How To Use Whimper In A Sentence
No whimper, nor sound, nor sign of fear, came from Jerry — only choking growls of ferociousness, intermingled with snarls of anger, and a belligerent up-clawing of hind-legs.
As that arch-modernist T. S. Eliot predicted, ‘This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper.’
But the next minute, the little creature whimpering, she bent down in impatient repentance and kissed it, whimpering too.
That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story
He was aware of grinning, slavering mouths, incomprehensible, whimpering sounds, and fingers scratching at the talc.
How could he simply throw in the towel - not with a bang but a whimper - and in such an unseemly way?

Jessie's wails died down to a whimper and then stopped altogether.
It's sad to see such a provocative thinker go out with a whimper instead of a bang.
Dispatches opened with footage of a young man curled up by his front door, whimpering in pain and despair.
Times, Sunday Times
This was foreseeable because of the spectacular shift to the right; the post-war consensus ended not with a whimper but with a bang.
I hear a whimpering sound from upstairs.
Times, Sunday Times
The church now echoed with whimpering cries as the priest said his final prayers and blessings.
You can almost hear the roads whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
R. did not so much wallow in self-pity as luxuriate in a whimpering, orchestrated, self-flagellating symphony of slights, woes, and despairs.
With tiny whines and thin whimperings, with whiffs and whuffs and growly sorts of noises down in his throat, he would try to tell her somewhat of his tale.
Hence it was fitting, last week, that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia came to an end not with a bang or even much of a whimper.
Back To The Future
The disembodied voices were most striking - patients' miserable repeated calls for help, muted protests, inarticulate moans, and whimpers.
While has been completely subsumed by the with a whimper not a bang bowing out of Belle de Jour.
Two years on, that row is likely to end with more of a whimper than a bang.
Times, Sunday Times
You're feet - ooh, your feet - well, they've been whimpering ever since Southwark.
In the end, the Lisbon summit concluded less with a bang than a whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
Elaka whimpered but kept on trying to get another grip around the Trill's neck.
It could make such a difference to your day when you started with a bang, not a whimper!
She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.
Did you hear a whimper from the unions on behalf of commuters?
The Sun
This is not the time to circle the wagons and whimper and cry.
Christianity Today
She wrapped her fingers hard around her sister's thin wrists so that Talitha's sleepy moaning turned into a frightened whimpering.
Deep guttural growls came from the alleyway, as well as fearful whimpering.
This is the important point about a fortnight in which the subject of selective education has come back with a whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
They heard one last ear-piercing shriek and then the sound of the wolf whimpering as though it had been hurt.
Thar was al'ays time for him to go huntin '," whimpered grandmother.
The Miller of Old Church
So the animals will soon stop whimpering and licking their sore tails and soon start gambolling about again.
So please save your noble, peace loving, one-with-nature savage schtick for the ignorant do-gooders who will mule, whimper, sob, slobber in maudeline fashion and plead for your forgiveness and that of your ancestors as an act of the collective white guilt that they exhibit.
Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
As Colin focused in carefully and panned the camera across the breadth of the stairs, Alice gave a small whimper.
Square-jawed, with gleaming gnashers, Knoxville looks as if he might be computer-generated, like he might occasionally whimper: ‘Not the face!’
Yeh can 'take Dumbledore!" yelled Hagrid, making Fang the boarhound cower and whimper in his basket.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
It was a woman scarcely conscious and whimpering softly as they fastened the rope around her.
He was aware of grinning, slavering mouths, incomprehensible, whimpering sounds, and fingers scratching at the talc.
The dog whimpered softly.
Then he started chittering and whimpering in shock.
With his high voice and studly physique, he was all male, yet whimperingly feminine.
Rather than rescue the late work, this retrospective ends an iconic American career not with an exuberant yawp, but, sadly, with a whimper.
Height and Depths of Expression
Within 15 minutes he was whimpering in pain.
Times, Sunday Times
Then the little beggar, electric with fear to every hair tip, crouches and snarls menacingly and almost at the same time whimpers appeasingly at the storm-monster outside.
They were all bush dogs or wild-dogs, and so small was their courage that their thirst and physical pain from cords drawn too tight across veins and arteries, and their dim apprehension of the fate such treatment foreboded, led them to whimper and wail and howl their despair and suffering.
She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.
I said she couldn't have an ice cream and she started to whimper.
Signs to look out for in babies or infants include a high-pitched moaning or whimpering cry, a blank, staring expression and pale, blotchy complexion.
She whimpered, rivers of tears falling down her face.
After the big bang, the whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
Why hasn't evolution programmed human babies to seek parental favor with pleasant sounds and gestures - a nudge, for example, or a hushed whimper?
It's the big climactic chapter that had her first whimpering, then sniffling, and finally cheering.
Today, you can hear a dog whimpering 50 yards away.
Times, Sunday Times
He let out a small whimper but stood his ground, hands clenched into shaking fists.
It has been a most unpredictable year and it ends not with a whimper but a bang.
Times, Sunday Times
He was aware of grinning, slavering mouths, incomprehensible, whimpering sounds, and fingers scratching at the talc.
Afraid for the first time of the darkness, he began to whimper in fear.
The five-year old flattened himself against the wall, whimpering.
QUOTATION: The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
For “democracy” or the “democratic spirit” (diabolical sense) leads to a nation without great men, a nation mainly of subliterates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first sign of criticism.
Screwtape on Democracy | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
He whines, whimpers and barks at anything that dares enter our garden, even if it's only birds doing a fly over.
They had to weave their way carefully through fragrant, stained, whimpering partygoers and paramedics who were beginning to look a bit nauseated themselves.
The distressed and dishevelled schoolgirl was found whimpering in the garden by the owner of the bungalow.
Nosha caught it and the folds of cloth fell open to show Nia whimpering.
The old man from being cold and high, suddenly fell, as it were, into the whimpering querulousness of extreme old age.
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
It was in this spirit that I was able to roger that houri in Borneo during the Batang Lupar battle, whimpering fearfully the while, and do justice to Mrs Popplewell while in flight from the outraged townsfolk of Harper's Ferry.
Yesterday John lay in Sulaimania emergency hospital, whimpering with pain.
In the end, the Lisbon summit concluded less with a bang than a whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
But on Saturday morning she had started whimpering after her morning sleep and was hot, unwell and somewhat limp.
But that has now been abandoned without a whimper of protest from ministers.
Times, Sunday Times
He forced a sound out: what started as an infernal bellow emerged as a whimper.
Instead he's seen whimpering and crying.
The Sun
To try to pretend he's not what he is: a poor, stinking, whimpering coward.
The whole affair ended less with a bang than with a whimper .
a tiny little whimper called me away, and Miss Clare accompanied me; the gentlemen insisting that we should return as soon as possible, and bring the homuncle, as Roger called the baby, with us.
The Vicar's Daughter
For this is how the world bends, with neither a bang nor a whimper.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Maybe the guy who predicted that the world will end with a whimper instead of a bang was right.
When she hears a baby's soft whimper, Daphne claps a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp of surprise.
As they entered, the orchestra were sounding the preliminary whimpers to a maxixe, a tune full of castanets and facile faintly languorous violin harmonies, appropriate to the crowded winter grill teeming with an excited college crowd, high-spirited at the approach of the holidays.
The Beautiful and Damned
The wolf just sat there and tilted its head with an inquisitive whimper.
Announcing his retirement at this week's Christmas concert at Selby Abbey, he went out not with a whimper but a bang, and a departing salvo aimed at New Labour.
Expect not a bang but a whimper from his department.
Times, Sunday Times
She covered her ears and backed away from the window, whimpering as the intensified noise send thundering pain ringing through her head.
Did you hear a whimper from the unions on behalf of commuters?
The Sun
But watching all the stabbings, murders, guns and violence that can be seen every night on prime time television elicits not even a whimper.
Strife sprinted onwards in the pouring rain, tenderly cradling his six-year-old daughter who was whimpering with fear.
'Don't leave me alone,' he whimpered.
Does the dog perform a quick about-turn and dash whimpering from the room if you walk in naked?
Times, Sunday Times
Instead they twisted their little lace hankies like a couple of rich old biddies and sniffed and whimpered about how they don't agree with such tawdry sentiment.
I mean, the security guard who actually finally spotted her, heard what he called a pathetic little whimper.
CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2003
She rushed over to the cradle where her infant daughter lay, whimpering in fear.
He could not possibly have endured a whipping without a whimper.
Expect not a bang but a whimper from his department.
Times, Sunday Times
The end of the world will come not with a bang or a whimper, but with a tweet.
The Sun
The love affair between business and Labour is ending with a whimper, not a bang.
The little dog whimpered when I tried to bath it.
Small Jean was beginning to whimper, but his mother hushed him and gave him a rusk to suck.
The little Orion whimpered and mewled quietly, helpless to everything around him.
Only a tiny whimper from pain as she fallen on her rump, the wood pinching her bare flesh.
Somehow that thought doesn't seem so foreign, the way she's whimpering and carrying on like that, shaking and blubbering like an overgrown and very ugly baby.
They whimpered and whined as they raised their noses to the air and snuffled at the smell that drifted into the clean air.
After a few minutes her sobs changed to whimpers.
A soft whimper echoed through the cavern, and he stopped.
Meet the X - Girls, the feline superpowers that will freeze - fire you into utter, whimpering wild submission.
He glanced back at the pathetic shell of a man who stood in the middle of his living room, whimpering and snivelling.
As she drove to Wythenshawe Hospital, she says, Flynn started to have difficulty breathing and was whimpering in pain.
I hear a whimpering sound from upstairs.
Times, Sunday Times
As Colin focused in carefully and panned the camera across the breadth of the stairs, Alice gave a small whimper.
He confesses that "a single hit of pot is enough to reduce me to a whimpering fetal crouch for several incommunicative hours at a time.
Archive 2006-02-01
A friendly dog has perked up ears, open and alert eyes, a relaxed mouth, a tail or whole rear end wagging, and possibly whimpering, yapping or giving short barks.
The USA needs women leaders with brains, moxie, spunk and innovative ideas ... not whining, whimpering sots whose only reason for being where she is because she married some lying, disbarred philandering hack who just happened to be a former US president.
Clinton: Vetting process for administration jobs 'a nightmare'
Bonfire night celebrations in Middleton, near Pickering, may go off with a whimper rather than a bang this year after the village bonfire party was cancelled.
Two years on, that row is likely to end with more of a whimper than a bang.
Times, Sunday Times
I hope one day I wont be summoned from the dark with frantic cries of ma ma ma ma ma, and clutched tight while he burrows his head into my neck, whimpering because I left him.
The Science Of Sleep | Her Bad Mother
Within 15 minutes he was whimpering in pain.
Times, Sunday Times
Suddenly, she heard something that sounded like a child whimpering to her right.
So it was, after low whinings and whimperings, that he applied his sharp first-teeth to the sennit cord and chewed upon it till it parted.
It quickly backed away giving a noise that sounded a bit like a whimper.
This insight goes a long way to explain why the war ended as it did, with a whimper rather than a bang.
The figure came towards the bed and a whimper of fear escaped her.
The acid made a sickening, sizzling sound, and he sank to his knees, his shrieks fading to frantic, animallike whimpers.
This is how he went up against William the Bloody twice, barehanded, and lived to whimper about his bruises.
All artists are androgynous; in Chopin the feminine often prevails, but it must be noted that this quality is a distinguishing sign of masculine lyric genius, for when he unbends, coquets and makes graceful confessions or whimpers in lyric loveliness at fate, then his mother's sex peeps out, a picture of the capricious, beautiful tyrannical Polish woman.
Chopin : the Man and His Music
This is the important point about a fortnight in which the subject of selective education has come back with a whimper.
Times, Sunday Times
The boy slipped and whimpered, rubbing his knee, and Ben tried to catch his breath, and only for a second, because they should never dillydally.
Their Dogs Came With Them
She was whimpering in pain.
The Sun
The man on the table whimpered at the sound of the metal hook, clattering to the floor.
His whiny whimper and open-mouthed silent scream are priceless.
One of them planted a punch into his stomach, causing the Doctor to sink to his knees, whimpering in pain.
In the past four years, untold numbers of companies have gone bust in the second half, and the new year has started with something more like a whimper than a bang.
Hearing about the productivity of other writers makes me whimper; and visiting other people's homes make me want to destroy my own in an arson attack.
Times, Sunday Times
'It's not my fault,' she whimpered.
I didn't even slow down as she was bowled over sideways, crumbling into a foetal position of grass stains and whimpers.
Dispatches opened with footage of a young man curled up by his front door, whimpering in pain and despair.
Times, Sunday Times
But you have to sit through a long and tedious whimper to get there.
Times, Sunday Times
But you have to sit through a long and tedious whimper to get there.
Times, Sunday Times
Stonehenge seems to have fizzled out, more with a whimper than a bang.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
he whimpered, remembering that he had to be back at the farm before milking.
Little whimpers and snuffles started to come out of the girl's mouth.
They communicate by stamping their forepaws, chattering their teeth, and emitting a variety of whimpers, whines, hisses, and other vocalizations.
It has been a most unpredictable year and it ends not with a whimper but a bang.
Times, Sunday Times
They communicate by stamping their forepaws, chattering their teeth, and emitting a variety of whimpers, whines, hisses, and other vocalizations.
Paul was whimpering, his hands clenching the sides of his wooden crib.
She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.
Now all he felt like doing was whimpering in panic and fear of what would happen if his family ever found him.
The wolf looked from the sleek cat to Ellison, whimpered again, then turned and ran past the jaguar, down the corridor and out of sight.
It was a woman scarcely conscious and whimpering softly as they fastened the rope around her.
We then rewind through the previous stories, expecting everything to come together with a bang, but instead seeing each tale peter out in a whimper.
We could do nothing as our classmate next to us whimpered as they received a verbal lashing after catching the hardass's eyes when they took a glance at the clock.
7887The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
There was something desperate about it, watching them wander away and out of sight and for ages I just stood where they had left me and let out small involuntary whimpers.
The end of the world will come not with a bang or a whimper, but with a tweet.
The Sun
But that has now been abandoned without a whimper of protest from ministers.
Times, Sunday Times
i remember the first time we heard the word mewl in some class at school, and found out what it meant. something struck a chord, something hummed inside me ... an audible click. it is an intransitive verb that means to cry weakly, or whimper. there was finally a word for what that noise in my head was ...
Vampishone Diary Entry
The freshman Republican now fears the talks will end with a whimper of small revenue and spending measures that will do little to help the economy or the federal fisc.
A Super Offer Rejected
He was telling me that every adult male in the swamp was out there when Murgen brought the bargemaster to me whimpering in a ham-merlock.
Shadow Games
Today, you can hear a dog whimpering 50 yards away.
Times, Sunday Times
But then today, as I was standing in the kitchen doing the dishes, he suddenly clung to my legs and whimpered in the same way as when he had seen the fire.
Between the yowls there was whimpering and barking and whining and yelping and the odd snarl directed at a feisty neighbour.
His rescue began when a neighbor heard him whimpering lifted a manhole cover and peered into the storm drain.
Even though everybody is under 13, the room is quiet except for some tearful whimpers of fear and anticipated pain.
The plunge of the engine, that now and again whimpered affrightedly in the darkness, could be felt through the whole train, as one feels beneath one the fierce play of the loins of a runaway horse.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
Rather than present the strong cliff-hangers that the two previous years had left for the upcoming season, the third season kind of whimpered out, and it was surprising to me that so many people were still excited about the show when the finale happened.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
But you have to sit through a long and tedious whimper to get there.
Times, Sunday Times
Contrary to every expectation, its advent has been greeted with more of a bang than a whimper.
The whole affair ended less with a bang than with a whimper .
They may have finished with a whimper, after the biggest collapse since the giant came tumbling down the beanstalk.
The Sun
The houseflies can't even copulate without their joyless, amphetamine whimpers keeping me awake.
The Voices
For this is how the world bends, with neither a bang nor a whimper.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Nevertheless, it finished the year with a whimper, not a bang.
This conclusion comes with a bang, not a whimper and is the only possible finale for such a sizzling firework display of a book.
His protests do sound like whimpering, but that said, damn, can he ever pen a tune.
In their intense concentration, they neither move nor whimper while their brown fur, wet and bemired with hunting, appears all of one color with the earth like two animate objects formed from the flinty Pennsylvania soil.
A half-starved dog lay in the corner, whimpering pathetically.
The child lay face down, trembling and whimpering in small continuous bursts.
Just then we heard the courthouse doors open and the sound of a dog whimpering.
As planes full of holidaymakers thundered overhead, the whimpers of a three-month-old child abandoned by his mother and father went almost unnoticed.
The little girl fell silent, whimpering in pain from the tight grip he had on her hair.
35The more congenial page of some tenth-rate poeticule worn out with failure after failure and now squat in his hole like the tailless fox, he is curled up to snarl and whimper beneath the inaccessible vine of song.
They shrugged after the second Test was lost by a whimper, then spoke of relief when defeat was staved off in the third.
If it wasn't about milk, I'd sit with her in the crook of my arm, holding her on my shoulder and rocking her until her shrill cries were reduced to whimpers.
This is not the time to circle the wagons and whimper and cry.
Christianity Today
Her voice once light and melodic now deep and whispery, whimpers and moans sounding out into the night to join the other sounds.
As planes full of holidaymakers thundered overhead, the whimpers of a three-month-old child abandoned by his mother and father went almost unnoticed.
I whimpered pathetically, then bit my lip and let the lorry go.
Hunt and Metta provide some lively moments, but Reed, a fine actor, is mostly reduced to wailing and whimpering.
The animal gave a pathetic little whimper.
Far from the swagger of a cowboy, Iraq shows the Bush Administration's come-on to be the whimper of a true coward, the pathetic act of a weakling who knows it can only dominate the puniest member of the pack.
Andrew Foster Altschul: October 9-13 Is National Republican Predator Week
We sat there for a few minutes in silence, the only sound was of my sniffs and whimpers as I tried to stop crying.
| Reply lmfao DCorbin XD speaks the troof and dear lord Drakengard …. just …:: whimper:: and yet CD-I zelda is almost as frightening =.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Weird and dumb video game endings…
The girl on the seat beside her snuffled, one sob completely spent, the next just a whimper building in her chest.
She whimpers as she undoes the bandages completely, revealing a scabby slice the length of her thumb.
Well, to use the cliché, it ended with a whimper, not a bang.
And whatever you do, don't resort to any whining, snivelling, or whimpering tactics.
And I'm back, having kicked the dog in the haunches and sent him off whimpering.
After that he just started whimpering and I began to feel sorry for him.
My head began to throb violently, making me want to whimper in pain.
My whimpers became wails and I tried to duck his blows.
It's a piece that begins in the wispiest of whispers and ends in a whimper of harmonics.
Times, Sunday Times
Whenever that much decaying gunpowder is scraped together, the result is usually less a bang than a whimper.
At this foreshadowing of a desolate decease, the wicked old boy would whine and whimper, and would sit shaking himself into the lowest of low spirits, until such time as he could shake himself out of the house and shake another threepennyworth into himself.
Our Mutual Friend