
wipe out

  1. remove from memory or existence
    The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915
  2. wipe out the effect of something
    The new tax effectively cancels out my raise
    The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record
  3. eliminate completely and without a trace
    The old values have been wiped out
  4. kill in large numbers
    the plague wiped out an entire population
  5. mark for deletion, rub off, or erase
    kill these lines in the President's speech
  6. use up (resources or materials)
    They run through 20 bottles of wine a week
    this car consumes a lot of gas
    We exhausted our savings

How To Use wipe out In A Sentence

  • It really did wipe out all the plus signs.
  • The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.
  • At a time when cities such as George Town and Malacca are winning international recognition for their preservation of heritage sections of their cities, the Sarawak government's retrogressive efforts to wipe out remaining vestiges of Kuching's architectural heritage are incomprehensible. Undefined
  • Those leaderships conduct us to the border of the precipice. The only way to avoid it is to wipe out the national borders, the imperialist ruling and the capitalist private property.
  • Two investors that bought about $214 million of the so-called mezzanine debt filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging that lenders that provided $7.4 billion in financing to the buyer, Lightstone Group LLC, are engaged in a "scheme" to take over the property and wipe out the mezzanine investors. Hotel Creditors May Have an Extended Stay
  • Supreme Court said that object was to wipe out disabilities imposed by Hindu Shastras.
  • The Supreme Court said that the objective was to wipe out disabilities imposed by Hindu shastras.
  • The best way of self-cultivation is to wipe out the coxcombical mirage, so as to return to the syncretism of inside and outside.
  • Surgeons say politicians are turning to them to wipe out bags under their eyes and freshening their faces in the run-up to March's presidential elections.
  • A few low-flying cruise missiles could wipe out an airfield before the mighty jets get off the ground.
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