How To Use Window In A Sentence

  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • Having drop-dead gorgeous, private, windowed offices makes it a lot easier to recruit the kinds of superstars that produce ten times as much as the merely brilliant software developers.
  • Should we no do a little what you call shopping for the babies, and haf a farewell feast tonight if I go for my last call at your so pleasant home?" he asked, stopping before a window full of fruit and flowers. Little Women
  • Every large town will have quite a few horologers and jewelers with a vast selection of fancy watches displayed their windows, with huge price tags to go with them.
  • One thing he does is get up to a little competitive devilry by unveiling the Google Pack, a parcel of software programs that you can download for free (if you have a Windows PC).
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  • The software is also a great customization solution for those who would like to alter the look and feel of the Finder, Dock and login window, making it easy to prebind and re-prebind their entire system or selected folders, run cron scripts, change startup mode and language, force empty trash, update "whatis," locate databases, and so on. Softpedia News - Global
  • Britain has a window of opportunity to bring her coastline alive again. Times, Sunday Times
  • A window slammed shut in the wind.
  • That's when I noticed the little sticker on the window explaining the purpose of the ‘Child Safety Lock’.
  • The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • In the early hours of New Year's Day, she said, Webb visited her home and smashed windows in her front door.
  • Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?
  • The features in this home are just too many to mention such as coffered ceilings, multi-light windows, heavy door and window casings, and other elements that give this home great charm. - Business News
  • The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
  • The Bedroom In The Sky is three-quarters windowed and the last window blocked off with a hardboard offcut insulated, floored, plasterboarded, plumbed and wired. April 1st, 2007
  • The invention concerns a cable drum having a non-cylindrical profile of its outer surface and the use of this cable drum in a window regulator system, particularly in a vehicle.
  • She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • An open casement window provides the painted studio's interior light.
  • It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows. Erma Bombeck 
  • As the pattering rain gradually came to a stop, a glimmer of light filtered through the window curtain.
  • He was asleep on the window, looking angelic as the moonlight shone in, making his skin a smooth pale lucid colour.
  • One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
  • All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing - the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.
  • I returned to my hotel to sit at the window and watch the grand son-et-lumière that night, the opening show of the south-west monsoon.
  • The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.
  • A stomach-teasing aroma of stewed food was in the air, and the thrumming of African bass guitar wafted through the open window.
  • All of their windows carry a ten-year guarantee.
  • It was the size of a monkey's fist and flew into the kitchen window with a thunk.
  • In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits. This week's new exhibitions
  • He lays it down on the workbench and stands there, staring out the window.
  • A rain squall dimmed the ward, and he closed the two nearest windows. THE OPEN DOOR
  • When they get married, they build a small windowless hut that lacks any source of heating for warmth or cooking. Cultural Anthropology
  • All homes will have high ceilings and large windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guest bedroom with a deep, recessed window to the front also benefits from en suite facilities and a fitted wardrobe.
  • She hears nothing but the breeze rustling the curtains of her bedroom window, and the angry blare of the television coming from her father's bedroom.
  • A City priest vowed yesterday that he is no longer willing to turn the other cheek and tolerate the repeated acts of wanton vandalism to the windows of the presbytery which is also his home.
  • The flat roofs that leak need to be replaced, as do the heating system and the windows.
  • There was a gang fight outside our window and a motorcycle rider was shot and killed. Times, Sunday Times
  • If looking at the stand from the oval, you're faced with a visage of plate-glass windows that lends a futuristic look.
  • Every morning he would be up before sunrise raring to go, throwing clods of earth at the windows of staff to awaken them.
  • Across the room, a pane of glass in the window cracked with a sharp pop.
  • I moved back to the window and stared again at the muddled urban view where the new intermingled with the old. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The apartment is big: tall, white walls; big, spacious windows; huge, airy rooms.
  • The newspapers were spread out over the big worktable under the windows, heedless of the smudging printers ' ink. DEATH IN FASHION
  • In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention.
  • As soon as the door closed behind her I hurried to the dirty window in the front room and I watched as she walked down the street looking remarkably out of place in the drab surroundings in her bright green dress.
  • The picture windows showcase vistas of the snow-covered mountains at their best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
  • At least one car was overturned and others had windows smashed by what locals described as a mini tornado that swept through the area shortly before 1pm.
  • In May it was burgled and the Victorian stained glass window was smashed.
  • Some kind of creeper was even growing across the windowpane, trying to get into the house. READY?
  • Somebody had bricked up all the doors and windows.
  • Then she went to the window and threw it open, looking down with despair at the six-storey drop to the courtyard below. TREASON KEEP
  • We haven't verified that it works, and if you want to mess around with your Windows Registry, as it suggests, that's your own affair and nothing to do with us, squire.
  • There is no mid-season transfer window in rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The treaty usually took place in the dishevelled drawing-room, after a round of the widely parted chambers, where frowzy beds, covered with frowzy white counterpanes, stood on frowzy carpets or yet frowzier mattings, and dusty windows peered into purblind courts. London Films
  • A new furniture shop with a three-piece suite in uncut moquette in the window next to a cocktail cabinet shiny as toffee.
  • The view of snow-covered mountains through the picture windows is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dirty orange glow escapes from half-open hatches, grilled vents, and small square windows of grimy glass, and the clangour of beaten metal can be heard far out into the endless snowstorm. Weapon Of Choice short story – excerpt « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • All the houses will have a traditional look with curved timber framed windows, decorative roof detail and over-door pediments.
  • Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
  • A grid of rhomboid forms, like windows in a high-rise, tilts and careens to the upper right of the 12-foot expanse of Lost Highway, as though rushing away.
  • In the spirit of the colonial revival, they replaced the Victorian era mansard roof with a hip roof with dormers, removed the two-story service wing, replaced windows and doors, and restored or embellished interior woodwork.
  • Your mail will probably be in the folder C: \Documents and Settings\your logon\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\ \Microsoft\Outlook Express, where your logon is your Windows user name, and a really long number is, well, you'll know it when you open the Identities folder. Latest from Computerworld
  • He dragged himself up the walk, dimly noticing that the front window was covered with condensation.
  • Our school is still fantastic inside but from the outside, with its boarded up windows, it appears gloomy, horrible and derelict.
  • The only sign of life there today came from a mouldy old caravan, all steamy windows and grimed with neglect, where a radio was playing Sunday morning music of the popular kind.
  • He recommends using paintable, siliconized acrylic caulk inside to seal areas where window trim meets the wall and frame. Saving Energy on the Cheap
  • As the light streams through the windows of the minivan and reflects off Joni's earrings, Joel remembers the way the late-afternoon sun used to glint on the river as he made his way back from class to his off-campus apartment…the way his heart used to pound whenever he caught a glimpse of his downstairs neighbor, a balalaika player named Clarisse. The Search
  • The burglar got into the house through the bedroom window.
  • [From the window of a dry-cleaner's in San Francisco. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • The latest additions to home collection includes bowls, boxes, picture frames, tealights and window ornaments.
  • She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window.
  • It overlooked an alley, and the bay windows were sun-blocked by the townhouse at 93.
  • Peche was able to create this dreamworld by breaking up a wall with a row of narrow windows, by giving the illusion of height with columns and pilasters, and by blurring the borders of a room.
  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • He balanced precariously on the narrow window - ledge.
  • The children would gather in a noisy clump at the rear window to shout encouragement and offer coaching tips to their pursuer.
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • We overbalanced and tumbled towards the window, smashing it and falling through.
  • He put a sheet of plastic over the broken window.
  • There were four curtained windows through which we could see that it was already dark outside, and a door that was slightly ajar.
  • The city is the first thing I see from my bedroom window when I roll up the blinds of a morning, except on those days when it is shrouded in a thick blanket of damp mist.
  • A and chronic smelly while stumbling out the telly lyrics courtesy of www. Im so fly Im so ferry and the way I flow is very ginsu or machete, move my pencil move his deli platinum band platinum bezzie make a straight girl out of lezzie magazine mac bezzie keep my windows like the prezzie press a button than Im stuntin my roof look like its duckin meter go - Business News
  • Music leaked softly from the windows behind him, when he'd resumed his seat on the glider.
  • Looks fabulous by my kitchen window. Times, Sunday Times
  • So Sanjay washes his own windows, hoovers his own floors and racks his brains.
  • The twelve-panel front door is surmounted with a transom window and framed by fluted pilasters supporting an open pediment.
  • Can I sit next to the window?
  • As he was walking past a ship chandler's shop, he was shocked to see handcuffs, leg shackles, and thumbscrews in the window.
  • If condensation collects on the inside of the window, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  • I want to hear him read some scary fiction or corny old poetry, play his nose flute, then get us all to open our windows and shout, ‘Excelsior, you fatheads!’
  • At one point he threw the lid of a shoebox out of the window. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some days she was listless, propped up facing the window, watching sunlight clock across the valleyed bedclothes. Spin
  • The breeze drifting through my window is warm, and somewhere I hear a bird crying over the water.
  • Looking out the window, I can see an orange flame of whimsical light skimming the horizon, and hues of blue to grey look down benignly from above.
  • When Mr. Presby, from the roof of the conservatory, had noted the direction he took, he had closed the window, and called the boatman to assist him. In School and Out or, The Conquest of Richard Grant.
  • The master bedroom has built in wardrobes surrounding the bedhead, two windows overlooking the front garden and an en suite bathroom.
  • But he could look at a switch when the transfer window reopens to get his season back on track. The Sun
  • Throwing my heart monitor out the window I plumped (no pun intended) for the dessert of fresh profiteroles served with butterscotch sauce.
  • With white lights twinkling around the street-facing windows, a single red rose on our table and the candle lamp glowing between us, our fondue dinner felt almost romantic.
  • Version 3.0 and the further improved 3.1 version of Microsoft Windows have changed the face of modern Personal Computing.
  • The stores that faced out into the streets did so with wide, gaping maws created by the shattered state of their glass windows.
  • It's on the fourth floor of a new development (with swanky security gates and a lift!) and from the window you can see right across London to the post office tower.
  • When I was last in Barbican part of the shell of the house was still standing, roofless, disfloored, diswindowed, and pickaxed into utter raggedness, as so much rubbish yet waiting to be removed from the new railway gap. The Life of John Milton
  • The company will also incorporate two species on one window and offers extruded solid bronze or aluminum cladding.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • Within seconds, the classroom was ablaze and flames began licking towards the roof and windows.
  • A cat less agile than the rest of his species had been known to entangle himself in the little swing window, and to hang there all the night, sending forth unearthly caterwaulings, to the unspeakable terror of Miss Wendover's guest, unfamiliar with the mechanism of the room, and wondering what breed of Hampshire demon or afrit was thus making night hideous. The Golden Calf
  • Follow it past the post office, past the chipper, past the strange shop with the begonias in the window.
  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • Secondly we changed the sampling mode, using dual monostable multivibrators to select the focusing window, which solves the sampling drift problem raised by SCM break.
  • The assistant peered through the window and saw a group of people feasting, drinking, and reveling.
  • Your materials are simple - muslin cut into 8-1/2 ‘squares to create the base window frames, and a variety of prints, calicos, or other fabrics to use for the windows.’
  • However, it said the 7,980 small-to-medium sized wide-body deliveries expected during that window would be worth $2.3 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • They did not give balls, and Antonia never appeared at a ground-floor window, as some other young ladies used to do attended by elder women, to chat with the caballeros on horseback in the Calle.
  • Developed by software engineer Octavian "Vivi" Costache as a Gmail Labs experiment, multiple inbox will split an inbox into selected windows based on what you want to see -- such as starred or draft messages. G4TV - The Feed
  • I hunt, corner and finally squash a wasp against the window. Times, Sunday Times
  • Screw windows to the frame for maximum security.
  • To tap into the latest in lowbrow zeitgeist, I just walk down Vermont Avenue here in LA, past the front window of crazy t-shirt store Y-Que (say "ee-kay," means "so what" in Spanish). Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
  • In fact, the completed windows do possess a freshness that is striking to find in the medium of monumental stained glass.
  • All she could hear was the barely audible swoosh of water going in and out the windows.
  • It has a large reception room with huge windows overlooking the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, as we so often see in the winter window, there is likely to be a flurry of activity towards the end of the month. The Sun
  • Eight men shared a tiny windowless area of the fish hold with four cardboard "bunks" resting on planks. Modern-day slavery: horrific conditions on board ships catching fish for Europe
  • Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
  • When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen. Table Tango
  • Lily pointed to the wall farthest from the window.
  • he posted signs in all the shop windows
  • Despite the bright blue woodwork, the artfully painted sign, and the Fablon fishes which swim across the display window. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • The sound of a car stopping outside the hotel drew me to the window as the waitress left me, and I was in time to see an old gentleman with a long white beard step from the interior of a Daimler landaulette, the door of which was held open by a dignified chauffeur, whose attire seemed to consist mainly of brass buttons. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls. The Financier
  • It's like setting Windows in hibernation mode so that it doesn't have to go through the entire boot-up process when it's called upon.
  • She leaned out of the window, trying to enjoy the fresher air; a scent of burning rubber drifted in.
  • These experiments led him to develop the calotype process, and the production, in 1835, of the first ever negative, a picture of the Oriel window at Lacock.
  • At the windows, curtains of heavy white jaconet muslin, not too full, hung in sharp parallel plaits to the floor -- just to the floor. The Sorcery Club
  • is there a way to disable the windows key (to the right of the left control) on the keyboard?
  • I lay in the bed with my eyes still closed but my mind was awake listening to the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves of the coconut tree near my room window.
  • That was all of the incident, but he heard Ruth muffle a dry sob in her throat, and noticed that she turned her face away to gaze out of the window. Chapter 26
  • Original walls over 2m thick and deeply recessed small windows moderate internal temperatures.
  • But very early on Monday morning, windows began to implode.
  • If I give you a boost, could you reach the window?
  • For a long time we have kept a small globe of the world in our front bay window. A Channel of Peace
  • The rain stopped as soon as we had positioned ourselves in the doors and windows overlooking the lawn and the porch.
  • A window lay open, and the curtain rippled gently in the night wind.
  • When Gardaí returned to the vehicle, three of its windows had been smashed in with rocks.
  • It was believed that the east window of the church dated back to the Reformation period.
  • He now writes from a desk at one end of a narrow room, walled on one side by windows looking east over the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • She cast one more longing look at the tempting bed before she walked to the window.
  • Shrugging, the teen walked over to the window above the sink: some light had managed to filtrate between the cobwebs and the dust.
  • He quotes from the diary: ‘a doodlebug comes over our bus and we all crouch down to avoid the shattering of the window-glass.’
  • The sunrays streamed through the window waking Caroline from her deep sleep.
  • But before he could reach the door he heard the steady beat of the life moderator, and at the sound of this he ran to the window.
  • Burglars hurled pedigree puppies out of the window during a raid on a house in Salford.
  • No, no crash for me, looks like it was a different issue, masked from the same IE error window. doh! Scripting News for 4/2/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • Consider, for instance, how the interior windows, glass balustrades, and switchable partitions create both a sense of openness and the ability to zone spaces for specific uses and privacy.
  • Please quit all applications, exit Windows, and try again.
  • Part 1 of this article series presents the DB2 security model, and discusses how user and group accounts interact with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (DB2).
  • He realized that they were coming from his bathroom and he opened the door slowly to see that the window was open and there was a big, black feather on the floor.
  • The body was low-slung, sweeping up to a neat fastback, the windows tinted dark.
  • The Mac's graphical user interface, soon replicated in Microsoft Windows, saving the world from the even more bureaucratic MS-DOS, was radical in its elegance and ease. William Bradley: Steve Jobs: Hardly a Perfect Person, Perhaps a Perfect Icon
  • The editor scans in video clips as thumbnails and displays the thumbnails in the clip window of the display.
  • Guiding the girls out of the mansion through the smashed windows, Robert led them around to the front of the house.
  • Forgive me for not wanting to take style tips from a man who looks like an Afghan hound with its head out of a car window. The Sun
  • “Santa Ana” winds, or foehn winds, are hot winds … when one of them starts to blown, his assumption that wind will cool down the UHI gets blown out the window. Parker 2006: An Urban Myth? « Climate Audit
  • Glass manufacturers and structural engineers are testing not only new glass interlayers, but also new window systems, including mullions, frames and anchors.
  • Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. 
  • The six Roman heroes stand high up in the side arches, above the entablature that crowns the actual windows in the wall.
  • Place the plants on a sunny windowsill.
  • Secure metal sheets were welded across windows and doors at the former 50-room hotel and restaurant to prevent squatters re-entering the property.
  • The prisoner escaped from the prison by knotting the sheets together and climbing down them out to the window.
  • This is a feature in Windows that downloads the software patches automatically onto computers.
  • A security number had been etched on the car window as a protection against theft.
  • The psychologist's room was bare and bleak with no windows.
  • Stephanie said she didn't mind and gazed out of the window, feigning disinterest. CHAMELEON
  • Each window sprouted a flag and blue metal mesh shutter. The Tribes Triumphant
  • A four-poster bed was crammed by a window overlooking an office block. Times, Sunday Times
  • Measure the size of the window and cut the cloth to length.
  • Anyway after holding him up with a knife Ivan has put Dave through a window so it really is time to run away.
  • Someone had opened a window and the cool morning breeze drifted in and ruffled the white hospital curtains.
  • Below the window hung a flyspecked oil painting of the Last Supper. Hunting Season
  • If you don't want to use a squeegee, you can wipe the windows with lint-free cloth, imitation chamois, or crumpled newspapers.
  • There is a bright fire gleaming through the red curtains of the bar window, and the door is open. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • It was a large castle with countless turrets, towers, and boarded-over windows.
  • It was only when I was on the second sachet and gleefully exhorting the recalcitrant bubbling cauldron to cleanse thyself, that the Gamekeeper ran in gasping and flung all the windows open. 42 entries from November 2007
  • Every window into the divine has its own angle and there is an infinite number of angles.
  • She looked out of the window at the children playing beneath.
  • The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are many exquisite details, carved doorways, potted plants framed by shaded windows.
  • The window is called _La frineste deüs caperas_ (_the priests 'window_). Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • Dragging the quilt around her she climbed out of bed and going to the east-facing window, she peered out. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • He saw himself reflected in the water/mirror/shop window.
  • Cut regularly, long before it reaches windows or eaves if it's heading that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • There in a window above the altar was Mary and her story, the annunciation and visitation; at the bottom of the window there was also a depiction of the donors, The Guild of Bakers.
  • Fifty-One Julie Craig heard the car pull up in the driveway and hurried across to the landing window-to look out.
  • Recently, cold weather caused condensation to form on the inside of the windows and the glass roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • They charged Brown for that broken window.
  • At the moment, shops have decorations in every window, and the neighbours are planning a cookout.

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