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How To Use Wilt In A Sentence

  • In the spring, you will be letting the leaves wilt on their own and dry up.
  • Like other police forces, Wiltshire constabulary is not setting up a special squad or unit to deal with possible hunting law infringements.
  • Mrs King is being supported by her husband Simon, a police inspector with Wiltshire Constabulary, who is also a seasoned runner.
  • This day wilt thou either bring back in triumph the gory head and spoils of Aeneas, and we will avenge Lausus 'agonies; or if no force opens a way, thou wilt die with me: for I deem not, bravest, thou wilt deign to bear an alien rule and a Teucrian lord.' The Aeneid of Virgil
  • One major advantage of growing in containers is that you can keep plants free of common soilborne fungal diseases: verticillium and fusarium wilt.
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  • This ensured that the beaglers could not use the traditional Wiltshire Police tactic of letting the hunt drive away while holding sabs up.
  • Public and private opinion wilted before the simoon of calamitous report. Hidden Treasures Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail
  • With an open goal in front of him, Wiltord sliced his shot wide of the left post.
  • My green onion plant, that had sprouted six inches, suddenly wilted and died.
  • Another serious fungal disease in Africa is Fusarium wilt or Panama disease, which attacks the roots of the banana plant, affecting the vascular system required for mineral and water transport.
  • Some are prone to mildew and wilt; avoid tall kinds. Winter Garden Glory
  • Elsewhere in Wiltshire, flood warnings were in place in Melksham and drivers were disrupted by floodwater in Lacock.
  • Blossom wilt is caused by the same fungus that causes brown rot on apple fruits. The Sun
  • Wiltshire is currently ranked as the second safest county in the country.
  • The most common diseases are verticillium wilt and phomopsis blight.
  • Their strokeplay was confident as England's bowlers began to wilt in the heat. The Sun
  • Swindon residents who have been burgled could be reunited with their chattels thanks to the Wiltshire Police.
  • On return to air these leaves wilted and yellowed rapidly.
  • The hair has grown too long and is wilted. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Samples from areas B and C revealed no P. fragariae, no P. cactorum and no verticillium wilt.
  • Since the fire, arrangements have been made to move the family to Wiltshire.
  • Quoth she, "An thou wilt have it so, be it in my house, for there it will be privier both for me and for thee. Arabian nights. English
  • His first employers thought a Cajun audience might boggle at a journalist called ‘Wiltfong’.
  • Add the tomatoes, spinach, chilli and turmeric powders and fry till the spinach wilts a bit and the tomatoes are well cooled.
  • Latimer, despite having opportunity to preach often in London, soon grew weary of court and the king offered him a benefice at West Kington, in Wiltshire.
  • And I've never been swooped by a rosella in Wiltshire.
  • Beautiful areas of countryside in Wiltshire are to be safeguarded for future generations.
  • While people in the south of England favoured Wiltshire bacon smoked over oak or pine sawdust, people in the north liked ‘green bacon’ (unsmoked and often cured separately from the legs).
  • He is suddenly appointed rector of a wealthy, old-established and very beautiful parish in the heart of rural Wiltshire.
  • In three out of ten questions asked, Wiltshire was top of all shire counties in England.
  • Fusarium wilt kills plants by cutting off nutrient supply from the roots and is one of the biggest dangers facing lupin production in Europe and Russia.
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • Archaeologists have discovered an arc of buried megaliths that once formed part of the great stone circle at Avebury in Wiltshire.
  • Watch your plants and if you see leaves wilting, don't wait until they discolor and die, but find out the cause.
  • I ran the length of the new hallway, with its Wilton carpeting, faux hunting prints and brocaded wallpaper.
  • Add coriander and when wilted, slip the crab claws under the liquid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Main course was fillet of beef with a wild mushroom mousse, wasabi and potato rosti, wilted pak-choi and tempura vegetables and hoi-sin jus.
  • Dirty clothes lay strewn everywhere, half-full coffee cups grew mold, and the plant on the windowsill had died and wilted. AFTERMATH
  • This is blossom wilt, a fungus that also causes brown rot of fruit. The Sun
  • Over £50m of investment in affordable homes for rent is on the horizon for people living in Wiltshire.
  • As the death toll grew, there were poignant scenes at Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire as five coffins draped with the union flag arrived at RAF Lyneham and were met by sombre crowds on the town's streets.
  • They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding.
  • As a result, the family requested mourners to make donations to the Wiltshire Air Ambulance appeal in lieu of flowers.
  • She turned to the business people in south Wiltshire whose enterprises occupy listed buildings.
  • Then sprinkle some ham and some of the wilted spinach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shield, overmuch damage hast thou done to us this day, therefore return whither thou wilt, for here are no more will have ado with thee; for we repent sore that ever thou camest here, for by thee is fordone the old custom of this castle. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Wiltshire County Council is running a summer poetry competition to seek out the best local talent.
  • These are larger than most aphids and, left unchecked, will rapidly form colonies that cause the plant to wilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • An example will demonstrate this: plants that grow near water are usually heavy, with big, dark green leaves that wilt and break easily.
  • The plants wilted because of a lack of water and sunlight.
  • Western Oregon had been very low on rainfall that year, and even the plants in our backyard garden were wilting.
  • Thou mayst do this if thou wilt, pater non deperit filiam, nec frater sororem, a father dotes not on his own daughter, a brother on a sister; and why? because it is unnatural, unlawful, unfit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Then said she, “An thou wilt have it so, O our lord, it will be privier and better in my place than in thine, for here are slave-girls and eunuchs and goers-in and comers-out, and indeed I am a woman who wotteth naught of this fashion; but need compelleth.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The director of Amnesty International UK has appealed to the people of west Wiltshire to support the charity's campaign against the worldwide trade in deadly weapons.
  • Motorists who have hit potholes on roads in Wiltshire are planning to take legal action to recover the money they have paid out to repair their cars.
  • As a consequence, leaves may wilt or even be injured as previously observed for cucumber and figleaf gourd in response to low root temperature.
  • But you get what you pay for - chunks of Maine lobster astride poached eggs and croissants, with lemon hollandaise and wilted spinach ($25) or a heady omelet "bearnaise Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • These giant serpents originated the widely spread notions which typified the deluge and all destructive agents under the form of a dragon or monster serpent; hence, the dragon temples always near water, in Asia, Africa, and Britain; for example, at Abury, in Wiltshire; a symbol of the ark is often associated with the dragon as the preserver from the waters Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Experienced British thespians Brian Cox and Penelope Wilton have supporting roles as the matriarch and patriarch of the Hewitt clan.
  • A planted holly shrub and wilted pink daisies now adorn the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou wilt never be such a dogbolt as to refuse a hint to a friend? Peveril of the Peak
  • Grandpa Captain Wilton, of before their time, but whose wild and lusty deeds and pranks, told them by their fathers, they remembered with gustoGrandpa Captain Wilton, or David Wilton, or "All Hands" as the Hawaiians of that remote day had affectionately renamed him. The Kanaka Surf
  • Solar Wings of Wiltshire were given the award for their plane the Quasar.
  • Libraries across North Wiltshire will resound with festive cheer in the countdown to Christmas with a series of special events for children.
  • And he hath gathered in her the mightiest heroes of all Achaea, and hath come to thy city from wandering far through cities and gulfs of the dread ocean, in the hope that thou wilt grant him the fleece. The Argonautica
  • Once they cross the threshold of your home, cut herbs seem to go into supersonic wilt mode. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bishop Wilton is a delightful village, strung linear along a sparkling beck, containing old brick houses in a little valley terraced with sinuous greens.
  • The rest of the league has been waiting for a belly flop, but the Giants' cagey right-hander refuses to wilt.
  • O afflicter of thy foes, in compensation for all this vast misery wrought by Dhritarashtra's son, thou wilt attain to proportional happiness after having killed thy foes, O great king, O lord of men, the ways of the world are known to thee. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • These animals may have been brought by foreign dignitaries who came to pay their respects to Edith and her mother (the abbess of Wilton and a former queen).
  • He says Bunchy Top Disease disease and banana bacterial Wilt wilt can both affect entire plantations.
  • But she has now found her vocation with Wiltshire Ambulance Service.
  • Yes, nobody can forget the glory that Wenger brought to the team but what it s forgotten is that the glory came with guys like Berkamp, overmans, Viera, petit, Wiltord, Pires, Adam ..... and those guys were no spring chikens. Arsenal Mania
  • Duck himself as a thresher in Wiltshire engaged in an ordinary form of agricultural labour.
  • Arsenal's Sylvain Wiltord opening the scoring after 13 before wantaway Fulham striker Steve Marlet scored the second nine minutes after the break.
  • The birds also eat bugs and weeds, they happily devour food scraps such as wilted lettuce and carrot tops, and their manure can be composted into garden fertilizer. Lame Duck, Duck!
  • The actual truth lies midway between the "evenness" of Evelyn and the "great hills" of Pepys, and to the man of Wilts that word "Plain" will ever summon up a vision of rolling downs, a short, crisp, elastic turf dotted with flocks, and broken here and there by some crested earthwork or barrow, which rears itself from the undulating Down, and breaks the skyline with its sharp outline. Stonehenge Today and Yesterday
  • If the soil is moist but the plant still wilts, mist over the plant lightly to increase humidity.
  • West Wiltshire District Council is introducing a new twin bin scheme, which sees recyclable waste and regular rubbish collected on alternate weeks.
  • Now thou hast loved me one whole day, Tomorrow when thou leav'st, what wilt thou say? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • There may be more than one group of wiltjas belonging to several branches of the one family.
  • Trial on the trait of resistance to wilt of Aleurites montana shows that it is the species highly resistant to this disease.
  • And now for my felfe, I am come vnto thee, hauing deoeiaed theic men ofarmes here, bearing them downe that I was Brutus: and doe not refufe to fufier any torment thou wilt put me to. The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections and Illustrations of ...
  • They have seen, rather, the person-hood of their own parents wilt in the serfdom of materialism: for what else can we call the worshipful obedience to the commands of the advertisement? Orrologion
  • Navigating the toy aisle has been a wilting affair.
  • The half-time whistle sounded and traditional sliced oranges were brought round on trays for fans wilting from the sticky heat.
  • Researchers found that similar-sized Salsola kali plants took twice as long to reach the wilting point on saline compared to nonsaline medium.
  • The by-pass crosses Wilton Lane shortly after a roundabout.
  • The Raiders once again wilted as the game progressed, struggling to stop San Diego's high-powered offense and generating only one first down in the first 22 minutes of the half.
  • A planted holly shrub and wilted pink daisies now adorn the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The freshness of ingredients really stood out, as not a single speckled leaf, wilted green or bitter endive was to be found.
  • But there is a danger also: a person reared in such a hothouse environment may wilt once he or she steps into the broader society. Christianity Today
  • Too often he tended to wilt before the prospect of victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the home draw with Southampton, Arsenal were lucky to win 1-0 at Everton with Wiltord's miskick.
  • If using a woodier green like beet greens, chard, or kale, mix it in earlier than I do with the arugula so it has proper time to wilt. Sitcom Risotto
  • ‘I had already been awarded probationer for the year for Wiltshire, but it I was completely surprised to get this nomination,’ he said.
  • Following his death, his widow Ruth, who was just 27, quit Wiltshire and returned home to America.
  • The Wolves players wilted, the Bolton players grew and the officials did not dare give a decision against us.
  • Can the county council cabinet can now treat Wiltshire like some private fiefdom?
  • Streamer, quote van Mann zelf: ‘Je kunt zeggen wat je wilt, Mike Mann blijft voor altijd die kerel die de hockeystick verzon’ Volkskrant: The Hockey Team Strikes Back « Climate Audit
  • It is time for some common sense, for in a rural area like Wiltshire the car is not going to go away.
  • He will certainly need to better his stamina, as he visibly wilted in the later rounds, never having gone further than eight rounds in the past.
  • It is then cut down, left to wilt and dug into the ground, returning the nutrients to the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Wq Ihall fee as foon as a temptation meets with thee, whether the word abides in thee; if it abide, thou wilt not fin, but refill: the tempter. Scripture truths demonstrated, in thirty-two sermons; or, Declarations of Stephen Crisp
  • At a country-house dinner in Wiltshire, my hunting friends tell me the cubbing is fantastic this year and the sabs seem to have disappeared to the guinea-pig farm.
  • He made his debut in the Holt Cup quarter-final against Wiltshire.
  • It was a potential measure to screen antagonistic bacteria and produce microbial germicide in the control of fusarium wilt of banana.
  • Importance of plant spacing and sclerotial position to development of Sclerotinia wilt of sunflower Xml's
  • The skull of a woolly mammoth found in a Wiltshire gravel pit will form the centrepiece of a new education centre.
  • Wilton, in particular, is a scream as gentle-voiced Mum, who delays the group's flight while she makes nourishing sandwiches for everyone.
  • Occasionally it can be attacked by leafy mistletoe, verticillium wilt, fungal diseases, stem borers, scale, and some rodents.
  • A music-making course at Wiltshire Music Centre gave youngsters the chance to perform a live gig.
  • Quoth she, An thou wilt have it so, be it in my house, for there it will be privier both for me and for thee. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When I was leaving Wiltshire yesterday, J gave me a pre-release copy of the CD that records this journey.
  • And students and their tutors from schools, colleges and training companies from all across Wiltshire will be honoured.
  • And unlike a bouquet of roses that wilts in days, they might actually reflower. Statesman - AP Sports
  • Wiltshire's deputy coroner William Bache delivered a verdict of accidental death.
  • And the emeer said: "Draw near to him, and investigate his case: perhaps he will discover it, and perhaps thou wilt learn his history. The Arabian Nights Their Best-known Tales
  • We just have to pick and choose, hoping to get some meaty bits in a sea of wilting lettuce, processed coleslaw and mass produced pavlova.
  • The town council and North Wiltshire District Council are not issuing any statements.
  • The veterans in the group marched behind the standard of the Wiltshire Regiment that was carried by Harold Dunn.
  • Two wilting sides then slugged it out toe-to-toe in the extra 30 minutes before Town finally delivered the knock-out blow.
  • Rose Wilt was long thought to be a suspected viral disease caused by grafting scions onto imported root stocks from the U.K., Canada and Australia.
  • The hops got the wilt, a fungal disease in the soil, and were taken out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like its parent, the new entity will be run from Wiltshire.
  • North Wiltshire MP James Gray has added his voice to the growing chorus of dismay over plans to build a tunnel under the M4 from Swindon to Wootton Bassett.
  • It's best to make a large batch as it can sit well in the fridge and is easy to warm through with a handful of wilted greens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it is for thee to wail likewise, claiming that this thing is not well, and that the other thing thou dost not like, and that to be the wife of the Factor is more than thou didst bargain for, only wilt thou be content with more blankets, and more tobacco, and more wealth of various sorts for thy poor old father, Snettishane. THE MARRIAGE TO LIT-LIT
  • Today thousands of students across North Wiltshire will open letters and scour noticeboards for the exam results which will change their lives.
  • There are already clear early warning signals of the toll on demand from wilting confidence and squeezed spending power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Awash in that destroying beam, Gerrard's sword wilted and fell to the ground in a silvery puddle. Mercadian Masques
  • Then, as the heat of the coals wilted the maguey, we would fold the pencas over, one by one, in a basket weave over the top of the coals.
  • He had been an antiquary and collector, who at one time owned the Wilton Diptych, now in the National Gallery, London, and was also one of the people who refounded the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1717.
  • The herbage was allowed to wilt for approximately 48 hours and was then chopped with a forage harvester and conserved.
  • At a country-house dinner in Wiltshire, my hunting friends tell me the cubbing is fantastic this year.
  • He had been an antiquary and collector, who at one time owned the Wilton Diptych, now in the National Gallery, London, and was also one of the people who refounded the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1717.
  • The service is available to all adults receiving non-residential care from Wiltshire County Council.
  • He is not the only banking boss to have wilted under the pressure of the job. Times, Sunday Times
  • About 100 terraced houses in Vincent Street, Hampshire Street and Wiltshire Street will be demolished and new football pitches, plus two floodlit artificial pitches, will be built on the site.
  • He is recognised for his unstinting work for veterans of the former 4th Battalion of the Wiltshire Regiment, affectionately known as the Vly Club.
  • The design is being digitalised and will be used as the logo for the North Wiltshire District Council initiative's directory which is due to be launched this Summer.
  • We may judge the effect from the serried assortment of military badges and other devices on Fovant Down in Wiltshire.
  • If plants start to wilt slightly water them right away.
  • On viburnums, pieris and camellia, symptoms are very similar, the disease causing wilting and ultimately death.
  • Now when Al-Abbas heard Hodhayfah's challenge and saw Sa'ad in this case, he came up to the Emir and asked him, "Wilt thou suffer me to answer him and I will be thy substitute in replying him and in monomachy with him and will make my life thy sacrifice? Arabian nights. English
  • Nicky and Graham Hill, from Wiltshire, were accompanied by two of their salukis - sleek hunting animals bred in the Middle East for thousands of years.
  • There are already clear early warning signals of the toll on demand from wilting confidence and squeezed spending power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Wiltshire Yeomanry, the oldest yeomanry unit in the British Army, paraded through Devizes on Sunday to celebrate ten years since it was granted the Freedom of the Town.
  • Wiltshire Chief Constable Elizabeth Neville has also been honoured and been made a Dame.
  • If any of the cut leaves wilt and turn brown, remove and dispose of them.
  • He said in August Gibbons had managed to detoxify and was now seeing the Swindon and Wiltshire Alcohol and Drugs Service regularly.
  • The director also gets the pub in Mayfair, valued at about 2.25 million pounds - and the Ashcombe House estate in Berwick St John, Wilts, which is worth 10 million pounds. Top Stories - Google News
  • For their part, China's leaders want to prove to their people that they aren't wilting under Western pressure.
  • Surely the unchallengeable fact is that Wiltshire County Council, after a considerable period of negotiation, consultation, and debate, decided on the Eastern route as their preferred option.
  • P.S. - Guv - Did you include the Wilts Dog Handler who was stabbed a couple of hours ago? Final Fantasy « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • “Pay thee wages, quotha?” said Milnwood to himself, — “Thou wilt eat in a week the value of mair than thou canst work for in a month.” Old Mortality
  • Wiltshire sits in her dining room by a painting of a crone in Welsh costume with black stovepipe hat.
  • Go thy ways, old Jack; die when thou wilt, if manhood, good manhood, be not forgot upon the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring. The first part of King Henry the Fourth
  • “A cast of their office, and a cast of mine,” answered the bailie; “a cord and a confessor, that is all thou wilt have from us.” The Monastery
  • All of that glamour wilts under the scrutiny of tough-minded business analysis.
  • Philip could see David wilting as the conflicting desires to help his sister and to look for peace came against each other.
  • Add the spinach and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes, or until the spinach has wilted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The passing away of Basu - India's longest-serving chief minister whose unbroken 23-year-old rule of a Left Front coalition in West Bengal state is a history in itself - is seen as a blow to the communist movement in India, wilting under fragile unity, political "foolhardiness" and lack of pragmatic icons. INTER PRESS SERVICE
  • But we haven't wilted against a top side who are third in the table despite going a goal down so early.
  • A nightmare of wilt and mildew, of fungus and blackspot.
  • John Wiltshire really caught a tartar in King but still managed to keep him scoreless from play.
  • Physical and biological science wilted and died on the stony soil of Roman prosperity.
  • The skull of a woolly mammoth found in a Wiltshire gravel pit will form the centrepiece of a new education centre.
  • They all decamp to Karen Farnan's in Wiltshire Lane.
  • Woody plants including gooseberries, raspberries and even roses may suffer from dieback after their leaves wilt and shrivel, changing to brown.
  • Plants infected with verticillium wilt should be destroyed promptly because there is no chemical control.
  • These are skills that wilt in the heat of the race if duress has not become habit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The high-pitched cries of a hawker selling beans on the street floated in through the window, further away, cars were nosing against one another in long, exhausted petrol lines, lecturers were gathering to announce another strike, pensioners were raising wilting placards demanding their pensions, and Aunty Uju, freshly graduated from Ibadan, had a job at the military hospital in Victoria Island. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | Miracle
  • In the area I know, Somerset and Wiltshire, there is evidence of the involvement of the Welsh in this trade, and in particular, in the droving of cattle and sheep.
  • Mable: I use a 1M Wilton tip and it makes pretty frosting a snap! Chai Cupcakes with Cinnamon-Honey Buttercream
  • West Wiltshire District Council has agreed in principle to free up some land for the proposed redevelopment of the waterside area of Trowbridge.
  • Look for healthy plants having dark green leaves with no browning or wilting, and also choose those that appear rootbound.
  • Rubber components made in the small Wiltshire town found their way into railways all over the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too often he tended to wilt before the prospect of victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wiltord runs at Cisse and is relieved of the ball by a wonderful tackle from Cisse, who's having a fantastic game.
  • A destructive disease, water chestnut wilt has been found seriously in the south Fujian recent years.
  • Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Think Progress » Church Uses Marquee To Speak Out Against Beck: ‘Sorry Mr Beck, Jesus Preached Social Justice’
  • You may add anything you wish from the garden to the egg mixture - sautéed peppers, mushrooms, courgettes or wilted chard are particularly delicious.
  • He says bunchy top disease and banana bacterial wilt can both affect entire plantations.
  • Alas, I would fain not sing before one that can pipe so well and hath heard so many goodly songs and ballads, ne'ertheless, an thou wilt have it so, I will do my best. The Adventures of Robin Hood
  • We have lost too many champions to Dutch elm disease, chestnut blight, and oak wilt.
  • Serve alongside spoons of the spelt salad and wilted spinach leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lansdowne was a Whig grandee and for decades Bowood in Wiltshire and Lansdowne House in London were headquarters of Whiggism.
  • Wiltshire County Council's Cabinet agreed the increases which will come into effect in April.
  • In his letter in last week's Gazette, Vincent Doey referred to the future arrangements for the Parent Partnership Services for children in Wiltshire with special educational needs.
  • She had stretched out a wilted hand, peering with an expression canny, severe, and resigned. Son of a Witch
  • But he was a harder man now, he didn't wilt when confronted.
  • The youngsters are taking part in a project called Music Xpress and today's session is a taster for next week's four-day residential course at the Wiltshire Music Centre.
  • The vicarage will become the home of the new Archdeacon of Wiltshire, who is due to take up the post in September.
  • The arrivals terminal has its own rhythm: the early desultory pulses of the automatic door, then the great disgorge, and finally, as the crowd wilts away, the trickle of presumably more complicated arrivals.
  • The cancellation of a major display showcasing the three armed forces has been slammed by a Wiltshire MP.
  • Lindsay Duncan and Alan Rickman -- last stateside as perhaps the hottest Amanda and Elyot ever in Private Lives and before that as another pair of saturnine lovers in Les Liaisons Dangereuses -- also have their moments, as does Belton portraying a snake-eyed, quick-tongued Mrs. Wilton. David Finkle: First Nighter: Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman Unleashes Acting Blizzard
  • Thou promisest to heal their waters, but _their miry places and standing waters_, thou sayest there, _thou wilt not heal_. [ Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • It is also crucial to the survival of the red listed reed bunting in north Wiltshire. The area on top of the old landfill site supports a good number of snipe and in recent years internationally important numbers of the scarce jack snipe.
  • In the same skillet, cook the onion until wilted and browning, about 8 minutes.

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