How To Use White corpuscle In A Sentence

  • The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
  • The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
  • Since the plasmogen contains all the salts necessary to keep the blood in perfect harmony, the circulation as well as the resistant power will be maintained, the heart relieved, the fighting capacity of the white corpuscles strengthened, and therefore the power of disease very greatly reduced. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Longuet regards the condition of the blood in leukemia as the cause of such priapism, and considers that the circulation of the blood is retarded in the smaller vessels, while, owing to the great increase in the number of white corpuscles, thrombi are formed. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Opposers of the phagocyte theory have long taken the view that the white corpuscles and phagocytes in general are only capable of absorbing microbes that have first been killed by the humours of the organism, namely blood plasma and exudative fluids. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
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  • When the anthrax bacillus is injected under the skin of sensitive animals, such as the rabbit or the guinea-pig, the microbe is found free in abundant fluid from which the white corpuscles are almost wholly absent. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
  • In the histolysis of the two-winged flies, wandering amoeboid cells -- like the white corpuscles or leucocytes of vertebrate blood -- have been observed destroying the larval tissues that need to be broken down, as they destroy invading micro-organisms in the body. The Life-Story of Insects
  • We have repeated this experiment several times with the same result, thus showing that the complement in the white corpuscles is a very fragile substance. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
  • Wright, who has been largely responsible for developing this argument, insists on the subordinate role of the white corpuscles that follow blindly the opsonin lead. Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture

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