
How To Use Wishful thinking In A Sentence

  • Ideas for friends to run a restaurant seem like wishful thinking but they may just work. The Sun
  • But real wisdom means knowing truth from falsehood, knowing the difference between evidence and wishful thinking.
  • Planning and practical action replace wishful thinking and it gets results at work and home. The Sun
  • Conservative high command is the victim of wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Guttmacher Institute has looked at the effects of comprehensive sex education - the sort where the facts are presented, not just antisex propaganda and wishful thinking. Boys & Girls Together
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  • Now that's what I call wishful thinking on your part. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • This is not so much wishful thinking as clutching at straws. The Sun
  • I already struggle not to feel the wool is being pulled over my eyes, or perhaps (to be kinder) I simply feel that there is a strong sort of wishful thinking going on by those involved; so for the Church to indulge in this sort of cosmeticism when the miraculousness should be allowed its own self-evidence - it makes me feel as if I'm being patronized. Incorruptible and Forever
  • Job plans that seemed like wishful thinking take off. The Sun
  • That sounded rather like wishful thinking, as if some of our seekers after evil would almost have welcomed the release of a small, containable, but suitably photogenic, cloud of poison gas in the desert.
  • Mergers with metropolitan parties in London or Dublin are the product of wishful thinking, the dream of achieving the nirvanas of a secure Union or Irish unity by the back door - and in the short term dishing the Shinners or the DUP. Irish Blogs
  • When Jesus in the Beatitudes says that the meek shall inherit the earth, he repeats the psalmist's wishful thinking.
  • There's a lot I could do this 4th St. that I couldn't do last 4th St. When people observed that I seemed to be doing significantly better, I didn't want to kick them, because they were not engaging in wishful thinking, they were right. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • We all know about wishful thinking, about denial and defence mechanisms, repression, narcissism, Freudian slips and the anal personality.
  • In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.
  • While I think it's good news anytime one of these Republican neanderthals is in trouble, I'm afraid this may be wishful thinking. Grassley re-elect below 50 percent
  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
  • It is a legend compounded of nostalgia, wishful thinking and apple pie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iwould suggest that next time you contribute to this site or indeed any other serious blog you research your facts and present a more balanced approach-butthat is probably wishful thinking on my part. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Perseus insists he wants to defeat a dread monster called the kraken, as a man, not a god, which like the rest of this movie is a bit of wishful thinking. 3D Clashes With 'Titan's' Remake
  • Is this wishful thinking in the age of spin doctors and party whips?
  • I think he sees his cause with the eyes of love, and such lofty ambitions are mostly wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is wishful thinking pursued to the point of deception and self-deception.
  • Is not this all just wishful thinking? Times, Sunday Times
  • There doubtless is some wishful thinking in all this. Online Advertising Is a Lagging Indicator of a Recession - Bits Blog -
  • This is either a clumsy attempt to be generous or wishful thinking of a quite deluded kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hope is right below wishful thinking and right above performing a rain dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just over a decade later, Thatcher's crude rightwing dogmatism had given way to a kind of all-pervasive centre-right wishful thinking. Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class by Owen Jones – review
  • You are ready to move on from wishful thinking to making a practical, step-by-step action plan that makes the most of your skills. The Sun
  • We now know that this was financial flatulence based on wishful thinking rather than any hard analysis.
  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
  • Its treatment of the modern piano as a vehicle for Bach reflects older emphases, and praise for the clavichord might be wishful thinking, yet the writing is full of common sense and musicianship.
  • And even if this is only wishful thinking, only a hope, we must recall that hope is one of those small transcendences of brute necessity that imbue life with meaning.
  • Wishful thinking is a fallacy that posits a belief because it or its consequence is desired to be true.
  • Those who live by wishful thinking perish in disillusion. The Uncertain Future
  • Now even the initiative has gone blooey and all that's left is the faith, which is indistinguishable from wishful thinking. Ellis Weiner: The Fraudacity of Hope: Bush's Faith-Based Triumph
  • It smacks of wishful thinking and the inability to accept one's limited lifespan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were wildly optimistic and it's what I call wishful thinking," said Chris Benson, who heads energy policy for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. Site Feed
  • Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West.
  • Practical action replaces wishful thinking at work. The Sun
  • Do you think it can help or is it just wishful thinking? The Sun
  • A graduate student in sociology is one who didn't get his fill of jargonized wishful thinking as an undergraduate. Sociology and Other 'Meathead' Majors
  • This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.
  • Hope is right below wishful thinking and right above performing a rain dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • But reports that his body had been identified in the wreckage proved to be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suspect his assertion, memorable though it is, was based on wishful thinking.
  • That's a fact, and no amount of wishful thinking or Kum-Bay-Yah New Age sensitivity is going to change that. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Yes | No | Report from cindypiep wrote 2 weeks 3 days ago moishe, I know, call it wishful thinking Georgia Man In Boxers Kills Buck With A Stick
  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
  • That's likely to prove wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will have a practical, positive approach to life that helps you swap wishful thinking for purposeful action - and it gets results. The Sun
  • This giant Neolithic tumulus near Avebury, the largest man-made prehistoric mound in Europe, has been a source of observation, speculation and wishful thinking for hundreds if not thousands of years.
  • This may sound like wishful thinking but how else will we create hope from the despair of untold child death, wanton neglect of girls and women, and a rich elite feasting on the misery of millions in poverty?
  • Hope is right below wishful thinking and right above performing a rain dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Home plans can go from wishful thinking to a step-by-step action plan now you see how other people's minds are working. The Sun
  • We need to understand that they know who they are, and are clear about their interests and in that clear tough-minded way that we need to sit down and make it clear that we're not going the base relationships on delusions and wishful thinking.
  • Yet, the rebels say this is wishful thinking and that their weapons are captured from government forces.
  • However, misguided wishful thinking has made the long-term prognostication considerably worse than necessary. Asia Times Online
  • The Republicans will continue to say no and block the legislative process because they will start engaging in wishful thinking about the 2012 elections. Think Progress » Lieberman Begins To Distance Himself From The Health Care Bill That He Crafted
  • They're opulent, suggestible and effortfully sophisticated, but more importantly, they are not just wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • It smacks of wishful thinking and the inability to accept one's limited lifespan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The link he assumes between local control and sustainable development is based on wishful thinking.
  • In short, we "believe" (note a root meaning of "belief" is "lief" -- which is wishful thinking) what we believe mostly because we have been massively socially/culturally programmed to have these beliefs. The straight-jackets of humanity are socially conditioned and absolutized institutions.
  • Some of chemistry's popular tales are probably outright fabrication, the product of wishful thinking, over-embellished recollection, wilful self-aggrandisement or a skewed historical agenda.
  • That may prove to be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others suggest that this may be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am sorry, but that's real wishful thinking, or as Bill Clinton would impolitely say "a biggest fairytale". Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • Conservative high command is the victim of wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • My reaction is that it is you who is engaging in wishful thinking. A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • By Bukowski's own admission, he was always the hero of his stories, which are shot through with black humour, misogyny, misanthropy, narcissism, wishful thinking, and inconsolable loneliness.
  • Admittedly that's wishful thinking on our part, since a half Chris Brown / half Rihanna baby would be bound by genetics to have a head shaped exactly like an alien prawn, a set of teeth that looks like a ceramic shotgun wound and the world's most humiliating bumfluff moustache. Hecklerspray
  • That might sound like wishful thinking but it has to be considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wishful thinking is generally understandable, even if it's unhelpful.
  • For some reason I'm thinking it may sound similar to either "coquettish" or "obsolescence," but at this point that may be nothing over and above wishful thinking. Ask MetaFilter
  • But reports that his body had been identified in the wreckage proved to be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this may be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • A permanent body that functions as an external examination institute is still only wishful thinking.
  • Or you're guilty of wishful thinking to an extreme degree.
  • This may be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • But reports that his body had been identified in the wreckage proved to be wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Home plans that may seem just wishful thinking click into action. The Sun
  • Both companies have been mentioned as possible suitors, but most analysts say that's wishful thinking.
  • It seems to be based on wishful thinking rather than scientific evidence.
  • An ambition that just days ago would have seemed wishful thinking is transformed into a bold plan. The Sun
  • There's a lot of woolly-minded wishful thinking in his essay.
  • For today's tyros, cast your eyes across the Atlantic, where Eggers, Lethem, Franzen et al emanate a buzz that is more than publishers' wishful thinking.
  • In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.
  • Home plans that seemed like wishful thinking can turn into a good plan. The Sun
  • Given the headwinds Britain faces, this looks like wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • But is this just wishful thinking on the part of luxury executives? Times, Sunday Times
  • Pre-war, there was a strong whiff of wishful thinking in the coalition's plans for Basra.
  • Given the headwinds Britain faces, this looks like wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it comes to wishful thinking, the heart is a willing accomplice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hope is right below wishful thinking and right above performing a rain dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.
  • I am hoping that the DSL modem is going to protect the computer probably wishful thinking. Voltage
  • Wishful thinking about the abundance of your time and abilities is a side effect of the superhero-like-buzz you get from capturing everything in your environment and feeling on top of the inputs in your life. How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn’t Crush Your Soul | Impact Lab
  • Most of my Somerset will have to stay unlearned, leaving the county, the land and the people to grow in my mind on a basis of myth and wishful thinking.
  • Let us study our victory with cold and ruthless self-examination and prepare for future campaigns on the basis of facts and evidence shorn of any wishful thinking or self-delusion.
  • Maybe "merry me?" is a wishful thinking sentiment, as in, the giver is hoping the receiver will so be grateful for the the cookie gift that the giver will get lucky and the receiver will make them "merry"...*nudge nudge wink wink* ...But the Words Get in the Way
  • You will have a practical, positive approach to life that helps you swap wishful thinking for purposeful action - and it gets results. The Sun
  • Without possessing the necessary skills, strategic intent is merely wishful thinking.
  • Wishful thinking made political partisans more optimistic about their own party's prospects and more inclined to forecast their opponents' defeat.
  • These are not mere suppositions or wishful thinkings.
  • What at first may seem like wishful thinking could turn into an action plan that will transform your working life. The Sun
  • Work-wise, you replace wishful thinking with an action plan. The Sun
  • Is this just wishful thinking on their part? Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.
  • What available knowledge is there to support such a notion is possible or is it basically a case in wishful thinking which has no place in a critical thinking exercise. Critical Thinking Exercise
  • I think he sees his cause with the eyes of love, and such lofty ambitions are mostly wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not so much wishful thinking as clutching at straws. The Sun
  • Many people have financial problems because of wishful thinking. Christianity Today
  • I think she rather likes me. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
  • But the simple fact is, whether through wishful thinking or deliberate deceit, the administration uttered untruths.
  • Did she get on Leander's nerves, or was that what they called wishful thinking on her part? Consultant Care
  • Times change, but only a killjoy would grudge Scots a bit of nostalgic wishful thinking at a time of year ripe for reflection.
  • What seemed wishful thinking can turn into real love. The Sun
  • This is not so much wishful thinking as clutching at straws. The Sun
  • But mothers are faced with a tragic conflict of interest that no amount of wishful thinking or social engineering or wilful blindness can resolve.
  • For despite the artist's romantic wishful thinking, his rustic Bretons were no simple peasants.
  • Action replaces wishful thinking as you take control of your future. The Sun
  • Your profoundly pompous posts lend support to the theory that people pick knicks that represent wishful thinking. Obama's Church: Pillorying Wright An Assault Upon African-American Culture
  • Is it simply a speculative promotional ‘guess’ based on over-optimistic wishful thinking?
  • Conservative high command is the victim of wishful thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talk of the Chinese coming to the rescue is just wishful thinking, says one industry analyst.
  • This documented fact makes the writer's supposed statistic look like the wishful thinking of a fantasist.
  • You will have a practical, positive approach to life that helps you swap wishful thinking for purposeful action - and it gets results. The Sun
  • Here, a distinction needs to be made between our concepts of what ordinary reality is, our preconceptions and wishful thinking, and its raw, implacable facticity.
  • My conviction is based not on wishful thinking, but on my experiences living in a totalitarian regime.
  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
  • His claims to be a millionaire are just wishful thinking.
  • Time to get over wishful thinking about the reach of dense, transit-oriented living and do much more focusing on how to make automobility and sprawling residential areas less carbon intense. The Future is In Cities « PubliCola
  • It's one thing to examine the options, indulge in a bit of wishful thinking, put out a few feelers and make a few offers; it is another to pursue a determined course of action to achieve a concrete result.
  • This is either a clumsy attempt to be generous or wishful thinking of a quite deluded kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ties of community are fragile; they are hard to weave but easy to break; they can't be drawn together by wishful thinking.
  • But Sapolsky is worried about "continuities," including the U.S. "propensity to intervene internationally," "exploitation of our gullibility about management systems," and "wishful thinking about inter-organizational agency coordination. MIT World: Recent Updates
  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.
  • Straight talking and planning replace all the wishful thinking to get your home and family plans moving. The Sun
  • Might it be that Marx faced facts while others sought the dubious shelter of wishful thinking?
  • The finger of blame and anger should be directed at our policy makers in recent years and their contemptible combination of wishful thinking, political opportunism and incompetence. Times, Sunday Times
  • I dont engage in cheerleading excercises and blind wishful thinking either. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • You don't know how they relate until you examine them and it's better to examine the evidence than base conclusions on wishful thinking.
  • Simply closing one's eyes and pretending it isn't looming, despite all the available evidence to those who want to look for it, is an exercise in denial and wishful thinking.

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