How To Use wieldy In A Sentence
- Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar. Clinton Encourages Myanmar
- If that's not going to be the case, with the super-structure of the EU so wieldy and its policy-making machinery a barrier to future economic efficiency, then its leaders and citizens have a problem. Europe is Acting as Though it Wants to be Left Behind
- It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
- In any unwieldy bureaucratic system there will be some in need who will be let down by officialdom. The Sun
- One can think of very few biographers who have the ability to deal with critical assessment of such diversity and unwieldy fusions of anecdote and myth.
- In town is another story, as its massive bulk can make it unwieldy in tight parking areas.
- Carrying an unwieldy armful of packages, she turns around at the sound of her name.
- Any judicial approach is bound to be unwieldy, time-consuming and subject to differing local regulations.
- It was becoming increasingly difficult to hide his unwieldy bulk.
- But the figure of the woman was still more awkward: an unwieldy bulk, two extended arms which seemed to bear it up with difficulty, and looked like two carved handles from the neck to the widest part of a large kilderkin, and beneath this enormous body, two legs, naked up to the knees, which could scarcely totter along. Chapter XI