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wild pea

  1. any of various plants of the family Leguminosae that usually grow like vines

How To Use wild pea In A Sentence

  • It is not equipped to handle the wild peaks and troughs typical of wind production. Times, Sunday Times
  • After planting a wild pear tree, declaring the school a ‘clean, green zone’, Leon left for a visit to Southernwood Primary School.
  • The wild peach is like the commercial version, yellow with red blush, downy skin, and gently grooved.
  • Lower down are unspoilt well watered wooded valleys containing a variety of microhabitats and trees such as white stinkwood Celtis africana, wild peach Kiggelaria africana, tree fuchsia Halleria lucida, sagewood Buddleja salvifolia and orange thorn Cassinopsis ilicifolia. Vredefort Dome, South Africa
  • The pass was crowned with dense, dark forest -- deodar, walnut, wild cherry, wild olive, and wild pear, but mostly deodar, which is the Himalayan cedar; and under the shadow of the deodars stood a deserted shrine to Kali -- who is Durga, who is Sitala, who is sometimes worshipped against the smallpox. The Second Jungle Book
  • You'll be here at the start of spring and you'll see several trees in bloom - the striking orange blossoms of the coral tree, and white blooms of the wild pear tree.
  • Analysis of pollens found in excavations suggest that the earliest vegetal species to be cultivated were pulses - wild peas, lentils, and chick peas.
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