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How To Use Wispy In A Sentence

  • Appearance: bubblier than Perkuno's Hammer; a deep mahogany with substantial, but wispy tan head Archive 2008-02-01
  • He's maybe late forties, early fifties, bookish, greying, bespectacled, wispy - perhaps an academic.
  • Watching it, it's got all the fun of a murder mystery musical, but the undercurrent of aggression never lets it slip into the realm of a wispy bagatelle.
  • On Jan. 12-13, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher and 11 other scientists will meet at the National AeroSpace Training and Research Center near Philadelphia, where they'll learn to work and conduct experiments in the wispy upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere known as suborbital space. Newswise: Latest News
  • He was for all practical purposes bald, with just a ring of white, wispy hair circling his skull like an elderly monk's tonsure. BLACK EAGLES
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  • The Romantic laureate is to be felt beyond the grave by the Victorians, and by their own poet, not in the wispy or whispering touch of his breathed words but in the abstract feelings generated from the written traces of their prophetic aura of aurality. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Ruffs and britches disappeared long ago, and there isn't much to distinguish a Balinese from a Siamese today except a wispy fringe on the underbelly and a meek plume of a tail.
  • The Old Course wasn't built, it simply evolved, a combination of scrubby seaside turf, wispy grasses, prickly gorse and rolling dunes.
  • However, high, wispy cirrus clouds, that can have relatively large droplets, do not reflect solar light very effectively, but will almost completely reflect longwave infrared radiation. Aerosols
  • Her wispy gray hair was loose, hanging down her back like cobwebs, and her hands were folded in her lap.
  • The seats in each row are only about four centimeters higher than the seats in front of them, so that my experience of M. Ward's performance is profoundly hampered by the wispy, frizzled locks of the enormous, grotesque head in front of me.
  • The short wispy grass stipa looks great all year round and is useful for adding neat informality. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wears a sleeveless patterned overall over her clothes at all times, which I think Vitriolica would refer to as a bata; a headscarf is knotted around her wispy grey hair. Swallow
  • Zest half the peel of the orange into thin, wispy strips and put to one side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently under this name there are several tribes inhabiting lands of various elevations; some are coloured café au lait, as if born in a high and healthy region; others are almost jet black with the hair frightfully "wispy," like a mop. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • The wispy green or bronze foliage of fennel will add a nice contrast to my other potpourri plants.
  • He's so thin and wispy it looks like if I touched him he'd break like a china doll.
  • Richie Collins was twenty, with short curly hair, a wispy chin beard, and long beanpole legs.
  • Bees are fooled into pollinating the bee orchid and the wispy, twisting petals of the rare lizard orchid closely resemble lizards.
  • Before dropping off underneath a wispy mosquito net, my last thought is: who knows what creatures stalk this place?
  • With the main business completed, he asked me if I wanted him to take care of the short hairs, and assuming he was referring to the wispy ones on the back of the neck, said yes. The Guardian World News
  • It was thick and you could see, by the porch lights, wispy tendrils insinuating themselves around plants and patio furniture.
  • Her long, thin, mouse brown hair flowed down her back, wispy strands sticking out at odd angles.
  • I photographed them against a backdrop of distant volcanoes using a yellow filter to accentuate the wispy white clouds above.
  • The smokes on the Cotinus are showing as buds, we will have those wispy dark red bits soon, I just love those. Greetings From Fairegarden-April Bloom Day 2010 « Fairegarden
  • Her hair was tangled and disordered, forming wispy curls towards the front.
  • We all had faces covered in wispy bumfluff. The Sun
  • All their core sounds are here - wispy synthesizer melodies and bleeps and blips.
  • A wispy, frothy grass, stipa tenuissima is used as a universal antidote to spiky plants such as yuccas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wispy-bearded men prayed before the mihrab, an extravagance of inlaid, multicoloured stone.
  • Her softly rounded face looked absurdly childlike under the tall-crowned hennin, from which a wispy veil floated behind her as she moved. The Historical Nights' Entertainment First Series
  • Wispy cirrus clouds are the only ones that form naturally at the high altitudes where jets cruise.
  • Place it indoors, in a quiet room, and the smoke becomes a cloud of wispy filaments, swirling gently until they all blend into a screen of gray.
  • Small but perfectly formed, that wispy timbre turns out to be perfectly suited to bossa nova classics and jazz standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a smart move: as the woman who made her name with wispy chiffon dresses, it made sense to deliver the garments at which she excels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even her hair is wispy and desiccated, a spiderish black, standing out from her head as if electrified.
  • I see him through the glass recline across the backseat, stalky in his blue underwear, wispy and pale as the sky. A Mountain of Crumbs
  • Rough stubbles of wispy hair were developing on his dimpled chin and his rough curling sandy brown hair was unkempt and tousled wildly.
  • The claque of vegetarians at the table enjoyed a dish of sweetly tangy braised endives with chestnut purée, but a wispy open ravioli with chanterelles tasted mostly of sweet corn and bubbles.
  • Can you suggest any tying material that would replicate this wispy, bouyant seed? The Answer Line is Open...
  • I presume one of the reasons he left was that they wouldn't let him wear the wispy beard and skinny green jeans he clearly prefers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Briskly quartered tomatoes lay on the chopping board next to a sprig of spring onions with wispy, soiled roots and fresh green stalks, bound by a blue elastic band.
  • For example, the wispy foliage of cosmos will engulf spiky salvia flowers and is a contrast to the rounded leaves of pelargoniums.
  • It's embedded with berries and served with a wispy spoonful of semifreddo.
  • Ichiro's wispy physique is uncommon in baseball today. - Ichiro — the best leadoff hitter in the game
  • The half moon is hidden behind some wispy clouds.
  • There, at the feet of a learned thaumaturge, an aged man with long, wispy mustaches and a skin the color of luteous ivory, he had learned much. Conan The Unconquered
  • Each drawing, a veritable webbing of wispy white lines that merge, plait, and even throb across their surfaces of coal-black paper, offers a new and semiopaque supernatural vision of worlds -- of creatures, of material, of flora -- that only our imaginations can rightly access. ArtScene: Catch Them Before They Close: Top Current Exhibitions in the Northwest
  • In her tiny showing, her rose paintings seem as wispy as the aquarelles of some cooing Edwardian maiden lady celebrating the beauties of copse and dell.
  • Her soft, wispy fair hair had been pulled into a loose bun at the back of her head and tied with a black ribbon.
  • Nosing through the wispy clouds, I had serious misgivings about the tiny dot of an island, with a silhouette resembling a well-chewed apple core.
  • The wispy guitar line is taken by the bass; Bridget adds many slurred notes into each run, transforming it from rickety to propulsive.
  • They showed up on the runways in all ways, shapes and forms, from chunky plaits and blunt cuts to layered styles with wispy ends and long braided ponytails.
  • Lloyd recalled the forlorn little woman in a wispy crêpe veil, who had enlisted her sympathy to such an extent one Thanksgiving Day that she and Betty had walked over to Rollington from the Seminary to carry the greater part of the turkey and fruit that had been sent them in their box of Thanksgiving goodies. The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation
  • Keep any wispy fronds to one side. Times, Sunday Times
  • He carved a slice of baked ham for a wispy, black child with large hungry eyes.
  • Instead he was dressed in a dark suit and sported a wispy beard. The Sun
  • From a plant structure perspective, sativa grows long and lanky, with thin, wispy leaves.
  • What hair remained was wispy and of no particular colour, clinging to a speckled head. Times, Sunday Times
  • The arc isn't a rainbow in the traditional sense - it is caused by light passing through wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds.
  • Pepper the arrangement with delicate elements such at dainty columbine flowers, oregano sprigs and wispy astilbe. Doing the Flowers
  • A less scary individual it is hard to imagine, though some fans have apparently been alarmed by his wispy chest hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Richie Collins was twenty, with short curly hair, a wispy chin beard, and long beanpole legs.
  • His gorgeous chops are darkened by nothing more than a wispy hint of a goatee.
  • Her rich chestnut hair was piled into a nest of soft ringlets with soft wispy curls framing her heart-shaped face.
  • He really is very old but, rather than becoming frail and wispy, he's stiffening with arthritis and rheumatism and all the creaks and groans that goes with these conditions, becoming rock-like, of the earth.
  • It was thin and wispy, like freshly spun gossamer in the early morning light.
  • It had just a few little wispy feathers growing out of it, which made it look even more eerie.
  • But no white powder mixed with the black, and only wispy plumes of steam wafted from the fat, high smokestacks of the Sunnsy cement company (its name is from the Chinese shansui, or “mountain water”). China’s Silver Lining
  • Her wispy gray hair was loose, hanging down her back like cobwebs, and her hands were folded in her lap.
  • SHANNON: Well, the NSA doesn't talk about its technology, and we don't know whether it was the technology that didn't give them the call origination or what, but certainly, the agencies have been told that they must talk to each other and have hair triggers on any bit of information, no matter how wispy and they can't wait until they get someone's date of birth or Social Security number. CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2003
  • The basic cloud forms are cumulus, which are heaped clouds; stratus, which are layer clouds; and cirrus, which are wispy.
  • She looked to Angie for confirmation, and Angie smiled, if such you could call the wispy line on Angie’s now translucent face. The Welkening
  • The shag they sold me two years ago continues to emit waves of wispy scarlet wool that spread across the floor like Poe's red death, no matter how many times I put off having the thing cleaned.
  • Above, the sky was almost purple in patches with a few wispy cirrus clouds. CHAMELEON
  • The Romantic laureate is to be felt beyond the grave by the Victorians, and by their own poet, not in the wispy or whispering touch of his breathed words but in the abstract feelings generated from the written traces of their prophetic aura of aurality. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Her hair was sleek and shiny, falling a little past her shoulders but shorter in front with thin, wispy bangs.
  • His chin is framed with a wispy beard.
  • They remain wispy, uncertain figures in a novel that inevitably leads us to seek more definition, more certainty. Point of View in Fiction
  • If you wear your hair up, leave a few wispy bits to soften the chin, or try long loose hair with a bit of bounce below chin level.
  • The wispy cloud at the bottom is real, which helps to give scale. Crawshaw's Watercolour Studio
  • Butterflies feast on her delicate wares: one hangs upside-down on wispy legs as it tongues a rosebud.
  • The basic cloud forms are cumulus, which are heaped clouds; stratus, which are layer clouds; and cirrus, which are wispy.
  • Even though he was bathed in harsh white light, a black wispy shadow, virtually opaque, enveloped Reed completely.
  • The sky was salmon red, frozen with high, wispy clouds. The Broken God
  • After a clangorous opening flourish, a wispy, airborne figure linked bolder, more earthy ideas. Die Walküre; Siegfried; BBC Proms 23, 26 & 27 – review
  • He was tall, with wispy brown hair, a face of great benignity set on a gangling body. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • My heart bangs against my rib cage, my mouth goes dirt dry, and my breath comes in short, wispy gasps. Gladiator
  • Monks scribbled personal details in bound volumes or unfurled wispy scrolls.
  • Thin, wispy clouds sailed from the east, from the direction of the great ocean.
  • Key variations are in the shape of the animal's skull, jaw muscles, air bladder - which fish use to rise and sink in water - and, perhaps most noticeably, the wispy barbels, or whiskers, around its mouth.
  • Do observe those wispy cirrus clouds, Jennifer, like writing in the sky... ` NO BODY
  • His chin is framed with a wispy beard.
  • Standing before the walker wearing feety pajamas, Joe held a giant hairbrush over his brother's head, the bristle end just barely touching the baby's wispy hair. The Intercom
  • Lia ran a hand through her hair and leaned forward, allowing a few wispy tendrils to straggle free from her messy ponytail.
  • Restaurant regulars have been identified as wispy-eyed figures who live just around the block, but these indolent customers cannot be said to have truly traveled. Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits
  • As the Governess, Elizabeth Atherton sang with restless ardour, in unbearable thrall to her charges and locked into her own battle between reality and the wispy figments of a love-starved imagination. The Turn of the Screw; Ariadne auf Naxos; Les pêcheurs de perles; Mitsuko Uchida
  • He was a short and sturdy man, with wispy gray hair and white stubble framing his jawbone.
  • a few wispy memories of childhood
  • Keep it loose and wispy over dusty coloured, patterned dresses and skirts, or soft worn-in jeans.
  • She was of the kind that Alison thought of as "wispy" 'soft, blond hair going to gray, styled in a fashionable chignon, soft, gray-blue linen walking suit, slight figure, doll-pretty face with soft blue eyes. Phoenix And Ashes
  • They were weird little guys, homely men with pot bellies and wispy tinted hair.
  • The pale sky of early dawn was blemished by flat, wispy clouds and a pallid moon, low in the horizon that had yet to disappear.
  • The best cuts have soft layers and wispy fringes that make your hair versatile and easy to style
  • The formation of wispy cirrus clouds is not a simple matter.
  • The sternwheel steamboat Delta Queen is paddling slowly along the Tennessee River, the early morning sun burning off wispy fog rising from a placid surface.
  • On the bright side of the globe the familiar shapes of continents could be made out through a film of wispy cloud. Anti-Ice
  • With a throng of guests adding lush orchestration to most of the tracks, it is Campbell's understated wispy vocal that ties the tunes together.
  • Pale blond hair that was wispy and starting to silver with her age loosely framed her face.
  • His hair is wispy and grey and his face more lined than I remember it, but his eyebrows are thick and dark and his mind as sharp as ever.
  • He could transmute wispy ideas into detailed plans and turn revolutionary dreams into enduring realities.
  • She kept pushing wispy, mousey hair out of her eyes, so that she could see him more clearly. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • After clipping another bolt, I looked out to see nothing but blue sky with a few light, wispy clouds hovering way above the spires of Queen Creek Canyon.
  • The queen was a thin woman, with pointy elbows, a pinched face, and wispy white hair on which the crown marking her rank sat.
  • Stipa tenuissima may only be sandy white and kneehigh, but it is densely wispy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stratosphere air contains little water vapor or dust; only wispy cirrostratus clouds streak the distant sky.
  • Mr. Schmidt, who is best known for his music for "A Minister's Wife" and "Adding Machine," has written a score full of delicate, slow-shifting chords that waft through the night air like wispy clouds in a soft breeze, dovetailing them with the natural sounds of the woods that surround APT's Up-the-Hill Theatre. The Warrior's Dilemma
  • I photographed them against a backdrop of distant volcanoes using a yellow filter to accentuate the wispy white clouds above.
  • They were short, about half the height of an average human, and walked hunched over with scaly skin and strands of greasy wispy hair.
  • It has high, wispy grass, deep bunkers and large greens, much like St Andrews.
  • People ask how a guy like me, blessed with wispy hair that dances in the autumnal wind, three fine pairs of shoes and a wife with a pleasant round bum, can still be miserable and paranoid.
  • Her hair was pulled up in an elegant upsweep, with wispy blond strands falling out of the chignon to frame her face which had hardly any make.
  • The other man had brown hair and a wispy moustache and wore faded denim jeans and a grey woollen jumper.
  • She shivered, suddenly cold - the sun had disappeared behind some wispy clouds.
  • The river had deposited me under a willow tree laden with some kind of wispy moss. Fatal Circle
  • He glowered and brushed wispy tendrils of white hair from his face.
  • You will see moments of Titian's dazzling spatial web, Claude Lorrain's wispy trees, the clouds of Tiepolo as well as flashes of Byzantine mosaics in Monet's tessellated surfaces and quivering contours. A Master Redraws the Rules of the Game
  • Uncharismatic, with wispy gray hair and rimless spectacles, he had washed up in Brussels after his political career in Germany had run out of steam. Zero-Sum Future
  • Streamers of wispy cloud trundled elegantly past the window as if they were clearing the screen so that our eyes could feast on our very own slice of clear star-studded sky.
  • Denise blunt-cut it to just above her shoulders, and then razored the ends to create a wispy effect.
  • He was for all practical purposes bald, with just a ring of white, wispy hair circling his skull like an elderly monk's tonsure. BLACK EAGLES
  • Its auteur was a wispy, bearded engineer in his twenties named Mike Dhuey.
  • He tends to bathe his voice with wispy background vocals, an effect that, when matched with his instrumental backing, gives his songs a slightly ethereal feel.
  • a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet
  • His close-cropped hair is tidier than the thinning, wispy strands he regularly pulls off his face in court.
  • Then the little twerp went and switched from a side pose to a full-frontal/arms-extended look, exposing her wispy alfalfa-sprout armpit hair to view. A Day in the Life of a Supermodel Armpit Makeup Artist
  • And surprisingly it's not for his wispy beard. The Sun
  • His wispy brown hair is flecked with gray, a striking contrast to his crimson face.
  • The scenery was mind-blowing and the wild horses and goats and wispy clouds made it feel almost mystical up there. The Sun
  • Wu Sun - fu could see the speaker in profile - a long , narrow face with a wispy, drooping moustache.
  • He sighed, and removed his maroon beret, unmooring several strands of dark wispy hair on his balding scalp.
  • I photographed them against a backdrop of distant volcanoes using a yellow filter to accentuate the wispy white clouds above.
  • The trick to seeing them is to look out for wispy clouds, a low sun and look up at the sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think printed tea dresses teamed with chunky knits and silk camis under wispy floral skirts. The Sun
  • Wearing a stonewashed denim jacket and sporting a wispy tuft of thinning black hair, he looks like a shady character who just stepped out of a movie.
  • That lovely grey wispy curtain plant is a cousin of the other well-known and beloved bromeliad, the pineapple.
  • The hot-and-sour soup is as inexpensive as it is invigorating, with wispy enoki mushrooms setting it apart from everyday versions.
  • False alarm: The wispy tail of the comet couldn't penetrate Earth's dense atmosphere; even it if had penetrated, there wasn't enough cyanogen to cause real trouble. Green Comet Approaches Earth

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