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How To Use Whin In A Sentence

  • Chook! she was crying, and the dogs whined and yelped in eagerness of desire and effort to overtake Big THE RACE FOR NUMBER ONE
  • By her own instruction she moaned and whined a lot.
  • Listen to them now, whining about unfairness as the problem is put right. The Sun
  • This patronising voice with a whine and an awful regional accent was talking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically this was in a whinge about grammar schools. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The girl began to whine and her mother was losing her patience.
  • HOW dare councils whine about being starved of funds while blowing millions on undies using taxpayer-funded credit cards? The Sun
  • Trey listened with a patient ear, only making distance with the receiver when she whined or couldn't make out her blubbering.
  • The sun set about ten o'clock, and Lady Clare and Shag greeted its last departing rays with a whinny, accompanied by a wanton kickup from the rear -- for whatever Boyhood in Norway
  • Their wings make a whine much like the sound of a cicada.
  • Thin ye'll have till come up this way nixt spring time, whin they do be friskin 'around like young lambs," the woodsman told him. The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound A Tour on Skates and Iceboats
  • At low engine speeds while the car is heading up slight grades, the Elantra engine chuffs and rocks in its cradle; and at moderate-to-highway speeds, if you kick it hard in the slats, the powertrain starts to whine with something approaching resentment. Hyundai Takes a Bold Stand in the Compact Race
  • It will either help my chesty cough or make me whinny and jump fences.
  • The whining is ten times more tiresome than any dowd piece. Times Public Editor Hammers Maureen Dowd's Coverage Of Hillary
  • She's a whining douche who runs and hides when anybody says something she doesn't like.
  • The boarding and takeoff found me only slightly out of sorts; an irritating whining noise near the gate was troubling me.
  • Well, whinges the person who thinks that this is a truly astonishing apercu, Tony Blair listens to him all the time and does what he is told. I don't necessarily agree with all they do but ....
  • ‘I've always been by your side, Trist,’ Marvin whined obsequiously.
  • The children whined, splashing each other and Knazarath a few more times, but then followed the guard to the bedroom obediently, if a bit noisily.
  • The base of these hills was of close-grained white-coloured granite, or whinstone: the summits of good freestone: on the sides several good pieces of iron ore were picked up. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • Cows swayed slowly in their sleep, a horse whinnied in its dream, and chickens bobbed up and down up in their nests atop rafters.
  • The long whining whistle of a shell was followed by the dull boom of the explosion.
  • The second that we were on my father's land Sora gave a whinny of joy as she pranced this way and that.
  • Her voice took on a nasal whine of complaint.
  • His tale is one long whinge about his own suffering.
  • In the distance, horses whinnied as a light carriage clattered across the Clairmallon forecourt. The Dressmaker
  • Built from whinstone, with a slate roof, the pedimented front door is a particularly handsome feature.
  • There was instant silence from the dog, although Tony continued his whining bawl in her ear. Western Man
  • Socialism is obviously superior to that classical liberal idiocy, so quit the whingeing.
  • At the end of the last chorus - the last chorus, the band does something; the saxophonists do a fast kind of whinny trill. 100 Years Of Jazz Clarinetist Artie Shaw
  • They whine, whinge and cry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only Republicans can sit and gripe, whine, and snivel over the results of the last election, committing themselves to "no progress on anything". DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • Neighs, whinnies, and snorts, along with the clip-clop of hooves as the horses tore through the camp, made it all but impossible to hear.
  • That spooked the horse because his head and ears picked up and he let out a shrill whinny.
  • His Perseus is grumpy, whiny, and unpleasant, and not nearly the hero that could earn a place amongthe stars. Ray Subdues CLASH OF THE TITANS | Obsessed With Film
  • Figure 1 shows sonograms and oscillograms of a whine-plus-chuck call of a túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus; left) and a call group of a cricket frog (Acris crepitans; right).
  • In a decision that speaks well of his integrity but poorly of his abilities as a children's entertainer, screenwriter John Fusco decided that his equine characters communicate only through neighs and whinnies.
  • Citing a "smarmy" letter that Washington wrote in 1757, bemoaning his lot to the commander in chief, Lord Loudoun, Mr. Clary highlights some especially outspoken, self-pitying and "whining" comments. War in the Wilderness
  • The shrill whine and unbearable thunder of falling bombs dug in under my skin and stayed there.
  • Do not whinge about the deal or pine too publicly for the legacy company. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scouts never grouse at hardships nor whine at each other, nor_ swear _when put out, but go on whistling and smiling. Young Knights of the Empire : Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns
  • The whine level reached decibels previously unheard of.
  • I thought not, you're just another mewling whinger. From porn to Portillo | Mark Lawson
  • Its members are really whingeing and whining on a clause that gives one law for all.
  • We measured egr-1 in the auditory brainstem and its forebrain targets and found that conspecific whine-chucks elicited greater egr-1 expression than heterospecific whines in all but three regions. Elites TV
  • They were pretty useless when confronted with the high-pitched whine of the rotor's gears directly above our heads.
  • He also is undecided on his emotions, chopping and changing between angry violent outbursts and whiny emotional pleas.
  • This has absolutely nothing to do with trolls, nasty emails or whiny posting.
  • Oh stop whinging, for heaven's sake!
  • It was the only place that she would spend the night without moaning and whining for her absent mistress. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the rate was halved and the whining only increased I wondered if anything other than free - with artists uncompensated - could possibly satisfy those who seek to build businesses with other people's art.
  • I look up at the sign listening when the next bus was coming as he begins whining like a child at me.
  • With tiny whines and thin whimperings, with whiffs and whuffs and growly sorts of noises down in his throat, he would try to tell her somewhat of his tale. CHAPTER XXII
  • First off, it is kind of unsurprising that you, a rightwinger, would whine about Clinton. Think Progress » Congressman Attacks Liberal ‘Backbiters’ And ‘Naysayers’ For Criticizing Failed Missile Defense
  • I adore you for the Mercedes and the house and my Arabian horsy Gayle whinnies affectionately. Sentimental Me
  • The singer whines and groans his way through every song.
  • The vocals plateau at a whining croon throughout the most of the album.
  • I saw many feuds erupt in a blaze of automatic fire, peppering the walls with bullets that whined through the air like demonic bees.
  • On shipboard he would be a sneak, a whiner, a tattler. Chapter 3
  • I talked briefly to the paramedic, whined a bit about my circumstances, and did whatever he told me to do.
  • As an oldies act, his nasal whine, shockingly similar to his father's distinctive voice, grates on the nerves in stereo.
  • And if you'll excuse the expression whiny ass titty babies on our side are ready to jump ship 6 months after we finally got some say so in the matter because we didn't kick their ass on the first Iraq war vote? Obtained: A Tape Of Reid's Conference Call With Bloggers -- Reid Did Blast Pace
  • Ye 'ill better clear yersel at ony rate, Hillocks, for some o' the neeburs threep (insist) 'at it wes you, and some that it wes yir freend, an' there's ithers declare ye ran in compt (company) like twa dogs worrying sheep; it wes a bonnie like pliskie (escapade) onywy, and hardly fit for an Auld Kirk elder" -- a sally much enjoyed by the audience, who knew that, after Whinnie, Hillocks was the doucest man in Drumtochty. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • The high pitched whine of the armoured cars as they manoeuvred round the narrow streets filled me with dread.
  • She laughed a bit and they continued on their way, James whining every once in a while.
  • After getting dumped by the evil tightwad as whined about in the previous post, I went out and took on some retail therapy.
  • A car whined in protest , but skidded staunchly out of its driveway.
  • But when push came to shove and the whining became not only endless but destructive, I could support neither the decision he made nor the way he made it -- self-righteously, thoughtlessly and hatefully. Toxic Venting: When to Stop Listening
  • My car engine makes a whining noise
  • I can't help having a whinge about the referee though.
  • In the mornings when his mother has left the house to go to her occasional sometime job, little Lou Lou will wake me with whinnies and whines, and I will come to his rescue by opening Rene's door.
  • March 5th, 2010 at 1: 05 pm bitblt says: buttblight keeps whining about being stoned for purity sins, but heyzeus was very clear in john 8 that behaving with the “judgment” against others and stoning was in itself was just as evil. Think Progress » Missouri lawmaker: Allowing gays to serve openly increases a military’s casualty rate.
  • He had the disgruntled air of a writer whinging over a bad review.
  • For God's sake, stop that whining!
  • Perhaps that's why we spend so much time whining about our stress levels.
  • In addition, ptg, whining and complaining about the weather on the Great Plains, has moved away to the high desert of New Mexico. Plains Feeder
  • A low-pitched whine began to fill the air and Meridia's hair and clothes floated as if she was submersed in water.
  • Do not whinge about the deal or pine too publicly for the legacy company. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stop whining because you've overbuilt in a drought-stricken area for sixty years.
  • This may be a piddling observation, but you can hardly whine when your own writers get your URL wrong - and you publish their mistakes.
  • Molly whined, pulling back her hair into a long and swishy ponytail.
  • They hustle and they bustle while we get fat and whinge. The Sun
  • It's difficult to be in the dentist's chair, hearing the whine of the drill, and be grateful for everything that teeth do for you.
  • That'd be a large downwards arrow for the benefit of the whining Wolves fans, I expect.
  • Justine whines about the indistinguishability of American paper currency. The Color of Money
  • The arm-waving sophistry that tries to escape this fact just makes evolution look bad — like whiny wishy-washery. 2006 February - Telic Thoughts
  • He continued to keep up the cuckoo sound, trying to laugh, and yet totally unable to accomplish even a cackle, as if some internal force clutched the diaphragm and mocked him, so that his efforts were reduced to a gurgling as in cynanche -- like a dog choking with a rope round his craig, the sounds coming jerking out in barks, and dying away again in yelps and whines. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXII
  • But even the downsides should not be interpreted as whingeing.
  • Neighs, whinnies, and snorts, along with the clip-clop of hooves as the horses tore through the camp, made it all but impossible to hear.
  • The unicorn whinnied and reared up onto her hind legs, ‘I'll take it from her Mel.’
  • Mosquitoes whined for blood, the long grass and swamp land around producing a fine pedigree for aggression and prophylactic resistance. A DARKENING STAIN
  • I can't whinge about it! Times, Sunday Times
  • Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair.
  • They whine and wail about how we have all retreated into our suburbs and Internet connections and no longer rally around grand national projects that inspire us with a vision of all that government can do.
  • Leon's dog was sitting by the door whining, so I thought I'd better take it for a walk.
  • The horses in the paddocks were whinnying and nickering, and our mares called out in response.
  • It whinges and begs as it retreats, and we, from the fastness of our concrete-and-steel high-rise castles, despise it.
  • We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines.
  • ACA did piece on this last week where mortgagees whinged about having to pay upward of $20,000 to backout of fixed rate loans, and how the banks are pillars of evil for making them do so. When Falling Interest Rates Are Bad For Mortgages | Lifehacker Australia
  • He may ken mair o’t, either by villains on earth, or devils below — I’ll hae it frae him, if I should cut it out o’ his mis-shapen bouk wi’ my whinger.” The Black Dwarf
  • Do you believe that parents should do what they think best and ignore whiny complaints from adolescent girls?
  • There is a tendency amongst patriots and pro-armed forces bloggers to see any opposition to Afghanistan as a bunch of conchy lefties whining about the brave boys and girls defending our country. [support out troops] get out of this political mire
  • The palaeomagnetic analyses of this study have revealed that the dominant carrier of remanent magnetization of the Whin Sill dolerite is relatively pure magnetite in the pseudo-single domain size range.
  • When she reached up to push my frizzled hair back, I broke down and cried and whined.
  • Others simply whined that though their site contained commercial material, it also contains valuable content and was unfairly penalized.
  • I tried not to hear the roar of flames overhead, or the frightened whinnies of fellow passengers, but the task was impossible.
  • They whinge until they get their own way. The Sun
  • She imitates his voice as a whiny, indecisive drawl.
  • The bullets were whining past us
  • The two enormous generators, the blackness of the protonic shield, and the great artificial matter generator, throwing an inner shield impervious to the cosmics Thett gave off as it vanished, both were whining. Invaders from the Infinite
  • I waited until the condenser in the air-conditioner cut in with a metallic whingeing and opened the door. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • All this time, Brooks moans and whines, but he is inspired without hardly realizing it.
  • The bay gave a soft whinny and the Prince couldn't help but feel as if he was being laughed at.
  • The voice lost its mysterious deep quality and rose to a nasal whine at the end of the sentence.
  • Horse and rider raced along in a cacophony of breaking branches, shouts, and whinnies. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The engine noise suddenly changed its note and rose to a whine.
  • Melissa, my dedicated Survivor contestant, made two separate batches: due to a successful whining campaign by yours truly, in addition to caramelized-apple beignets, she whipped up a batch of chocolate-filled beignets just for me!
  • She was shielded from the plane by the hill, but she could still hear the whine of its engine as it approached.
  • In the dead silence of the thin Martian atmosphere, I could hear the life support system of my environmental pack whine as it struggled to remove the excess heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide from my spacesuit. 365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • You don't whine and cry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, the very same individuals are happy to whinge for hours about how they are being ripped off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assault landing thrusters begin to kick in, a loudly whine of complaint against too rapid a fall under fierce gravity.
  • On another hand, it's a wakeup call to believers who sit by while unimaginable evils occur in the name of Jesus and say nothing other besides defensively whining that "all Christians aren't like that," or that the person reacting in grief and outrage is simply "persecuting Christians" because he's a "nonbeliever" (whether he's a nonbeliever or not.) Michael Rowe: Why Anne Rice Has Never Been More of a Christian
  • He had every right to complain and whine about everything that went wrong for him, but he didn't.
  • This is my fourth match in four days - footballers start whingeing about being tired if they're involved in more than one a week.
  • And some of them call the Rhine the 'Whine,'" I said, giving an admirable imitation of poor Hicks's drawling manner. The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh
  • The slightly whiney girlishness that sometimes surfaced unintentionally has been replaced by a confident womanliness, and for the first time you are aware of her extraordinary sexual power.
  • Plenty stonechats, whinchats, wheatear, both adults and young were abundant in numbers.
  • Seriously folks, people who whine about corporate greed are the greediest little turds around. More on Marvel’s price increases | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • For goodness' sake stop whining,it's not much further to go.
  • Horses whinnied and the trailers and trucks swayed and shuddered. In Gordath Wood: Writer Patrice Sarath » Earthquakes in New York: I thought I was just making it up!
  • The bulk of the whinchats pass through Mersea from mid-August to mid-September and in the previous years there has been the occasional double figure count in some parts of the Island.
  • If I was housekeeper here, an 'cud have hothouse strawberries, an' swatebreads undher glass, an 'sparrowgrass, an' chicken, _an'_ ice crame, the way you can, whiniver yuh loike, I wouldn't be a-eatin 'cornbeef an' cabbage. Cheerful—By Request
  • But I also heard the unmistakable nasal whine of cultural manipulation for our own good. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organist often crackled or whined the Gregorian-chant hymns and the celebrant often hummed, mumbled, or whispered the Latin prayers.
  • And she knew that to him they were alone together in a world where the high-rouged row of ballet faces and the massed whines of the violins were as imperceivable as powder on a marble Venus. Flappers and Philosophers
  • Look at your womanly physique in the mirror and stick out your gut so that you can complain and whine even more about how you're getting fat.
  • Amara could hear her voice rising to a shrill whine, as it always did when she was upset.
  • i dont understand what's so facinating about being topless? clothes bring modesty and respect in the eyes of others, otherwise there's not difference between you and animals? and when some man tries to take advantage of them, they start whining about their womanhood. you white people are just like pigs, animals roam around naked, have sex with anyone you want, you don't eve bother to ask their names as long as they are "fuckable". Support Topless Women
  • She pressed her hand against the forehead of a young colt, which whinnied in surprise and delight.
  • The dog whined and lay onto his stomach, looking up at Kara with big brown eyes.
  • Listen to them now, whining about unfairness as the problem is put right. The Sun
  • Melhiril's horse reared back on its hind legs, letting out a loud whinny.
  • Weapons were being yanked from where they were stacked, fires hissed as they were dowsed, swords were being strapped on, others were being drawn, horses whinnied at the sudden racket. Men Don't Leave Me
  • When he went on to suggest there was a lot that was objectionable happening off the ball it only served to heighten a suspicion that he had been whingeing.
  • Never have I read a whinier, more sophomoric press release from a national organization, or in this case, their rather important state affiliate. NOW-NY: Ted Kennedy can't handle a woman as president because he endorsed Obama
  • Talking in a whiny voice may be dementing but it is not gross misconduct.
  • The steady whine of the engines reverberated through the cabin as everyone watched their panel to make sure everything was functioning properly.
  • Her constant whining about missing him sorely tempted me to ask why on earth she had come. Times, Sunday Times
  • The door slid back with a loud whine and creak of the mechanical and electric gears.
  • I hate this weak whingy little piece of useless nothing I'm turning into.
  • She cast about anxiously for Alina and upon sighting her on the second story let out an earsplitting whinny.
  • Evidence of breeding for both wheatears and whinchats would be particularly welcomed by the County Recorder!
  • (A minim is the fortieth part of a crescent.) "Does your good Majesty mean to beggar me?" whined Pug. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • As master and squire continue on, both the horse and donkey whinny and bray - which they both take as good omens.
  • Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Britain braced for more snow: It's not unusual at these times for people in northern Britain to complain that southerners whinge about their bad weather when the north of the country suffers far worse conditions on a regular basis. Archive 2005-03-01
  • Time and again we hear of them whining that things were better at their clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • These range from lack of concentration, shyness and disobedience to nose picking and whining.
  • A great many people are spoiled, lazy whiners.
  • Under his questioning, she offered a sound summation of what's at stake in the October march, as well as responding to carping from the President and Vice-President over the need for progressives to "stop whining" and "buck up": Art Levine: Labor-Backed Oct. 2 Rally Competing With Jon Stewart, Pro-Corporate Senate
  • About eleven a saloon car of baffled tourists - French registration - whined miserably through. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Lynn started to whine, and Teri had to cover her mouth to stop herself from giggling.
  • It is an ill horse can neither whinny nor wag his tail.
  • So she is understandably dismissive of the dismal gorse and whin on view outside the living room window of her Council house.
  • It's time some people stopped whingeing about this and that and got on with it.
  • Sixty-four percent of those polled said their pets tried to hide in a safe place, 56 percent said they whined or cried, 52 percent said they became hyperactive, erratic or made unpredictable movements, and 36 percent said they barked or meowed persistently. Do Pets Have A Sixth Sense?
  • He whined on the air for three weeks before one of his sponsors relented and gave him a free mobile phone.
  • The dog whined and gently laid its head into her lap.
  • The lyrics, prototypically sung in that much imitated adenoidal whine we have all known and loved all these many years later, were ingeniously universal while being blatantly personal, a great trick. Binky Philips: I Get Bounced From the Buzzcocks
  • But how pleasing to see both taking as much as they dished out, yet neither whingeing to the official. The Sun
  • A land where plastic shamrocks are rare, whin bushes are plentiful and the green isn't made in Taiwan.
  • He whined the whole time and said he didn't want any, then we get home and he is all whiny and says he doesn't even want to go swimming.
  • The constant whine of the machinery jangled his nerves.
  • You don't whine and cry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I only ask this because I happened to eaves drop with utter dismay when three of the bloated scrum on that Eurostar lamented about the busy week ahead of them - then whinge about what an "agg'" it was that they had to sign on some time. And the winners were ... les touts
  • Bosses put on the customary sad face and whine about being forced to pass on increases because their own costs have rocketed. The Sun
  • Possibly picking up the scent of her young, she let out a high - pitched, plaintive whine.
  • Insect life is increasing rapidly, encouraging birds such as snipe, curlew, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, and whinchat.
  • The music was practically dirge-like, and a couple of the speakers 'voices are just whiny and annoying. Teachers Union Drops Over $300,000 On Pennsylvania Radio Ad For Hillary
  • He could play for her any musical instrument, knew all music by heart, all birdsong, the purr, growl, snort, or whine of each and every animal.
  • The horse whinnied slightly at Damon, shaking his head almost as if he was happy to see him.
  • But look you here, ivery time a group was called up and the men was put back intil a later group, it made more men for the later groups, until, ye see, whin they called up the lasht group there 'd be forthy-wan times as many men at the ind as at the beginnin'. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 26, 1916
  • A loud whinny broke his thoughts, and Dirano's head turned sharply, and he saw a blur of a white horse, rearing and galloping towards him.
  • But actually it's nothing but whining of spoilt fans, provided with the greatest stuff in the universe and being so satisfied that they look for anything to repine againts. The Great Bear
  • Penny whinnied quietly and looked at Autumn with her soft brown eyes. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Every conversation was interrupted with oleaginous humility and victim-like whining.
  • Also, for a couple of years my parents have been bothered by a whining noise in the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years we whined about being the supporting characters on television shows: the wacky neighbor, the snippy coworker, the world-weary yet worldly-wise florist, the dog walker, the minty banker.
  • Sure whin Twenty-five comes, we'll have our own agin: the right will overcome the might -- the bottomless pit will be locked -- ay, double: boulted, if St. Pettier gets the kays, for he's the very boy that will accommodate the heretics wid a warm corner; an 'yit, faith, there's: many o' thim that myself 'ud put in a good word for, affcher all. The Poor Scholar Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • A minority of fund managers might whinge about the pressure on them to think and behave like owners. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know most of you are thinking: "That is a small motor encased in a plastic tube, attached to a potentiometer and a pushswitch, so that some weird electric guitar player can use it to excite his guitar strings and magnetic pickups and generate an annoying electromagnetic whine. Boing Boing
  • As the tangents diverge, a sample of found sound enters the piece, with crowd murmur and the whine of vehicle brakes.
  • Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street Journal Fred Stoller Fred Stoller's neurotic Brooklynite whine makes Woody Allen seem like an amateur, and Mr. Stoller, 52, has worked his gift into a career, first as a deadpan stand-up comic and then as a nebbishy actor in countless short-lived sitcom roles: Elaine's annoying date in an episode of "Seinfeld," a mopey cousin on "Everybody Loves Raymond," a jerky waiter on "Friends. Diary of a Nebbishy Comic: 'My Seinfeld Year'
  • The majority of my blog readers are overweight, whining, humorless Americans.
  • Tina: Okay, honey, can you get me a Whinny the Pooh.
  • ..i believe l'francophone's quote when translated, reads well, well, well, you whiny little american trolls...i guess our great french laboratories put that landis bitch back in HIS place, right ? This Just In: BSNYC On Vacation!
  • I swear, just when you think that mullet-headed pea brain couldn't get any whinier or pants-pissier, well, go figure. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  • Avi is going to b*tch and whine about anything and everything that he thinks is wrong with Dallas/Lower Greenville. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Let Me Say This About Valet Parking
  • a bunch of bitter whiny crybabies is what they are. if their candidate doesnt get chosen they will whine, cry, pout and vote for mccain because they really don't care about anything. Exit polls: Half of Clinton's supporters won't back Obama
  • They had this story two months and they sat on it because John McCain whined and, presumably, they didn't want to influence the primaries. McCain is "at war" with the NYT, but he still touts their endorsement of him on his Web site

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