported that a young female witness had withdrawn an earlier statement that she had seen a streak of light cross a road near the factory minutes before the explosion.
Very well: the "light" is more and more withdrawn; and for some time you have a general dusk, very favorable for catching mice; and the opulent owlery is very "happy," and well-off at its banker's; -- and furthermore, by due sequence, infallible as the foundations of the Universe and Nature's oldest law, the light _returns_ on you, condensed, this time, into _lightning_, which there is not any skin whatever too thick for taking in!
Latter-Day Pamphlets
Edinburgh seemed resigned to their fate, especially when Simon Taylor was withdrawn ten minutes from the end.
The vehicle was bought second-hand in 1997 by islanders but withdrawn from service three months ago when a door was damaged.
Children who gain one-to-one assistance from a teaching auxiliary are having that withdrawn as head teachers were forced last week to lay off valued staff.
The inner form has one wedge-shaped loose stave which is withdrawn after the concrete has set for about 20 hours, thus collapsing the inner form and allowing it to be removed.
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As a result of what he named “hospitalism,” Spitz described the development of a condition called “marasmus,” in which children became depressed and withdrawn, failed to thrive and develop, and in many instances became sickly and died.
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
She said Luke had become withdrawn since the bullying, preferring to stay indoors, sleeping till late in the afternoon and wetting the bed regularly.
The journalists are threatening further action unless the plan is withdrawn.
An individual who is passive, utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen.
The police have now withdrawn an arrest warrant.
The Sun
The drug, once prescribed for losing weight and known as fen-phen when used with phentermine, was withdrawn by the Food and Drug Administration after reports of cardiac complications.
In the latter case, money may be withdrawn in cash by a person or company writing out a cheque payable to themselves.
Collins Dictionary of Economics
The proposals - which were widely condemned as monstrously intrusive and constituting a gross infringement of privacy and liberty - have been withdrawn for further consultation.
Ever since Richard had appeared on their horizon, Algaria had been worried, then withdrawn.
Large lump sums were withdrawn from bank accounts after card payments were delayed by a fault.
The Sun
But Probert, normally a ruddy, open man, was pale and waxen, quiet and withdrawn.
From their works, we can read a young and live emotion, which abreact and disclose their puzzlement, fear, nostalgia, withdrawnness, violence, humor and strength.
States, and those whose names are placed on the ballot by petition, but excluding any candidate who has withdrawn by filing an affidavit of noncandidacy.
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When the macer had withdrawn, Melville left the manse, and, confiding his intention to only
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It is an outstanding performance from Colin Firth, not especially because it is a departure for him, but because the part itself is such a perfect match for Firth's habitual and superbly calibrated performance register: withdrawn, pained, but sensual, with sparks of wit and fun.
The Guardian World News
When they are withdrawn the patient may suffer fatigue, headache, depression, weakness, and aches and pains.
The plans included a reduction in the number of bedrooms from a previous application which was withdrawn in August last year.
The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research.
I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
Older anorectic agents have significant side effects and limited benefit, and some have even been withdrawn from the U.S. market because of a possible association with cardiovascular complications.
The cloth has been withdrawn, the General has given the King's health, the servants have left the room, the guests sit conticent, and so, after a little hemming and blushing, Mr. George proceeds: --
The Virginians
Income can be withdrawn at irregular intervals to suit individual circumstances as long as the payments are in accordance with the above limits.
Initially Mr Bond gave his approval, but it is understood that sanction has subsequently been withdrawn.
It's just a shame that Democrats in congress sold out the S. Koreans by refusing to allow Nixon to seld help to his allies once America had withdrawn.
Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
A vote on this issue was withdrawn last week, as it was certain to be defeated.
Large lump sums were withdrawn from bank accounts after card payments were delayed by a fault.
The Sun
Athletes carded under Sport Canada's AAP may withdraw from the AAP or have their carded status withdrawn.
Thus he was labelled an elitist and his invitation to appear on Oprah's show was withdrawn.
Or if he goes to school, he can always be withdrawn (although his deschooling process may not be much fun).
What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
Virtually the whole first team squad have withdrawn from the meaningless friendlies.
If arts venues prove themselves too adept at making money, will funding gradually be withdrawn?
Times, Sunday Times
Working Title co-chairmen Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan had worked with Oldman previously - the former on Sid and Nancy, both on Romeo is Bleeding - and knew that he had the skill to imbue a quiet, withdrawn character with intensity and magnetism. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Our line of defence straddled a major road from which the bulk of our unit was withdrawn the night before the British attack and my platoon was left behind as the rearguard with the instruction to fight to the last bullet.
Gertie was a little withdrawn, and it was not the same as our first shore excursion.
Now the dean and chapter of the cathedral has withdrawn its backing, after strong objections by residents.
Now the safe yield has been defined as the attainment and maintenance of a long-term balance between the amount of ground water withdrawn annually and the annual amount of recharge.
The resinate solution is withdrawn, acidified, and the resin acids collected, dried and weighed.
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Or maybe he should have withdrawn from cheney's energy commission talks where they set up the scan to bilk this country out of high high high gasoline prices.
Hatch shuts door on bipartisan health care talks
The evidence is that when free concessionary travel was withdrawn fewer trips were made and there were fewer elderly bus passenger casualties.
His appeal of a six-month ban was withdrawn last week, effectively admitting the charges.
The Sun
Tewkesbury borough councillors have done an about-turn and withdrawn their support for the county council's controversial one-way system in Tewkesbury High Street.
Kentucky and Massachusetts have also withdrawn money.
Times, Sunday Times
If a given volume per unit of time were withdrawn continuously, the liquid to be detoxicated would have an indeterminate salt concentration.