
How To Use White house In A Sentence

  • National Provisions Company, and went out preaching fiat money and a subtreasury for the farmers 'crops, trusting to God and the flower garden about his little white house, to keep the family alive -- it is odd that Jeanette's childish impression was that General Ward was a man of consequence in the world. A Certain Rich Man
  • Diary Entry by Ross Levin (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'There\'s been a lot of talk about \'direct democracy\' since Obama was elected - about how his campaign involved people at a level never before seen in national politics, how his White House has been using online programs to get peoples\ 'input, and so on. OpEdNews - Diary: Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism
  • But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™. Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
  • – The agreement contains a complicated escrow system that may allow the $480 million to be funneled from the Treasury Department to the White House. Think Progress » SOURCE: Obscure Trade Settlement Could Create $480 Million Slush Fund for White House
  • Bush and his war cabinet, including Rumsfeld, Cheney and Powell, hastily convened at the White House to consider an airstrike to "decapitate" the Iraqi leadership. 'I HAVEN'T SUFFERED DOUBT'
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  • Some of the confidence and assertiveness comes from having spent time in government, and now we've identified ways where we want to make our push," said a senor administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss White House thinking on the Middle East developments. As Arabs protest, Obama administration offers assertive support
  • White House officials said the bill helped "propel" the company's recent expansion. A state dinner do-over
  • Young White House officials were giddy with excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an intriguing and opportune time to launch a new journal dedicated to the study of the presidents, first ladies, and White House.
  • Often, the most important jobs get "mediocrities" like Greenspan and the current White House occupant. "Immoral Hazard"
  • Programming will be controlled by the US and British military, but may include rebroadcasts from independent news outlets in both countries, the White House said.
  • The latter was the last general to serve in the White House and did so in a decidedly unmilitary fashion.
  • ‘I must have misspoke,’ Bartlett, now White House communications director, was quoted as telling the Globe in a recent interview.
  • In September 1971, Malek was put in charge of a White House effort to close down leaks to reporters of nonclassified material from the administration. Fred Malek: It's not the 'Jew-counting,' it's the deception
  • In spite of this, he rode on and on, till at last he reached a small white house that stood by itself on the top of a hill, unsheltered from the wind. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • The unruly bunch pushed into the White House, clods standing on the silk-upholstered furniture in muddy boots to get a glimpse of the new president (who was trying not to be crushed by his well-wishers). Inauguration Party Like It's 1829
  • KING: A year ago, as we saw some of it in that piece, the vice president was the one who directed the government's response from a minute-by-minute basis back at the White House -- today, the vice president back in what we became so familiar with in the days after last September 11, what we call a secure and undisclosed location. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2002
  • But seeing the actual footage, with the minutes ticking by, may prove more damaging to the White House than all the statistics in the world.
  • Former White House budget director Peter Orszag, whose personal life hit the gossip pages, would be succeeded by Jack Lew, a low-key budgeter, if Mr. Lew is confirmed by the Senate. Exodus Could Shift White House Tone
  • Wow, Phaedrus, what kind of security clearance do you have, that you know what Nancy Pelosi said during consultatory briefings by the White House and Pentagon? Matthew Yglesias » Pelosi Saves School Renovation Funds
  • We know that historically the party that holds the White House loses seats in Congress in their first midterm election.
  • If he were a teacher, and not a senior White House adviser and the towering former chairman of the Federal Reserve, he says, he would have given the new rules just an ordinary B -- not even a B-plus. Paul Volcker Gives Financial Reform Bill 'B Minus,' Regrets Past Silence On Deregulation
  • DOBBS: The White House, says President Bush tonight, will announce what they call visionary proposals to deal with our illegal immigration and border security crises. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2007
  • It seems that the theme emanating from the White House is "Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed. Paul Krassner: My Letter to Obama
  • The White House surveillance scandal heats up.
  • But Mr. Mubarak's language and refusal to yield to what he called the intervention of foreigners left protesters furious, the scene in Cairo precarious and the White House seemingly unable to influence events. Crisis Puts White House in Disarray
  • And any sane person who knows the definitions of fascism and socialism - two terms diametrically opposed to each other, BTW - would KNOW that the last occupant of the White House had us under a fascist dictatorship. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Bona fides: Longtime activist for Darfur who just returned from a week-long trip in the southern half of the country and briefed President Obama at a White House meeting and Sen. Richard Lugar on Capitol Hill earlier in the day. Celebvocate: George Clooney reps for Darfur
  • Then he rushed down the long steps and across the lawn to the White House.
  • Concerned the President does not view gay men and women as "human beings whose lives, loves, and families are equal" to his own, Solomnese mockingly offered to "reintroduce" the LGBT community to their capricious ally in the White House. RedState
  • White House aides say that even the supersmooth John Roberts had to supply additional information about his answers. The Gathering Storm
  • This quickly won approval of the policy makers at the White House, but Kissinger wanted to do much more.
  • Glenn served as a policy analyst in the White House Office of Domestic Policy during the presidency of George H.W. Bush.
  • If one of the prosecutors had just sent a Democratic Congressman to jail, would you be totally untempted by the White House explanation that the real cause was, say, a reluctance to prosecute abortion-clinic protesters under RICO? Politics, Lies, and 93 v. 8 - Swampland -
  • How exciting to be invited to come to the White House, see 'the garden' (new meaning to the term pea-green with envy) as the fabulous first lady drafted us all into the service of our country's children to ensure their healthy future. Liz Neumark: Food Activist Goes to Washington
  • Beyond opening government data, McLaughlin reiterated two key White House priorities for electronic privacy: smart grid and health information technology. Alexander Howard: Open Government Goes to the Theater at Fedtalks
  • His message to the White House was much more worrisome than maybe to the average person in the public.
  • And the DOJ could be less likely to block contempt charges against former White House aides who have refused to testify before Congress.
  • But the White House is out to fight cyberphobia with an initiative intended to bolster confidence in e-commerce. NYT > Home Page
  • Your vote has been counted and is reflected above., the 44th President of the United States of America, but the first black man, has already made the first momentous decision of his presidency, by ordering 16trillion liters of black paint to 'redecorate' the White House : Spoof News : Front Page
  • Even so, Hague has offered to host a conference on the matter and at Munich gave among examples of internet attacks on "British interests" his own staff and a defence contractor being hit by "Zeus" malware that evaded defences by pretending to come from the White House. William Hague reveals hacker attack on Foreign Office in call for cyber rules
  • Mr. Bernanke has avoided publicly criticizing the White House's call for an independent consumer regulatory agency.
  • In July 1993, Foster, then deputy White House counsel, committed suicide.
  • It's reminiscent of 1930's Germany, and we shouldn't have to deal with neo-fascist nonsense since Bush is no longer in the White House. Napolitano takes aim at Arizona immigration law
  • That the White House physician, Dr. Janet Travell, gave him injections of procaine for his pain is old news.
  • He's expected to go into semiretirement and will likely offer counsel to the White House. Obama Team's Departures
  • It was so upsetting that thousands of letters poured into the White House once President Roosevelt announced the date change.
  • White the madam have already sat severals in erection this of family nice friend, and then have white house to bless to visit of the womenfolk of a families.
  • With his victory in Florida officially certified, Bush announced new moves to lay claim to the White House.
  • So, I suppose it could become a theme or subtheme of pundrity and vicious commentary throughout not only a general campaign if Hillary is the nominee [ad naseum flashes of that one picture again of Bill hugging a glowing faced Monica], but also extending throughout any years Bill C. might again spend in the White House. Poll: Hillary's Huge Lead In Florida Fueled By Women Voters
  • Both campaigns believe that whoever wins two out of the three will probably take the White House.
  • Sheen certainly makes a better president than the current boofhead, and this series does a good job of hinting at what life's like inside the White House.
  • Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call at the White House on day one, a claim for which she's taking much grief on the campaign trail. Not So Fast, Says Sinbad - Real Clear Politics –
  • No, we didn't actually get nuked or wiped out by ebola or nerve gas; aliens didn't land on the White House lawn.
  • But let us start where President Bush begins his life story, with his childhood, youth and formative years -- the period I've called "The Path to the White House" in American Caesars: Lives of the Presidents, From Franklin D. Nigel Hamilton: George W. Bush -- and Selective Memory
  • Meanwhile, the White House has "broadened" its court search, says a senior official, a sign that Clinton is unhappy with the current list. Mitchell: A Lifestyle Choice?
  • The spillcam, which BP made public only after the White House intervened, was the visual through-line of a media drama that fascinated and frightened the country for an entire summer, and enveloped many of us in its gravitational-like pull. Sean Smith: Ink Spill: Inside the Battle to Shape the News Coverage of Last Year's Oil Gusher
  • Todd says that the White House is attempting to get "command and control" over a situation that's substantively not too eminently commandable or controllable. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • The story of Dave Johnson—president of the 100-year-old, fourth-generation family-owned business, Summitville Tiles, Inc. a ceramic tile and brick manufacturer whose products festoon both the roof of the White House and the floors of McDonald's restaurants around the world—is typical. Ohio Shows the Way on Death Tax Repeal
  • For the first time in living memory a presidential candidate claimed the White House before his rival had conceded the race.
  • On this St. Patrick's Day, I am delighted to welcome Prime Minister Reynolds, called Taoiseach in his country, to the White House. Presidents Remarks Annual Presentation Of Bowl Of Shamrocks
  • �Emanuel is leaving the White House to run for mayor of Chicago, a job that he has long wanted. Obama Taps Longtime Aide Rouse To Replace Rahm
  • Obama is rebounding from his party's midterm drubbing with the kind of lame-duck victories any White House would want. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Nichols, dressed in crisp white shirt and blue power tie, spoke in confiding and confident terms about the injustice of White House correspondents 'dinner seating arrangements, the need for "newsy" background meetings and early-morning gaggles, the disrespect shown toward the press by interminable delays. White House reporters see the other side while campaigning for board spots
  • Don't you get one day of declaring your candidacy for the White House before you have to answer a dumb, horse-race question like that?
  • What has made the tension between press and government especially "clamorous" is that people in charge of the Bush White House decided on a strategy for rolling back the national press. Jay Rosen: "We are Covering the War on Terror, It's a Classified War."
  • stippled" the ceilings of the White House with interns. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • In mid-March, as a White House assessment of the war in Afghanistan was nearing completion, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met in a secure Pentagon room for their fortnightly video conference with Gen. David D. McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in Kabul. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 17, 2009
  • She's really set this new guideline, and I feel like the White House will never be the same after this somehow," said Gloria Baume, fashion director for Teen Vogue.
  • The White House and Democrats in Congress will urge passage of a “clean” debt limit increase, without amendments, though they acknowledge that cannot pass in the Republican-controlled House.
  • White House reporters will surely have been relieved to learn that Canberra's tap water is drinkable.
  • The White House is thought to favour a far smaller contingent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sally Jesse here and a White House news conference there, broadcast by C-SPAN in its interminable entirety.
  • I will call the poltroon in the White House scum, however.) Balkinization
  • bristly exchanges between the White House and the press
  • The Secret Service evacuated the White House, the press corps, the remaining staff there.
  • Almost the entire Cabinet and senior White House staff were in attendance.
  • Laws prohibit political fund-raising on government property, which is the focus of some of the questions surrounding White House fund-raising practices.
  • In announcing Key's visit, the White House said the leaders would discuss "the close friendship and partnership between our two countries" -- a sign of growing ties, but a notch below using the term alliance. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Banks Religion News Service WASHINGTON RNS Faith leaders with long-term ties to Cuban organizations are hailing a change in White House policy that... Religious Leaders Praise New Obama Policy On Cuba
  • Because as a federal civil servant, if you're witnessing abuse and corruption, particularly in the White House, where do you go?
  • The reality is for more than 40 years no Democrat has succeeded to the White House who hasn't been from the South.
  • One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity , said the White House took the threat very seriously.
  • The President's wife is often politically astute, ambitious and very influential in White House policy decisions.
  • They will go to any lengths to get the White House to change course .
  • What is the White House doing differently now to react to what is obviously a terrible political period for this presidency?
  • An aide said Clinton will announce his plan Wednesday after conferring with a White House-led task force on climate change.
  • The Romneyans are spinning this as a moral victory since Mitt came in second, the reality is, that in Wowserdom he running twenty five points behind a religious fanatic and a notorious latah for the White House. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Recall the flake who shot up the White House with the machinegun? Elizabeth Edwards Spells Out For Wolf What's Wrong With Ann Coulter
  • Daley's entry into the White House marks President Obama's transition from political outsider to insider, and from South Side Chicago liberal to Downtown Chicago and Washington survivalist powerbroker intent on winning another term as president, even if that means alienating the left wing of his party. Bill Daley Named White House Chief Of Staff
  • It was the most rigid rule of the White House, and if a person happened to rest a hand in their pocket, or under their coat-tails, a low whisper immediately told them to take it out. The Care and Feeding of the First Family | Edwardian Promenade
  • Speaking over at the White House, the president once again strongly condemned what he calls horrifying scenes playing out in Tehran. CNN Transcript Jun 26, 2009
  • This means the White House has not been required to undertake special safety precautions during the current water emergency, he said.
  • But his early beginnings were far from the White House. The Sun
  • Reagan decontrolled oil and natural-gas prices almost immediately upon moving into the White House. Ronald Reagan's Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The White House also joined in to "laud" the Senator for coming to Washington to help bailout the companies that put us in this mess in the first place. Joshing Politics
  • His management style may differ from the president's, but Rouse has been a partner in building the strategy that took Obama from the Senate to the White House and in his first two years as president. Obama signals continuity, for now, with staff changes
  • Then there is the mousetrapping of the Clintons per se, which I laid out last November: President Clinton has agreed to submit his future endeavours to strict ethics reviews by the White House counsel and the State Department's ethics office. William Bradley: Hillary's Back! (Or Not)
  • The White House says the president will again urge the premier to take steps to float China's currency.
  • We are fortunate that we have thoughtful leaders in the White House, rather than the "hate the government (i.e., country)" bumpkins from the red states. Pawlenty slams Dems on 'reckless' spending
  • Unlike the subliterate cretin presently occupying the White House, Carter was one of the few presidents of my lifetime who was a consistently impressive extemporaneous speaker. McCain: Obama Would Equal Carter's Second Term
  • He's not ready to be C-in-C of the greatest nation on earth, pls NC lets stop this Barrack Husein Obama from talking his way through (empty-headed) to the white house ... Clinton faces uphill battle in North Carolina
  • Van Jones, who was purged from the White House through a Fox News-orchestrated smear campaign, told a gathering of activists in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, that the day after Obama's election, "you gave away your power" by receding to the sidelines or turning their attention to individual issues while neglecting the over-arching narrative. Adele Stan: GOP Wave: Progressives Not Bold Enough?
  • Moving on to talk about that ex-Marine, former White House staffer, rookie FBI analyst, pilferer of classified computer files.
  • The Obama administration publicly mourned the passing of Iran's Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, in an unusual move U.S. officials said was designed to align the White House with Iran's democratic movement. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 21, 2009
  • The whole idea that the White House was "blindsided" by that decision seems awfully suspect to me. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • In a preview of the special Comerford, who has been cooking for presidents since the Clinton administration, said the chefs were in "awe" of everything they saw at the White House. First lady challenges Iron Chefs
  • So that swine Lleland had not been acting on presidential authority when he told me to ban them from the White House.
  • At a White House ceremony where he signed the $417 billion defense spending bill for the 2005 fiscal year, Bush uttered another of his celebrated malapropisms.
  • In the name of comity, the White House went along with the headstrong senator. COURAGE AND CONSEQUENCE
  • Bernanke warned the U.S. economic recovery was "closeto faltering," and said Congress and the White House had a "shared responsibility" with the Fed to respond. What's News: Business & Finance
  • Moving the control of the Census from the Commerce Department to the White House is just about guarantied to bring a law suit for violation of the Constitution. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • This election could be a twofer - we win the White House and the Supreme Court.
  • A year earlier F16s had failed to intercept a Cessna light aircraft that deviated from course, and buzzed the White House.
  • It was a phrase Chu deployed more than a dozen times and it had the effect of making him the target of Republicans, rather than the White House. Solyndra hearing: unflappable Steven Chu endures five-hour grilling
  • The White House pins the whole thing on onetime deputy counsel Vincent Foster, who is dead and can not defend himself.
  • On Friday the White House called for restraint, a peaceful transfer of power, and an end to what it called "senseless" violence in Yemen. US Government Pressed Over Yemen Uncertainty
  • As Democrats push for a single Republican vote needed to give the White House a filibuster-proof Sen.te majority on financial regulation legislation, Tennessee Sen. Robert Corker remains at or near the top of their "persuadable" list. NPR Topics: News
  • Mrs. Obama, in the statement, called Sher's White House service a "gift" and said: "As sad as I am to see Susan go, I always knew she would return to her family and her community in Chicago. - News
  • He doesn't deal in abstractions or what policymakers in the Pentagon and White House think. What's Sebastian Junger's 'War' good for? Quite a bit
  • The President's wife is often politically astute, ambitious and very influential in White House policy decisions.
  • The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
  • Mr. Kennedy's relentless extracurricular pronging is now common knowledge, but was not well known to the nation when he occupied the White House. Lisa Nesselson: JFK, Marilyn Monroe and, uh, Sarah Palin -- The French Recollection
  • There is a Latin phrase that might have a place in the White House communications office: "Ars est celare artem -- the art is to hide the art. Peggy Drexler: Obama Everyman: How Much Is Too Much?
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): The state says the woman once honored by Nancy Reagan at the White House for her work with children suffers from a bizarre mental disorder called Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
  • White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
  • There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
  • There's lots of physical comedy: Hillary is an amusingly spastic dancer, frugging her heart out, while Bill has a languid, frat-boy lope that makes him look more Animal House than White House. A Song for Monica
  • Walton also criticized Sixto for accepting a job in the White House, knowing that he had been stealing from the center, an independent institution that receives millions of dollars in USAID funds for rent, travel and equipment such as shortwave radios and laptops. - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • She was designated by President as the chief of the White House Office.
  • Here are two tiny quotations from it (no, I cannot resist it, since you ask): Jim Hacker: "Apparently, the White House thinks that the Foreign Office is full of pinkoes and traitors. UN diplomacy stalls (again)
  • DAMN WHAT A SHAME IT IS SINCE THAT DAY, when the leader of hate to our white house came, when our collective soul was taught to blame, or better up, that to slain is the truest and sweetest game, or how we all now proudly do proclaim … Oh how we love to kill in the name of the great and fearsome U.S.A. Think Progress » Embedded TIME Reporter: Bush Lied In Speech Yesterday About Iraqi Security Forces
  • A dying LBJ retired to Texas and let his hair grow long, some say in tacit allegiance to the anti-war protesters who once marched outside his White House. McNamara and the souls of Vietnam
  • A White House statement said Biden would celebrate the holiday with the troops but also "reaffirm" the "long-term" U.S. commitment to Iraq and discuss recent developments. Biden leaves Iraq after meeting with key government officials
  • She requested permission to film at the White House.
  • However, this was not an oversight, and the President lit the traditional "diya" or oil lamp for Diwali at the White House yesterday before embarking on this trip. Georges Ugeux: Barack Obama Visits Mumbai...on Diwali!
  • Reading through the White House's text of "An Economy Built to Last," any half-awake citizen will notice the words that fail to appear: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, entitlements and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obama's Maddening, Winning Speech
  • And when it came to keeping secrets, the White House was known as the leakiest ship in Washington. Deception Point
  • For that, and other reasons, White House aides say Bush -- who originally described Walker as a "poor fellow" who had been "misled" -- might ask for more information about Walker's conduct before he makes his decision. The White House Is Divided Over Walker
  • The Tax Day Tea Party protests began earlier this year when Rick Santelli, on-air editor for CNBC, ranted against what he called the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House and Congress, a flawed stimulus bill and a pork-filled budget, according to the Tax Day Tea Party Web site. Undefined
  • The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.
  • Unspoken, yet unmistakable in all the brinkmanship was the 2012 election campaign, still 18 months away, with the White House and both houses of Congress at stake. Debt talks crisis: Boehner, Obama trading blame
  • White House aides insisted that the speech would not be political. Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't want her to be a victim, but I wanted her to be someone who'd at least grown smarter from her year of living dangerously, someone who didn't scoff at the White House "meanies" who had tried to avert the mess, someone who was at least conscious about more than herself and her inner circle. Ms. Magazine Online
  • The halfhearted liberals in the White House dream of bringing health-care costs under control, and conservatives demand in response a more thorough antiliberalism than ever before. The Rise of the Reactionary Right
  • The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.
  • Todd_Zwillich: Sen Dem aides clarify: tomorrow's White House mtg is not officially on debt, though it will "surely come up. HUFFPOST HILL - Joe Lieberman Pushes Grandma Off A Cliff
  • “The next day Mrs Grasso, my fifth grade homeroom teacher, thought I was a superstar as I presented my postcard from the White House signed by Ford to my classmates in Show & Tell.” O.K. Steve Martin rode a bike through Central Park today « Dating Jesus
  • He told me the case had again exposed fault-lines of principle between members of the military judicial service and higher-ups in the Pentagon and the White House.
  • The White House claimed the briefing was to "contextualize" the testimony and comments made earlier in the day before the Senate committee by Director of National Intelligence The American Spectator
  • After considering the White House's latest policy proposals, some top economists are making very dire predictions indeed.
  • The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.
  • This is certainly in overt conflict with what the White House wants all Federal agencies to be doing so as to be "transparent" and "open". Looks Like MOD Can Overrule JSC (and NASA HQ) PAO - NASA Watch
  • The President met with senior White House aides at breakfast.
  • The White House is so skittish about the word "shutdown" that it has been all but banished from its own lexicon. As clock ticks, tension rises over a federal shutdown
  • The last successful American third party, the Republicans, had a noble cause in abolition and the dominant political imperative in American history: Union, and they elected several candidates to statewide office before Lincoln (their second Presidential nominee) won the White House. Matthew Yglesias » Why Two Parties?
  • The bill was intended to give the Obama Administration leverage (which the White House seems quite disinclined to use) in continuing talks with Beijing about China's manipulation of its currency. Robert Kuttner: Trade War Is Here -- and We've Disarmed
  • McChrystal retired from the Army a month later, with the White House allowing him to keep his status as a four-star general. Gen. McChrystal to oversee White House initiative
  • Callahan, who worked as an apprentice under stone carvers at the cathedral in the 1980s, has done restoration work on the White House exterior and gargoyles in private gardens. 'Quiet Strength' Of Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa Portrayed In National Cathedral
  • Hundreds of incompetent decisions are made in the Kremlin and White House (government headquarters) ... in precisely this 'noiseless' fashion without public discussion or criticism," liberal politician Vladimir Ryzhkov wrote in The Moscow Times. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • You'll see visiting heads of state tend to go into the entrance; when they leave, we show pictures, or when congressmen or others come to what we call a stakeout at the White House, to speak to reporters, you see the West Wing entrance behind them. CNN Transcript Jul 12, 2001
  • It's ok for Palin to attack the Media, President Obama For her Stupidty ** By the way McCain why didn't you defend your Daughter when she was ATTACKED by Fox News for speaking out *** Palin is the Idiot Gift that keep on giving, She can't get her house inorder How in H_LL can she run the White House I'm 'saddened' by 'vicious attacks' on Palin, McCain says
  • In the White House, Kennedy received ‘seven to eight injections of procaine in his back in the same sitting’ before news conferences and other events, Dr. Kelman said.
  • Last weekend, I set about to decorate my perfect tree. in my scaled down, dream house, for my very first christmas ~in the blue and white house~ celebrating my "this is as good as it gets" reality. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
  • He joined the Army chorus, frequently performing at the White House, and his name began appearing in The Post right around the same time that the other Dan Snyder entered the local lexicon. Being the other Dan Snyder
  • Reeves has gained unrivalled access to the extraordinary amount of paperwork generated by the Nixon White House.
  • Do you really not believe that you have something vested in wether or not a top official in the White House outed an operative who may have been able to obtain better information regarding the Nuclear issues in Iran? Think Progress » Matthews on Rove Indictment: ‘It Could Be Today’
  • But though all eyes are on the battle for the White House, congressional races are deserving of enviros ' attention.
  • On the bench was Ms. Stein's partner in four-handed piano playing, 62-year-old Larry Woodard , an award-winning cabaret performer who played Carnegie Hall, the Met and the White House. The Art of Aging Creatively
  • Young White House officials were giddy with excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The White House announced that the U.S. would lift the embargo on commercial sales of non-lethal defense articles and expand contact between the U.S. and Indonesian militaries.
  • Truman and every Democrat who ran for the White House for the next half century berated Republican Herbert Hoover for the Depression.
  • HEMMER: We've been trying for a couple of days, tossing around this word "bentonite," Major Garrett talked about, this morning, the White House saying it was not present. CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2001
  • Afterward he and Corinne went to the White House for lunch and mingled with the high and mighty of official Washington.
  • When the infamous White House gate-crasher floated the notion of running for D.C. mayor, we basically blew it off. No joke, third White House crasher Carlos Allen is actually running for mayor
  • Secret White House backchannels (discovered from recently released White House tapes) are used to support the book's contention.
  • But hampered by the lack of enthusiasm from the White House, the measure failed to complete its legislative programme.
  • Then, as now, Republicans controlled Congress and Democrats the White House.
  • A half dozen of the most senior American national security officials were summoned to a hurriedly called late-night emergency meeting in the White House Situation Room. The Prize
  • Gingrich is a hip-shooter just like the cowboy who just left the White House. Cafferty File
  • Leaving aside the weakness of the language -- it does little more than tweak the verbiage of the Senate bill -- the order is nonbinding, unenforceable, and changeable or rescindable at will by whoever occupies the White House. Ten Reasons
  • The White House says the Obamas will travel next Friday to Mount Desert Island, which is home to Acadia National Park. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • More than 1,000 protesters were arrested in front of the White House during a multiday rally in September. Pipeline Hearing Draws Emotional Pleas
  • A few days after the industry's blatant blackmail, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel again reiterated that a public option was not "the defining piece of health care. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: The Public Option is Dead as a Doornail
  • The aardwolf clearly caught the attention of the White House and Pentagon. State of War
  • Right at the top of the hour, he'll be speaking from the White House, addressing the American people and the world.
  • The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
  • Some Honor Guard members will escort dignitaries at the inauguration and the White House reviewing stand.
  • Ginger White surfaced in bombshell fashion on Monday, telling an Atlanta TV station that she's "not proud" of what she described as long-running sexual shenanigans with the married GOP White House contender. NYDN Rss
  • Newspaper reporters have been trying to prise the details from the White House spokesman.
  • I understand the press does not want to "displease" the White House because they will be denied access. Twenty Questions for MSNBC...
  • It was the tone from what critics called a unilateralist White House. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2008
  • The Republicans were very good at finding some little pieces to nit pick at, and be able to use those little pieces to go out, day-by - day, and really kind of dismantle the president and the White House's effort. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2009
  • A proforma series of letters between lawmakers and the White House exchanged hands late Monday, culminating in Office of Management and Budget Director Peter R. Orszag formally expressing the Obama administration's support for the repeal. Obama's letters supporting 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
  • the previous occupant of the White House
  • As Democrats push for a single Republican vote needed to give the White House a filibuster-proof Sen.te majority on Tennessee Sen. Robert Corker remains at or near the top of their "persuadable - Financial News
  • President Barack Obama and his White House aides-de-camp are currently involved in a high-stakes game to get people to like the compromise platter on tax... White House Gathers Support For Tax Cuts With Cavalcade Of Exciting Endorsements
  • Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy?
  • White House officials are also expected to ask Congress to set aside billions of dollars in future airwave auctions for a new broadband public-safety network. White House Supports Airwaves for Public Safety

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