
How To Use Windswept In A Sentence

  • It is more than a decade since a coach and her young prodigy stood on a windswept Sheffield running track and envisaged the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lake Taupo looked windswept and the volcanoes were obscured by low grey cloud.
  • I have many memories of being foundered on that windswept strand in the name of family holiday time.
  • We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.
  • Can't see the windswept look catching on. The Sun
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  • In 2003, Dutch agriculturalist Marc de Ruiter saw dairy farmers in windswept Shanxi province literally pouring their milk down the drain because there was not enough demand.
  • We double-teamed the flocks, an archer in the lead and the scattergun as backup when the birds took to wing, watching for hunting jaegers and glassing from windswept ridgelines. The Great Alaskan Cast and Blast
  • Below, the greens of windswept reeds and phragmites are intersected constantly by the twisting, interlocking Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, canal drainages, raised highways and railroad tracks.
  • After all, balloons defy gravity and bob around in the air, just like windswept hair. The Sun
  • Bermuda's windswept northern coastline is protected from spray by non-native tamarisk trees.
  • We stood outside to get windswept, missed the commentary and walked ashore to discover that Rottnest Island is overrun with quokkas - long tailed, short faced, round-eared marsupials that look disconcertingly like giant rats.
  • We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.
  • Her face is splattered with mud and her hair is tangled and windswept.
  • After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 – a massive, top-secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota that houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government. Sci-fi TV Preview: Warehouse 13 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Every weekend thousands of thrifty Yorkshire folk trek to windswept fields to rummage through boxes of junk in the hope of finding something special.
  • Yorkshire is a land of many faces - from the plains and windswept moorlands to tranquil fishing villages.
  • The village is built on top of a relatively large hill, and represents a perfect vantage from which the windswept and rain-fed beauty of the surrounding landscape can be seen.
  • We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.
  • Everyone else just looks windswept. Times, Sunday Times
  • Give me a rugged coastline or a windswept hilltop. Times, Sunday Times
  • At windswept Banshee Bay, our campsite beneath the casuarina trees was made comfortable by some beachcomber's driftwood furniture.
  • There, on a dusty windswept plain, a small wooden statue of a man in robes teeters upon a short pole.
  • What my traveling companion remembered from the mid 1970s as a lonely, windswept point has become a bustling little town.
  • A young girl sent to live on the windswept Irish coastline becomes besotted with the legend of the selkies - half human/half seal creatures.
  • Down and down, we went, like a wild ride through a city alley, block after block, with windswept, rocky mountain slopes on either side.
  • Their windswept sounds recall the bleakness of the tundra, the vast frozen lakes.
  • Colours echo with overtures of country lane rambles, windswept beaches and wild flower-filled meadows.
  • His white blonde hair was windswept and dishevelled, and his bright blue eyes were bright and alert.
  • We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France.
  • Between the dunes dipped a valley of alabaster, crossed by the windswept shadow of a woman. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Our route takes us along the Tambo Mayo River - still white with ice by late morning, where even the waterfalls are frozen, and on to the windswept puna.
  • We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.
  • Hague looked hopelessly windswept as his strands of hair got blown about.
  • Laundry hangs like wilted wildflowers over faltering balconies, and clusters of trash skitter up windswept drives.
  • It is more than a decade since a coach and her young prodigy stood on a windswept Sheffield running track and envisaged the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years farming saffron in the windswept plains of central Spain provided little in the way of return except backache. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the Great Famine, many who had started life in a windswept village found themselves ending it in Hammersmith or Hell's Kitchen.
  • He had that sort of windswept hair and unshaven look that only an artist could pull off.
  • Her hair was windswept, the stray strands gently framing her rosy face.
  • Traveling over great distances, caravans of men, women, and children, amid crowds of dogs, herds of horses, and the clatter of travois, crossed the high, windswept passes punctuating the Continental Divide.
  • It is a bleak, forbidding place on a windswept plain, surrounded by wire fencing and patrolled by armed guards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The searing heat of the morning gave way to a windswept evening, with the water as ripply as an English seaside fun pool.
  • I ran a hand through my windswept hair and glanced down at my clothes.
  • Both of them made their lasting claims to immortality on this windswept ridge.
  • Of course Shetland is beautiful in a (very) windswept way. No more wild stereotypes about Shetland
  • The violet flowers of butterworts nod manically at the roadside, seeming too delicate for this windswept terrain.
  • Ashtaye's long, ebony hair was still windswept, and Tara's equally long, white hair was still silky.
  • It is more than a decade since a coach and her young prodigy stood on a windswept Sheffield running track and envisaged the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's opting to book into the windswept beach hut with outdoor shower for the same price as the five-star resort around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are farmers and herders on a windswept rock at the furthermost reaches of the world.
  • The word boomed from Judge Robert McGahey Jr. 's lips - "guilty" - and as it echoed through the still courtroom, it swept away any notion that jurors believed Sandra Jacobson's version of a crash along a windswept highway that killed two women and injured a cabdriver. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • There was a smudge of dirt across her nose and her hair was windswept.
  • His shock of black hair looked windswept, and beneath it, his eyes peered out curiously from behind wire-frame glasses.
  • ‘We all have our reasons for living here,’ said one, spreading her arms wide to take in the vast expanse of barren, windswept land.
  • The inn has its own wine merchant and art gallery, but doesn't mind a bit if you march in off the moor looking windswept. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd recommend against choosing redwood or any other natural wood in the wet and windswept environment you describe.
  • Riding along a windswept African beach is a truly thrilling experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her face is splattered with mud and her hair is tangled and windswept.
  • windswept headlands
  • A slight upsweep on the front blade edge adds a windswept-tanto feel to the blade and - no doubt - a bit more piercing power.
  • A maid and a butler hold umbrellas over a couple dancing on a windswept beach in their evening wear, their faces obscured.
  • He took that to mean the deep lines etched on his face from reporting in windswept desert climates with bullets flying. Excerpt: The Christmas Train by David Baldacci
  • Running parallel to the steelworks is the sandy, windswept beach where fans come to see where scenes from Atonement were filmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her hair was short and windswept, and its color matched the pale purple of the sky at twilight.
  • Isolated and ruined, it sits on 1000 acres of windswept, forbidding land, and is the quintessential haunted house.
  • For the last 20 years she and her estimated £20m fortune have been hiding away on a remote and windswept Swedish island to escape from the pressures of showbiz.
  • As I looked out over the windswept landscape, I felt as if I were pulled into the drama revealing itself to me.
  • A plump teenage boy stares back at me with wide eyes set in a pale face crowned with windswept dark hair.
  • Dons, they were one goal behind for only three minutes, but the swirling leaves on the windswept pitch could almost have been celebratory ticker tape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bolton Art Gallery is hosting an exhibition of oils, watercolours and prints of the Lancashire landscape, from the sea to the windswept moors.
  • At windswept Dens, Archie McPherson has a near-death experience when he is almost throttled by his own comb-over, 18-inch strands entwining in the gale to form a deadly ligature.
  • From London's Millennium Dome and Olympic zone, to northern England's "regenerated" city centres, to the windswept out-of-town tracts turned into transport hubs and hospitals, to the sheltered middle-class streets bursting with loft extensions, much of the UK spent 1997 to 2010 behind construction hoardings. A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain by Owen Hatherley – review
  • Fortified by some lunch we clambered up a final range of large boulders and emerged onto the windswept summit.
  • Also scattered along the back of the beach are clumps of windswept Horsetail She-oaks - a perfect name for these pendulous trees.
  • What's more romantic than a stroll on a windswept beach in November? Times, Sunday Times
  • The violet flowers of butterworts nod manically at the roadside, seeming too delicate for this windswept terrain.
  • The muggers attacked me in a frigid, windswept, remote parking lot.
  • Tyler ran his hand through his already windswept hair.
  • The quiet atmosphere of the room was shattered by Noah's entrance; he burst through the door, his face flushed and his hair windswept.
  • Five others also have reached Ophir, which is 687 miles from the finish in Nome on Alaska's windswept western coast. A1 HOME - Top Stories
  • These delightful visitors from Scandinavia and northern Russia spend winter days on the windswept saltings, shingle strands and tidelines.
  • He was a bit windswept, his hair rather unkempt and his jacket wrinkled, after riding such a long way on horseback, but he looked the same as ever to the girls.
  • His move to transform what was once just a windswept field came in the wake of government plans to recycle burial areas, because space in the nation's cemeteries is running out.
  • My family's roots are in Lanarkshire, where funerals are typically sombre affairs held in a chapel, followed by a graveside service at a windswept cemetery.
  • The fen part of the county, with its vast horizons and lonely windswept fields, has always been an acquired taste.
  • Before arriving on our windswept streets, Walker served as the Executive Director of Vermont Stage Company.
  • He was about forty, and his fine head of blond hair, which he'd taken care not to disturb in removing the hood, was artfully dressed in the style they used to call windswept; that, and the elegance of his duds, were in obscene contrast to the bloated face, but it was the eyes that told me my first impression had been right in the bull: they were bold, blue, smiling, and amiable as fish-hooks. THE NUMBERS
  • Indian star to play at a windswept county ground in front of a handful of fans would require an act of charity rather than economic self-interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the sonorous souls of Russian verbs, lend a meaning to the wild gesticulation of trees or to some discarded newspaper sliding and pausing, and shuffling again, with abortive flaps and apterous jerks along an endless windswept embankment. Anecdotal Evidence
  • He is crouching over as if he were inspecting some kind of beached specimen, his hair like a tuft of grass atop a windswept rock. The Hook News Blog
  • It's opting to book into the windswept beach hut with outdoor shower for the same price as the five-star resort around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cape of Good Hope is a wild, windswept nature reserve that would pass for coastal Kerry, except for the baboons and unusual vegetation.
  • Rhea peeked out from the cover of her arms, drawing her windswept hair away from her tear-filled eyes.
  • An isolated, bleak windswept wilderness it lies well off the beaten track and until recently was completely closed to foreigners.
  • The windswept Yorkshire hills, the terraced houses, dappled woods and shadowy interiors, help convey a warm summer languor.
  • I think it's the cellphone that does it for me, though the "windswept" hair doesn't help, either. Etienne Marcel
  • We slowly got up, our hair windswept, our heads aching with dizziness.
  • Dripping wet and deeply disturbed, the smartly-dressed man was discovered walking along a windswept road beside the sea.
  • These delightful visitors from Scandinavia and northern Russia spend winter days on the windswept saltings, shingle strands and tidelines.
  • I love Bonfire Night because it’s an excuse to look shocking (windswept is never a good look), and whether you are celebrating the fact that Guy Fawkes was caught or just the fact that he made the attempt at all, everyone is in a relaxed mood and gets together to have a good time then just hang out and spend the night together. …the Tin Foil Lady « Sven’s guide to…
  • When they first glimpsed Carmel, it reminded them of the Cornish coast (back then the area was treeless, still largely houseless, and windswept).
  • The prospect of an intense evening of ‘towpath humping’ at a rainy, windswept canal near Paisley doesn't faze the actress in the least.
  • The Engadine Valley floor was a windswept patchwork of silver-green fields. The Black Madonna
  • Determined to get a river view, I climbed a high bank and looked across windswept spartina grass.
  • You may find yourself drawn to the wide and windswept gutturals of Russian, for example, or Polish.
  • Lack of a freshwater source or any plant life apart, the only shelter on the whole windswept hillock is dangerously near the tide line, down between jaggy rocks and slippery seaweed deposits.
  • More than half of Mandela's sentence was spent on Robben Island, a windswept rock surrounded by the treacherous seas of the Cape of Good Hope.
  • After a plantation of conifers there was a windswept field.
  • They're the ones with a wild look in their eyes and windswept hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • At windswept Banshee Bay, our campsite beneath the casuarina trees was made comfortable by some beachcomber's driftwood furniture.
  • It is more than a decade since a coach and her young prodigy stood on a windswept Sheffield running track and envisaged the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was something raw and elemental about Dorset's windswept landscape that I'd missed, and which I needed, if only to remind myself what the city lacked.
  • His shock of black hair looked windswept, and beneath it, his eyes peered out curiously from behind wire-frame glasses.
  • At windswept Dens, he has a near-death experience when he is almost throttled by his own comb-over, 18-inch strands entwining in the gale to form a deadly ligature.
  • Among the rich and the famous who came to mourn her, one figure stood out in the windswept cemetery - Frank Sinatra.
  • No freezing corners, icy lofts, or windswept landings and one simple direct heat source.
  • Between the dunes dipped a valley of alabaster, crossed by the windswept shadow of a woman. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Beautifully filmed, it opens in slow motion on windswept dunes before morphing into shots of an inner-city house.
  • The future of the site, one hopes, lies not in rebuilding inhumane trophy towers from the past in the kind of windswept plaza that has destroyed the streetscapes of American cities.
  • A high, windswept plateau of East Antarctica, the surface of Vostok is often described as the coldest place on Earth. First Contact
  • The official site for this forthcoming double-header has a suitably dirty and scratched look and disturbing windswept soundtrack. Times, Sunday Times
  • They both had the kind of windswept blond hair that made Remy think of places in Colorado he'd never actually seen. The Zero
  • Its beach is a windswept, wonderful spot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Give me a rugged coastline or a windswept hilltop. Times, Sunday Times
  • His plot kicks in when, by a twist of fate and some benevolent blackmail, a young doctor is forced to leave Montreal and spend a mouth on the windswept outport.
  • It is a bleak, forbidding place on a windswept plain, surrounded by wire fencing and patrolled by armed guards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spread across the uneven terrain, this symphony of tonal contrasts seems to magnify the modest image into a windswept snow-covered mountain crest marked by deep crevasses.
  • Inverewe Gardens and lively Ullapool are at odds with the rugged, windswept landscape of the Wester Ross coast, discovers Tom Lappin
  • It is a region of hot, dry, windswept plains broken in places by chains of low mountains.
  • The drive then takes us over increasingly bleak countryside, slicing through dense birch forest and peaty bog, all snow bleached and windswept by the looming power of Lake Superior.
  • As always, his attiring room looked windswept and severe: a plain chest, a narrow mirror, a low divan spread with furs.
  • Hoss moved his big, black, raw-boned horse on, steadily making higher and higher ground until he reached the line where it was too dry and windswept for the grass to grow well.
  • With its canted fairways framed by windswept dunes, Spanish Bay is a tribute to Scottish golf.
  • My preparation amounted to a windswept hack around the Silverknowes course in Edinburgh.
  • Give me a rugged coastline or a windswept hilltop. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the beginning of that half-century, intrepid aviators had hopped from field to field, begoggled and windswept on open chairs; at its end, grandmothers had slumbered peacefully between continents at a thousand kilometres an hour. 2061 Odyssey Three
  • Many of the fossils were found lying on the surface of a remote, windswept stretch of rock and dunes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracks leading up into the scrubby, windswept highlands of the Slieve Aughty and down toward silty creek beds and swift rivers flowing south and west toward Lough Derg and the Shannon. Earl of Durkness
  • The second image was of a windswept, fork-bearded and eagle-eyed man of craggy features, huge and solid, wearing boots and an Inverness cape, next to his wife, a diminutive and elflike waif with a strange and unearthly smile. INTERVIEW: John C. Wright
  • Walking on wet limestone is like walking on ice and the windswept nature of the region makes death from exposure a very real threat.
  • After saving the life of the President, two Secret Service agents find themselves abruptly transferred to Warehouse 13 — a massive, top secret storage facility in windswept South Dakota which houses every strange artifact, mysterious relic, fantastical object and supernatural souvenir ever collected by the U.S. government. SCI FI Takes the Lock off Warehouse 13 : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • At the Davidian property, a windswept meadow outside of town known as Mount Carmel, hundreds are expected for a memorial service on the anniversary at a modest chapel that was erected on the ground once occupied by the compound. Ten Years Later, Waco Feels the Weight of a Deadly Siege
  • The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.
  • You can just imagine the camera swopping up from below with a beating score and straight into the face of a windswept Gabriel Macht who in a gritty voice-over tells us how the women in his life are causing him trouble. My Poster Screams of THE SPIRIT! | Obsessed With Film
  • Birds and other unseen creatures scrabble about in the windswept bushes of central park, but I would rather not deliberate too much about that.
  • Yesterday the sounds of women weeping and wailing emerged from his modern semi-detached home on a windswept hill overlooking Nelson. Times, Sunday Times
  • They crop in close to her face, which is looking a bit tired and windswept, tendrils of dyed-blond hair blowing like stale cornsilk across her distinctly unretouched visage. Wood War! Who Wins Today's Grabby Tabloid Battle For Your Eyeballs?
  • Our new training oval that replaced the best surface in the AFL at Victoria Park, is nothing more than an undersized windswept ghetto that was once a swamp.
  • We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France.
  • The Three Little Pigs tells the tale of a porcine trio who set about trying to help Mummy Pig, whose windswept house seems beyond repair.
  • The old resorts are seen as melancholy places where the skies are perpetually cloudy and the beaches cold and windswept.
  • Brightly coloured bushes and flowers carpet the windswept hills, and in every hollow there are lakes or ponds teeming with black-necked swans, upland geese, ruddy ducks and silvery teal.

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