How To Use Wicked In A Sentence

  • Once upon a time, 12 young men were turned into swans by their wicked stepmother. Times, Sunday Times
  • We live in a world soiled by the grossness and wickedness and filth of sin.
  • It was an instance of the great wickedness of the Jews that they were thus enraged; and this in Deuteronomy is the matter of a threatening. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He has become one of the most wicked on a continent that has seen more than its fair share.
  • I don't often use words like ‘wickedness’ to describe acts of inhumanity.
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  • Political bias - raw and wicked - blights American newspapers and TV news.
  • They suppose that all rich men are wicked.
  • Blondel's smile widened into a wicked grin.
  • Is she a wicked witch or a beloved'alternative' voice? Times, Sunday Times
  • For this cause also God has banished from His presence him who did of his own accord stealthily sow the tares, that is, him who brought about the transgression; [4433] but He took compassion upon man, who, through want of care no doubt, but still wickedly [on the part of another], became involved in disobedience; and ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Item, he showed also that my Lord Willbewill was turned a very rebel and runagate, and that so was one Mr. Mind, his clerk; and that they two did range and revel it all the town over, and teach the wicked ones their ways. The Holy War
  • His character never lost his inherent devilishness though, and he'd worn that wicked smile through the entire movie.
  • She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.
  • _ Oh! 'Tis an Abomination to look like a Gentleman; long Hair is wicked and cavalierish, a Periwig is flat Popery, the Disguise of the The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume I
  • Though not slapstick or of the knee-slapping variety, Hamer is droll and often wickedly subtle in his deadly strain of humour.
  • They will no doubt receive a stern lecture on the wickedness of their ways.
  • As in wickedness, depravity, corruption? Christianity Today
  • And the international community would be empowered to at least officially recognize that something wicked is astir in Syria. Michael Hughes: UN Fiddles While Syria Burns
  • Yesh, an bringz mee de rattly mousy toy ob de wicked kitteh ob de basemint! Wat girl? I iz all alown in here, promis. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But I am thankful to live in times when men no longer have the temptation to write so as to call blushes on women’s cheeks, and would shame to whisper wicked allusions to honest boys. Roundabout Papers
  • Acts xv. 1, and Galatians, passim; these do not judaize, but heathenize, seeking to throw off every yoke, to rid themselves not of the ceremonial law only, but also of the moral; and to break down every distinction separating the Church from a world lying in the wicked one. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • But I saw that fiction--he pronounced the word gingerly, as though it were something dangerous--is perhaps not, as I had thought, merely an inducement to idleness and wicked fancy. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Don't try to justify his wickedness.
  • This darkly comic fable tells how the revenge plans for a New Year's Eve party go horribly wrong, as two wicked sisters plan the downfall of the third and most successful one.
  • The virtuous man contents himself with dreaming that which the wicked man does in actual life. Sigmund Freud 
  • Other substitutions included “embrace” for “tackle,” “blucher” for “slush buster,”* “muggings” for “hog wash,” “fearful” for “rough,” “wickedest” for “vilest,” “leer” for “slobber,” “jolly” for “bully,” and “swindle” for “humbug.” Mark Twain
  • She's not a dressy girl, which I like, but she's flirty and engaging, and has a wicked sense of humor.
  • I believe that war is in Latin called bellum, not by antiphrasis, as some patchers of old rusty Latin would have us to think, because in war there is little beauty to be seen, but absolutely and simply; for that in war appeareth all that is good and graceful, and that by the wars is purged out all manner of wickedness and deformity. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • A Phil Neville zinger takes a wicked deflection and Hildebrand scurries frantically across his goal-line to keep the ball out.
  • They were fat, ugly men with wicked faces, like the one in the picture on the opposite page.
  • They are wicked, ungodly sinners.
  • My father, in the first agitations of his mind, on discovering your wicked, your shameful elopement, imprecated on his knees a fearful curse upon you. Clarissa Harlowe
  • “The Arab al-Arabá” (or al — Aribah, or al-Urubíyat) are the autochthones, prehistoric, proto-historic and extinct tribes; for instance, a few of the Adites who being at Meccah escaped the destruction of their wicked nation, but mingled with other classes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It encourages vile people to do wicked acts. The Sun
  • Embattled against the blessed angelic and archangelic host are the wicked cohorts of the Lords of Darkness. PROBLEM OF EVIL
  • Doris, her elegant mother, had Sue's same wicked sense of humour.
  • As the good Spirit works that which is good in obedient souls, so this evil spirit works that which is evil in wicked men; and he now works, not only heretofore, but even since the world has been blessed with the light of the glorious gospel. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The followers of Pelagius, a wicked Welsh heresiarch, had murdered the rightful king and his son and installed Vortigern, ‘a Pelagianized traytor against his Soveraign’ on the throne.
  • He reminds them likewise of the wickedness of those that were the patriarchs of their tribes, in envying their brother Joseph, and selling him into Egypt; and the same spirit was still working in them towards Christ and his ministers. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He has an amazing and albeit sometimes wicked sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because this being all our hope, against this point did the devil make a vehement stand, and at one time he was wholly subverting it, at another his word was that it was "past already;" which also Paul writing to Timothy called a gangrene, I mean, this wicked doctrine, and those that brought it in he branded, saying, NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • I checked the shackles that held the Monster to its slab, giving it a sharp cuff as it lashed out with its wicked needle-thin teeth at my face, slobber and foam flying from its mouth.
  • There was something both wicked and profound in his smile. The Broken God
  • As the rays of this month's Sun turn your fleece gold, you'll be energetic little chili peppers: sizzlingly physical, wickedly witty and hot as a hangi - positively smoking!
  • Indeed it does, and you don't have to be an anarchist to smile wickedly as Coward's characters poke bruising fun at all the censorious prigs, both moral and political, who talk a better game than they play. When Coward's Amanda Turns Cougar
  • An alien force colonizes an otherwise sane and sound mind, forcing the possessed person to behave in a wicked way. Psychobabble and the Real Perps
  • This is a wicked of police corruption, media con tricks and celebrity scandals.
  • Don't get alarmed, don't get peevish, don't get panicky, don't be a wicked old flutterer, Ham, my boy!" he said. Bones in London
  • Our ways may be wicked, and the movements of our mind wicked; such as adulteries, thefts, idolatries, slanders, strife, passion, sedition, vain-glory, and all that the apostle Paul enumerates among the works of the flesh. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • It's wicked of them to say such things.
  • Set to Rossini's titular score, it chivvies and inspires its dancers to delicious extremes of virtuosity, extravagantly sustained poses, scintillating footwork and wicked speeds. This week's new dance
  • Having entered into a paction with Satan, they did divers acts of wickedness, for which they were tried before Commissioners of The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • The festival is based upon the story told in the Book of Esther, a tale of humorous and melodrama parody of palace intrigue, in which the brave Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordecai, save their people from the twisted genocidal plot of the wicked vizar of Persia, Haman. Archive 2006-11-26
  • Ezekiel was directed to speak to them with God's own words, the sum and purport whereof was to warn and dehort them from their wicked ways.
  • Never mind, the author has a very dry and wicked sense of humour; Laurie Thompson (also translator ofseveral of Henning Mankell's books) has done an excellent job of translating not only the text butalso the jokes. Sunday Salon: Crime Fest edition
  • So I seek absolution from my wicked thoughts, and I promise to be calm and serene from now on.
  • But the presence of his young son brought welcome vitality to the household of the Princess, known for her vivacious character and wicked sense of humour.
  • Zo I starts toràcly, an 'I be acome yur to this yur place so zeun's ivur I pausible keud, vur to staup this yur wicked marridge, an' vur to show op, avore all the wurld, the very wissest man that iver was. Monsieur De Pourceaugnac
  • But he again affirms, in the same chapter, “That the justice of God is twofold: that one kind he always uses when he punishes abandonedly wicked and obstinate sinners, sometimes, according to his law; the other kind, when he punishes sinners neither obstinate nor altogether desperate, but whose repentance is not expected.” A Dissertation on Divine Justice
  • A full-length portrait executed in what critics describe as in the style of Van Dyck, it shows her tall, beautiful figure to great advantage in a splendid gold silk gown but her profile is positively haggish, making her look more like Margaret Hamilton the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz rather than Princess Diana of Wales, whom I believe she greatly resembled. Archive 2010-03-01
  • The wickedly funny show is set in the days of pounds, shillings and pence, tin baths and condensed-milk butties.
  • We live in a world soiled by the grossness and wickedness and filth of sin.
  • Every past or present Israeli transgression is evidence of its wickedness, whereas Arab ones, if they are acknowledged at all, are “understandable.” Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘This Is, In Fact, World War III’ And The U.S. ‘Ought To Be Helping’
  • It's not much of a gift, especially if some unscrupulous person was able to exploit it for their own wicked advantage.
  • Henceforth the mountaineer becomes transformed into a champion of humanity, hunting the wicked bearded steinbock in all corners; especially through the cabinet of those dark men who decree the taxes detested in Tyrol. Vittoria — Volume 5
  • For money, of course, but with you there would be something wicked added. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • His masterpiece is Rossetti and his Circle, published in 1922, which wickedly and wittily anatomizes the foibles of the Pre-Raphaelites.
  • Blest from above, human nature's wickedness had from below too frequently besulphured and suffumigated him for his memory to be dim; and though he was ever ready to own himself an example that heaven prevaileth, he could cite instances of scandal-mongering shop-women dismissed and working him mischief in the town, which pointed to him in person for a proof that the Powers of Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • The message was clear - turn from your greed and your wickedness or the whole of the Trinity will be destroyed.
  • All thirty of them huddled by the fire, hoping to be shielded from the wicked wind.
  • It has no message, but entertains with wit, cunning, malice and a wicked twist in the tale.
  • Six-foot-five, wickedly charming and patricianly handsome, he had been the consummate "extra man," a skilled practitioner of "the night shift," as he called his after-hours life on the benefit, dinner party and opera circuit, which he pursued full-throttle, as his employers encouraged him to do, for the connections he made there brought the auction house some of its best sales. NYT > Home Page
  • witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
  • She says: 'He was warm and funny with a wicked sense of humour and he truly seemed wise beyond his years. The Sun
  • They were just great guys with such a wicked sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It simply needs to be seen in the light of our desperate and unreformable wickedness.
  • But just as it is limited to those who have the God of Shem, that is, who believe, so the curse also is limited to those who abide in the wickedness of Ham. Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II Luther on Sin and the Flood
  • Join "saith ... concerning the house of Jacob." redeemed -- out of Ur, a land of idolaters (Jos 24: 3). not now -- After the moral revolution described (Isa 29: 17), the children of Jacob shall no longer give cause to their forefathers to blush for them. wax pale -- with shame and disappointment at the wicked degeneracy of his posterity, and fear as to their punishment. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love. 
  • Insanity is both a legal and a medical word, specifically referring to diagnosable illness; one can do wicked things and still be sane. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • This, of course, would be the excess of tyranny and the worst wickedness in government, as has been shown above.a The dangers, then, arising from a polyarchy are more to be guarded against than those arising from a monarchy. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • But the mirth is fleeting and the hysterical laughter, I suspect, is triggered more by nervous tension than by a wicked sense of humour.
  • It is always the story of those upholding higher human virtues locked in battle against the wicked and the iniquitous.
  • Ah, little book, to-night I make big fire in my heart and burn all my wickeds in it. Little Sister Snow
  • Verily, nothing can be done for the sake of evil even by the wicked themselves; for, as we abundantly proved, they seek good, but are drawn out of the way by perverse error; far less can this order which sets out from the supreme centre of good turn aside anywhither from the way in which it began. Consolation of Philosophy
  • Daddy, you are the wicked stepmother. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it is not generally known that the "Agapemone" had a prototype in the celebrated _Family of Love_, some account of this "wicked sect" may not at this moment be without interest to your readers: -- Notes and Queries, Number 34, June 22, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Computer disks and skimpy tight female clothing, the demonic symbols of unblessed sexuality and perverted science, Allah's fires rise up and crush the wickedness, a blazing cleansing heat.
  • Wicked Lovely, aside from being better written and more well rounded, is nothing like Twilight. George Lucas Producing CG-Animated Musical About Fairies » MTV Movies Blog
  • Here was another instance of the impunities of wickedness. The Perpetual Curate
  • The Jewish writers run into gross absurdities to evade the conviction of this evidence; some of them say that this messenger is the angel of death, who shall take the wicked out of this life, to be sent into hell torments; others of them say that it is Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly. 
  • For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. Fret Not
  • Able only to mumble coded secrets, poets often seem the village idiots so wickedly satirized by Woody Allen's Love and Death.
  • Whatever the image, the established church just doesn't seem cool, groovy, wicked or whatever the youth of today use to replace the word ‘good’.
  • A practical disbelief of God's omniscience is at the bottom of all the wickedness of the wicked. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • They find themselves plunged into a world they cannot control under the guardianship of a wicked relative.
  • To fend them off, he transforms himself into Paperboy, an African American superhero who punishes with paper objects and wicked paper cuts.
  • They were not evil or wicked or even particularly threatening. TREASON KEEP
  • The creature bellowed a seeming laugh at the pitiful maneuver, gnashing its wicked teeth and bullying its fiery body in such a way as to corner Galafar from getting away, coiling its body all around him.
  • ‘This will be the job of all the sons of this homeland… until we can rest assured that our country is free of devils and wicked people,’ Nayef said.
  • Mary Daly is a spinner and weaver, a performer, a wicked player throwing her life into the creation of new time.
  • Wicked" -- a jouncy, pyrotechnical "Wizard of Oz" prequel that has been running on Broadway since 2003 -- is wildly beloved and continually shatters box office records both in New York and on tour. 'Wicked' online wait for Kennedy Center tickets
  • If thou wouldest live long[sentence dictionary],live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life.
  • Then they saw the need of delay, before completely punishing the wicked, to give space for repentance, or else for accumulation of wrath (Ro 2: 15); and before completely rewarding the godly, to give room for faith and perseverance in tribulation (Ps 92: 7-12). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Thereafter they were inseparable, despite the wicked stepmother status accorded by her stepchildren. Times, Sunday Times
  • During a bad-tempered exchange, Mr Lawlor said the retired developer had named several ministers as having been at the meeting as part of his ‘wild, wicked allegations.’
  • The inhabitants of Nanagada and Aztlan are descendant from the Caribbean, now occupying lands each side of the Wicked Highs that are cut off from each other except for the Mafolie Pass. Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell
  • Karen, as far I could make out, was a lovely girl, very kind, but with a cheeky, wicked sense of humour that matched the impish glint in her eye.
  • It's got sex, violence, absurdism, politics (including a wicked parody of Western European and American leaders) and lots and lots of drugs.
  • Dear Mother Bonnivel, is it wicked that I can't be sad and regretful, but that the freedom is so sweet -- _so sweet_? Joyce's Investments A Story for Girls
  • On the contrary, the patient, like one provoked by interruption, changed her posture, and called out with an impatient tone, "Nurse -- nurse, turn my face to the wa ', that I may never answer to that name ony mair, and never see mair of a wicked world. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • Wickedness does no go altogether unrequited. 
  • Glancing over at him, she grinned, her eyes dancing with wicked pleasure.
  • Childe Harold" or "Don Juan," despite Swinburne's accusation of botchery, they would see that he really had very little time to be wicked. Without Prejudice
  • Her character demands that she appears a little wholesome, so we don't believe she's capable of anything wicked.
  • Arise, go to Nineveh and cry against it; for their wickedness has come up before me.
  • (wherein Thomas Smith was master) and the foresaid crayer they wickedly and vniustly caried away, being worth 280. nobles. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Rocky had a wicked gleam in his eye and urged them on toward the door.
  • He had a wicked tongue when roused and could talk a blue streak.
  • The tragic hero's reversal inspires pity if it is due not to wickedness of character but rather to some hamartia, by which Aristotle seems to mean some error in action, sometimes blameworthy and sometimes not.
  • He has a wicked sense of humour and thinking about him made me feel hot. The Sun
  • Sikhs believe that God is inside every person, no matter how wicked they appear, and so everyone is capable of change.
  • In his show he exploited a talent for mimicry that manifested itself in a Moira Anderson imitation when he was seven, and then in wicked parodies of his teachers.
  • He described Thomas Paine as a traitor to his country, a wicked, malicious, seditious and ill-disposed individual, who had actively supported both the American and the French Revolutions.
  • The beadlike eyes turned, glittering, on all sides; the thin, wicked lips quivered with bad passions; the tiny hands sheathed and unsheathed the little swords and daggers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 24, October, 1859
  • Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.
  • a wicked cough
  • Wicked King Miraz plans to conquer Narnia, forcing the rightful heir Prince Caspian to flee.
  • Pursuivant, to the Bishop of Albertstown, to the Lord Chancellor, with an exposition of the wicked injustice and hardness of heart of lawyers, and the inexpedience of taking the poor child from her earliest motherly friend, expressly chosen by her father. Modern Broods
  • Pocket, who had been expelled from the company by common consent, went sulkily away towards her hammock, for she was the fairy of the calceolaria, and looked rather wicked. Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
  • You can see wicked witches, grinning goblins, and hallucinating hags!
  • The wolf: A wicked, clever, hungry, talking wolf.
  • When it was midnight, she went to the King's horse called Katar, who was very wicked, and quite untameable. Indian Fairy Tales
  • Both students agreed that the other looked wicked. Times, Sunday Times
  • There would also be a loss of liberty or freedom for the morally wicked, since they would be punished or otherwise made to suffer.
  • It was a kind of blueish grey, its great mouth a gash of crimson in its head whilst wicked eyes gleamed from their sockets making it look like some supernatural demon from the Zylorian "Halls of the Dead Elric At The End of Time
  • I adore white chocolate, as it has such a sweet taste and I always feel very wicked when eating it.
  • The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. Joseph Conrad 
  • Wherefore I pray you most venerable Fathers, to whom and every one of whom it doth appertain, to provide for the dignity and safety of the Commonweale, that you would in no wise suffer this wicked Homicide, embrued with the bloud of so many murthered citisens, to escape unpunished. The Golden Asse
  • She backed away a step, smiling wickedly.
  • A duende is the ghost of a child who has died before it can be baptized: and there are many such children in Pavo, because Father Ignacius is such a wicked priest. DC's
  • He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the wickedness of its inhabitants.
  • Everyone called Agrippina the honor of her country, the blood of Augustus, the only and last example of the ancient Roman Vertue: And everyone prayed the Gods that they would preserve her Race, and make her live beyond, and after the entire ruin of these wicked men. Caesars’ Wives
  • The wicked woman in yesterday's case was cunning and manipulative. The Sun
  • His mother on discovering this note pinned to her chair gave way to very natural alarm and rushed upstairs to her darling, with whom she remonstrated in terms deservedly severe, pointing out the folly and wickedness of self-destruction and urging that such thoughts were unfit for one of his tender years, for he was then barely thirteen. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • The tares are the children of the wicked, and "the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The Parables of Our Lord
  • ‘That evil, wicked idiot,’ Dorian said after class as he and Jane walked together down the hallway.
  • Even though nightclubs and rock shows are notoriously wicked places, those who died will be eulogized as being ‘good’ people who did not deserve to die.
  • Instead, he railed against the ‘calculated, pre-planned wickedness’ of the boys.
  • Are you taking wicked stepmother lessons? The Sun
  • Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell until the prince woke her with a kiss.
  • The main character in the novel is unable to resist the blandishments of the wicked queen who offers him the most delicious candy in the world.
  • At that time, the gods Anu and Enlil, for the enhancement of the well-being of the people, named me by my name Hammurabi, the pious prince, who venerates the gods, to make justice prevail in the land, to abolish the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, to rise like the sun-god Shamash himself associated with dispensing justice over all humankind to illuminate the land.3 In the Valley of the Shadow
  • Wicked people and criminals are victims of their negative beliefs, bad values and habits, and defective characters. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • So, if a son that is by his father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the imputation of his wickedness by your rule, should be imposed upon his father that sent him: or if a servant, under his master's command transporting a sum of money, be assailed by robbers and die in many irreconciled iniquities, you may call the business of the master the author of the servant's damnation: but this is not so: the king is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant; for they purpose not their death, when they purpose their services. The Life of King Henry V
  • But if we found wickedness in it -- vice, as we rightly call it -- if it became restive, that is, rebellious and self-willed, then we should punish it indeed. The Good News of God
  • The happiness of the saints is the envy of the wicked, and that envy is the rottenness of their bones. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • He, who was sheer bladed steel in the imperious flashing of his will, could swashbuckle and bully like any over-seas roisterer, or wheedle as wickedly winningly as the first woman out of Eden or the last woman of that descent. CHAPTER XI
  • His hands are the same, long, clever fingers, five of them, with webbing stretched between and ending in wicked, slightly curved, claws.
  • The pleasure he takes in humbling the proud and exalting those of low degree (v. 6): The Lord lifts up the meek, who abase themselves before him, and whom men trample on; but the wicked, who conduct themselves insolently towards God and scornfully towards all mankind, who lift up themselves in pride and folly, he casteth down to the ground, sometimes by very humbling providences in this world, at furthest in the day when their faces shall be filled with everlasting shame. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • For the rest of us, this will probably qualify as something of a loss, if only because this nasty, wicked little place will no longer be able to offer up an instructional lesson in the costs of self-induced isolation.
  • If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.
  • I have never," said Saffredent, "seen anything punished as a crime except imprudence; in fact, no murderer, robber, or adulterer, is ever punished by justice, or blamed amongst men, provided they are as cunning as they are wicked. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • From the wicked who despoil me, My deadly enemies who surround me.
  • Saturday Night Live" has, since its earliest days, shamelessly flirted with bad taste -- and sometimes taken a wicked delight in heaving itself over the line, rather than just tiptoeing up to it. Tom Shales reviews the opening show of SNL's 36th season
  • These aristocrats are wicked, all right, but they're not terribly decadent.
  • Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational, morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal, overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness.
  • John has also worked with the costumes in "ursine" scale from the Tony Award winning shows Wicked, You're A Good Man, Fargo Stories
  • Orkney and seized the jarldom, and his widow, the notoriously wicked Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time or, The Jarls and The Freskyns
  • Sweet bread, pone, conkies, and ah wicked cranberry bread with whole wheat flour and all the trappins of West Indian cooking.
  • She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.
  • The third voyage involves confrontations with a race of wicked dwarfs and a Cyclops-like giant who reminds us of Homer's Polyphemus.
  • Yea, persons inherently unclean, and personally notoriously wicked, in respect of their designment to some outward work, which by them God will bring about, are said to be sanctified. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The Bible has a lot to say about darkness - about human wickedness and savagery and indifference.
  • All these are wicked awesome local acts, but instead we are relegated to radio-friendly unit shifters.
  • The first three bedtime stories of the fictitious author have been transformed into a wickedly humorous, picaresque screen adventure for a dark winter's day.
  • To be fair, it was a wicked day on which to play rugby, with a capricious wind and soft conditions underfoot. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was at best a cultural cringe, at worst wickedly archaic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his treatment of the sexual undertones of courtly love and seventeenth-century gallantry, Maidment's wicked sense of humour could reduce a tutorial to helpless laughter.
  • He moved a little in his sleep, a delightfully wicked smile coming on to his lips.
  • During the course of the next few months I uncovered a tale of wickedness and depravity hard to credit.
  • It encourages vile people to do wicked acts. The Sun
  • Cameron's college audience in Beijing will know all this stuff just as British kids know about the wickedness of Hitler and the ambitions of Napoleon or Phillip II of Spain – all pluckily thwarted by you know who. David Cameron should not have worn that poppy in China
  • He chuckled, a wickedly delicious little chuckle that sent a shiver down her spine.
  • You should sheer off the wicked urchin.
  • They have a wicked bearded collie called Dudley who I spent a lot of time winding up!
  • Martyn Hunter, playing Ben, provided most of the rare comic moments - gleefully crashing on to the stage riding a stolen bicycle, and forever punctuating his speech with a sudden, wicked laugh.
  • Over the decades, many artists and cartoonists have created wicked caricatures of the smug and powerful.
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Some are like horses, others like monstrous turtles, many resemble wicked snakes, and the list continues.
  • It took a wicked deflection. The Sun
  • Our frustration and wickedness possibly derives from that fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one seeks to displace the impotence of the opposition onto the flaws of her character: we failed because she is wicked and unfair. After Thatcher
  • For us who were sinful, he gave up the holy one; for the wicked the innocent one; the just one for the unjust; the incorruptible one for corruptible men; and for us mortals the immortal one.
  • With a sweep of his wicked feet (or hind-hands) he could have disembowelled them. CHAPTER V
  • It was the wickedness that soaks into your blood and slowly heats up and begins to boil.
  • The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail.
  • The only thing is, I'm a little concerned, because though they're hearty folk, and far too wicked to die young, they're neither of them as young as once they were.
  • The 1970 musical Purlie wickedly lampooned a southern segregationist.

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