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How To Use Windpipe In A Sentence

  • The inside of her throat had swollen rapidly and already her windpipe was almost completely blocked.
  • This is a synthetic windpipe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until this time, a primitive plow was arduously pulled through rough ground by an unshod horse with a strap across its windpipe.
  • Experiment materials: jar , windpipe, limewater, flume and the experiment record chart for each group.
  • It sounds like you may be experiencing tracheitis - a painful inflammation of the windpipe itself caused by a bacterial infection. The Sun
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  • And when squirted into the windpipes of mice, the viruses infected the animals' lungs and delivered the marker genes.
  • This involves making a cut into the windpipe below the swollen part of your airway, providing a new opening through which you can breathe.
  • Find your pulse by placing your index and third finger on your neck to the side of your windpipe, over your carotid artery.
  • Placing the trachea within the blood - and nutrient-risk environment of the forearm "allowed a process called neovascularization to take place," wherein the donor windpipe grew a vital network of blood vessels, Sykes explained. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • He pressed his fingers against her windpipe and felt a faint pulse in her carotid artery. CODE BREAKER
  • The shape of the windpipe—or trachea—was molded, using a computer scan of the patient's own trachea, from a porous medical plastic called polyethylene glycol, then infused with cells from the patient in a bioreactor. How Close Are We to 'Printing' New Organs?
  • He had haemangioma or a tumour originating from blood vessels, which was bleeding inside his windpipe," said Gautam Mukhopadhyay, the head of surgical oncology at Ruby General Hospital who operated on Dago. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • The first windpipe was grown recently and the first liver will be grown in about five years' time. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt a chunk of unchewed carrot slide down the back of her tongue and lodge in her windpipe. Choker
  • I breathed in short, delicate gulps of air; but they simply lodged themselves in my windpipe.
  • Children younger than 3 years of age have croup most often because their windpipes are narrow - some children have it practically every time they have a respiratory illness.
  • When you breathe in through your windpipe, the air moves through your bronchial tubes into your air sacs.
  • Viro squeezed harder, his massive fingers digging into the man's throat; his windpipe broke and his head palpitated, turning reddish, then purple.
  • ‘I, I… I’ I stuttered out as Kage's arm pressed harder against my windpipe.
  • In October, Rehnquist underwent surgery to create a breathing hole in his windpipe.
  • When you breathe in through your windpipe, the air moves through your bronchial tubes into your air sacs.
  • He was later transferred to Middlesbrough General, where he underwent a 2 7hour operation to insert a tube into his windpipe.
  • When strongly acid it has no mean operation in rendering the expectoration more easy, for by bringing up the sputa, which occasion troublesome hawking, and rendering them more slippery, and, as it were, clearing the windpipe with a feather, it relieves the lungs and proves emollient to them; and when it succeeds in producing these effects it must do much good. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • The 13-month-old toddler had swallowed a tiny, disc shaped camera battery that damaged his gullet and perforated his windpipe.
  • He was going to do a tracheotomy, opening the throat and inserting a tube into the windpipe.
  • It stuck under her fingernails and blocked her windpipe and made her sneeze and splutter and cough.
  • The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in front of the windpipe in the neck.
  • Even though his windpipe was nearly crushed, he managed to gasp a single word.
  • He described correctly the action of the epiglottis in preventing the entrance of food and drink into the windpipe during the act of swallowing, he saw the lacteal vessels in the mesentery, and pursued further the anatomy of the brain. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • With every inhalation, air is sucked in through the windpipe or trachea, which terminates in two tubes called bronchi, one leading to the right lung, one to the left. Nature Cure
  • Until this time, a primitive plow was arduously pulled through rough ground by an unshod horse with a strap across its windpipe.
  • A pig's "pluck" -- _i. e._, the "lights," or lungs, with the windpipe attached. Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • A MUM'S life has been saved by the first transplant of a windpipe - made from her own stem cells. The Sun
  • Blood poured from the jugular into the windpipe, preventing an alarming scream.
  • The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe.
  • I called Eileen and started to complain in soft gentle tones, just kidding, really loud tones, until Eileen asked me in a rather hurt voice how come I am hollering like my windpipe just got back from a ski in the alps.
  • The researcher believes giraffes may use Helmholtz resonance, causing the air in their long windpipes to vibrate at a low pitch.
  • Each nostril opens into a short and rather narrow, but high, passage, known as the _nasal passage_, through which the air pours into the back of the throat, or _pharynx_, and so down into the windpipe and lungs. A Handbook of Health
  • He tugged at his tie, which was down by his sternum, as if it was crimping his windpipe. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • A nice section of low, wet wallows are the main attraction in the Giant's Windpipe, which was so much fun I almost wanted to do it twice.
  • On the other hand, the windpipe and the so-called larynx are constructed out of a cartilaginous substance. On the Parts of Animals
  • In primates the larynx is located high up in the windpipe and prevents solids and liquids from entering the lungs.
  • The larynx descends in the throat until the windpipe and foodpipe are lying side by side.
  • Just as we crossed a little opening, Johnnie fired, the ball cutting Bear's jugular vein and also his windpipe, but the bear still seemed to have a "hankering" after me and kept coming for several yards. Thirty-One Years on the Plains and In the Mountains
  • In less than 35 milliseconds the glottis (a tissue flap that guards the entrance to the trachea, or windpipe) closes and produces the characteristic sound as the incoming air is blocked from entering the trachea. When a hiccup is more than just a hiccup
  • Also, they put such an emphasis on a fine throatlatch that I think they are making a smaller wind pipe. A big loose-hanging windpipe has a lot to do with air-exchange, which makes these horses able to gallop so well.
  • The worst disease, however, from which the pheasant suffers is "gapes," caused by an accumulation of small red worms in the windpipe that all but suffocate the victim. Birds in the Calendar
  • Other leading causes of death are lung windpipe and lungs , road accidents and low birth weight.
  • His big rough hand completely circled her throat, adding pressure to her windpipe.
  • Stem cells from amniotic fluid have been used to repair windpipe defects in unborn lambs while still in the womb.
  • He obviously had been in a fight, and I suspected a badly damaged windpipe or lung.
  • The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe.
  • When I was a pupil of elementary school, my windpipe is not well. When I catch a cold, I would speak little and watch a cartoon relaxedly .
  • She died from asphyxiation, the seat belt crushed her windpipe. THE EXECUTION
  • An X-ray revealed she had a condition called trachea oesophageal fistula and atresia, where the oesophagus and windpipe have not split properly.
  • A point of interest is that the windpipe, or trachea, is called "arteria," both by Aristotle and by Hippocrates ( "Anatomy," Littré, VIII, 539). The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • And it was Spanish surgeons who performed the first transplant of a windpipe manufactured from a patient's own stem cells, which meant that the recipient, Claudia Castillo, 30, escaped a lifetime of immunosuppressant drugs. Spain's family bonds lie at the heart and soul of great healthcare
  • When you inhale, air is carried through the windpipe to your lungs in two major airways called bronchi.
  • Numerous medical studies only mention tracheotomy -- in which surgeons cut a hole into a patient's windpipe to aid breathing -- as a treatment for a rare form of thyroid cancer called anaplastic carcinoma. Archive 2004-10-01
  • Expiratory stridor -- This occurs when your child breathes out and it indicates a problem further down the windpipe. Stridor (Noisy Breathing)
  • A point of interest is that the windpipe, or trachea, is called "arteria," both by Aristotle and by Hippocrates ( "Anatomy," Littre, VIII, 539). The Evolution of Modern Medicine A Series of Lectures Delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913
  • Scientists injected some of these mice with GFD, and then injected cat allergen into the windpipes of all the mice, including a control group that was not allergic to cats.
  • In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe, a tracheostomy may be performed.
  • In the case of gapeworms (often caught from pheasants) the birds will be seen gaping after exertion and attempting to cough up the worms which are anchored in the windpipe.
  • The changes of bloodstream dynamics, anaesthesia depth, analepsia and adverse effect before and 1 min after inducing, 5 mins after windpipe intubation and 5 mins after operation were observed.
  • If rain falls into the bird's mouth, theoretically it could sluice down the windpipe past the larynx and into the lungs.
  • All victims are suffering varying degrees of burns to their skin, lungs and windpipes, caused by inhaling hot gases.
  • The thyroid gland is situated in the throat, on either side of the windpipe.
  • This is not very common in adults but sometimes happens in young children with smaller, narrower windpipes.
  • The leopard obviously hadn't been able to close off the windpipe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The windpipe; a cartilage tube that sits between the larynx (voice box) and the bronchi (tubes that go into the lungs). Glossary
  • He was later transferred to Middlesbrough General, where he underwent a 2 7hour operation to insert a tube into his windpipe.
  • A hole had been cut in her windpipe and the main artery in her neck had been severed almost all the way through.
  • Sometimes, however, young children can have a cough because an object is stuck in their windpipe.
  • He pressed his fingers against her windpipe and felt a faint pulse in her carotid artery. CODE BREAKER
  • We cannot replace a pair of lungs, or a windpipe as we would material things in our homes.
  • She also has a hole in her windpipe from a tracheostomy to allow her to receive artificial ventilation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe, a tracheostomy may be performed.
  • Inside the neck is what is termed the oesophagus (whose other name is derived oesophagus from its length and narrowness), and the windpipe. The History of Animals
  • Once the grafts had matured they were used to reconstruct defective windpipes in seven foetal lambs.
  • The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe.
  • The second bullet slammed right into his lung, easily puncturing the tissue and crushing his windpipe against the back of his neck.
  • The strange mark seemed to go right across his throat, at the front, where the windpipe would be.
  • The tube contains a balloon which is inflated, blocking the windpipe.
  • He had an unusual assignment: they were being asked to grow a new windpipe for a patient. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe, a tracheostomy may be performed.
  • The windpipe is connected to each lung by a large airway called the bronchus.

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