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How To Use Whistle-blower In A Sentence

  • Nurses also may not report other nurses for fear of being perceived as snitches or labeled as whistle-blowers.
  • A whistle-blower's e-mail from someone at the authors' institution indicated that data in the study were fabricated.
  • It is important for governments to take a firm stand against corruption and to protect both whistle-blowers and the media that report on corrupt practices in government.
  • Scheme auditors and actuaries will have to act as whistle-blowers and tell Opra if they think something is wrong.
  • And that the real heroes, as Time magazine suggested a couple of years ago with its ‘People of the Year’ issue, are the so-called whistle-blowers.
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  • He could not give the kind of ringing declaration appropriate to an unmasked whistle-blower.
  • In a letter to the city manager requesting whistle-blower protection, police commander Jose Perez said the chief's deputies sought to enlist him in a war to get rid of 'the old man, Tomas Regalado.' Miami Police Chief Is Suspended
  • The new regulation outlines departmental duties, an anti-smuggling assessment and accountability system, whistle-blower rewards and protection, as well as grassroots participation .
  • Last week, Mr. Exposito sent a letter to Mr. Martinez seeking whistle-blower protection, according to the Miami Herald. Miami Police Chief Is Suspended
  • They received information from a whistle-blower, reported the story, and protected their source.
  • He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.
  • He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.
  • While not mentioned by name, Obama referenced Wendell Potter, a former health insurance insider whistle-blower who sums it up simply, health insurance is not about better health care, it's about Wall Street. Obama to take health care pitch on the road this weekend
  • Sherron Watkins is the woman that brought the Enron scandal to light, but would-be whistle-blowers in the federal government can't seem to get their complaints heard.
  • The whistle-blower is a worker who becomes outraged morally or politically about a managerial strategy.
  • Why were the Lanarkshire whistle-blowers accused of malign intent for demanding early action?
  • You can be damn sure that those "leakers" or "whistle-blowers" wanted protection. Rod Lurie: "Nothing But the Truth" About the Federal Shield Law
  • They don't feel that you have to really look out for saving face for the boss, and I really don't consider them whistle-blowers, which is somebody who goes out and tells it outside -- perhaps Castaneda was doing that about the paper shredding. CNN Transcript Feb 14, 2002
  • But we would also urge whistle-blowers, and those with knowledge of corrupt practices, to forward their complaints to the Office of the Ombudsman.
  • A whistle-blower, or qui tam , lawsuit can be brought by an individual or group on behalf of the government, alleging fraudulent activity involving government funds. BNY Mellon Faces Forex Suit in New York
  • ‘However, our success rate will increase dramatically if courageous whistle-blowers continue to ensure that all culprits are reported,’ he said.
  • Beyond serving as a showcase for two frequently paired stars- Lancaster as a power-mad general, Douglas as a principled whistle-blower--the movie works because in the context of the paranoic Cold War era, the premise feels all-too-plausible. John Farr: Kirk Douglas Turns 95!
  • His is a prose that almost palpably exudes probity and decency (a very Orwellian word, that), while his political trajectory - from disaffected Etonian schoolboy, to disaffected imperial policeman, to disaffected dallier in the pays-bas of the Depression, to convinced socialist warrior, to disaffected socialist and anti-communist whistle-blower - also speaks to us of a probity and decency, which all too often seems absent from our mercenary, venal and debauched age. Jura Duty
  • That was what sparked the whistle-blower, her not turning up for school. AFTERMATH
  • Instead of being lauded as a whistle-blower, he was impugned as a criminal.
  • The USA will come under attack possibly by nuclear attack, separating the states into 5 separate states of 10 and political activists, dissidents, whistle-blowers, people who dont agree with the official 9/11 stor, people filling the prison systems, will all be taken to camps which are already in place with ovens. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • In recent weeks, Virginia's attorney general intervened in the whistle-blower lawsuit against BNY Mellon and Florida's attorney general filed a court document to also intervene in the whistle-blower law suit against BNY Mellon. BNY Mellon Faces Forex Suit in New York
  • The determination was based on an assumption that a whistle-blower over the misappropriation was a former senior police officer, Hata said. Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
  • Here's a Washington Post story about an unsung hero of 2002 who is not even a whistle-blower.
  • In many cases, the killed journalists were well-known whistle-blowers whose public exposis of graft, corruption and other wrong doings embarrassed powerful people.
  • They appear to be whistle-blowers calling attention to governmental wrongdoing, and, though speaking anonymously, have little in common with the officials who fill the sails of the press corps with their wind.
  • A whistle-blower's e-mail from someone at the authors' institution indicated that data in the study were fabricated.
  • The Government Accountability Project, a Washington-based nonprofit organization dedicated to whistle-blower protection, had filed complaints of retaliation on behalf of the two staff members with the Ethics Office. U.N. investigations chief under investigation
  • The tendency of bureaucrats to take a dim view of whistle-blowers is particularly marked in the military.
  • Concern that doctors and other health workers were too afraid to blow the whistle on colleagues led to the setting-up of a new early warning system designed to enshrine the rights of whistle-blowers.
  • Nurses also may not report other nurses for fear of being perceived as snitches or labeled as whistle-blowers.
  • At least 18 people were wrongly committed by Highland doctors, according to a whistle-blower who claims she has since been forced out of her job as a medical records officer.
  • Koch spokeswoman Cohlmia says the company reported its compliance issues to the state before a whistle-blower did so.
  • He indicated his information came from FDA whistle-blowers.
  • The one wild card for this is federal protections for whistle-blowers. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » And People Trust Government?
  • He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.
  • However, our dilemma is compounded by a peculiar trait of our society; far too many people despise whistle-blowers, as much or more than persons who commit crimes.
  • The real whistle-blowers and heroes here are those who understood this point and got word via the press to the American public.
  • A federal whistle-blower law protects employees who disclose their employers' illegal activities.
  • They're trying to put in measures to help whistle-blowers point out wrongdoing at the United Nations without losing their job.
  • Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
  • If the chief executive officer or financial director are corrupt, it is extremely difficult to flush out the liars and cheats, unless there is a whistle-blower.
  • NRL referees boss Bill Harrigan flagged the crackdown to NRL coaches in Sydney this week saying whistle-blowers would strictly police the play-the-ball and marker areas and get tougher with the on-side rule at restarts. | Top Stories
  • The social set is torn between pegging him as a total rat fink or a noble whistle-blower.
  • Bank of New York Mellon Corp., facing whistle-blower lawsuits in Virginia and Florida that it improperly charged pension funds for currency transactions, also has been sued in New York, according to New York County court records. BNY Mellon Faces Forex Suit in New York
  • The point of protecting whistle-blowers is to protect them from recrimination.
  • A company can be ordered to pay substantial damages, including back pay, for retaliating against whistle-blowers.
  • A plaintiff by the same name filed whistle-blower claims in Virginia and Florida, also in October 2009, against BNY Mellon on behalf of state and local retirement systems. BNY Mellon Faces Forex Suit in New York
  • Our concerns were finally vindicated when an anonymous whistle-blower called in the National Audit Office.
  • Whistle-blowers are typically protected by federal and state laws because, as a policy matter, we as a society want to encourage the public airing of official wrongdoing.
  • Meet the new target for whistle-blowers and conspiracy theorists: big business.
  • She was the last person I would have ever worried about, but now she had the potential of being the top whistle-blower. A TASTE OF REALITY
  • We need to all be whistle-blowers and info passers.
  • Mr. Picard maintained in court and led the media to believe that Mr. Stamos was a whistle-blower. Madoff and the Mets

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