How To Use Witching In A Sentence

  • By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
  • In many communities switching between languages serves important functions.
  • Restlessness, anxiety , confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.
  • To study viral infections, Weitz teamed with postdoctoral fellow Yuriy Mileyko, graduate student Richard Joh and Eberhard Voit, who is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, the David D. Flanagan Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Biological Systems and director of the new Integrative BioSystems Institute at Georgia Tech. Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between "lysis" and Innovations-report
  • Her dreamy, cinematic songs were bewitching, her jerky dance moves beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Costs have been cut by changing the crude mix and switching the plant's boilers to burn gas rather than more expensive fuel oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Families are switching their spending from essentials such as food and petrol to discretionary items as they treat themselves to little luxuries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hai!” switching the camel, and fruitlessly endeavouring to fustigate Mas’ud’s nephew, who resolutely slept upon the water-bags. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Even customers who don't borrow might gain from switching.
  • Aside from switching the order of the first question, this year was no exception.
  • Darcy snorted briefly, his mouth twitching.
  • The track of the jet stream winds can also meander around in spring, switching between winter and summer conditions at astonishing speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's mumbling and there's staring and now there's twitching. Times, Sunday Times
  • He almost laughed aloud when she mentioned his bewitching her into sleep.
  • A dead leaf balanced precariously on the knuckles, twitching in the breeze.
  • Purpose: Audio frequency low power amplifier, driver stage amplifier, switching applications.
  • His left leg was constantly twitching. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Imagine switching from an easygoing, carefree lifestyle, to an uptight one with no breathing room.
  • Thus Helen of Troy may have been a bewitching casus belli — and her elopement with Paris may have led to the deaths of thousands — but in fact she was acting with aret é ; she showed herself to be in close attunement with Aphrodite, who demanded an obedience not only to herself but to the imperatives of the heart. The Gods Return
  • Examples included switching the language on a computer keyboard and taping up a computer mouse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Switching suppliers online can save a packet - but it is still too complex. The Sun
  • Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off. The Scientist
  • All of this is achieved without switching the chirality of the catalyst.
  • It is no more than a cleverly crafted lump of inorganic matter; its shape and working parts are contrived to facilitate the intended function: the switching around of the circuitry in clearly defined ways.
  • This is a great time for laying the foundations for winter, reconditioning your skin after months of switching between sun and fierce air-con and generally getting ready to glow when the Christmas invitations start rolling in from November onwards. Indulge your skin this winter
  • Fan switching is relatively easy however RPM control is not, for this you needed called a rheostat baybus. Ninjalane RSS News
  • Problem with tape backup system will necessitate switching two Model 30s between Finance and Computer Room.
  • Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.
  • The philosophy of switching to pharmacy medicines or over the counter medicines is to empower the patient to participate more fully in his or her health care.
  • Consequently, research and develop of electronic switching power unit which is large capacity, fast and multi-functions will be the main content of research, there is high practical value.
  • After a few hours he awoke, still twitching, and stared at the ceiling for awhile, trying to figure out what to do now.
  • It is surrounded by parkland, including a bewitching rose garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so I started switching from these endless derivative novels to trying to write parts for actors, and I've been doing so ever since.
  • On the motorway you can cruise along in comfort mode, switching to sport on the A-roads, flicking to advanced sport to hug corners and bends.
  • A dead leaf balanced precariously on the knuckles, twitching in the breeze.
  • Then, last Saturday, Liverpool adjusted to cope with the pre-match loss of two key players, came back from conceding an early goal, and proceeded to thoroughly humiliate Manchester United at Old Trafford: "Ferguson, standing on the touchline in a coat reminiscent of Michael Foot, had the legs cut from under him and took to twitching from a seat in the dugout," whilst Wayne Rooney was reduced to an arm-whirling figure of anger and despair. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The witch doctor poisons a chicken, and, from the way the chicken staggers before dropping dead, the witch doctor determines that the rash has been caused by the client's sister-in-law bewitching him.
  • The varistor and the surge absorber protect electronic circuits from switching surge and static electricity.
  • A streamlined switching process has been promised by the end of the year, and not before time. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a lot of freight switching for the local peddler to do here at White Sulphur, as there was everywhere, with stock pens in the early years, and LCL freight in box cars, and coal hoppers.
  • The barramundi is also a hermaphrodite, born male but switching to female at sexual maturity, at around five years old, when they begin travelling downstream to spawn.
  • I know that continually switching from subway to bus to walking to taxi thinking that I will outfool them is crazy. Partygirl Diary Entry
  • If the problem is reoccurring for you, think about switching from a peat-based mix to one that only contains perlite and vermiculite.
  • There are a variety of combos to pull off but they must be done by switching through your weapons while rapidly hitting the punch or kick button.
  • There are also few digital virtual switchers that can provide the type of functionality a typical security console operator requires for camera switching, screening and automatic call-up applications.
  • I used to use my mobile as a travel clock, switching the phone off before bed and having it wake me up at the appointed hour.
  • The journey distance can be doubled by switching to a second battery under the seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • His left leg was constantly twitching. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • As we trickle day by day through the end of October and move ever closer to November, the weather is switching to a uniform foggy grey that wakens memories of my time in Lincolnshire back in the very early sixties.
  • As the boy led her from the stable she came out with her ears laying back and her short tail switching; and I said to myself, "here will be a job breaking a kicker and balker. Twenty Years of Hus'ling
  • When I looked at his face I saw his blubber lips twitching with the efforts of attempted smile, but he couldn't quite carry it off.
  • Autorickshaw drivers, on the other hand, refuse to budge an inch on the issue of switching to digital meters.
  • Brian Strutton, the GMB union's national secretary for public services, said: Is Mr Alexander saying in reaction to the way some unions are proceeding, what we are going to do is call a halt to these negotiations, so for the majority like me, who are trying to negotiate our way through this, the government is actually switching me off, actually pushing me in the dispute camp? Furious unions threaten strikes as minister springs pensions surprise
  • And six out of ten use smartphones before switching out the lights, which can lead to poor quality sleep. The Sun
  • Harvey could feel the land close round him once more, with all its thousands of people asleep, and the smell of earth after rain, and the familiar noise of a switching-engine coughing to herself in a freight-yard; and all those things made his heart beat and his throat dry up as he stood by the foresheet. Captains Courageous
  • I cheat by twitching my right leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a busway has to be closed, the buses would simply avoid that section by switching to roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also rewards for switching loyalties. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a fork at first, and later switching to fingers, begin blending the outer edges in. Farmbox VII: (Another) Apple Cake for Harry 1953
  • A switching function provides both connectivity and required text-based interfaces to area law enforcement databases.
  • Switching angles of 3 and 6 degrees produce a faster travel than an angle of 0 degrees.
  • Like two gunslingers, the pair must now size each other up, staring intently through narrowed eyes, trigger fingers twitching, working out who will make the first move.
  • Oh, buffalo!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands, while Little An stared in horror and absolutely beat his forehead with his fists, and the hapless victim struggled helplessly, distracted and outraged - for I have my dignity, dammit, and I bar being unbreeched and assailed by opium-sodden houris, however be-witching, without even a by-your-leave. Flashman And The Dragon
  • I tried switching between progressive and interlaced modes, and saw the TV do its reconfiguration flash, but the text jittered in both modes.
  • Maughan and his men let me say this: I know of few sides who don't respect teams who have pace and talent and operate in unceasing waves, with the point of attack constantly switching.
  • Such mode changes may, for example, entail switching amplifier stages in and out of an amplification signal path.
  • Better signs of calcium deficiency are muscle twitching and cramps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attention is now switching to its possible role in treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may know me as an exactingly subtle novelist who peels away the artifices of European civilization to expose the twitching nerves of the human animal.
  • Midnight: the witching hour, in this empty, godforsaken, lonely place. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • There was a Rris sitting on a pile of lumber with his back to us, tail twitching as the person regarded the carcass of the ship.
  • Certain non-addictive medications may also be helpful in switching phobic alarms off.
  • Other energy switching sites insist that the majority of people make big savings after taking their advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Direct current may be obtained from an alternating current supply by use of a current-switching arrangement called a rectifier, which contains electronic elements Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • A rabbit has been calculated to possess one-hundred-million olfactory receptors-small wonder its little schnozz is always twitching, it is trapped in an undulating blizzard of aromatic stimuli-and Marcel "Bunny" LeFever was reputed, with some exaggeration, to be the human equivalent of Peter Cottontail. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Sekher lay sprawled upon his back, twitching spasmodically, mouth working silently.
  • I mean look at how they feigned ignorance about Obama's use of the word refine to somehow come out with the meaning that he was switching his position, when even the most cursory understanding of the word means to be more precise. Hillary Explains Vote Against FISA Cave
  • IT commonly oversubscribes bandwidth, switching backplanes and router capacities -- and we usually get away with it. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • He said that his present machine was an Apple, but that he was planning in switching to a different brand for a new machine. I answered that yes, I was happy with the Dell.
  • Other marketplace standards that made the ‘Workspheres’ cut include bewitching Apple computer products, such as a translucent, sculpturesque G4 Cube computer and a highly desirable, wafer-thin, oversized monitor.
  • I've used alot of berkeley and trilene, I've been real impressed w/Vanish's strength and castability, and have been slowly switching most of my bass and ultralight reels to it when I can afford it. What's Your Line?
  • Giasone" (1649) is a comic farrago on the Jason-Medea-Golden Fleece tale, with Jason as a serial debaucher, Medea switching from jealous harpy to generous relinquisher of said Jason to her rival Isifile (both women have given birth to twins sired by Jason), and a bevy of clownish servants. On a Tattered Shoestring
  • All optical packet switching networks are still in their experimental stage because we lack optical random access memory and mature all optical processing technologies nowadays.
  • Foreign exchange brokers report a surge in clients switching money back to sterling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amount of information is not altered, for instance, by switching from the realistic mode of representation of conventional perspective to the non-realistic mode of, say, reverse perspective.
  • I cheat by twitching my right leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also reported that the malefic cleric had confessed bewitching other people and recruiting a teenager into the ranks of the witches.
  • Switching off the TV at night instead of leaving it on standby, saving the weekly wash until you've got a full load, and only boiling as much water as you need, can all save money.
  • In contrast, it is proposed that estrous females on lek easily escape harassment by switching between the small territories.
  • He weaned himself off it gently, switching first to low-alcohol beer.
  • Desiree sighed, her nostrils twitching like they always did when she was in deep thought.
  • Salesman: No. I don't suppose you are interested in switching electrical suppliers? Possibly no the greatest line from a salesman on the door
  • · The versatility of the machine is a further important criterium, that is, the possibility of providing a variety of moulds (even special ones made to order) which are easy to change in a short time (say less than one hour), the possibility of adjusting output rates to the local conditions, the possibility of switching from automatic control to manual operation in case of power failure, etc. Chapter 5
  • To head off competition, the telcos have invested heavily in fiber optics and sophisticated switching technology.
  • Folk and country, romance and ruefulness, innocence and experience are all conjoined in their bewitching vocal harmonies.
  • The main reason given for Canadian and American schools switching to the JD is that it more accurately reflects the “nature” of our law schools. Osgoode Jumps on the JD Bandwagon : Law is Cool
  • I remember looking at him there, that shadowy figure sitting cross-legged on that cushion with his peaked ears twitching, his eyes flashing like a brief flare of sun off oil on water.
  • Switching to College Prep was a mixed blessing.
  • In her second novel, Desai is even more perceptive and bewitching .... The Inheritance of Loss: Summary and book reviews of The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai.
  • The projection was an abstracted human head, spasmodically twitching in a sort of half-nod. 365 tomorrows » Sam Clough : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Hope you find that little restaurant in downtown Paree where the steak is almost twitching and the sauce says "heaven can wait". Page 4
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society that they have constructed a type of superlattice that shows "unique low-to-high and high-to-low resistance switching that may be applicable to the fabrication of an emerging memory device known as resistive random access memory," or RRAM. Newswise: Latest News
  • The rainforests are our very own life-support systems and we are on the verge of switching them off. The Sun
  • My legs are twitching involuntarily and I can barely push myself up to standing position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macarthy – switching from truculence to triumphalism as fast as the cockiest small boy; buckling a fine swash for the children in the audience; offering adult eyes a suggestion of pathos, of knowing that he is trapped in a dream yet still bewitched by its promise of "fun" – certainly has something to crow about. Peter Pan – review
  • Without having first made this diversion, he would have found it impracticable to leave the house with tranquillity; but, when this bewitching philtre grew into an habit, her attachment to Ferdinand was insensibly dissolved; she began to bear his neglect with indifference, and, sequestering herself from the rest of the family, used to solicit this new ally for consolation. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Eliminate the glare from artificial light by switching from direct to indirect overhead lighting.
  • Another debutant is a first group of participants from Antarctica: the Davis Research Station, which is home to several dozen scientists who presumably will not be also switching off their heaters in -10 degrees Celsius. APA
  • Suddenly, more sounds of sneezes reached my ears as Angela and Sara pounded into my room, both their noses tinged slightly pink and twitching, rabbit-like.
  • Williams was so hyper it made Faulkner ‘look like a Zen Buddhist, even with his twitching’.
  • My mind kept switching on and off, the strangest sensation, as if my fear was shorting out the circuitry in my brain. THE SAVING GRACES
  • In a more fluid state the sphere would show the disc as equitor movement (cloud, s or other atmospherical phenomenon.) on the level of DNA this is the switching mechanism or in the case of earth the movement of the pentagram causes friction and movement of plates to cause earthquake, s etc. The atomic uni-verse
  • When you're switching tanks, you use a wrench to turn off the flow and then turn a screw to unclamp the regulator from the tank. Adventures with Oxygen, Episode #352
  • They confirmed that consumers were switching from more frequent but shorter shopping trips on foot to longer, less frequent car trips to larger retail centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malice and heartburning were out of the question with a lissom, winsome, witching fairy like this, who played with her life as a child does with soap-bubbles, and who was as elusory and irresponsible as a summer-day rainbow. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Switching gears now: how to make what of one of the most important political exits of this administration, especially when you take into account the wide-ranging influence of this departee. CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2007
  • Moors, whose feats were quoted by Mrs. Elliot to her grandsons; and, accordingly, is generally represented as bewitching the sheep, causing the ewes to keb, that is to cast their lambs, or seen loosening the impending wreath of snow to precipitate its weight on such as take shelter, during the storm, beneath the bank of a torrent, or under the shelter of a deep glen. The Black Dwarf
  • On the other hand, they're liable to curtain-twitching, sullen frostiness in the cafe, and complete closedown by 7.30pm. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, the cable wrap problem caused by rotation of feed switching mechanism at different elevations is solved by using tilting cable wrap mechanism.
  • Switching to become an academy raises standards in the worst and best performing schools but has no discernible impact on the remainder, according to a study. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, Bell is right in pointing out that style shift and code switching are closely related.
  • She was switching standard gauge cars without any kind of idler car on the three rail track.
  • And if they want to argue the toss about it, they have 28 days to prove they were strong-armed into switching against their will.
  • Dr. Jay A. Switzer and his colleagues at Missouri S and T have said that they have constructed a type of superlattice that shows "unique low-to-high and high-to-low resistance switching that may be applicable to the fabrication of an emerging memory device known as resistive random access memory," or RRA.. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • An alternative medicine quack reckoned he could cure Faulkner of his twitching with a six-month course of treatment.
  • Licensing magistrates granted a Section 77 to the riverside pub, giving drinkers a chance to stay there until the witching hour three days a week, with the chance to bop on the dance floor or guzzle the substantial food.
  • And we then have to go through the whole laborious switching process again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The switch looks up the destination MAC address in its switching table, determines the outgoing interface port, and forwards the frame on to its destination through the designated switch port.
  • The actuator is then de-energized and the switching contacts return to their starting positions.
  • If the price of gold marches higher, this agreement will presumably be ripped up, although a dollar crisis might make central banks think twice about switching into paper money.
  • Worker's replaceability means zero switching costs for the worker *and* for the employer switching to another worker. Work and the Internet
  • Her twitching hands ploughed through the heap, and the coins tinkled among her fingers. Vrouw Grobelaar and Her Leading Cases Seventeen Short Stories
  • The global Fourier transform can also be obtained by switching(up to sign) the multiplication by a coordinate of the affine line and the differential operator with respect to this coordinate.
  • Other staff will be asked to consider taking unpaid leave or switching to part-time roles. The Sun
  • It's called code-switching, " says Nina Perales, regional counsel of the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund ( MALDEF ), which joined the EEOC in the suit against the casino.
  • Steps were rapidly taken to remove thimerosal from vaccines by switching to single-dose vials that did not require any preservative.
  • The coda is perfect, switching between the main lip-syncher and the crowds XD I Only Know A Little Piano...
  • The agreement promises to leverage Kalpana's strengths in Ethernet switching technology to boost Sparcserver network performance and availability.
  • There was something bewitching about Maurice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.
  • The company is also working on laser amplification, which will eliminate the need for active optical switching.
  • He previously had dual citizenship and has now been given lottery funding after switching athletic allegiances. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Saturday marks the annual Earth Hour event, a largely meaningless piece of slacktivism where people pretend that one hour of environmental posing by switching off lights is more important than long-term behavioural change. Forget Earth Hour And Do Something Useful Instead | Lifehacker Australia
  • Nevertheless, I find myself at this weird juncture, a cultural snag wrapped in a conundrum shaped like a question mark dressed in scratchy raw Japanese selvedge and smoking American Spirits, glumly, in a grungy hoody, outside the bike shop, twitching just a little. Mark Morford: Forgive Me, I Do Not Like The Arcade Fire
  • Jason looked at me, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.
  • The chamber was rapt, eyes agog, lips twitching upward. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just started drooling and twitching uncontrollably, my mind seeming to flicker on and off, on and off, over and over and over.
  • They have proprietary control over an open architecture that underlies an entire sector of the high-tech landscape and has high switching costs. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • These are positioned on either side of the heat sink wall, and switching on the voltage causes a transfer of electrons which positively ionise the air molecules.
  • Her body convulsed into spasms and the twitching got worse as the situation got worse.
  • The leopard braced for the charge, tail twitching, snarling, head low, outstretched forepaws, hindquarters arched.
  • When he refuses to submit and instead responds vigorously, back off quickly and overcompensate for failure by switching into a placatory mode. Dilip Hiro: Obama's Rudderless Foreign Policy Underscores America's Waning Power
  • It's called code-switching, " says Nina Perales, regional counsel of the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund ( MALDEF ), which joined the EEOC in the suit against the casino.
  • This automatically avoids high-load cuts that could occur with conventional offset strategies, by switching to a trochoidal motion when the cutter encounters large amounts of material.
  • He completed a post-doctorate at Dallas and then joined Kellogg in 1985, switching to business and marketing.
  • The journey distance can be doubled by switching to a second battery under the seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • After trying most methods without success, I finally found one that is painless -- switching to "vaping" with an electronic cigarette. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Foreign exchange brokers report a surge in clients switching money back to sterling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Switching the autopilot to standby, Allen turned the helm a few degrees and watched as the repeater compass drifted to starboard. CORMORANT
  • Estonia is switching to a market economy.
  • Labels: electronic media (benefits and necessity of switching off), journalism (prurience), television (intolerability of) Archive 2009-09-01
  • Packet switching does not require a dedicated line between the sender and recipient.
  • This information is used by the switching angle selector to set the correct D1 as the excitation trigger.
  • This forum is for all programming questions. possible to have a compile shortgut (g++)? im just compiling some basic programs in ubuntu after switching recently from Ubuntu from windows and c++ from Java ... Ubuntu Forums
  • The severity of this interaction necessitates a five-week washout when switching a patient from fluoxetine to an MAOI to allow complete elimination of the fluoxetine.
  • But whatever the current term, it will in time become a pejorative slur, which is why they must keep switching every so often. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • We are experimenting to find the best method of switching [users] from reefers to other opiates.
  • If I'd known that switching kibble would fix all that, I'd have done it ages ago.
  • Check all your wiring before switching on the current.
  • Less critical than refugia, prey switching also plays a role in protozoan persistence.
  • Better signs of calcium deficiency are muscle twitching and cramps. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's wise in other ways too, as evidenced by his reason for switching from tennis to golf.
  • The switching of the power axis from one brother's writing to the other wouldn't be a problem though, if Mick weren't still the bandleader and chief songwriter.
  • By switching roles it is also possible to create better empathy and more accurate recognition of danger signs in oneself and in others when the power balance is getting out of hand in real life.
  • The muscle is contracted and hard, and an observer can see fasciculation - small twitchings - over its surface.
  • A final requirement is switching hardware and software to move huge amounts of data effortlessly over such a complex network.
  • They all demand hyper-mobility and a demonic coordination that has you switching into retrograde or performing the top half of one phrase with the bottom of another.
  • In order that they may have both of their hands free to set up and take down the connections and to perform all of the switching operations required, a special form of receiver is employed for this purpose, which is worn as a part of a head-gear and is commonly termed a _head receiver_. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • For pregnant women that are concerned, switching to decaff coffee will ensure that they are drinking less caffeine whilst still enjoying their cup of coffee. Miscarriage and health risk warning over excessive coffee consumption
  • These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Although there exists many kinds of switching - fabric technologies, their switching capacity cannot reach terabit level under the restriction of available devices and technologies.
  • When switching dosage forms, if the prescriber does not obtain the desired therapeutic endpoint in spite of education about the extensive differences in inhalers, there are alternatives - use of a spacer, increased dose causing more side effects or switching to Xopenex, the R- enantiomer which is the active portion of the racemic albuterol. I Called It: The Ozone May Not Be Falling, but Something is About to Hit the Fan
  • In an attempt to emulate them, millions of people follow this eating fad and that, switching diets as often as the glossies demand.
  • Finally, by torchlight, I take a twitching haunch, cover it with rock salt and smear it with wild sage, and we've got dinner.
  • But Mr Milner, director of Keighley iron founders Leach and Thompson, said there were dozens of examples of manufacturers in the district switching jobs overseas.
  • For example, in Latin America, they note that switching cows from natural grasslands to pastures sown with a more nutritious grass called Brachiaria can increase daily milk production and weight gain by up to three fold. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Switching from summer to autumn swigging is usually a trial ... but not this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.
  • Those who are planning to transfer out of a fixed tariff that ends within the next year should check carefully the switching savings they are quoted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many are carried away with those bewitching sports of gaming, hawking, hunting, and such vain pleasures, as [4526] I have said: some with immoderate desire of fame, to be crowned in the Olympics, knighted in the field, &c., and by these means ruinate themselves. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • As Karya's emotions flickered across her face, Aidan's lips were twitching.
  • When they wheeled him out he was vaguely conscious, twitching slightly less, but bleeding copiously. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Since neither mating type switching nor transposition will be discussed here in further detail the interested reader is referred to the reviews cited in this paragraph.
  • Would you like your fortune spaed, sir?" asked my black friend, twitching his thumb in the direction of his wife, who was leering on me with a friendliness begot of the bottle. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • It combines bewitching dancing and gorgeous music with a timeless story and what must be the best flying ever to grace a stage.
  • Switching to an account with a competitive overdraft deal could save you hundreds of pounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compared to most of the programmable counter or timer circuit, the output signal of DDS chip changes fast respond in frequency switching and high accuracy.
  • He is responsible for managing and responding to all the distractions and context switching scenarios which would otherwise have disturbed the whole team.
  • To attract male wasps to pollinate them, the orchids not only look like an insect Marilyn Monroe, they exude a fragrance even more bewitching than the real sexual attractant of the females they're mimicking. Kenny Ausubel: The Sting: Social Biomimicry and The Role of Fraud in Nature
  • So that maintenance can be done, substations are built with switching functions that allow you to disconnect and reconnect various parts of the system in modular sort of way. Boing Boing

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