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How To Use Windbag In A Sentence

  • Most had been disagreeable, pompous windbags at best.
  • I can think of no one in the whole world who could play a scheming windbag of a womaniser better than him!
  • Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Archive 2009-03-01
  • They can range from I-work-with-bricks-and-steel-and-you-don't macho he-men on one end of the spectrum to the pompous, condescending windbags affecting Wrightian capes and walking sticks on the other.
  • Fortunately, this windbaggery can often be ignored, as fewer and fewer Americans really take the elite media's opinions seriously.
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  • Ok, so I'm really nothing like him but if I was to be reincarnated as a pompous windbag that'd be the type I'd like to be.
  • Stuff the windbaggery about engaging with these people. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘He's a pumped-up windbag who should be denied the oxygen of publicity,’ she says.
  • Most people appear to regard all this future stuff as nothing more than pointless navel gazing, needless windbaggery, useless pontificating, worthless sounding off and aimless chatter.
  • They can range from I-work-with-bricks-and-steel-and-you-don't macho he-men on one end of the spectrum to the pompous, condescending windbags affecting Wrightian capes and walking sticks on the other.
  • Anything associated with 'Lord' Kinnock aka the Welsh Windbag is probably the female windbag and Welsh dresser. News
  • The windbags of ‘the international community’ huffily insisted that he did.
  • The Iowa caucuses of 2008 were not the end of our long national nightmare about race, but another stage in our protracted national nightmare of piety, “uplift,” and deceptive optimistic windbaggery. Blog Articles » Print » Christopher Hitchens Unloads On Barack Obama
  • We are blessed at Harvard in not having some imported windbag sound off to us in the Commencement exercises in the morning.
  • ‘What an old windbag,’ Saba sneered at King Mondo.
  • One wonders why this paragon of windbags campaigned so passionately for the republican cause in a country he hadn't lived in for over thirty years.
  • Yet before engaging in courteous battle of wits with the Welsh Windbag, I had seen the famous Silk pacing the small Robing Room at Lincoln Castle wracked with nerves before going into bat against an acknowledged second-rater of a judge. Archive 2007-07-29
  • It's because, on balance, I think he's a pompous windbag.
  • He likely wouldn't even make it out of the Republican primaries, where his pompous, self-absorbed windbaggery would put him at a disadvantage against his sucking-up-to-the extremist-base rivals. Michael J.W. Stickings: Why Newt Gingrich Won't Run in 2012
  • But the meeting continued way beyond its allotted time frame, mainly due to the fact that the pompous windbags who called the meeting in the first place couldn't stick to an agenda if their mothers' lives depended on it.
  • Generally, do conductors and big-name singers really need to be paid the kind of extortionate fees that they demand orchestral musicians suffer freezes on their already low pay because of these greedy windbags. Archive 2005-01-01
  • It is a document that some of our meat-headed media windbags would be well advised to read - even if they have to move their lips while they're doing it.
  • You may wonder that I got in such a taking over one pompous windbag spouting claptrap; usually I just sit and sneer when the know-alls start prating on behalf of the poor oppressed heathen, sticking a barb in 'em as opportunity serves-why, I've absolutely heard 'em lauding the sepoy mutineers as honest patriots, and I haven't even bothered to break wind by way of dissent. Isabelle
  • His propensity to windbaggery became progressively uncontrollable and members soon followed suit. Clegg nicks it against the oddities
  • You stepped in here, full of pompous condescension, spat on everyone you saw, uttered fatuous windbaggery, made bullshit claims, and then when challenged, went into pseudo-legal nonsense that wasn't even partially coherent. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • ‘The boy looks like a pompous windbag,’ Vandy interjected.
  • The warning didn't register with one windbag, and the committee members signaled the emcee to gavel the person off the dais.
  • I don't propose to have "-- _shake_ --" an old windbag offering _me_ his blubbery old bosom "-- _shake, shake, SHAKE_ --" at this time of my life! Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man
  • The opposition to the Governments proposed reforms to higher education is characterised by windbaggery on the part of Labour ‘rebels’ and Liberal Democrats.
  • Yet political windbaggery alone can't sink really deep in people's hearts and get them out on the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's hard to tell what is for real and what is just windbaggery. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And if you think I'm using big words, you should have heard these ivory tower windbags.
  • We may have to listen to this obnoxious windbag for another 6 years, bloviating on the Senate floor unrestricted.
  • As is usually the case with Washington windbags, these claims are hyperbolic.
  • Making fun of political windbags is a tried and true method of reducing their influence and puncturing their ridiculous high opinion of themselves.
  • But at Vital Speeches, we reject windbaggery, and toss those speeches out of our office by the flat-shovel-full. David Murray: Speeches: The Current State of the Oldest Art
  • I met some very nice and clever people, and deflated a couple of well-filled windbags.
  • Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The indictment against Adams, as I read it, is that he's a fat, pompous old windbag who assumes that anyone with an opposing viewpoint is a fool or a knave.
  • Too much windbaggery, not enough content. tom s. says: Richler vs. Glendinning
  • I trust they also will eventually tire of blow-hard windbags - whether the wind is blowing from the left or the right.
  • Yes, it seems to me we're headed for another bad election, from the point of view of the ‘decent’ people who want results, not more windbaggery.
  • Especially when the convention itself will be nothing but a bunch of boring windbags telling lie after lie.
  • And I would like to correct zoso; it as not 'Red Ken' but Neil Kinnock aka "The Welsh Windbag" ... Scrap the Mile Says Kinnock
  • It wants to stand as a sweeping spectacle of one of the darkest chapters in our young nation's history, but it only wants to accomplish it with words, not deeds, bombastic brays from bearded windy windbags, not gripping historical drama.
  • Neither the tsar nor the tsarina was suited to state dinners, pomp and political windbaggery. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are quite the pompous windbag with your "orgy of self-gratulatory principle-mongering". Let's talk about Dawg one more time.
  • We'll see if he follows through on the windbaggery. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Apparently it is a heady mix of desperation with underlying scents of money and old rope topped off with the faint whiff of sanctimonious windbaggery.
  • Just another example of these pompous, windbaggish, conniving Conservatives who are the very definition of "do as I used to say a long time ago but not as I have done since I got elected." bazoo says: John Baird decries irresponsible Japanese election - Beyond The Commons -
  • Eighth, political windbaggery is nothing new. Times, Sunday Times
  • It died because the Democrats and their media groupies overplayed their hand, as usual, and so turned a real scandal into just another fake scandal for senatorial windbags to huff and puff over.

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