How To Use Wield In A Sentence
She has already compiled the research for a book about the spheres of influence of the vicereines of India, most of whom did not have the right to vote, but still wielded considerable political influence.
MacFadzean plays Richie Excellent, the young funster who wields unearned celebrity.
Wielding his blade like a master painter, his palette holds only one colour, and that is crimson.
Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around.
Syngenta, which competes with companies such as U.S.-based Monsanto and Dupont Co., is one of the world's largest agrochemicals companies in terms of sales, wielding a market share of some 15%, which it wants to broaden by another 2% over the next five years.
Syngenta Sales Soar

Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar.
Clinton Encourages Myanmar
During his evidence Akhtar denied hitting anyone or wielding any weapons himself.
If that's not going to be the case, with the super-structure of the EU so wieldy and its policy-making machinery a barrier to future economic efficiency, then its leaders and citizens have a problem.
Europe is Acting as Though it Wants to be Left Behind
He still wields enormous influence within the party.
The politicians in them wanted to genuflect to democracy, open debate and all the new citizen journalists who seem to wield so much influence these days.
Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
When the sudden silence had enfolded the room in its velvet cloak, he had known that he was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to the wielder of such power.
It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
In any unwieldy bureaucratic system there will be some in need who will be let down by officialdom.
The Sun
He remains strong in the polls as Canada has suffered less from the worldwide Quebec, with 23% of the national population, its distinctive French-language ( "francophone") culture, angered the western provinces by wielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
The sheer size and unwieldiness of William's homemade instruments made the Herschels' style of astronomy a danger ous business.
A Far-Seeing Family
One can think of very few biographers who have the ability to deal with critical assessment of such diversity and unwieldy fusions of anecdote and myth.
Gregory's procedure was little less revolutionary than that of the King, but the claim to depose might appear as only a concomitant to the power already wielded by Popes in bestowing crowns, while for Gregory it had by this time become the copingstone in the fabric of those relations between Church and State which he and his party were building up.
The Church and the Empire, Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 1003 to A.D. 1304
Yet little has been written about the foundations' existence or the power they wield.
Times, Sunday Times
Opponents would claim that the sight of placard-wielding pickets outside various religious functions presents the Gospel in a poor light.
In town is another story, as its massive bulk can make it unwieldy in tight parking areas.
Militants wielding clubs and sticks chased the farmer into his house, demanding he leave the property.
They lunged at each other again, both wielding their swords two-handed.
Five years ago while walking near his London home he was attacked by muggers wielding machetes and suffered severe cuts to his hands.
And here the conquered men of Ind, swarthy horsemen and sword wielders, fiercely barbaric, blazing in crimson and scarlet, Sikhs, Rajputs, Burmese, province by province, and caste by caste.
We're getting a reprieve from inflation," said Edward Yardeni, president and chief investment strategist at Yardeni Research Inc. in New York, who will speak at the conference and who devised the term "bond vigilantes" to describe the power financial markets can wield over governments. -- Top News
But the Little Flower might have known better how to wield a baton: His father was a bandmaster.
Mayor Maestro Will Pick Up a Baton
Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
The quintessential entertainer - entrepreneur wielded unmatched influence over our childhood.
As a minister and educator to the hill farmers of north Alabama, Pickens was unbeholden to Bourbon patronage, and he was soon to wield his own printing press.
Questions remain over who will wield power in both countries.
Times, Sunday Times
He crashed into a car and was seen wielding a sword as he headed down the dual carriageway on foot.
As a result, wood-hungry chainsaw wielders have reverted to cutting the thin trees up at the 52nd parallel.
Like its forerunner, the reverse tope is liable to be any depth or width; it depends on the whim of the spade wielders, or perhaps how deeply they had descended towards the bottom of a tequila bottle.
Free riding the roads of Mexico
The first study showed that birds with long bills spend proportionally more time scratching with their feet than do birds with short bills, presumably as compensation for the unwieldiness of long bills.
A flurry of deans from top international institutions who have moved recently to run programs in Asia shows the influence the continent's institutions now wield in the B-school world, says Matt Symonds , whose company, Symonds GSB, does consulting for business schools.
B-Schools Embrace China
My favourite episode consisted of Bill Odie dressed in breeches and a flat cap wielding a black pudding ... well just hitting people with the black pudding in a demonstration of the ancient martial art of 'ecky thumph'.
If You Only Knew the Power of the Dumb Side....
A close adviser of the dead King, he now wields power because of that King's death.
In Spanish, they can be translated into the much wieldier alternatives to the local counterparts: "con el centro a la derecha" and "con el centro a la izquierda", respectively.
That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
He's legitimating hostility toward judges, however, and portraying the judges as out-of-control power-wielders.
Carrying an unwieldy armful of packages, she turns around at the sound of her name.
Most of the patients were men of fighting age, but many were old - far too old to wield weapons.
Times, Sunday Times
Any judicial approach is bound to be unwieldy, time-consuming and subject to differing local regulations.
One of them wielded a meat cleaver.
Times, Sunday Times
It was becoming increasingly difficult to hide his unwieldy bulk.
By now the entire band of survivors, including some new recruits, are regular gun toting, axe wielding, shoot 'em, chop 'em up zombie terminators.
But the figure of the woman was still more awkward: an unwieldy bulk, two extended arms which seemed to bear it up with difficulty, and looked like two carved handles from the neck to the widest part of a large kilderkin, and beneath this enormous body, two legs, naked up to the knees, which could scarcely totter along.
Chapter XI
After a long tough winter, many grizzlies, black bears, wolves and cougars are girding themselves for the onslaught of "sportsmen" wielding high-powered rifles in search of "trophies.
Chris Genovali: The Cruelest Month for British Columbia's Coastal Carnivores
Is it the duty of an already stretched institution to duplicate the role of common rooms, to cut back the funding to its essential political role, and seek to maintain an unwieldy sabbatical structure?
His facial features can shift in a twitch from the innocent blankness of a choirboy during the sermon to the frantic grimaces of an axe-wielding berserker.
Having the chance to wield power tools is very important on holiday.
Times, Sunday Times
Nexon to get updated on other content that will be added to it, including "Evy," the mage character, who wields a quarterstaff (that can be modified to become a giant scythe) and the power of Source-engine-powered sorcery.
GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
But I think the influence they wield is way out of proportion to their numbers.
It has led also to questions about the power wielded by players.
Times, Sunday Times
The Chinese have nothing in the same ballpark as the Indians when it comes to wielding soft power.
People discuss politics in buses and trains and dhabas and in their homes, and are deeply involved in the equations of power: who wields it, who will wield it, who once wielded it, who may wield it, and who can never wield it.
Instantly, he let go of Sam, his free hand stilling the clapper, for a bell gone awry could have disastrous consequences for its wielder.
Shaw – being the maverick painter in the pack, and a popular favourite – will surely win the big prize, though, with his views of nowhere places, meticulously and perversely rendered in the unwieldy and super low-tech medium of model aeroplane kit makers' Humbrol enamels.
This week's new exhibitions
Having the chance to wield power tools is very important on holiday.
Times, Sunday Times
There, the real weapons and armor of the Great Feihong hung - not the ceremonious and decorative ones in the Hall, although they too could be wielded and worn.
Wield knew that if Ellie had a weakness, it was a tendency to be star-struck by fully paid-up luvvies.
Then came the idea of the ‘post-bureaucratic age’ — in itself the kind of unwieldy phrase you might expect a bureaucrat to use.
John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
A one-handed lift can be used for picking up all objects except the heaviest or most unwieldy items.
I gnawed at my lip again; who, just who though, had wielded the knife?
The two Norwegians threatened to arrest Inge while the out of uniform police officer wielded a pair of handcuffs to add to the threats.
I'm finally getting around to leveling/playing a warlock myself (just hit 77 yesterday) and I must say turning into a demon and joining my axe wielding friend in melee is ever so much fun.
"The lines of uncles dwindled, and the pirate stories stopped."
The shift to a G20 has been welcome, but it will also mean a less wieldy system of global governance.
Globalization Revolution
And he hopes that his win will encourage other men to realise how much enjoyment there can be in wielding a wooden spoon.
The Sun
On the face of it, this is an unlikely film to wield such influence.
Times, Sunday Times
By the way, the note is actually about whether industrial companies have become unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
This level of bestiality and violence has resulted only because criminal acts have gone unpunished over the years by the different political parties that have wielded power.
If you can validate spending three times the cash for something a bit less wieldy in situations where you are constantly on the go, need it to be able to be used as a palmtop, etc, go ahead -- but for those of us using these, and able to enjoy them, the validationisn't there, and neither is it there for Apple's excuses as to why they won't create one of these beauties themselves.
The Problems With A Hackintosh Netbook, Six Months Out | Lifehacker Australia
Perhaps in comparing the pay of one who must control a vast unwieldy bureaucracy it might be better to match like with like.
Times, Sunday Times
At normal, respectable speeds it drives without the unwieldy nature that afflicts many supercars.
If my yard should ever "wield" anything I think it would be big news!! stories: News
His corporate second-in-command and all purpose gadgeteer Lucius Fox is appalled, objecting that this is too much power for one man to wield.
But Do You Have a Bat-Warrant?
Personally, I have a sneaking admiration for anyone daring enough to hi-jack such unwieldy vehicles.
'Twas granted him not that ever the edge of iron at all could help him at strife: too strong was his hand, so the tale is told, and he tried too far with strength of stroke all swords he wielded, though sturdy their steel: they steaded him nought.
A police spokesman said several reports followed of a man wielding two hatchets or a small axe.
In ten or twelve days after the cocon is finished, the worm makes its way through it, in the form of a very ugly, unwieldy, aukward butterfly, and as the different sexes are placed by one another on paper or linen, they immediately engender.
Travels through France and Italy
Family businesses present an especially knotty problem because in those companies, power is often wielded by owners wedded to the past.
In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan wielded enormous influence within the national Democratic Party.
Malvolio: If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls.
The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
So the books that you read shouldn't be too unwieldy in weight, nor contain particularly tight typesetting or small font size.
It did not help that it had been years since he had wielded any weapon other then a small dagger.
‘The one and only limitation for Telepathy that you really need is that it is the mental strength of the wielder versus the mental strength of the person who he or she is trying to read.’
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
Wielding his weapon like a club he charged the remaining two guards and flung himself at them.
They knew that he wielded considerable power over the membership.
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
The threat of dissolution is hardly a sanction to wield against dissident MPs.
I help with the maintenance; we weed, then wield machetes and trowels to chop back the viny grass that threatens to overtake bare soil.
Now, more than ever, we need to continue our growth as a political force so that we may one day be able to wield the power the Supreme Court has given us today.
But the cudgel was wielded to get me back in line; it worked.
In three days' time the bucolic town of Bunol will burst into life for its annual tomato-throwing frenzy as 30,000 fruit-wielding revellers paint the pueblo red for La Tomatina, one of Spain's most exuberant fiestas.
I should prefer to watch him in the primeval forests of his native land, wielding an axe against some giant tree.
These golden geese continued to be offered the way they sold best - in real-time sales with glossy printed catalogs and elegant auctioneers wielding polished wooden gavels.
The deputy governor lost a tooth in a fight with an assemblyman, the chancellor of the colony was pushed into a fireplace, and a sheriff who entered a religious meeting in Dover to collect a fee was knocked flat by a woman wielding her Bible.
Rumored to provide its wielder with incredible powers, this magical sword is in high demand, but fate chooses young Toma as heritor of the Shining Force.
One other important issue is to make sure the tour party does not become too unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
Sepulchrals are sacred undead and wield magical obsidian glaives.
Also, when Dembski is wielding his equations, he gets to play the part of the hard scientist busily correcting the errors of those soft-headed biologists.
The woman unleashes her dog which, to her relief, lopes off in the opposite direction from the stick-wielding man.
It has led also to questions about the power wielded by players.
Times, Sunday Times
the onset of unwieldiness and bureaucracy in large organizations
Weighing in at 200 lbs. and wielding a microfilament whip that can cut through solid steel: the feared enforcer of the Maggia Crime Family, Blacklash!
Marvel Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
Sometimes the hyperbole gets out of proportion in terms of the influence they can wield.
Times, Sunday Times
The government wields enormous power over the economy, and industrialists are always looking for ways to promote their interests.
In the chair of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a lobbying group, she wields considerable influence in the Valley and beyond.
It looked and felt so clumsy, so unwieldy, so…… artificial.
In this BBC news video, a reporter with all the necessary documentation tries to visit Tiananmen Square with a cameraperson, only to find himself surrounded by umbrella-wielding goons who use their unfurled bumbershoots to block every shot the camera-person tries to catch.
Boing Boing
Such political power as they wielded was dispersed.
Times, Sunday Times
The question of where this money is going is an important one, as the bigger funds get, the more unwieldy they become to run.
Times, Sunday Times
It was at this moment in her day when she received supplicants for preferment in the court, members of the administration or the armed forces over which she wielded great influence.
Today, as a minority Republican group of tired Senate lackeys wields their only weapon left, the filibuster, and even more sycophantish democrat Senators with all the power to call a vote and win, will subsequently hand over the crown jewels of the economic stimulus replacing substantive community economic growth with defense industry ‘violence’ based funding.
Want True Economic Stimulus, Obama? Replace Trickle Down With Bottom Up Community Driven Economic Models
Later, at school in Uppingham, he even wielded the baton, with evident glee, for a newly composed opera written by a young friend.
For the record, my concerns about The Avengers have more to do with the unwieldiness of the project and those at Marvel than it does with Joss Whedon's capabilities as a filmmaker.
Scott Mendelson: Why Did Paramount Sell off Distribution Rights for Avengers and Iron Man 3 to Disney for a Mere $115 Million?
Gather up and deputize anyone who can wield a sword or owns a gun.
The same goes for any bully: A racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a transphobe, a disablist, a fat-hater, a xenophobe, a privileged jerk of any stripe who belligerently wields hir privilege like a weapon.
We just picked the wrong people to wield the power.
The definition of cleanliness would delight a philosopher or scholar but is unwieldy in practice.
Yet paradoxically he wielded huge power: the power that comes from touching the souls of millions.
Times, Sunday Times
Protesters, anxious over the spending cuts, urged councillors to think again before wielding the axe.
Ankara maintains a 30,000 strong military force in northern Cyprus and continues to wield significant influence there.
The log which was to form the back-brand of the evening fire was the uncleft trunk of a tree, so unwieldy that it could be neither brought nor rolled to its place; and accordingly two men were to be observed dragging and heaving it in by chains and levers as the hour of assembly drew near.
Far from the Madding Crowd
Also, truth to tell, I have always been a bit of a claustrophobe, and the edginess that comes from suppressing an irritating and irrational fear, combined with my current far-from-irrational caution about venturing into a London bristling, for all I knew, with knife-wielding youths all too willing to pick up where their colleague had left off, made me regret that the chief inspector had not decided to keep me locked up overnight.
A Monstrous Regiment of Women
Fans of the original surely recall the unwieldy and annoying mini-game that was more enjoyable if you had auto-hack tools or just bought them out with Ryanbucks.
Gaming Target
Holding his bat with the precision of a monk wielding a quill pen, he waited patiently for whatever Mafouz should deliver.
A masked robber, who was wielding a baseball bat, ambushed the first employee as he went outside to the bins.
Queen Elizabeth wielded the scepter forty - five years.
Ogre emerged sporting a large lupine mask, flanked by Key on a synth riser, a live drummer and a guitarist wielding a double-necked axe straight out of a Thor video.
The sturdy fighters each wielded rattan sticks that resembled police batons.
The ore was usually found in water less than twelve feet deep and was raised by men in large, flat-bottomed boats wielding drags, rakes, or heavy, powerful tongs similar to oystering tongs.
Not all video games star muscle-bound, gun-wielding action heroes out for vengeance.
Senior bank executives will hardly welcome such a reduction in the powers that they wield within their own empires.
Times, Sunday Times
For the next six days it will be creativity unplugged as the artists wield brush and give vent to their ideas.
Governors in Russia wield a huge influence on votes in their fiefs, but Titov has difficulty coming second even in his home region, with a rating of 17%.
Conversely, large funds can become increasingly unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
Fiba is an unwieldy bureaucracy that is not much concerned with policing its teams.
February 11, 2009 at 2:46 pm not bad, not bad…not digging the green face, but its only concept art…give me the fuckin dinobts bay…all these other robots are ok, but all i want is grimlock eating at least one robot on the big screen….u say everything u do is awesome, but whats more awesome than a robot t-rex….a robot t-rex that can transform into a sword wielding manbot thats what
Devastator Concept Art Hits the Net! | The Movie Blog
The immense power of the trade unions was often ego and macho driven, and on many occasions that power was wielded mercilessly for short-term gain.
The front gate had two soldiers wielding automatic firearms guarding the outside.
The word is also often applied to a fire engine, equipped with a number of burly men wielding choppers.
He wields a giant microphone like some kind of torture implement.
Instead of opposing every civic expectation of religious faith, they might join religious activists in wielding faith as a counterweight to corporate tyranny.
The president of the union Siptu also voiced concern that the negotiations would become unwieldy.
Delightful self-accountant reverence of author-craft! which wields full knowledge of a shaddock-tainted world, yet presents no licence to the prurient lad, reveals no trail to the suspicious moralist.
Biographical Study of A W Kinglake
He paused in his assent, wielding the weapon with a skill that surely took years of training.
The large and unwieldy, Department of Human Resources Canada has been broken up into two departments.
The dictatorship of the proletariat became in practice personal power wielded by an autocratic leader.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
In the place of wooden clubs with broken off arrowheads and sword points put in for spikes, they wielded battle axes or big two-handed swords with iron grey blades and small skulls ornamenting the pommels.
A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs.
However, if the taxonomies try to capture all possible problems, they become too unwieldy to use for front-line personal like call center employees.
This bandit was a lot bigger than the other bandits and he wielded his weapons with skill.
The laminak were female sprites, similar to leprechauns, who could wield either a helpful or harmful influence.
Most of the patients were men of fighting age, but many were old - far too old to wield weapons.
Times, Sunday Times
The most impressive new feature is the ability to wield two weapons at once.
In this game, the player must navigate a devilish labyrinth fighting many evil turbanized sword wielding fiends and avoiding razor sharp spikes of death.
In a light-handed manner that contrasted with the influence he wielded, he was with us at nearly every step of our growth.
A Maecenas for the Internet Age
There is also a laudable attitude to capping: funds are closed to new business before they get too big and unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
Accusing the government of 'wielding a kierie' against the African people,
The Rise of the Sourh African Reich - Chapter 9
A number of myths exist about who may adopt and about the unwieldy processes which exist in adoption.
There is something thoroughly modernist about Burtynsky's work, the grand scale, the glorious detail, a kind of unwieldy whole.
Archive 2006-09-01
One of the reasons that the sword became a “mystical weapon” is that it could not outreach a halberd/pike/staff … and that, therefore, the royal guard could keep a mere sword-wielder out of reach of the King.
When What We Think We Know, Is Actually Wrong at SF Novelists
As cavalry platoons became too unwieldy, they were finally replaced by smaller paired tank and scout platoons.
To the right of Symphorien, who is led to his death by a pair of fasces-wielding lictors, a youth stoops to gather stones, which he will hurl at the saint's mother.
As was the case with this particular dog, some dogs deal on a regular basis with cattle prods or other shocking devices wielded by their masters or trainers.
One other important issue is to make sure the tour party does not become too unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
The result is that thinking becomes so mechanical that it is best done by managers and machines; reason devolves into a technology of control wielded by the wealthy and powerful.
The result was an unwieldy and complex organization of all social classes and all shades of unionist opinion.
Police wielded batons and lobbed tear gas shells to disperse crowds and take control of the streets.
Because the fat cats are still trying to wield what power they have left.
Any story where a space-pirate wielding a space-axe could chop through a ray-shielded space-airlock, kidnap a beautiful space-princess and escape in a space-superdreadnought over a mile long, destroying at least one or perhaps two planets during the resulting space-battle, without this seeming in any particular out of place with the scale, scope, drive or moral code portrayed in the rest of the story, then the story is a Space Opera.
SF Tidbits for 10/2/06
State accountants and secretaries wielding various combinations of and competencies in numeric and written-word literacies were charged with ensuring the flow of silver to the mint in the state workshops.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Now, wielding Occam's Razor, as we are so often required to do when the right side of the aisle gets overexcited, which is more likely: a deliberate deception, despite the fact that the audio recording of the hearing can be downloaded from the CHRC CHRT and has legal precedence over the transcript in case of any discrepancies?
Earth to speech-warriors...
We shudder to imagine what destructive power they would then wield.
The Sun
In any unwieldy bureaucratic system there will be some in need who will be let down by officialdom.
The Sun
Surely some of these performers, we'd guesstimated, would hanker to wield a radical version of the ideological cannon that something called ‘country music’ regularly exploits in the interests of defense contractors and capital.
The city of Mumbai sees human tragedies unfold every day, death of a gun-wielding Bihari youth on one day and lynching of a north Indian labourer in train on the other.
As a wielder of the Witchblade, Sarais granted many unique abilities, including the power to heal herself, to create armor over her skin, to shoot energy blasts, to extend razor sharp tendrils and even the power to fly.
Hero/Villain of the Week! « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
The effects are that few habitable parts of our planet have the same landscape now as before man wielded the knife.
EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
Given its unwieldy weight and awkward small spout and handle, this aquamanile was probably used more for display than for washing hands, all the better to allow admiring viewers to follow the drama enacted.
These are presented for the first time in this volume, and while the mass of material is unwieldy, it is also fascinating.
Wearing dust masks and wielding rakes and shovels, the volunteers hauled brush, moved woodpiles, cleared away dead vegetation, and pruned branches from trees close to the homes, protecting 15 in all.
The burglar wielded an axe
The defence committee is right to recognise that Nato's rapid reaction force has become unwieldy.
Times, Sunday Times
He was young, untainted by failure and bold wielding the willow.
But they could be dangerous to the wielder, most of them, or tricksome at least.
Cooks have been wielding spices for centuries, from preserving foods with them to masking smells and flavors in meats that were less than fresh.
It was not the tipsy singing she had heard in the morning; it was jumpy, tuneless singing; she guessed that it was assisting in the process of shaving, for she heard a few "damns" peppering the song, which suggested that his shaky hand was wielding the razor badly.
Japan's reactionary Tokugawa shogunate employed gunpowder to obliterate troublemakers and then banned all guns—even its own—for the sake of preserving the samurais' sword-wielding hegemony.
Where They Got Their Grit
And yet still, the influence that he wields on the high street and beyond is staggering.
Times, Sunday Times
Regardless, Greg Paul erected the subgenus Giraffatitan, and placed the African species, B. brancai in it, so that the species became properly known by the rather unwieldy name Brachiosaurus (Giraffatitan) brancai.
"Nothing remains. We could run when the rain slows."
Mostly, he has wielded that influence discreetly.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Our power is wielded by weaklings and cowards, and our honour is false in all its points’.
Politicians are elected, power is wielded, contracts are awarded, and government largess is handed out on the basis of tribal affiliations.
A deliverly fellow was Hughie -- could read and write like a priest, and could wield brand and buckler with the best of the riders.
The Monastery
But even within the band, their political structures were remarkably nonhierarchical, and their headmen wielded only limited power.
How is it that the French musette - a pre-WWII pop music with rustic roots and a prototypical audience of knife-wielding proletarians - sounds to contemporary American ears like the very essence of elegant sophistication?
Drawing a card from the deck will summon one inconvenience with which the wielder can harass his foes.
A time when journalism was the wild realm of a lionhearted few and newspaper publishers wielded the power of kings.
The Making of a Mogul