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How To Use Wilderness In A Sentence

  • But I now understand how fragile its mighty wilderness really is.
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
  • What wilderness areas and national parks need is branded lodges and holiday homes that offer a guarantee of quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kislev is a land of dark pine forests, snow-clad wilderness and wind-swept steppes.
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
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  • The local landowners and crofters have countered with an alternative proposal for a Wester Ross Wilderness Area.
  • The word has reasserted the romantic, courageous quality that the poet Keats, in “Endymion,” gave it: “Adventuresome, I send/My herald thought into a wilderness.” No Uncertain Terms
  • A hairless philosopher who lives in the wilderness, meditates and kills people.
  • The Upper Peninsula, which is 90 percent forested, retains its aura of accessible wilderness. Pure Michigan Travel
  • It had been 40 years since the company closed the railway, but now there was again an echo in the wilderness, as the whistle blew once more.
  • Starting with only a loincloth , you must explore the wilderness to find water, food and shelter.
  • Lions remain stubborn and untameable symbols of a wilderness as rightly unknowable as they themselves are.
  • For some it means wilderness treks, hemp do-rags, and a rigorous recycling regimen.
  • Crafty collars made of beaten metal, neckpieces of wood and macramé, great big pendants and crosses are all back from the wilderness.
  • The salmon fishing, black bear, moose, and caribou sightings, and frequent stops for scouting and portaging easily turn running the Main into a weeklong wilderness adventure.
  • Instead, all the clifty defiles of the ranges were filled with the roar of flames and the crackling of burning timbers as town after town was given to the firebrand, and the homeless, helpless Cherokees frantically fleeing to the densest coverts of the wilderness, -- that powerful truculent tribe! The Frontiersmen
  • The early-twentieth-century cult of the wilderness further boosted the popularity of night air among the health-conscious.
  • Boone led about thirty axmen through the wilderness to clear a path, which eventually became a route to the new frontier and was called the Wilderness Road. History of American Women
  • Fertile soils and spontaneous vegetation, reeking with miasma and overpowering from their odour, we had exchanged for a drouthy wilderness of aloetic and cactaceous plants, where the kolquall and several thorn bushes grew paramount. How I Found Livingstone
  • For centuries herds of wild mustangs have roamed the American wilderness - breathtaking symbols of the spirit of the pioneers.
  • Despite this temporary lull in visitation, the demographics of wilderness visitors continued to change.
  • Ansel Adams' photographs of the American wilderness are now worth thousands of dollars.
  • He could see the grassy wilderness forming a high bank beyond the old bulging stone wall that held back the encroaching hillside.
  • He Began a strategy of attrition and, despite heavy Union casualties at the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania, Began to surround Lee's troops in Petersburg, Va .
  • I used to love trotting out of a morning to potter about the wilderness in my gown and pyjamas, all unshaved and generally unkempt.
  • Taking a wider view can introduce a sense of wilderness – such as this picture of flamingos and wildebeest in Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater.
  • The nurtured blossoms gave way to the electrified fence of the camel-racing track in the arid wilderness and then to seemingly trackless dunes like vast featureless waves frozen in motion.
  • Are you the voice from the wilderness?" demanded Hippy scowlingly. Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders Among the Kentucky Mountaineers
  • The countryside of Pisa had been ravaged by aerial bombardments and artillery barrages, leaving only a wilderness of roofless houses and smoking craters.
  • It's what every flashpacker really wants: wilderness adventures followed by wildly indulgent spa treatments. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have climbed mountains and canoed for eight-day stretches in isolated wilderness.
  • In this untracked and threatened wilderness, our small group will backpack between glacier-fed rivers, taking time for close observation and photography.
  • The result is a wilderness of ethereal beauty, teeming with wildlife that regards human beings as curious oddities, and a haunting loneliness that is almost tangible. Times, Sunday Times
  • To one flank rises a sweep of sand dunes that lead off into pristine wilderness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Across the warm, sun-filled expanse of wilderness their eyes met with an impact that held them both motionless.
  • John Muir envisioned national parks as pristine wilderness, without domesticated animals.
  • ‘Without system the field of nature would be a pathless wilderness,’ he proclaimed.
  • Besides the goat offered for the people the blood of which was sprinkled before the mercy seat, the high priest led forth a second goat, namely, the scapegoat; over it he confessed the people's sins, putting them on the head of the goat, which was sent as the sin-bearer into the wilderness out of sight, implying that the atonement effected by the goat sin offering (of which the ceremony of the scapegoat is a part, and not distinct from the sin offering) consisted in the transfer of the people's sins on the goat, and their consequent removal out of sight. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The manna that succored the Israelites in the wilderness was gathered in baskets, which thus formed part of a divine act of national salvation.
  • But only the tumbleweeds, sagebrush and cactus, that stood like splintered sentries, were visible in this vast wilderness.
  • Breadfruit -, mango - and orange-trees grew in the tangled tall grass, and the garden where the priests had read their breviaries was a wilderness of tiger-lilies. White Shadows in the South Seas
  • He had used his time in the political wilderness to cultivate the party's grass-roots.
  • It would be sad to see all your good work wasted, and the place revert to its former wilderness.
  • Trees touch something deep in the soul that naturalist John Muir recognized when he wrote, "The clearest way to the universe is through a forest wilderness.
  • The village was in complete wilderness, our toilet a local bush - keeping our eyes peeled for lions!
  • A few kilometres away from Madras city on the Coromandal coast, the boom of chisel and hammer rises in the sandy wilderness, above crashing waves and soughing winds.
  • One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 
  • Being a son of the wilderness, Owen Dugdale had probably never heard of the kindred terrors that used to lie in wait for the bold mariners of ancient Greece -- the rock and the whirlpool known as Scylla and Canoe Mates in Canada Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan
  • When it comes to schlepping dairy products into the wilderness, leave the squishy Brie and sweaty cheddar at home.
  • Upon a wilderness of ocean the human psyche makes a reckoning with its own essential loneliness.
  • The cultural landscape predates this, the only ‘wilderness’ of its kind in Portugal, which was created by the Order of Discalced Carrnelites between 1628 and 1630.
  • What urban child doesn't thrill to the idea of clear pools and islands, the cleanness, the space, the apparently ownerless wilderness that they can call their own?
  • Spend the morning canoeing then cycling, or kloofing, through the magical Wilderness reserve.
  • The region stretched down from the southern pole with minor settlements reaching further out into the wilderness.
  • Already, over unknown trails and chartless wildernesses, were the harbingers of the steel arriving, — fair-faced, blue-eyed, indomitable men, incarnations of the unrest of their race. “The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
  • After three years in the wilderness she was given a government post.
  • Though far remote from the ivy chaplet on Wisdom's glorious brow, yet his stump of withered birch inculcates a lesson of virtue, by reminding us, that we should take heed to our steps in our journeyings through the wilderness of life; and, so far as in him lies, he helps us to do so, and by the exercise of a very catholic faith, looks for his reward to the value he supposes us to entertain for that virtue which, from time immemorial, has been in popular parlance classed as next to godliness. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 437 Volume 17, New Series, May 15, 1852
  • His wilderness years in the 1990s were spent in North America.
  • When Mohammed opened the wilderness of the Arabian desert he carried the Koran in one hand and a sword in the other.
  • The court decision places him in the political wilderness until April 2008.
  • Many were cut loose and left to fend for themselves in the job-poor wilderness.
  • 'As I sat before the fire on my fir-twig seat, without walls above or around me, I remembered how far on every hand that wilderness stretched, before you came to cleared or cultivated fields, and wondered if any bear or moose was watching the light of my fire; for nature looked sternly upon me on account of the _murder of the moose_. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • He watched with the direst of misgivings as Cleo began slapping a path for herself through the wilderness ahead.
  • A heartbroken family were reunited with their beloved moggie when it returned from a nine-week stint in the wilderness after escaping from a York cattery.
  • Their hilliness has allowed them to miss out on cultivation and act as wilderness preserves, though a couple have been partly quarried or suburbanized, and Mount Royal itself is either downtown or park. Canada
  • So the bridal procession of saints in the night of this wilderness is the chief object of Satan's assault. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Day 9 Ottawa-Orilla Head north into stunning wilderness country, a region of sparkling lakes, rushing streams and dense forests.
  • Ahead is a barren land of lochans and beautifully-ridged mountains rising steeply from an uninhabited wilderness.
  • Make sure you head back to the city in good time, though, you would not want to get stuck in this wilderness, even in the late spring and summer when the sun hardly sets.
  • In the wilderness have ever dwelt the conscientious, the free spirits, as lords of the wilderness; but in the cities dwell the well – foddered, famous wise ones — the draught – beasts. Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • For some eighteen years he was occupied in exploring and in opening telegraphlines through the eastern or northmiddle part of the great forest state, the wilderness state of the “matto grosso” —the “great wilderness, ” or, as Australians would call it, “the bush. IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
  • downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • But now the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, jaguars and snakes known as the Chaco is being transformed by a Christian fundamentalist sect and hundreds of Brazilian ranchers.
  • Playing piano and wilderness hiking are two she had been passionate about and misses most.
  • By the standards of wilderness activities such as backpacking, sea kayaking is ridiculously prodigal of weight and space. From Sea To Shining Sea
  • The creation of works of art involves all degrees of intention, from the hut in the wilderness rudely thrown together, whose purpose was shelter, to a Gothic cathedral, in its multitudinousness eloquent of man's worship and aspiration. The Gate of Appreciation Studies in the Relation of Art to Life
  • The subsequent phase between 1934 and 1939 signalled the return of the party from the political wilderness of sectarian isolationism.
  • There was no knowing the place again, after what it had been at first: sawmill, cornmill, buildings of all sorts and kinds — the wilderness was peopled country now. The Growth of the Soil
  • It was a time when religion roamed the American wilderness untamed. Christianity Today
  • The customs officers are to levy tolls in a wilderness, and the soldiers are there to protect them.
  • Its world wonders range from Andean peaks to Amazonian wilderness; from the endless horizons of the pampas to the awesome glaciers of Patagonia.
  • Cougar, puma, mountain lion, catamount, panther - by any name, this big cat has inspired wilderness lovers across the country.
  • They transformed the wilderness into a garden.
  • Here they re-live the life of a pioneer in the wilderness, when the nearest living soul was 20 miles away.
  • And the sakieh raises its wailing, wayward voice and sings to the shadoof; and the shadoof sings to the sakieh; and the lifted water falls and flows away into the green wilderness of doura that, like The Spell of Egypt
  • The wolf was trapped and killed because it epitomized the wilderness that settlers sought to tame and replace with farms and ranches.
  • Here, O idle water-wanderer, let your boat glide with the scarcely moving current, and gaze upon the leafy groves of the sub-aqueous wilderness lit up by the rays of the sun, and watch the fish moving singly or in shoals at various depths -- the bearded barbel, the spotted trout, the shimmering bream, and the bronzen tench. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
  • The immediate grounds of the house are bounded by a wall and a gate, and then the ‘wilderness,’ a wooded and wilder area.
  • Corvorum, ferarum, aprorum et bestiarum lustra, like so many wildernesses, a receptacle of wild beasts. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She would appear to be back in the glare of the Hollywood spotlight after years in the movie-making wilderness.
  •   {35} [++O] f þeos sewe beastes ⁊ of hare strenes iwildernesse of anlich lif is iseid hiderto [p.  129] þe alle þe forfarinde fondet te fordonne. þe Leon of p {ru} de slead alle þe p {ru} de. Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
  • Visitors are enchanted by charming villages alongside sophisticated cities and the largest unspoiled wilderness in Europe.
  • But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree.
  • The ‘wave wilderness wily wild’ draws the poet together with ‘surf kindlers in the riddle splash,’ who like her possess an ‘ocean plan for a soupy ride’.
  • I stood in a white wilderness, and perceived that to gather wood for burning in such conditions was not easy.
  • He received a Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of the Wilderness despite subsequent controversial administration of the Elmira, New York, prison camp.
  • On the rail undoubtedly he ran something called a gyroscopic engine, and carried his stores and machinery into the wilderness. The Man Who Rocked the Earth
  • The neighborhood's main attraction, however, is Glen Canyon Park, a 70-acre swath of city-owned wilderness nestled in a sweeping ravine and just out of sight of several major roads.
  • Both parents used to be keen gardeners, but now they have no time or energy to spare and their plot has become an abandoned wilderness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The south side of the city had become a lawless wilderness.
  • He depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • Small jungle cats, tiny mouse deer, porcupines and pythons all make the wilderness their home.
  • Unlike national parks in some other countries, these are not supposed to be wilderness or isolated areas.
  • To the right is a wilderness, abandoned to brambles, ground elder, bindweed and buddleia.
  • Even as a young man, when he was labouring to transform wilderness into BP profit, this future hammer of papyrology found time for opera, contemporary art and visits to artists 'lofts. Why are we letting business big shots alter our society?
  • Along this pebbly beach off Highway 101, a wilderness by the ocean, lies Washington's most scenic surf-smelt dip-netting spot. The Seattle Times
  • In this way, the anti-modern currents running through woodcraft served as a precursor to the broad critique of modernity that inspired the interwar years wilderness movement.
  • It's a safari postcard moment: A family of elephants rush together, rumbling, trumpeting, and screaming, their chorused voices deafening in the wilderness.
  • But also Melville is given a chapter, and I think he was a very important figure and one of the leading figures in what I call the wilderness within. The Creators
  • Now, miserable black dwellings, a black canal, and sick black towers of chimneys; now, a trim garden, where the flowers were bright and fair; now, a wilderness of hideous altars all a-blaze; now, the water meadows with their fairy rings; now, the mangy patch of unlet building ground outside the stagnant town, with the larger ring where the The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • I used to love trotting out of a morning to potter about the wilderness in my gown and pyjamas, all unshaved and generally unkempt.
  • Conservationists and animal welfare groups agree that the greatest threat to Asian elephants is loss of habitat, as burgeoning human populations and extractive industries push into wilderness.
  • There are millions upon millions of acres of unbroken wilderness.
  • By definition, Wilderness Areas are off-limits to industrial use, and so have a natural enemy in the extractive industries.
  • Nothing has ruined more trips than choosing uncompanionable companions to travel the wilderness with.
  • Indeed, nationwide, ranchers are allowed to drive into federally designated wilderness.
  • The result is a wilderness of ethereal beauty, teeming with wildlife that regards human beings as curious oddities, and a haunting loneliness that is almost tangible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wilderness is too often filled with the sort of animals and insects that can kill you in hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do we want to do the rest of the wilderness with it, too?
  • La Grande is a lovely town near some of the most spectacular mountain wilderness in the West, offering exceptional outdoor opportunities. 12 Terrific Small Towns You’ve Never Heard Of | Impact Lab
  • His prey is the charred remnants of a campfire set along a trail in the heart of this tinder-dry wilderness area.
  • Low Isles make the most minimal of archipelagos; just two islands; the one, a small sunny cay of coral sand, and the other, a dark wilderness of mangroves.
  • For six years, he makes a peaceful life for himself in the Canadian wilderness, but this life is shattered after the murder of his girlfriend by his brother Victor Creed (later Sabertooth ).
  • What of the passengers who were held out in the wilderness and who missed their flights to London and their train and bus connections?
  • Tour de force historical comedy about two bumbling botanists sent into the southern wilderness by Thomas Jefferson to look for something that isn't there.
  • The island is only a mile in circumference, but each corner brings a new wilderness - from sheltered, bouncing turf to wuthering plains, and a new sense of serenity and calm.
  • The political differences from then are obvious: in 1977 the Labour government was well on its way to becoming a miserable, unsupportable spectacle with 20 long years in the wilderness.
  • States and Territories, that the axe and the plough are the pioneers of civilization, that farms, cities, and villages, the schoolhouse, and the church, rise from the wilderness, as if by the touch of an enchanter's wand. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
  • These young drifters will wander in a spiritual wilderness for six, eight, ten, or twelve years and return to participate in faith life when they get married or have a child.
  • And I don't propose to consider here whether Labour should lurch to the left to find its way out of the wilderness.
  • Montana is in fact a beautiful part of the United States, one associated with rugged backwoodsmen and scenic wilderness.
  • Until 35 years ago, Zakouma, located in the southeastern portion of the landlocked Republic of Chad, was one of the most undamaged wilderness areas in Africa.
  • In the sunlit river valley the new farms, wrested from the wilderness, and the grid of their fields, flourish in a benign, fertile, mappable landscape.
  • Families can go on a wilderness snowmobile safari, drive their own team of huskies and visit a reindeer farm. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few hours later, he had labored his way into the depths of the wilderness of miscellaneous impedimenta and found himself facing a cloudy window.
  • We felt as if we were driving into the heart of the wilderness, our deadlines drifting further and further away.
  • Mears is currently taking a break from TV work to help teach at his own school of wilderness bushcraft, but promised that he has more books and TV series planned.
  • In addition to signifying sagehood and wilderness travel, the staff also carries meaning as a potent tool in Daoist lore, where it plays various roles to assist the adept's escape from the earthly world.
  • High on everyone's list of ominous prospects is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, in northern Minnesota, where a freak windstorm last summer turned half a million acres of trees into a massive pile of kindling.
  • Participants will also visit the adjacent Oceano sand dunes wilderness area.
  • I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
  • The icecap is a vast area of white wilderness, unspoiled and unknown, inhabited by polar bears and seals. What Works When Life Doesn’t
  • Apparently the birds continued northward, but for many years their final breeding grounds were to remain a secret of the wilderness.
  • Cumberland Gap later became part of the National Parks System, and portions of the Wilderness Road were included in Wilderness Road State Park.
  • I have used the word verdure, but it is really a misnomer, for although the prevailing tint of the foliage was a dark green, the entire forest was streaked like a rainbow with innumerable flowers, and the breeze which blew from it was laden with the most delightful perfume, Evidently it was all a howling wilderness, for we could not detect the slightest vestige of human dwellings or cultivation. A Trip to Venus
  • And I — what would I not have given for a bit of friendly wilderness, where, unseen, I might vent my joy in some mad freak, such as idiotically biting my hand; turning a somersault, or slashing at trees, in order to allay those exciting feelings that were well-nigh uncontrollable. How I Found Livingstone
  • In the Old Testament it was manna in the wilderness.
  • But I now understand how fragile its mighty wilderness really is.
  • Much of southern Utah is rugged national parkland that the federal government would like to preserve as wilderness.
  • The garden was a wilderness.
  • A grand Royal hunting lodge in Robin's day stood in a clearing in the wilderness in Sherwood Forest.
  • It is an immutable American belief that wilderness can mend the broken soul.
  • They stretch across a federally protected wilderness area and border federal forestlands.
  • That shows him to be more than simply the wilderness preservationist he is often tagged as today.
  • His style is to use horses to get deep into wilderness, then set up camp and hike farther into the backcountry, hunting on foot.
  • They carried with them into the wilderness the light of civilization and lit victory beacons visible for miles around.
  • Even today, we say of someone who courageously admonishes or warns people that he is a voice in the wilderness.
  • This last 9 months in the wilderness of soul-destroying job applications and mind-numbing temp jobs had worn me down.
  • Indeed, it is the woodcraft literature's preoccupation with the frontier, masculinity, and modernity that all suggest a key place for woodcraft in the heritage of American wilderness thought.
  • Around us was a wilderness of grey dune-sand and Port Jackson willow, and a stench of garbage and ash.
  • That means that millions of acres of old-growth trees won't be cut and some of the most beautiful and pristine wilderness in America will, for now, stay that way. Michael Brune: Rainforest, USA
  • As to Wyeth, and his little band of "downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • 'Durga' is an inaccessible region such as a forest or wilderness which cannot be passed through except with great pain and danger. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • The little-known magnificent wildlands of Nevada are typified in this remote wilderness of rugged canyons and broad desert playas.
  • One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 
  • When Brennan rides up to the way station, the stationmaster confesses that he is lonely out in the wilderness, and that being lonely is no way to live.
  • You can meander along the serpentine paths that lead into the forests and soak in some wilderness.
  • One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 
  • Kondō rushed headlong into lands that looked untraversed by human steps, into the virgin lands of the high-mountain wilderness. SERIAL 9: Kondo Katsusaburo among Taiwan's Atayal/Sedeq peoples, 1896 to 1930
  • After a few years in the wilderness he was reappointed to the Cabinet.
  • Why were you still invisible? and to what dangers might you not be exposed before you could disinvolve yourself from the mazes of this wilderness? Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
  • The village was in complete wilderness, our toilet a local bush - keeping our eyes peeled for lions!
  • I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
  • Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.
  • You'll feel thankful that such a pristine wilderness exists - and quickly apprehensive for its future. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
  • Establishing a utopian society in the wilderness is a foundational concept within American ideology.
  • He abided in the wilderness for forty days.
  • Indeed, the prime impulse behind the campaign to save nature, and expressly to husband wilderness, was aghast awareness of its imminent disappearance, in tandem with conscience-stricken guilt at their forebears' rapacity and greed.
  • They went almost hopelessly into the great wilderness of trees where it seemed impossible to find anything.
  • The citation is from the story of the manna that transformed the wilderness into abundance.
  • He was so moved by the beauty and vulnerability of the Antarctic and the Arctic regions that he made a commitment to help preserve these great wilderness area.
  • As a card-carrying member of the Wilderness Society, I do not advocate less pristine forest.
  • Their hilliness has allowed them to miss out on cultivation and act as wilderness preserves, though a couple have been partly quarried or suburbanized, and Mount Royal itself is either downtown or park. Canada
  • The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment.
  • Much of the region was wilderness at the time and at one point he lost his clothes and was walking practically naked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Management of visitor/recreationist behavior in parks and wildernesses should be increased. South Central Rockies forests
  • He travels through the wilderness of Wisconsin and Canada followed by three pups from a litter he'd been raising himself until he decides to return home and face the man he suspects is the killer. Tom Hanks And Oprah Winfrey Team Up For ‘Hamlet’ Redo ‘Edgar Sawtelle’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Hunter, that it is to be understood of destruction in the wilderness, and the answer stands thus -- _My wrath shall wax hot against Israel and consume them -- they shall all die in the wilderness_, THEREFORE, _now go lead them to Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • And I don't propose to consider here whether Labour should lurch to the left to find its way out of the wilderness.
  • Hiking fanatics can mix self-gratification with altruism by trekking through the wilderness for charity this weekend.
  • He's a former burlesque dancer and teacher of wilderness survival. The Sun
  • Explore the dunes at Keremma, then seek the abandoned fishing village of Ménéham, way out in the heathy wilderness by the sea.
  • In certain primal traditions, the maze or labyrinth played a homologous role to that of the sacred wilderness area - in fact, the two may have been indistinguishable.
  • As he had done in the wilderness and at Spotsylvania, Grant ordered his men to attack hard.
  • Filson depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • As they find themselves banished in the wilderness, you can't help but miss that other woodsy, pubescent film trio: Bella, Edward, and Jacob.
  • My camping is in a wall tent deep in the wilderness not a trailor in a campground. Why do you love or hate camping?

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