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How To Use Windfall In A Sentence

  • Some of you may get a windfall: property or a vehicle from parents or close relatives.
  • The inequity of allowing windfall profits to be appropriated by private landholders can thus be demonstrated more clearly than in George's day.
  • You could make a windfall profit - or you might suffer an exchange-rate loss if you encash those assets when the valuation currency is weak against your base currency.
  • A windfall profits tax is exactly how it sounds; it is a higher tax rate on profits that ensue from a sudden windfall gain to a particular company. Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
  • (In fact, a 90 percent windfall profit tax on the bailout-created profits of the 19 largest banks would be the ideal way to promote a robust caulker jobs program.) Les Leopold: Clinton's Cash for Caulkers? Not enough Economic Insulation
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  • While Texas is a community property state, it seems to recognize the fact that anything more than a short term rehabilitative support order is a windfall. Fred Silberberg: Alimony Reform
  • If the above seems to create an "unfair" windfall for stockholders or short term diminution of tax revenues, raise the capital gains rates. Al Checchi: Government's Travels
  • The tax rebate is a Barmecidal windfall, coming as it does in the wake of new hidden taxes on consumer goods and services. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • An annual windfall of up to £83m could be ring-fenced to create an improved business environment, through better roads, streetscapes, traffic control, and offering a better service for tourists.
  • In fact, many Senators themselves are likely to reap enormous windfalls.
  • One thing for certain: this unexpected financial windfall will most definitely not be a handicap to the club.
  • The government will reap an economic windfall in time for the next general election, economists have predicted.
  • The sales pitch is usually aimed at those who may know they will receive an inheritance or cash windfall in the future from vested share options, large bonuses or a cash lump sum from their pension fund.
  • Why are we offering you the chance of such a fantastic windfall?
  • But the factors that created those past windfalls may not reoccur, meaning the fund managers may not match their previous returns as more money chases fewer opportunities. Vulture Funds Circle Troubled Companies
  • Orkney Islands Council has received a £3 million pound windfall for housing.
  • How did Spain manage to waste one of the biggest financial windfalls in human history?
  • One oddity of the new system is the windfall it will bring unionized employers.
  • SCHIAVONE: That amid mounting concerns that the North American Free Trade Agreement has been a losing proposition for American workers and a windfall for transnational agriculture giants. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
  • To authorize private accounts is nothing but a windfall for financial institutions, and it will remove the safety net and an ironclad government guarantee for 80% plus of the population.
  • The government imposed a windfall tax on some industries.
  • The natural diaster is a pure windfall for you because your cost remains $.50 while your revenue explodes. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Allowing EnCap to substitute 'recyclables' for dredge would mean a huge economic windfall for EnCap, less environmental benefit, and could result in criticism due to the concessions DEP made," Brand wrote. Development: A cautionary tale
  • Meanwhile for the transnational companies that dominate the global coffee economy, the slump in coffee prices is generating windfall gains.
  • The fortunate ones clutch tiny plastic bags of black sand, a pound of which counts as a windfall.
  • Back in May of this year, we reviewed the performance of various windfall shares received following the demutualisation of various building societies.
  • In so doing, they will reap windfall profits from a property redevelopment scheme.
  • Europe's largest mutual is expected to demutualise, triggering a modest windfall for policyholders, in a move that already has the industry's largest global life players keeping an eye on developments.
  • Remember that the fall in price, what's bad news for the hotelier is the consumer's windfall. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2009
  • In addition, however, your insurance company has announced its intention to demutualise and so you may also benefit from a windfall payment.
  • Obviously our membership structure is different to most other mutuals which means we can't pay out the windfall in cash.
  • As the cofounder, part-owner, and chief scientific officer of Ambergene, Cano stood to earn a hefty chunk of any windfall that might result.
  • The trader may have just gotten lucky and experienced a profit windfall.
  • Flynn explained how Great-Aunt Bunty's windfall could not have come at a better time. TICKLED PINK
  • The scale of the sudden windfall has aroused suspicions that insurers had been busy in previous years squirreling away unnecessarily high reserves.
  • The subtitle kind of pisses me off: "In a 'freaky windfall,' four women earn their first nominations for solo screenplay work. January 24, 2008
  • I mean there is a sense of what the -- the idea was, in large part, is that the bill was going to tax what we call windfall profits, profits that are thought to be higher than reasonable on oil companies, and use that money to fund alternative energy. CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2008
  • The size of any windfall is crucial to borrowers who are deciding which way to vote because they will have to pay higher mortgage bills if the lender demutualises.
  • A massive lottery windfall has secured the future of one of Southampton's best-known and most historically important landmarks.
  • The windfall will see the creation of new classrooms and libraries to improve the learning environment for children.
  • By now the scent of rotting windfalls were heavy on the air, and the apples were taken from the trees, turned into jam, or stored among layers of straw for use later on.
  • The boom in financial services continues to provide a windfall for the country's top legal and accountancy firms.
  • So do not be disappointed if you fail to receive a windfall or secure your greatest ambition.
  • For the record, I don't think giving financial corporations a huge windfall is the main motive for privatization; it's mostly an ideological thing. More on Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Actually, Obama proposed a rebate of up to $1,000 per family to defray increased heating oil costs, funded by what he calls a windfall profits tax on oil companies. "And John McCain either doesn't know who the Prime Minister of Spain is, thinks Spain is a country in Latin America, or possibly both."
  • The natural diaster is a pure windfall for you because your cost remains $.50 while your revenue explodes. The Case for Price Gouging, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Witherslack's Windfall Co-Operative is adding value to the local damson crop by making handmade preserves with fruit from orchards within the parish.
  • Now the windfall tax threshold is 40 US dollars each barrel.
  • Brown also rejected calls to levy a windfall tax on the oil companies, which have announced significantly increased profits in the last month.
  • Bowling enthusiasts in Castle Point were celebrating today after landing a lottery windfall.
  • Yet such a huge amount of cash will ensure the company remains a target for carpetbaggers, with policyholders potentially benefiting from ever-larger windfalls were the Edinburgh-based insurer to float.
  • The Chancellor could also hint darkly at the possibility of a windfall tax on the oil companies.
  • Company executives could take heart from the success of another firm at repelling a raid from carpetbaggers after members last week turned down windfalls to support the management.
  • Big business swallowed the windfall tax on utility profits to fund the New Deal and Brown's dawn raid on pension fund dividend income.
  • Extending terms of existing copyrights eviscerates this deal, granting a windfall to corporate copyright holders and heirs of famous artists in exchange for nothing, since the creators are mostly dead.
  • I do not like being asked to pay large sums of money for windfalls to the improvident, but given the choice between improvident families losing their homes and stock and bondholders in improvident banks, I know whose windfall I’d choose to hand my a share of my income to. Feh
  • The improved cash position also raises the possibility of higher windfall payments to policyholders.
  • I resolved to dig myself out of this mess and, following a hard-earned windfall and the sale of some shares, I cleared all of my debts in a very short time.
  • The difference between the two planes is that Senator Clinton wants to slap you with a 50 percent profit on what she calls windfall taxes, you profit above a certain level, not a good idea? CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2008
  • However, Keane said property developers were unlikely to enjoy the same financial windfalls in future.
  • Surely, if the technology is there, the government could use its windfall to give grants towards the cost.
  • But in the summer and early fall, it was women who foraged in the woods for windfall branches, returning home with brin bags full of brambles and loads of bresneys and blasty boughs on their backs so large that "you just could see their feet coming along the road. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Saying no requires dedication; so does persuading recent hires to turn down a quick windfall.
  • A struggling cricket club has been given a new lease of life following an unexpected cash windfall.
  • A victory in the play-off final two years ago did salve some wounds, however, and the expected 400,000 windfall from Sky for the Newcastle game should heal a few more.
  • In fact, Mr. Romer and innumerable consumers of transistor-based products such as personal computers have played a critical, "venturesome" role in generating their windfalls. Consumers Can Still Spot Value in a Crisis
  • Investors each received a windfall of £3000.
  • What better nature study than right here at Mexico´s largest natural (or unnatural for that matter) lake and I have this endlessly interesting natural habitat just about all to myself free-of-charge and sitting on my exclusive bench overlooking the inland sea charming in the infracted fall light and churned up by October and November breezes and I wish to thank the Chapala municipal government for this windfall. Tha New Ajijic Malecon
  • Any windfalls make great apple pies and chutneys.
  • Gather the windfalls from under the plum trees.
  • So do not be disappointed if you fail to receive a windfall or secure your greatest ambition.
  • I made a show of losing my place and starting again twice before they chased me to the bar to buy a round with my unexpected windfall. THE MANANA MAN
  • And if Congress then had to tackle French-fry oil speculators and impose a windfall profits tax on Big Spud, well why not? Cap and Trade for Gasoline?
  • A windfall of a few grand would be very welcome, but now that we are all aware of the problem we are taking steps to sort everything out.
  • This windfall could come from a new approach to government allocation of airwaves, moving use to the booming mobile and broadband industries from underuse by older technologies such as television. Spectrum Auctions? There's an App for That
  • But I don't think giving financial corporations a huge windfall is the main motive for taxpayer-funded superannuation; it's mostly an ideological thing. More on Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Voice over For growers across Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire the extra demand for apples is truly an unexpected windfall.
  • Press Association Darling plans windfall 'supertax' - 33 mins ago BBC - Ouch
  • If the bonds appreciated, should speculators pocket the windfall?
  • Furthermore, several building societies and mutual life assurance companies have converted to listed companies over the past fifteen years, providing windfall shares to their members.
  • She had an unexpected windfall of a thousand pounds when a cousin died.
  • Since 1999, the territorial government has reaped a financial windfall at the end of every year, in the form of unspent salaries and benefits created by its numerous staff vacancies.
  • Although uncommon, large blowdowns generated from inland hurricanes provide an opportunity to study the effects of catastrophic windfall.
  • Striding ahead of the rest has landed a Lancaster theatre with a huge cash windfall.
  • A public offering should bring a windfall for a group of hedge funds, led by Silver Point Capital LP and Elliott Management Corp., which together invested about $350 million in Delphi debt and fended off a purchase bid by former parent, General Motors Co. and Platinum Equity. Delphi IPO Signals Auto Industry Rebound
  • He wants to really reduce our dependence on oil entirely, invest in wind and solar and biomass, get away from our dependence on oil, and at the same time in the short term impose a windfall profits tax on the huge profits that oil companies get, and use some of that to help consumers here in the United States. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2008
  • Now the windfall tax threshold is 40 US dollars each barrel.
  • Friday's Wall Street Journal editorial, "Barack's Windfall Reversal," in barely contained gleeful terms crowed that a transition spokesman "explained this week that that the drop in oil prices to $50 barrel has made the windfall tax a dead letter. Raymond J. Learsy: Obama's Oil Company Windfall Profits Tax and the Wall Street Journal's Celebration
  • The privatized utility companies may be faced with a windfall tax on the profits of the last few years.
  • The windfall could be as high as €3,000 each, which would mean a €300 million boost for the economy.
  • We filled the tub with ripe fruit, and tonight it will join our windfalls in an apple and blackberry crumble.
  • Bergstrom's victory set the stage for Watson's $22 million windfall.
  • So I got a small windfall recently, and though most of it will be going to appease the tax man, I decided that I could afford to buy myself a kind of spendy present last week, because hey. I'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.
  • And if the sender was dim enough to send a pricey article thinking it a mock-up, I was in for a windfall. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • They have also had to put up with an increase in motorbikes and quad bikes along the footpath at the back of their homes, which was hard-surfaced with the £6,500 windfall.
  • The windfall began when an underwriter stepped up with a £25,000 check and issued a challenge to other guests gathered at the studio party.
  • The popularity of text messaging has delivered an unlikely windfall for mobile phone network operators.
  • No unearned windfall profit would accrue to the landholder.
  • Three community groups serving East Lancashire have scooped a lottery windfall of more than £600,000.
  • ROBERTS: But Democrats are saying that the companies could avoid these taxes on what they call windfall profits if the oil companies put that money into alternative energy sources. CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2008
  • This looked and sounded like a Chancellor who was holding on to the Treasury windfalls like a miser hoarding his coins.
  • The couple's budget is too small to realise their dream of expanding the haven to include new kennels, a cattery, an education centre and a hospital but they keep hoping for a windfall.
  • We filled the tub with ripe fruit, and tonight it will join our windfalls in an apple and blackberry crumble.
  • The VHI board has criticised the Tánaiste's move, saying it had been dipping into its reserves since September 2004 in the expectation it would receive the windfall from its rival.
  • The apple tree in the garden has started shedding windfalls from its lower branches and there's a good pie's worth to collect most mornings.
  • The State Government could bring forward the completion of the Indian Ocean Drive project if it receives a revenue windfall.
  • The Green Party wants to levy a windfall tax on land when it is zoned for development.
  • The organization's board is expected to meet in the next few weeks to decide what to do with the windfall.
  • We walked round the gardens looking at the pears and spotted a sign that said you were allowed to eat the windfalls but not to pick the pears off the trees.
  • Joan, who has worked at Blackburn Royal Infirmary since 1987 and on the children's surgical ward for the last nine years, said she was shocked but delighted by her windfall.
  • Opponents charge that this system artificially inflates the cost of peanut products for consumers and provides a federal windfall for quota-holders.
  • I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.
  • A.I.G. is seeking $350 million in damages from ICP as well as what it calls a "windfall" made by Moore. NYT > Home Page
  • They know 'bout what a musicker like you should make in a night, barrin 'windfalls," he replied. The Lark And The Wren
  • She had an unexpected windfall of a thousand pounds when a cousin died.
  • The four bills combine to provide nearly as much of a tax windfall to the wealthy, $733 billion, as last year's omnibus measure, which would have cut taxes for the rich and the upper middle class by $792 billion.
  • Overall, these are truly terrible transfers matched with no meaningful windfall material and sound like a 1950s transistor radio.
  • However, let us not get carried away by this success and be realistic and pragmatic with our oil windfall.
  • In sum, the Finance Minister dipped into the PRSI fund, diverted a euro windfall due to the Central Bank and brought forward the deadline for company tax payments.
  • But these were the one-off fruits of the disendowment of the Church (mainly the dissolution of the monasteries), a windfall which was unrepeatable on the same scale.
  • I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.
  • I can already see the big oil companies skirting their away around a Clinton or McCain initiated windfall profit tax. New Obama response spot on the gas tax
  • But Duffin strongly disputes this, saying that just because Scottish Life is for tax reasons barred from handing out large windfalls, it doesn't mean it is being ungenerous.
  • Banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochedale Securities said in a note yesterday that buying some or all of MF Global might create "a windfall profit" for Goldman.
  • Bush's tax package, just passed by the US Congress, will deliver massive windfalls to the rich.
  • He also urged the government ‘to commit any unspent contingencies and any revenue windfalls to debt reduction.’
  • Blinded by the glittering of gold, a multitude of people are sucked into the maelstrom of seeking windfalls by whatever means within reach, legal or illegal.
  • Special secretary of the ministry Rita Menon said at a session in Petrotech 2009 that the windfall tax had been a proposal to 'formalise' the discounts offered by state-run oil producers as part of the subsidy-sharing mechanism. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Wearing a white dhoti, or wrapped pantaloon, and a faded striped shirt, the 90-year-old king looked less like the man sitting on a $22 billion windfall and more like a retired scholar.
  • Everywhere spotted leads, game trails, and runways had been hacked, trimmed, and widened into more open wood-walks; foot-paths enlarged to permit the passage of mounted men; cattle-roads cleared, levelled, made smoother for wagons and artillery; log bridges built across the rapid streams that darkled westward, swamps and swales paved with logs, and windfalls hewn in twain and the huge abattis dragged wide apart or burnt to ashes where it lay. The Hidden Children
  • The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000.
  • Obama proposed a rebate of up to $1,000 per family to defray increased heating oil costs, funded by what he calls a windfall profits tax on oil companies. The Online Magazine Formerly Known As Rob's Blog
  • We ate fruit from the trees or windfalls without washing them and ate carrots pulled from the ground (after we'd dusted the dirt off with our none-too-clean hands).
  • Darling plans windfall 'supertax' - PA Guardian. Home
  • In our country there are people obsessed with windfall profits and fabulous wealth.
  • Nay, and the picnics were the means, although indirectly, of bringing me a singular windfall. The Wrecker
  • It common knowledge this gonna be the windfall of the century. BAD MEDICINE
  • In an effort to remain mutual, many building societies forced new account owners to waive their rights to any forthcoming windfall shares.
  • Pensioners whose hopes were raised almost beyond belief by news of a £2.8million windfall have condemned fraudsters behind the scam.
  • Jones says growers ‘will roam their fields while on their cell phones to the commodity markets in Chicago,’ and attempt to bring home a financial windfall.
  • She had an unexpected windfall of a thousand pounds when a cousin died.
  • A study prepared for public utility commissioners of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legislation finds that “any allowance allocation” in deregulated markets “will result in consumer-funded windfall profits,” and says investing allowance auction proceeds in “technologies and strategies that directly reduce energy use and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is one effective strategy for lowering consumer costs.” Wonk Room » The WonkLine: July 16, 2009
  • As the apples begin to ripen, orders go out that all the windfall apples and the main crop later on are to be reserved for the sole use of the pigs.
  • We conducted an impromptu windfall apple hunt, nearly as much fun as an Easter Egg hunt, and went to feed the greedy beasts.
  • In your career, if you're looking forward, a promotion might bring you a short term windfall or growth but it might not take you to the top of the ladder or worse-to the top of the wrong ladder. News
  • The potential windfall was another $70 million or so.

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