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How To Use Withal In A Sentence

  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried 'Have patience, good people!' As You Like It
  • Withal she bought them three good horses and another sumpter-horse; which last was loaded with sundry wares that she deemed that she needed, and with victual. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • You need someone in charge with common sense, but also with the organizational wherewithal to actually get something done. Brett King: #Winning at Social Media
  • The best course in dealing with both countries is to limit their wherewithal for strategic mischief.
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  • Russie is pursued by cruel foe, He rides away, and suddenly betakes him to his boe, And bends me but about in saddle as be sits, And therewithall amids his race his following foe he hits. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • A masty [mastiff] is handsomer to me than the most exact little dog that ever lady played withal. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • Finally, we have witnessed the astounding effort of Soviet Russia to "come back" in the world's agricultural markets in order to get the "wherewithal" to carry out the Five Year Plan. The Current Business Situation
  • The vast majority of prisoners would lack the wherewithal to gather the witnesses and documents needed.
  • Review your assets to determine whether you have the financial wherewithal to afford the costs of operating a franchise.
  • It is true, there were a few scraps of putrid fish in the boat, and Tom had found a fishing-line under the bottom-boards forward, so that, having a line and the wherewithal to bait it, they might possibly succeed in catching a _few_ fish. The Voyage of the Aurora
  • I do not have robes and I do not have the wherewithal to obtain them and I seek permission of the Court to appear before you in mufti and civvies.
  • Withal, as if to wear the time, Birdalone betook her diligently to her needlework, and fell to the cunningest of broidery; so that The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Therewithal she rightly apprehends the danger Bertram is in from the wordy, cozening squirt, the bedizened, scoundrelly dandiprat, who has so beguiled his youth and ignorance. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • What kinde of rafters? what manner of roofe? after what sort the Parlors chambers, closets and lodgings, were disposed? with what kind of seeling they were enclosed and incrusted? wherewithall hanged? with what couler and kinde of painting ouerhead? Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Some companies with the wherewithal to avoid taxes by magicking profits to some far-flung destination do precisely that. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he was a magnificent all-round fieldsman withal.
  • And therewithall I embraced my friend Socrates and kissed him: but hee smelling the stinke of the pisse wherewith those Hagges had embrued me, thrust me away and sayd, Clense thy selfe from this filthy odour, and then he began gently to enquire, how that noysome sent hapned unto mee. The Golden Asse
  • There was much happiness—Arthur now had a plump baby daughter, Mary, to dandle on his knee—and, thanks to Sherlock Holmes, the wherewithal to do a “proper” Christmas, with all the trimmings. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • All which cautions of mine, which I think he deemed to be disdains, did inflame more his lascivious appetite (for this is the name wherewithal I entitle his affection towards me), which, had it been such as it ought, you had not known it now, for then the cause of revealing it had not befallen me. The Fourth Book. I. Wherein Is Discoursed the New and Pleasant Adventure That Happened to the Curate and the Barber in Sierra Morena
  • Quentin excused himself as unwilling to intrude, and therewithal communicated the check which he had received in the morning. Quentin Durward
  • Paracelsi de vita longa, out of some Platonists, will have the air to be as full of them as snow falling in the skies, and that they may be seen, and withal sets down the means how men may see them; Si irreverberatus oculis sole splendente versus caelum continuaverint obtutus, &c., [1134] and saith moreover he tried it, praemissorum feci experimentum, and it was true, that the Platonists said. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scot-free and are not molested by him! Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • They are the lucky ones: they have the wherewithal to pay for goods.
  • ` ` Seeing that the tasimeter is affected by a wider range of etheric undulations than the eye can take cognizance of, and is withal far more acutely sensitive, the probabilities are that it will open up hitherto inaccessible regions of space, and possibly extend the range of aerial knowledge as far beyond the limit obtained by the telescope as that is beyond the narrow reach of unaided vision. '' Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 1
  • And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized: but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. Mark 10.
  • People need the wherewithal to live and the prospect of improving their condition, plus reasonable freedom of expression.
  • Thou art the source of light and withal my own true self.
  • No doubt, some of these Californians applauded the fact that a woman who is skirting that mythic age of fourscore still has the wherewithal to perform, and to do it so well.
  • This is the weapon that he used to defend himself withal.
  • Maybe you don't have the time, interest, or wherewithal to craft your own mutual fund portfolio.
  • thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal remit thy other forfeits
  • But the next spring he dights his ship for Denmark, and there he was for another winter, and was well beholden withal, though tidings be not told thereof.
  • But take heed withal, lest that whilst thou dust settle thy contentment in things present, thou grow in time so to overprize them, as that the want of them (whensoever it shall so fall out) should be a trouble and a vexation unto thee. Meditations
  • This man always impresses me with respect, he is so manly, so sweet-tempered, so faithful, so disdainful of all appearances, excellent and reverable in his old weather-worn cap and blue frock bedaubed with the soil of the field, so honest withal, that he always needs to be watched lest he should cheat himself. Uncollected Prose
  • All have the wherewithal to pay a premium for the quality of home life York offers.
  • Not sharp and vivid like that of her father, but dim and nebulous was the picture she shaped of her mother — a saint's head in an aureole of sweetness and goodness and meekness, and withal, shot through with a hint of reposeful determination, of will, stubborn and unobtrusive, that in life had expressed itself mainly in resignation. Jack London's Story - Moon Face: Planchette pg 3 of 3
  • Who then was gleeful but the knight, and strange it was to see all his sorrow run off him; and he became glad and gamesome as a youth, and yet withal exceeding courteous and kind with her, as though he were serving a mighty queen. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The sweetest moments for a fighter are when time has given him the rounds to make him foxy and clever, but has not yet robbed him of the wherewithal to put it into to action.
  • So therewithal he died, and she did according to her word: and then they cast fire into the hall. The Story of the Volsungs
  • He was foaled in Indiana, was a mere freak of nature, and withal a very curious looking animal.
  • Yet withal, such was our restraint, that we talked of her still as one much misguided, as one who burthened us with anxiety, as a lamb astray, and Mrs. Milton having eaten, continued to show the finest feelings on the matter. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • And right so he smote his father Arthur with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Sir Mordred fell stark dead to the earth. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • And assure your selves worthy Ladies, that I doe not tell this tale onely to follow the order enjoyned me; but also to informe you that such Saint-like holy Sirs, of whom we are too opinionate and credulous, may be, yea and are (divers times) cunningly met withall, in theyr craftinesse, not onely by men, but likewise some of our owne sexe, as shall make it apparant to you. The Decameron
  • The Prince overtook them with rapid strides, and knowing that the power of gentleness is more lasting than that of anger, he suppressed his wrath as he spoke to them, though withal he reproved them sternly. The Fairies and the Christmas Child
  • Globes Online said Radware as the "wherewithal" to make a deal because it has $137. 4-million in cash. All About Nortel
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scotfree and are not molested by him! Of the Air and Soil and Commodities of This Island. Chapter X. [1577, Book I., Chapter 13; 1587, Book I., Chapter 18
  • Indeed, it is criminality that makes life in the poorest areas of our cities such a torment, not sheer lack of wherewithal to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours, And not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • To her mighty bone she hath a pinguitude withal which makes the depth of winter to her the most desirable season. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • Don Quixote, perceiving himself free, and delivered from so many difficulties and brabbles wherewithal as well he as his esquire had been perplexed, held it high time to prosecute his commenced voyage, and bring to an end the great adventure unto which he was called and chosen. The Fourth Book. XIX. In Which Is Finished the Notable Adventure of the Troopers, and the Great Ferocity of Our Knight, Don Quixote, and How He Was Enchanted
  • We have the ability, wherewithal and experience toand experience to ensure your full satisfaction.
  • a gorge and they drove a cyclist into a patch of maize, they narrowly missed a goat and jumped three gullies, thrice the horse stumbled and was jerked up in time, there were sickening moments, and withal they got down to Piedimulera unbroken and unspilt. The Research Magnificent
  • But before both the Bird - and Worm-men began their journey, the Empress commanded the Bearmen to view through their Telescopes what Towns and Cities those were that would not submit; and having a full information thereof, she instructed the Bird - and Bear-men what Towns they should begin withal; in the mean while she sent to all the Princes and soveraigns of those Nations, to let them know that she would give them a proof of her Power, and check their Obstinacies by burning some of their smaller Towns; and if they continued still in their Obstinate Resolutions, that she would convert their smaller Loss into a Total Ruin. she also commanded her Bird-men to make their flight at night, lest they be perceived. The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing-World
  • Some of the people, who had crossed the river with us, had informed the people of Mareena of the treatment we had experienced in passing from Maniakorro to the Ba Woolima, which district is called Kissi; and withal had told the people that our coffle was a Dummulafong, a thing sent to be eaten, or in English _fair game_ for every body. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • O lithe Temptation, thou swift tropical tiger of most rare exquisite spots, thou art never more dangerous than when thou hast just retired before a human eye into thy jungle, as if the eye-glance had conquered thee; for then, when the man hath twice gratulated himself, and whilst he is stooping to pluck one of thy jungle-flowers to crown his victory withal, then thou leapest! Tiger-Lilies. A Novel.
  • She kept the bridecake, and enclosed to the gallant captain Gosslett's bill for the dozen of simkin that excellent firm had sent in to wash it down wherewithal. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • If companies had to bid for contracts from American biggies, they had to have the infrastructure and the personnel to show that the firm had the wherewithal to handle a big contract.
  • He would horsewhip a fellow one day with his own royal hand, and then fling him an handful of silver groats, with his own broad face on them, to 'noint the sore withal. Kenilworth
  • Bertha, “an assured one; and he will little thank any who obstructs my free passage to him;” and therewithal showing a little case, in which the signet of the Count of Paris was enclosed, “I will trust it in your hands,” she said, “if you promise not to open it, but to give me free access to the noble leader of the crusaders.” Count Robert of Paris
  • And therewithal came the rest of the martial heroes returning to meet the foe before they reached the height of outlook, and they fell to the slaughter of the Earthborn, receiving them with arrows and spears until they slew them all as they rushed fiercely to battle. The Argonautica
  • And right so he smote his father Arthur, with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Sir Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • We need to maintain this strong economic growth as it provides the wherewithal to address the main issues facing the country.
  • Withal , Holy fool culture is very important in the course of creation of Tarkovsky's movie view.
  • And herewithal there was such a savour as all the spicery of the world had been there. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • gigmanity" of the postmaster was all at stake, -- his whole influence in the mail-gig of Portree; and so he argued, and threatened withal, and, what was the more serious part of the business, the person he had given the seat to had taken possession of the gig; and so we had to compound the matter by carrying a passenger additional. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Happiness my Heart could hope for on this Side Heaven, in the Espousals of my Son with the fair Daughter of my Friend: My next Care must be to find out my Daughter, which I left with a poor Woman of Cajeta, she being too tender for my rough Hands to deal withal; therefore I left her at that Town, in my Passage, as I went to imbark. Exilius
  • ” I answered her troubled and hastily, fearing I should not have the leisure to reply unto her, saying, “Sweet lady, let thy works verify thy words; for if thou carriest a poniard to defend thy credit, I do here likewise bear a sword wherewithal I will defend thee, or kill myself, if fortune prove adverse and contrary. The Third Book. XIII. How the Curate and the Barber Put Their Design in Practice, with Many Other Things Worthy to Be Recorded in This Famous History
  • Who e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours, And not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • And an eye from Somerset looks kindly at this outlandish attempt to make a kind of coved roof, and to paint it withal. Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine
  • _Edward_ the third, and _Richard_ the second for any that wrote in English meeter: because before their times by reason of the late Normane conquest, which had brought into this Realme much alteration both of our langage and lawes, and there withall a certain martiall barbarousnes, whereby the study of all good learning was so much decayd, as long time after no man or very few entended to write in any laudable science: so as beyond that time there is litle or nothing worth commendation to be founde written in this arte. The Arte of English Poesie
  • When I find a slut asleep, I smutch her face if it be clean; but if it be dirty, I wash it in the next piss pot that I can find: the balls I use to wash such sluts withal is a sow's pancake or a pilgrim's salve. The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream'
  • And if books or supplies are unfordable, perhaps we as a society can find the wherewithal to subsidize the $300 per semester these youth would need to cover those expenses. David Ambroz: An Elegant Solution: Act III: Interrupting Generations of Poverty, Abuse and Neglect with Education
  • But the Earth withal is verdant, sun-beshone; and the Son of Adam has his place on it, and his tasks and recompenses in it, to the close; -- as one remembers by and by, too. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II.
  • Thereafter, Helgi sent men with money in their hand to summon his folk to him, and all his power is called together to Red – Berg: and there Helgi abode till such time as a great company came to him from Hedinsey; and therewithal came mighty power from Norvi Sound aboard great and fair ships. The Story of the Volsungs
  • He is really one of the most fascinating men in polished society, and withal, the best judge of a horse at Tattersalls, of a dennet at Long Acre, or a segar in Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • And great gifts to the earl of Lyngi and a word withal he sent, The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
  • When they show their fair hand, fine foot and leg withal, magnum sui desiderium nobis relinquunt, saith [4987] Balthazar Castilio, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Our Lord Christ himself did foretell us that there would be great inquiries after him, and that great deceits would be immixed therewithal. Pneumatologia
  • It was nursing that gave her the financial wherewithal to pursue a childhood dream.
  • A commonly peddled myth that only the bookmakers have the contacts and wherewithal to lobby government has been discreetly disproved in recent weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • That Palmeto grows with us, which we call the dwarfish sort; but the Palmeto-Tree I have not yet met withal in North-Carolina, of which you have a Description elsewhere. A New Voyage to Carolina; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of That Country: Together with the Present State Thereof. And A Journal of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd Thro' Several Nations of Indians. Giving a Particular Account of T
  • Khalifah is a Fallah-grazioso of normal assurance shrewd withal; he blunders like an Irishman of the last generation and he uses the first epithet that comes to his tongue. Arabian nights. English
  • He would horsewhip a fellow one day with his own royal hand, and then fling him an handful of silver groats, with his own broad face on them, to ‘noint the sore withal.” Kenilworth
  • She seemed so helpful, for, besides having to interpret and see to the affairs of so many, she has to give lessons and earn the 'wherewithal' to keep her own house. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • One of these noble woodsmen guided me next day to the post; when, as a small mark of gratitude for his generous kindness, I presented him and his companions with what is always acceptable to a shanty-man, a liberal allowance of the "crathur," to enjoy themselves withal. Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory Volume I.
  • Bankers say the mining giant is virtually the only company with the financial wherewithal to launch an offer on its own. Times, Sunday Times
  • And withal it is to be remarked, that, conform to the doctrine of the ancient Etrurians, the manubes, for so did they call the darting hurls or slinging casts of the Vulcanian thunderbolts, did only appertain to her and to Jupiter her father capital. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The turkey is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America.
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit; while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • None of them have the wherewithal to conceive of a Reconciliation.
  • And if so, what follows? but that thy righteousness is more, and has been done in a fuller spirit than ever were thy sins: but thus to insinuate is to insinuate a lie; for there is no man, but while he is a sinner, sinneth with a more full spirit, than any good man can act righteousness withal. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • I did my best to draw my fair companions into a little chat, but found my _vis-à-vis_ -- the daughter of my successor outside -- most impracticable; a monosyllable was the extent of her exertion: whilst her companion, who was a lively, intelligent-looking girl, and very pretty withal, was necessarily chilled by the taciturnity of her senior. Impressions of America During the years 1833, 1834 and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume I.
  • Yet she hasn't the wherewithal to hire lawyers to fight for what she is due.
  • Captaines, saying, you do not well that you make no more haste to take in your lading, you shall haue no better cheape wares, and withall shewed vs many other things: wherevpon the Portingalles hated him, and not long after he was murthered in his bed. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • But our object is not to analyze the social influence of Monachism in the middle ages: much might be said against it, and many evils traced to the sad workings of its evil spirit, but still withal something may be said in favor of it, and those who regard its influence in _those days alone_ may find more to admire and defend than they expected, or their Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • And even therewithal life left the King; but Gudrun moaned and drew a weary breath, and Brynhild heard it and laughed when she heard her moaning. The Story of the Volsungs
  • “O my lord, my lamentation is for thee, because thou art in sore straits, for all thy fair fortune and goodliness and exceeding comeliness, seeing thou hast naught wherewithal to do and receive delight, like unto other men.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • An excellent discourse whereof, as likewise of the honourable expedition vnder two of the most noble and valiant peeres of this Realme, I meane the renoumed Erle of Essex, and the right honorable the lord Charles Howard, lord high Admirall of England, made 1596. vnto the strong citie of Cadiz, I haue set downe as a double epiphonema to conclude this my first volume withall. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • It was fortunate for her that the possession of money occasioned him so much employment next day in the way of eating and drinking; and withal had so beneficial an effect in smoothing down the asperities of his temper; that he had neither time nor inclination to be very critical upon her behaviour and deportment. Oliver Twist
  • Has she the wherewithal to pay for the trip?
  • Well, give her that ring and therewithal this letter.
  • In fact, Emma has the kind of well-developed sense of simultaneitythe wherewithal with which to deliver "gloss [es] on the word 'meanwhile'" that Anderson sees as crucial to the process of "creating that remarkable confidence of community in anonymity which is the hallmark of modern nations" (31; 40). Social Theory at Box Hill: Acts of Union
  • They have been able to do this because clubs have the financial wherewithal. Times, Sunday Times
  • But therewithal came the tidings to Gudrun, and when she heard thereof she grew exceeding wroth, and cast her mantle from her, and ran out and greeted those new-comers, and kissed her brethren, and showed them all love, — and the last of all greetings was that betwixt them. The Story of the Volsungs
  • Falling from one discourse to another, they beganne to talke of such prayers, as men (in journey) use to salute God withall; and one of the Theeves (they being three in number) spake thus to The Decameron
  • Sandwich, being the second houre of that daie, whilest the sunne shone verie bright and cleare, there appeared a most brightsome and vnaccustomed clearnesse, not farre distant from the sunne, as it were to the length and breadth of a mans personage, hauing a red shining brightnesse withall, like to the rainbow, which strange sight when manie beheld, there were that prognosticated the king alreadie to be arriued. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • But withal he cannot be called an honest man, unless in that sort of liberal signification by which, in these days, good words are so detorted from their original and genuine meaning as to express precisely the reverse of what was formerly intended by them. Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society
  • Therewithal, I flew back again in the three days between first and second term in Goethe Institut to visit the Aunt Boss of cultural relic protection bureau.
  • Ancient withal were its adornments, and its halling was of the story of Troy, and stern and solemn looked out from it the stark woven warriors and kings, as they wended betwixt sword and shield on the highway of Fate. The Sundering Flood
  • But barely a tenth think the country now has the wherewithal to grab the opportunity by the scruff of its neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arthur with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 9.
  • To support the larger number of troops, the state mobilized the wherewithal of war as never before, requisitioning food, material, and labour to supply its armies.
  • Withal the government should establish the female farmer workers social guarantee system.
  • Margery Stoakes, this examinants mother, lying upon her death-bed, and this examinant comming to visit her, shee the said Margery desired this examinant privately to give entertainment to two of her imps, and withall told this examinant, they would do this examinant good; And this examinant saith, that the same night her said mother dyed, the said two imps came to her accordingly, and sucked on her body. — The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • Most farmers would agree that was a laudable aim, but many doubt that the ministry has the will or the wherewithal to bring it about.
  • It would be splendid for his woodblock-cutting methods - the stone upon stone, its grim severity and grace withal.
  • All that was lacking was the wherewithal to mount such an ambitious expedition. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • Graine that you die scarlet withall is worth the batman ready mony, 200 shaughs, reckoning the shaugh for 6. pence Russe, it may be 6. rubbles their batman. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • And right so he smote his father Arthur, with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head, that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Sir Mordred fell stark dead to the earth; and the noble Arthur fell in a swoon to the earth, and there he swooned ofttimes. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 2
  • Do you agree that countries like Poland, new members of NATO, have not been sufficiently given the kind of wherewithal to defend themselves in case of an attack? CNN Transcript Oct 26, 2008
  • Withal aboarder, padar and madar, hal qnd sal, the sens of Ere with the duchtars of Iran. Finnegans Wake
  • She didn't have the financial wherewithal to do it.
  • It may seem withal a weighty cause of sort – a fey pause in tall analysis, a “what brought it to this” bleep in unilinear thinking, a weak, spur I Cannot Imagine Purity
  • A masty [mastiff] is handsomer to me than the most exact little dog that ever lady played withal. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • On hearing this, off galloped Thorir and his men, but the bogs were a sort of quagmire, wherein the horses stuck fast; and remained wallowing and struggling for the greater part of the day, while the riders 'gave to the devil withal the wandering churl who had so befooled them.' The Book of Romance
  • He also says he has the "wherewithal" and "experience" to give Gray an edge in the fundraising battle. Independent fundraising could aid Vince Gray's campaign effort
  • For what are idols but what the same Scripture describes in these words: ‘Eyes have they, and they do not see,’ and whatever else may be said of substances however skillfully carved into shape, but withal lacking life and sense?
  • Therewithal shady rides lend themselves out to rustic cavalries. Finnegans Wake
  • And therewithall I embraced my friend Socrates and kissed him: but hee smelling the stinke of the pisse wherewith those Hagges had embrued me, thrust me away and sayd, Clense thy selfe from this filthy odour, and then he began gently to enquire, how that noysome sent hapned unto mee. The Golden Asse
  • II. ii.56 (444,8) gild the faces of the grooms withal,/For it must seem their guilt] Could Shakespeare possibly mean to play upon the similitude of _gild_ and _guilt_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • All this having been true to Burbank, if I caught his thought correctly, the great scientist's tolerant, yet withal inflexible, attitude toward those who were disparaging and excoriating him is entirely understandable.
  • But the schoolmen and casuists having too much philosophy to go about to clear a lie from that intrinsic inordination and deviation from right reason inherent in the nature of it, and yet withal unwilling to rob the world, and themselves especially, of so sweet a morsel of liberty, held that a lie was indeed absolutely and universally sinful; but then they held also, that only the pernicious He was a mortal sin, and the other two were only venial. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives; that I mean to make bold withal, and as you shall use me hereafter, drybeat the rest of the eight. Romeo and Juliet
  • Adam — “let us but roast a crab-apple, pour a pottle of ale on it, and bathe our throats withal, thou shalt see a change in me.” The Abbot
  • Jewels, and gave her, without counting, bad her look out a decent House, and therewithal furnish the same, make her self easie, for she should not be abandoned. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • What farther he might have had in his thoughts to do is known to Him whom he served so industriously and so faithfully in his spirit in the gospel while he was here on earth, and with whom he now enjoys the reward of all his labours and all his sufferings; for certain it is concerning Dr Owen, that as God gave him very transcendent abilities, so he did therewithal give him a boundless enlargedness of heart, and unsatiable desire to do service to Pneumatologia
  • Flaunders and of the lowe countries thereabouts was drenched and lost; 'and Lambard goes on to quote Hector Boethius to the effect that' this place, being sometyme in the possession of the Earl Godwin, was then first violently overwhelmed with a light sande, wherewith it not only remayneth covered ever since, but is become withal (_Navium gurges et vorago_) a most dreadful gulfe and shippe-swallower. ' Heroes of the Goodwin Sands
  • There was a narrow passage or entrie, as often we see reserved betweene two houses, for eithers benefit to such a needfull place; and boards loosely lay upon the joynts, which such as were acquainted withall, could easily avoide any perille in passing to or from the stoole. The Decameron
  • Few uninsured landlords and poor home owners have the wherewithal to rebuild - or the desire.
  • If things do go wrong, many of us lack the wherewithal to fend for our family. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economic might means that we have the wherewithal to do whatever we need to do to meet this crisis.
  • And withal she dreed her weird with a lofty courage, faced it full front with a high defiance, which must bespeak for ever the admiration at least of every generous spirit. England under the Tudors
  • I wus about to paradventer to proposal to your onnur that, if thinks might behappen to come to pass in the manner of mercifool lovin kindness and gracious condysension, the wherewithalls should a be forth cummin to the tune of fifty thousand pounds: that is with the betokenin of all proper securities of parchments and deeds and doosoors to be first signed and stipilated, as heretofore have bin on like future occasions. Anna St. Ives
  • Then they had the wherewithal to pick up the shotgun shells and create this fantastic call to 911.
  • But yet let mee tell thee withall, that I knowe my Lord to be wise and judicious, and having committed all his affaires to my care and trust: never blame mee to misdoubt, least my Ladie (by his counsell and advice) make thee the messenger of this motion, therby to call my Fidelitie in question. The Decameron
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit, while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IV. (of X.)
  • Ireland have the wherewithal to defeat a nation that has plenty of heritage but little by way of present form.
  • Then the Joyner, the owner of the Chest, and the two Lombards, being severally questioned withall: it appeared evidently, that the Lombards did steale the Chest in the night season, and carried it home to their owne house. The Decameron
  • She has left us this bright folio of her "lightning and fragrance in one," scintillant with stardust as perhaps no other before her, certainly not in this country, none with just her celestial attachedness, or must we call it detachedness, and withal also a sublime, impertinent playfulness which makes her images dance before one like offspring of the great round sun, fooling zealously with the universes at her feet, and just beyond her eye, with a loftiness of spirit and of exquisite trivialness seconded by none. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • Srinath is a South Indian, rice-eating vegetarian - and withal, a world-class fast bowler.
  • He, an old Regular, despite the iron discipline so candidly hated, was withall a staunch supporter of fair play for the ranker, a tartar on parade, and feared more by the junior N. C.O.'s than the very inhabitor of lower regions. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried ‘Have patience, good people!’ As You Like It
  • Next to make them expert in the usefulest points of grammar, and withal to season23 them, and win them early to the love of virtue and true labor, ere any flattering seducement, or vain principle seize them wandering, some easy and delightful book of education would be read to them; whereof the Greeks have store, as Cebes, 24 Plutarch, 25 and other Socratic discourses. Of Education
  • There was a narrow passage or entrie, as often we see reserved betweene two houses, for eithers benefit to such a needfull place; and boards loosely lay upon the joynts, which such as were acquainted withall, could easily avoide any perille in passing to or from the stoole. The Decameron
  • Before the Mousetrap, Hamlet calls Horatio ‘as just a man / As e'er [his] conversation cop'd withal ’.
  • Withals.] [Footnote 49: A.S. _ætwítan_, twit; _oðwítan_, blame.] [Footnote 50: ‘prowl, proll, to seek for prey, from Fr. _proie_ by the addition of a formative _l_, as kneel from knee.’ Early English Meals and Manners
  • I suppose taxation can be thought of as scutage, that is, pay the Govt to do things that you, as an individual, don’t have the time, inclination, wherewithal, etc. to do, or to get out of doing something otherwise obligated. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Threat of Forced Labor Through Mandatory “National Service”:
  • The tale tells that great fires were made endlong the hall, and the great tree aforesaid stood midmost thereof, withal folk say that, whenas men sat by the fires in the evening, a certain man came into the hall unknown of aspect to all men; and suchlike array he had, that over him was The Story of the Volsungs
  • In accord with my mother's advice I had endeavoured to cherish an affection for my uncle, yet withal there was something about the man that misliked me much, and, to speak straight to the point, that actually 'fley'd' me, for he would gloat o 'night over his glass of toddy on any scandal afloat concerning the' unco guid, 'and would speak with tongue i' the cheek of virtue in general, as if indeed hypocrisy were the true king of this world. Border Ghost Stories
  • Soon she had covered up the house from her, for on that eastern end, both a tongue of the woodland shoved out west into the meadow, and, withal, the whole body of the wood there drew down to the water, and presently cut off all the greensward save a narrow strip along by the lake, off the narrowest whereof lay the rocky eyot aforesaid, nigher unto the shore than lay Green Eyot. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • And I verily thought, if I should hurt the woman by any kind of meane, I should be throwne to the wild Beasts: But in the meane season she kissed me, and looked in my mouth with burning eyes, saying: I hold thee my canny, I hold thee my noose, my sparrow, and therewithall she eftsoones imbraced my body round about, and had her pleasure with me, whereby I thought the mother of Miniatures did not ceaseless quench her inordinate desire with a Bull. The Golden Asse
  • Before the Mousetrap, Hamlet calls Horatio ‘as just a man / As e'er [his] conversation cop'd withal ’.
  • A gusher of cash flow is giving businesses the wherewithal to increase their capital outlays.
  • Well, -- suppose it had pleased God to cast my lot some whither, that the daily work I had to do was mighty dislikeful to me; and some other maiden that I knew, had that to do withal which I would have loved dearly: -- were it ill for me to wish that my business had been like hers? Clare Avery A Story of the Spanish Armada
  • Cheerful they were withal, for they soon began to flit hither and thither, following the motions of Jean's "eident hand" with most housewifely care. Olive A Novel
  • Of course I made it clever and brilliant and all that, with my little unanswerable slings at the state and my social paradoxes, and withal made it concrete enough to dissatisfy the average citizen. Local Color
  • O most gentle pulpiter! what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried, ‘Have patience, good people! Act III. Scene II. As You Like It
  • If winegrowers have the wherewithal to coax both fruit and phenols to super ripeness, winemakers have their ways of getting rid of some of the resulting alcohol, including extracting it mechanically after fermentation.
  • Now shall I tell you, said the damosel; this sword that I am girt withal doth me great sorrow and cumbrance, for I may not be delivered of this sword but by a knight, but he must be a passing good man of his hands and of his deeds, and without villainy or treachery, and without treason. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Who e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours, And not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal ? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Constantia Posthumia the empresse, wife to the emperour Gratian, bruting abroad there withall, that the said empresse was comming forwards on hir waie to Lions, there to méet with hir husband, for that vpon occasion she was verie desirous to commune with him about certeine earnest businesse. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
  • And withal, as he lounged in the fire-light, dreamily turning his love-letter, he had a sort of superphysical beauty, reflected of the glow that many waters cannot quench. Judith of the Plains
  • So also was the text; and delightsomely appropriate withal. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • The wine is brought, and two cuppes withall, as is the vsuall manner: when drinking to them of the one pinte, they pledge him, not unthankfull for his gentlenesse. The Third and Last Part of Conny-Catching. (1592) With the new deuised knauish arte of Foole-taking
  • It was therefore thought meet to insist only on things necessary, and such as their faith is immediately concerned in; and not to immix therewithal any such arguments or considerations as might not, by reason of the terms wherein they are expressed, be obvious to their capacity and understanding. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • I have heard his brother Edm and M'r Wayte his schoole fellow &c, say that when he was a Boy he was playsome enough: but withall he had even then a contemplative Melancholinesse. he would gett him into a corner, and learne his Lesson by heart presently. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • Joan, who had gone into the bungalow, tossed down a strip of white calico, in which old Telepasse was promptly wrapped, and he stood forth, resplendent and purified, withal he still spat and strangled from the soap-suds with which Noa Noah had gargled his throat. Chapter 11
  • What shall he fill his belly withal?
  • Sun-litten Hill and Sharp-shearing Sword, and withal prayed that he might grow of great fame, and like unto the kin of the Volsungs. The Story of the Volsungs
  • Realme, I meane the renoumed Erle of Essex, and the right honorable the lord Charles Howard, lord high Admirall of England, made 1596. vnto the strong citie of Cadiz, I haue set downe as a double epiphonema to conclude this my first volume withall. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Withal, he immediately cast at him out of his bark, which he wore at his girdle, eighteen cags and four bushels of salt, wherewith he filled both his mouth, throat, nose, and eyes. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Yet, withal, he plainly touches at the office of the high-priesthood, with which Augustus was invested, and which made his person more sacred and inviolable than even the tribunitial power. Dedication
  • Widdrington at Chevy – Chase; but as for fire-raising, there was not so much as a lighted lunt amongst us, save the match which the dragon had to light the burning tow withal, which he was to spit against Saint The Abbot
  • Arthur with his sword holden in both his hands, on the side of the head so that the sword pierced the helmet and the brain-pan, and therewithal Stories of King Arthur and His Knights Retold from Malory's "Morte dArthur"
  • Nothing that we can do will alter the inscrutable and withal immutable laws which direct our progress on this globe.
  • A masty [mastif] is handsomer to me than the most exact little dog that ever lady played withal. The Love Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54
  • O ay, easily to be spoken withal, that is, as easily as his infirmity will permit. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • There are dreadful little booths beside the path, for the sale of photographs and _immortelles_ -- I don't know what one is to do with the immortelles -- where you are offered a brush dipped in tar to write your name withal on the rocks. A Little Tour of France
  • She was robed in the costliest of raiment and decked with ornaments the most precious that could be and withal she was of passing beauty and loveliness, a model of symmetry and seemliness, of elegance and perfect grace, with waist slender and hips heavy and dewy lips such as heal the sick and eyelids lovely in their languor, as it were she of whom the sayer spake when he said, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They do not have the mental wherewithal to find their way around the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • A national media that, having been taken in, lacks the wherewithal to tell it like it is.
  • The tale tells that great fires were made endlong the hall, and the great tree aforesaid stood midmost thereof, withal folk say that, whenas men sat by the fires in the evening, a certain man came into the hall unknown of aspect to all men; and suchlike array he had, that over him was The Story of the Volsungs
  • Some of the people, who had crossed the river with us, had informed the people of Mareena of the treatment we had experienced in passing from Maniakorro to the Ba Woolima, which district is called Kissi; and withal had told the people that our coffle was a The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • She did not have the wherewithal to chase those people down, and, even if she did, she was unlikely to get recompense from them.
  • Then comes the bird Rukh and carrieth off both the rhinoceros and that which is on its horn to feed its young withal. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now he was disconsolate by reason of what had befallen him through the Sultan, who had entreated him harshly and had married his daughter by force to the lowest of his menials and he too a lump of a groom bunch-backed withal, and he said to himself, “I will slay this daughter of mine if of her own free will she have yielded her person to this acursed carle.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A commonly peddled myth that only the bookmakers have the contacts and wherewithal to lobby government has been discreetly disproved in recent weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE CAPTIVE having said this, held his peace; and Don Fernando replied to him thus: ‘Truly, captain, the manner wherewithal you have recounted this marvellous success hath been such as it may be paragoned to the novelty and strangeness of the event itself. The Fourth Book. XV. Which Speaks of That Which After Befel in the Inn, and of Sundry Other Things Worthy to Be Known
  • Some of them vpon the necke of their launce haue an hooke, wherewithall they attempt to pull men out of their saddles. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini

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