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How To Use Whoop In A Sentence

  • After an exchange of letters, I have finally got my appointment for next week - whoopee, I am still alive to attend it, thank God.
  • When the Mexican chair of the meeting declared the talks formally closed there were whoops of delight from the African delegates.
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • The mobs of drunken men are whooping it up upstairs.
  • The crowd whooped and hollered at the unexpected entertainment.
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  • He carried the splashy, two-fisted style of great New Orleans pianists like Professor Longhair toward modern-jazz dissonance, then back toward propulsive barrelhouse; he sang the lyrics, but only after he had whooped and scat-sung, from baritone to falsetto. Jazzfest: “Thank God I Made It” - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Jan 24 2008 Whoops, Eyak isn't quite an Athabaskan language but rather a coordinate subbranch of the Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit family, according to the Alaska Native Language Center. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Last night I went to my first breath therapy session, mostly because the therapist is a close friend - whoops, there I go, now you see what I mean - and I was curious. One year on
  • What comes around goes around and whoops that boomerang is headed right for you. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • The two of them whooped and hollered some more; their wives sighed at the spectacle and regarded each other with love.
  • The kids ran around the hangi pit like wild Indians, whooping and yelling ‘War!’
  • From whooping theremins to massed strings and synths, music furnishes our future dreams.
  • He was one of the guys whooping and cheering Brett, which didn't say very much for his personality.
  • But then, whoops, here comes an eyewitness that places him taking the car and bringing it back, covered in mud, 1,000 miles on the odometer.
  • Let me know when your boy comes down, and also about the measles, cowpock, and whooping-cough; also if all's right with Mr. Plaskwith. Night and Morning, Complete
  • CARLISLE - Two cases of whooping cough have been reported in Carlisle schools, according to the superintendent. - News
  • You know the food is really good when a bunch of foodies are devising clever ways to abscond with a whoopie pie after an epic 20-dish meal. Foodies Feast, Family-Style
  • The audience whooped and hollered.
  • Just get out there, crane your head to the sky and have a good whoop. Times, Sunday Times
  • I read it, however, with unscholarly whoops, guffaws, and gasps. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a decent interval later, twice-divorced Whoopi, 43, would saunter out, like any other unattached lady guest.
  • EyesOnly on Aug 8, 2008 oh, and to followup, spiderman is a complete d-bag superhero who would get his butt whooped by pretty much any superhero except for maybe "the question" lol, superman would crush him, batman would kill him, the list goes on and on, lol. sorry, i had to go off on that little tangent. Sound Off: The Dark Knight - What Did You Think?! «
  • It is known as a wintering site for whooper swans, which arrive from Iceland, and wildfowl such as widgeon, teal and mallard.
  • A serious comedy, it prompts whoops of delight while also making people think, in this case about the purpose of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • Syrens whooped, steam whistles shrieked hoarsely; the raucous voices of fog-horns proclaimed the whereabouts of scores of craft, passing up and down the river; but the trim-built barge slid noiselessly along, ghost-like, in the dun-colored "smother," giving no intimation of her proximity. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • `You're here to raise money, not whoopee ," was Sarah's unfeeling retort. THE RECYCLED CITIZEN
  • Another possibility, though, is whooping cough. The Sun
  • Soon after the paper's publication, British television aired a program on the whooping cough vaccine.
  • We were rewarded with the sound of calling Whooping Cranes piercing the quiet of the early morning, then a close fly over.
  • I'm not the sort of pencil connoisseur to use pretentious French words (whoops -- too late) and imply that using the ideal writing utensil is some kind of transcendental experience. Archive 2008-05-01
  • I have a recipe for traditional whoopie pies (or "gobs" depending on which part of the country you're from). Autumn Baking: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
  • There are just three more days to get through and then, whoopee, it's the big one: New Year's Eve.
  • He had his first seizure within hours of receiving a vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.
  • Then he gave another whoop significant of the extreme of nervous abashedness and the incipient defiance of his masculine estate, there was a flourish of heels, followed by a swift glimmering slide of steel, and he was off trailing his sled. The Portion of Labor
  • The group gives a collective whoop of glee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outside we could hear soldiers whooping and shouting as they ran around the surrounding tents to secure them with sandbags. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Our study did not look at the effectiveness of whooping cough vaccines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another possibility, though, is whooping cough. The Sun
  • Besides its spot-on timeliness, "Outsourced" is a delightful comedy for how it deftly harvests laughs from the inevitable culture clash, from Todd's overeagerness to bridge the gap, and from the innate silliness of the company's product line (whoopee cushions, foam fingers and the like). 2010 Fall TV Lineup: 10 New Shows Worth Checking Out
  • Tetanus, also known as "lockjaw;" Diphtheria, an upper respiratory disease; and Pertussis, also known as "whooping cough. News for Opelika-Auburn News
  • And finally you hear nothing but boom boom boom boom, and all the whooping.
  • Kickstarting the burlesque scene in London, Maria Saugar reckons the Whoopee Club will be the talk of the town at The Edinburgh Festival.
  • Whoops and blasts from noisemakers greet every slide.
  • Kegs of hard cider and spruce beer and perhaps more potent brews are abroach, and behind the haggling and jesting and bustle you may catch the sound of muskets or the whoop of the Indians from afar. The History of the United States from 1492 to 1910, Volume 1 From Discovery of America October 12, 1492 to Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775
  • The cumulonimbus is the Savage Beast of the Sky, a beautiful shaft of pregnant water bubbling at 26,000 feet, about to open up a can of whoop-ass on you and yours. 8/8/02 This one goes out
  • OK, so let's grant them a special closeness, a real soul-matey whoop-de-doop sorority. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • For spasmodic coughs and whooping coughs, thyme is very effective as well, but it can be enhanced by giving five drops of tincture of lobelia, which is a powerful antipasmodic. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • With a whoop he cannonballed into the water in front of the dock. Pendragon: Before the War: Book One of the Travelers
  • Ministers, who will formally announce the plan tomorrow, insist the quintuple jab is safe, and a positive development for parents because it replaces the whooping cough vaccine, which contained mercury.
  • She turned on the tap and gave a whoop of delight as water cascaded forth, hot and plentiful.
  • Both countries have been working together ever since they realized how close the whooping crane was to extinction.
  • The venue absolutely erupts - hands in the air, whoops and whistles and hollers and general mentalism.
  • I heard another cheer go up, and heard loud whoops and shouts.
  • I'm taking the lava lamp, I'm going one, two, three, four - whoops, five.
  • I buzzed, I forgot about my feet, I gibbered ecstatically to strangers on chairlifts, I laughed and whooped, soared and floated.
  • I'm not so sure that they will prioritise the late night whoopees on private property.
  • As I approach the bus, the five or so other kids cheer out my name, whooping and screaming for me.
  • They whooped a welcome at the gate when the group of delegations came in.
  • The big problem for anybody watching the opening ceremony must have been suppressing whoops of hysterical laughter.
  • Several previously declining bird species are now thriving, including the red kite, marsh harrier, osprey, honey buzzard and whooper swan. Times, Sunday Times
  • When danger rears its head, this freelance crimebuster doles out ass-whoopings like the President hands out free cheese. Archive 2005-08-01
  • But Michaele wanted to talk about how Whoopi had been "berating" her backstage on "The View. Michaele Salahi and Whoopi Goldberg tell their sides of the story
  • I particularly enjoyed the jolly japes and larks of Ping the Elastic Man, Tin-Can Tommy and Whoopee Hank the slapdash sheriff.
  • Tito's government significantly raised the standard of health, eliminating diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.
  • There were as many shaking their heads at the attitude as whooping with delight. The Sun
  • And there I was-dark, red hair, messily tied up and in dusty clothes - whoopee.
  • Hurrah!" shouted Seth Allport, his ringing voice making itself heard above the sound of the rushing water and the echoing chorus of the men's cheers; but, an instant after, his exclamation of delight was changed to one of dismay, as a flight of arrows and the ping of rifle bullets whistled around the party, while the dread war-whoop of their Indian assailants burst forth in all its shrill discordancy. Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
  • Typically, they called its creator, Gabby, a bitch, a dyke, a "feminazi" even though whoopsie! Up front: Eva Wiseman
  • At a decent interval later, twice-divorced Whoopi, 43, would saunter out, like any other unattached lady guest.
  • We’re not really sure what Sherri is complaining about — we actually think she looks sorta cute — but Whoopi, on the other hand, looks like some sort of ancient alien. ICYMI: Whoopi Makes Unattractive Cave Lady | Best Week Ever
  • The boy gave a whoop of delight and raced away.
  • With a whoop of laughter, she adds, ‘But I've been around for so long that people are afraid to disagree with me.’
  • He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle.
  • Just get out there, crane your head to the sky and have a good whoop. Times, Sunday Times
  • Goodie goodie, it's London airport again, terminal 4, whoopee.
  • Mobile phone companies must whoop in profitable delight over this technological anomaly. Times, Sunday Times
  • His whoop of delight was the loudest sound all day. Times, Sunday Times
  • It never fails, and the uncontrollable sniggering and whooping that follows is one of the best pick-me-ups prescribable.
  • His whoop of delight was the loudest sound all day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whoopi seemed like she was just reading the lines, not relishing the sheer lunacy and hokiness of the show. The Footlights: Drew Lachey, Bailey Hanks, and Whoopi step in |
  • Currently, it looks as if you are being inundated by nothing but orange, whoops, I mean ‘saffron’.
  • But to pay 4.50 leva for eight small pieces of chicken and a hint of rice is not my idea of whoopee.
  • Sputtering, I discovered the volleyball floating next to me as whoops of triumph entered my ears.
  • There are fewer than 360 whooping cranes left in the wild, including a nonmigratory flock established by humans in Florida and another one that migrates with human guides disguised as cranes in ultra-light aircraft. Severe Texas Drought Threatens Coastal Wildlife
  • Outside we could hear soldiers whooping and shouting as they ran around the surrounding tents to secure them with sandbags. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • At that time whooping cough was rife at school, with three weeks' isolation for the victim. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • It is "a fact that forcible expiratory efforts in violent coughing or vomiting, and especially in sneezing, sometimes give rise to ruptures of the little (external) vessels" of the eye. 17 With respect to the internal vessels, Dr. Gunning has lately recorded a case of exophthalmos in consequence of whooping-cough, which in his opinion depended on the rupture of the deeper vessels; and another analogous case has been recorded. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • His arms started flailing, and whoops! he was heading backwards again.
  • The Lamb was furiously unwishful to be dressed in his warm clothes again, but Anthea and Jane managed it, by force disguised as coaxing, and he never once whooping-coughed. The Phoenix and the Carpet
  • For those who like a more sedate evening minus the cowboy whoops and lariats, Jockey Club may be the best place to be in.
  • I believe I startled a great many innocent Canadians, some perhaps as far away as Vancouver, with my unrestrained whoop of delight.
  • Today, fewer than 200 whoopers survive in the wild, most migrating with sandhill cranes between Canada and Texas.
  • Because of its sedative nature and narcotic abilities, leaves were mixed with other herbs for the treatment of whooping and spasmodic coughs in children.
  • Within a couple of songs the whooping crowd are on their feet and unable to restrain themselves from clapping along, despite the band's reputation as overly serious. The Sun
  • Wes and Raine flipped over their top cards and Raine gave a little whoop, taking both of their cards.
  • There are whoops of joy when defendants accused of receiving stolen goods are freed from prison. The Sun
  • They whooped on the big wheel and crashed into each other on the dodgems.
  • Three juvenile female whoopers made their way to South Dakota.
  • Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!
  • Culpeper endorsed elecampane wholeheartedly: “It has not its equal in the cure of whooping-cough in children, when all other medicines fail.” Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • A small current whirled around us, the giant fan palms nearby quivered in the almost imperceptible breeze and tropical birds whooped, cackled and whistled among the trees.
  • That's because children were vulnerable to infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles.
  • Whoops, make that "last four" and include Claremont/Byrne, of course jazzbo Top 100 Comic Book Runs #5 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • One lot colonizes, fences and oppresses Palestine with a whoop of nuclear-armed triumph. When A Map Is Worth a Thousand Words « Blog
  • The trick is to smile a lot and make loud whooping noises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infectious diseases such as whooping cough, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, rabies, tetanus, syphilis, and botulism rarely are seen now but can cause vocal cord paralysis.
  • Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.
  • Children survived as a result of a combined effect of sulfa drugs, vaccinations for whooping cough and measles, antibiotics, and corticosteroids.
  • Whoopin 'up the hill splendacious, playin' tiggie with the Turk. 'Hello, Soldier!' Khaki Verse
  • His whoop of delight was the loudest sound all day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their whooping could be heard for counties, even over the din of the empty barrels colliding in their flatbeds and rumbleseats.
  • The audience was whooping and clapping.
  • The principal recorded killers were smallpox, influenza, measles, typhoid, typhus, chickenpox, whooping cough, tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • Among vaccine-preventable childhood diseases, only measles was reported, but no diphtheria, tetanus or whooping cough.
  • Obama could whoop McCain anyday on the basketball court. Obama switches prediction: now says it'll be Celtics in six
  • When Bull similarly asked people how many songs users listened to, it turned out that - whoops - nobody really needed 10,000 tunes.
  • Jack let out a loud whoop as he spurred his horse on.
  • Points will be deducted for whooping, cheering, successful tackling, goal scoring or any other overt displays of competence.
  • Also, the neighbors probably just think, ‘Free music, whoopee!’
  • He was postured upright, near a myriad of hell-bent souls waiting in line, hugging each other and slapping hands ... giving big grins with a whoop here and there. Jesse Aizenstat: Not So Lost Generation
  • She asked me why I thought it had been whooping cough. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • I jumped up in the air, letting out a loud whoop of joy.
  • He wrote, Might you have sway with legislators against the Salvation Army male duo that park about 4 p.m. on 50th street near the rink, set up a boom box and start jitterbugging doing Michael Jackson -style whoops and yells every 20 seconds, that disturb workers in the building. Salvation Army Swings
  • Swans found in fields in winter are usually whooper swans. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an early champion for the introduction of safer whooping cough vaccines, called acellular vaccines. Undefined
  • Active immunization by vaccination with tetanus toxoid (an inactivated form of the toxin) is now usual in childhood, along with diphtheria and whooping cough vaccines.
  • ETA: Via Neil Gaiman, here's a better photo of me (and him and Frank Wu, who nearly deafened me with his whoops of delight). I need not to need
  • Dame Elizabeth Taylor dismisses Michael Jackson memorial as 'whoopla' Latest news breaking news current news UK news world news celebrity news politics news
  • It was New Year's Eve, and the men were celebrating at the top of their lungs with drunken whoops and hollers. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • The soldiers were shouting and whooping and hollering.
  • Indeed, no case of tetanus, diphtheria or whooping cough was reported over the two years under study.
  • It behoves the sceptics among us to listen and argue rather than to whoop with delight at the superficial difficulties.
  • We're talking about diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, which also is known as pertussis, polio and hepatitis b. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2002
  • Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2008 at 8: 17 p.m. Whoop-di-doo-doo, yearlies are coming. Blu94anjel Diary Entry
  • Around him the crowd was going crazy, whooping and cheering at the top of their lungs.
  • To the eyes of the town girls who passed about among the exhibits, she was poorly dressed; but if they could have seen the clothes she had worn on that evening when Jim Irwin first called at their cabin and failed to give a whoop from the big road, they could perhaps have understood the sense of wellbeing and happiness in Calista's soul at the feeling of her whole clean underclothes, her neat, if cheap, dress, and the "boughten" cloak she wore -- and any of them, even without knowledge of this, might have understood Calista's joy at the knowledge that Newton Bronson's eyes were on her from his station by the big pillar, no matter how many town girls filed by. The Brown Mouse
  • The whooper is the larger and more robust of the two. Times, Sunday Times
  • I saw weapons brandished as the whooping and yelling grew louder; here was Spotted Tail, his huge buckskinned figure thrusting through the throng as he shouted to Young-Man-Afraid; now he was under the canopy, addressing Mills. Isabelle
  • Whooping crane young are fed dragonfly larvae, insects and tadpoles, Johns said.
  • The orchestra whoops, lets out war cries, and dances a demented reel.
  • I can have a lie in tomorrow. Whoopee!
  • He whooped with caustic laughter, startling his horse, which gave a nervous whicker and stamped its hooves. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • The Big Red MUV climbs rutted off-camber hills really well and the suspension is plush enough to be comfortable when exploring mountain trails or cruising through the desert, but definitely not designed for hitting rain ruts or whoops at speed. Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
  • She whoops with delight at a promise of money.
  • At break of day it came whooping across the fields to spoil my pleasant morning revery. MOON-FACE
  • The mobs of drunken men are whooping it up upstairs.
  • After a few seconds of silence, the crowd began cheering and whooping for the two warriors.
  • Then there were the whooper swans. Times, Sunday Times
  • An overweight, middle-age woman struts out on stage wearing a tube top, miniskirt and high heels to the deafening whoops and hollers of the studio audience.
  • Finally his words were drowned out by the crowd, and they whistled, yelled, whooped, hollered and applauded in a frenzy.
  • They've had enough of his whoops-a-daisy ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, wouldn't you rather listen to a lie and let your children suffer polio, rubella, rubeola, mumps, hepatitis B, the whooping cough, varicella, variola, and so on? Bad Astronomy
  • In addition to offering tennis ball-sized tartufo and potential Whoopi Goldberg sightings, the club hopes the move will help erase the memory of the Aughts. At National Realty Club Lunch, Cautious Pessimism About 2010
  • His whoop of delight was the loudest sound all day. Times, Sunday Times
  • PHPMyAdmin + mytop + nagios big frickin whoop. good luck with that. reply Y Combinator’s FathomDB Takes The Hassle Out Of Managing Your Database
  • Overall it received a pretty mixed reception at its European launch, which is a mixed blessing: no harsh criticism but then no whoops of joy.
  • Though one side note about Google print before I go, I'm not too worried about the big whoopla over this as the whole concept is still a work in progress and I'll continue to use Blogger as the best free blog service out there but we'll see how the AAP lawsuit if any comes about. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Today, it is the outdoor activity capital of southern Utah, and mountains around it echo with whooping base jumpers, spluttering river rafters and the squeal of tortured mountain bikes.
  • After all the whoopla, ReichWingNuts turn out to be “Cut and Run” types. Think Progress » President Bush is “ticked off big-time”
  • Whooping cough occurs mainly in young children.
  • The serum was also used in vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and whooping cough until as late as 1993.
  • Whoops! Careful, you almost spilt coffee everywhere.
  • ‘Fine,’ she sighed and the guys and I let out a loud whoop of success.
  • Indians (Bedouins) with very long spears in their hands, cavorting around on old crowbait horses, and spearing imaginary enemies; whooping, and fluttering their rags in the wind, and carrying on in every respect like The Innocents Abroad
  • Peter of Detectives Beyond Bordersblog has just been at a book convention where he met someone whoopined that "fans" "pass the evenings in their rooms among their newly acquired books, missing the chance to fraternize at the hotel bar with the people who wrote those books. Weblogs
  • We're all shouting and whooping as we ride down the descent to where the cougar tried to attack a rider - to scare rather than surprise them. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's so much to enjoy here, however, that even dull-witted blockheads like me will whoop with (slightly confused) pleasure.
  • This also happens to be where Scotland's most emblematic birds are flying: golden eagles, ospreys, sea eagles, whooper swans, grouse etc.
  • This is true, as a rule, of measles, scarlet fever, whooping-cough, small-pox, and varioloid.
  • This while, to the same place came his orison-mutterer impaletocked, or lapped up about the chin like a tufted whoop, and his breath pretty well antidoted with store of the vine-tree-syrup. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough floated in the air.
  • She announced the Hotel deal as the first success of the new Delegates Charter at the Congress venue - to a round of whoopees and widespread applause.
  • There been sirens wailing nightlong and explosions north and a new noise like a low whoop that goes then stops then goes again. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • Most of the Toro-ke were there, and the cheers and yells and catcalls and whoops made by everyone nearly knocked Maeya over upon their descent.
  • It is the sort of whooping glee that, in Daffy Duck cartoons, goeth before the fall.
  • Sundance is hardly a typical American audience, but the single syllable earned a huge whoop. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is greeted with a whoop of incredulous laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group gives a collective whoop of glee. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the reports turn out to be true, resellers and probably Linux developers will issue a whoop of delight.
  • However, the collective whoopee was abruptly halted when the small print was made known.
  • Buzzard giardiasis eurythmics hantles paraprostatitis australs Saul Hoban brachiopode regenerative trappist ready-mades toxicities befitted whoop-de-doo italicized disassimilative misestimated turbanned roundfish trocaical autogenuous bow-houghd extorter Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston
  • I hastily stuffed everything into my backpack, crushing many important math assignments… whoops!
  • After fifteen or twenty seconds, Lily and Scheherazade (with Keith somehow bracketed in the middle of it) were swiftly and surreally engulfed by a swarm of young men, not boys or youths, but young men in sharp shirts and pressed slacks, whooping, pleading, cackling and all aflicker, like a telekinetic card trick of kings and knaves, shuffling and riffling and fanning out under the streetlamps ... 'The Pregnant Widow'
  • When something really tickled Papa, he laughed silently, screwing his face up, his whole body shaking, only the occasional whoop escaping as he tried to catch his breath.
  • The truth is that, like it or loathe it, Pearl Harbor was "an event" – a film that made headlines long before the cameras turned thanks to its bloated budget, and which managed to stay in the headlines throughout its production courtesy of a unique mix of historical tactlessness, fatuous movie-star flashing Kate Beckinsale reportedly displayed her naked bottom during a no-pants flypast – whoopee! and, most importantly, enormous expense. Mark Kermode: How to make an intelligent blockbuster and not alienate people
  • They mow down four hoods to get to the mobster’s main flunky, then they breakout the ol’ can of whoopass on a few more hoods in order to get to the same flunky. Fan Film Review: The Green Hornet | Fan Cinema Today
  • Now, upperclassmen are saying whoop instead of whoops. Houston Chronicle
  • Before he could even wonder what she had agreed to, he heard a loud whoop of joy.
  • This is greeted with a whoop of incredulous laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shouting, whooping, hollering, and shooting into the air, they raced toward the ranch.
  • Usually expected to hover silently on the edges of adult activities, the little folks were licensed to whoop and shake their fannies when Big Bill began to shout the blues. The Ghost in Rock 'n' Roll
  • Neither the common nor the Latin name give any indication that the hacking cough and haunting whoop are often followed by vomiting.
  • An early report in the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended diamorphine for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, laryngitis, and hay fever.
  • The two principals whipped up tremendous whoops and roars from a besotted audience, and in many respects the adulation was well deserved.
  • He poured forth a perfect uproar of liquid melody, punctuated with such hurroos and whoops of delight that he made me wonder if his lady love would like such college-song methods of serenading.
  • Everything is sensibly on track until he wakes up in bed with Becky - a dancer at his bachelor party, and also, whoops, Karen's cousin.
  • They think the sport 's noise (many describe a "ping" or "pop") and towel-snapping ethos (pl ayers "whoop it up" and "do a little trash talking," says David McCallum, son of one of the sport' s inventors) have no place in their backyards. A Red-Hot Sport Leaves Some Folks With a Sour Taste
  • Whoops, forgot about the slowpoke guys,’ Esmée teased, ‘We'll catch you up, you go ahead and get tickets and such.’
  • I'm walking along, carrying Jackson, and then whoops!
  • Sophie acknowledged the fact with a grimace as, with a wave and a whooping "halloo," Clarissa shot past. A Lady of Expectations

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