How To Use Whatever In A Sentence

  • Who is willing to believe that Alexandria is exactly 5000 stadia from Syene, whatever the value of the stadium?
  • Gwenhidwy likes to drink a lot, grain alcohol mostly, mixed in great strange mad-scientist concoctions with beef tea, grenadine, cough syrup, bitter belch-gathering infusions of blue scullcap, valerian root, motherwort and lady's-slipper, whatever's to hand really. Gravity's Rainbow
  • The difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • However, added the mayor, city hall will naturally respect the court's order, whatever it may be.
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  • Note: where Loiasis is endemic (West Africa), all treatment with diethylcarbamazine, should commence with 3 mg/kg x 2 days (protocole for Loiasis) whatever form of filaria is being treated. Chapter 11
  • My mum was cool about whatever I wore.
  • Both these people have lied and manipulated people through the press to believe one facade after another in order to get whatever it is they want…
  • Whatever you think of Strandlof and the months he masqueraded as a brain-injured veteran, the simple truth two months after his web of lies came apart is that public disgrace seems to have changed him little. Heroes or Villains?
  • Try poppies, cornflowers, stocks, love-in-a-mist, cosmos, mignonette, larkspur, honesty, ox-eye daisies, marigolds, phlox, sunflowers, zinnias - whatever takes your fancy.
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • It never occurred to me that you might not realize he was your father or grandfather, or great grandsire or whatever.
  • It ain 'fittin' fo 'you-all to say anythin' ag'in 'Dr. Morgan, whatever he may _se_-lect to do," asserted Bud, combatively, and Pink hastened to hedge. A Tar-Heel Baron
  • I would show up unannounced, watch Jaime teach calculus, chat with Principal Henry Gradillas, check in with other Advanced Placement classes and in the early afternoon call my editor in Washington to say I was chasing down the latest medfly outbreak story, or whatever seemed believable at the time. Unlike many, Escalante believed in teaching, not sorting
  • Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around. Starfarers
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.
  • An employee or player likes to know when he/she walks into the manager's office that whatever is discussed between them is in confidence.
  • In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
  • Do we really want the carpers and complainers, of whatever creed, to get programmes banned?
  • Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just. Blaise Pascal 
  • Whatever pumped up your adrenaline, my darling, it took more than a chase to catch up with you.
  • Investments that rely on the misfortune of others or the good will of sharks are a losing proposition in the long term, whatever the quarterly earnings report says.
  • It is a good service to provide for your listeners so we don't have to pause the show find whatever your looking at and then come back. aria on August 22, 2009 3: 04 pm intro is a cover of the airman stage on rockman 2. its called airman ga taosenai, u can find lots of versions of it on nico nico douga Anime Pulse » Shows
  • He said that whatever electricity lines came from the sub-station would be carried on wooden poles.
  • Whatever the cause, I felt dizzy, and without any bearings or footholds.
  • What they have "incentivized" executives to do, in countless cases, is not to perform, but to game the system, to smooth the numbers, to take insane risks with other people's money, to do whatever had to be done to ring the bell and send the dollars coursing their way into the designated bank account. Let's Move Their Cheese
  • Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong. Pain
  • Tuesday, 19 February 2008 first signs of spring - centre piece of the month february pick whatever flowers you get at the supermarket to make this little basket filled with flowers. ranunculus are my favourites and available all over the place at the moment, so i chose to put them into this flowery centrepiece. the orchid is quite fancy but you just really need one to pimp this up (and it keeps for ever!). a rose or two, some ivy and green leaves from the forest and you are all set. to get started line a basket with some foil and trim on the edges. soak some floral foam in water and place in the basket, when soaked wet (can be really, really wet - it will have to work as a vase to the flowers), eventually cut and trim the floral on the edges, so that it resembles an arch. trim flowers and green leaves and stick into pot. start doing so on the bottom of foam, working upwards until you have an even flowery centrepiece. make sure foam stays moist - adding some water from time to time. Archive 2008-02-01
  • She was still my sworn enemy who was trying to tear me down in whatever way possible.
  • Interestingly, antipsychiatry and psychiatry share the same goal of expanding the definition of people with whatever it is they claim to represent. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • Everything else slipped from her mind and she ended up staring at whatever caught her eye.
  • In 1819 the tenant was a person named McKechnie, as to whom I have been unable to glean any information whatever beyond the bare fact that he was a pewholder in St. James's church. The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales
  • I finally understood the slowly growing heat rise in the lake — it was energy leakage from whatever that mascon really was, some very exotic bloc of matter, a giant quark, something. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • Throughout his career he has handled whatever has been thrown at him in a characteristically calm and dignified manner, underpinned by desire and doggedness.
  • Working, as I do, in the Shires, there are going to be patients who have strong religious views, and think ‘this is of the devil’ or whatever.
  • Whatever your choice, make sure you buy top-notch works of art that you really like.
  • Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is. ON PARNASSUS FOR 15 MINUTES
  • In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world. 09/01/2005
  • Whatever Paul is or is not, he is an only an approvement when one considers Lieberman, who is actually and increduously still a part of the US Government. Paul Casts a Larger Shadow (Convention) - The Caucus Blog -
  • COURIC: Yes, I was going to say that ` s a weird use of the word glib, but whatever. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2005
  • Nicola nodded and slunk quietly over to the sleeping bags, trying not to attract the attention of whatever Landon had heard.
  • Take great care to allow, whatever you use, time to dry before applying the liqueur diaphane. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • I've created a bizarro little niche here where I kind of get to do whatever I want.
  • But, whatever harm Macscruby thinks our flag might do to his beef jerky, McDonald's had no misgivings on its effect on the Big Mac.
  • It might therefore seem clear, whatever else is the case, that Descartes conceives of knowledge as advancing truth.
  • Demonstrations of guided missiles, of a patient taking what looks like a Barium swallow in front of a fluoroscope, and the father taking home movies of his child with a video camera and playing them back on his TV all give us pause to remember that whatever good or not-so-good aspects of our present-day lives, we stand on the shoulders of people who were true visionaries more than 50 years ago. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Now that marriage no longer means much, why not let couples or triples or quadruples of whatever variety get married?
  • The appropriate drug in whatever form should be legal and available on prescription.
  • Whatever the reason, I'll be wishing him well because, in our adversarial, interrogative culture, there's still a place for Parkinson's gentlemanly, self-effacing approach.
  • Whatever additional value they may have as companions, from this perspective, is beyond the purview of the law to address.
  • If you select the Timed Backup option, WordPerfect will save your document at whatever interval you specify.
  • Whatever may be said henceforward of these "golden lads" of ours, "shirker" and "loafer" they can never he called again. The War on All Fronts: England's Effort Letters to an American Friend
  • _evidence_, and _mere evidence_, and a judge has no power whatever to deal with evidence. An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting
  • The sun set about ten o'clock, and Lady Clare and Shag greeted its last departing rays with a whinny, accompanied by a wanton kickup from the rear -- for whatever Boyhood in Norway
  • Whatever one believes, the accident has left deep anxiety among sailors who have just graduated from naval training and are about to ship out.
  • The commitment to perform sometime precede the preparation of the Charter Party and whatever is may be that we have agreed verbally shall become a part of our gentlemen's agreement.
  • When adapters approach source texts, he seems to suggest, they should assume that whatever is, is right.
  • Even if it wasn't clear enough back when he assembled his "team of rivals" and welcomed Wall Street into his administration, it has been absolutely clear at least since he capitulated to "counterinsurgent" generals and their civilian enablers, and to health care profiteers, that, whatever he may think and feel "inside," Obama is not one of the "good guys. Andrew Levine: Obama Winter and How to Combat It
  • From whatever vantage point, the views are panoramic and unobstructed. Times, Sunday Times
  • At irregular intervals, metal doors and gates gave access to whatever was behind the wall.
  • And now this move to privatize prisons was sure to usurp whatever power she had remaining. INSIDERS
  • Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.
  • Whatever she's thinking, she never lets it show.
  • Whatever decision he made I would support it.
  • Unfortunately, whatever mojo he worked in the mountains has reversed the Earth's cool polarity and Superman is temporarily cooler than Batman.
  • Whatever else may be said of him, Mr Meese is not scared of a fight.
  • The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe. 
  • (Sadly, Jesse Jackson, Jr., though he appears to not have been involved in corruption, is now too tainted in the public memory as candidate #6 or whatever to have a viable chance at filling the seat.) Matthew Yglesias » Darrel Thompson Sure Can Quit Burris
  • Whatever it was, another one stepped into the clearing, which was by now aglow with the light of both ethereal beings.
  • The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 
  • Whatever the circumstances, reporting means learning new skills, taking new directions, having more room to grow.
  • So here you had the scenario, you've got a highjacker on the plane; he's got his passport in his pocket, or in his luggage, and they hit the building, and this enormous fireball erupts and this passport floats out of his pocket or whatever, and gets through the fireball without being singed, then it gets out of the building and falls to the ground where somebody can find it. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • Laying over on his long journey south, Grayson found that the failure to decide the location of the future capital, in whatever location, Pennsylvania or the Potomac, “is much reprobated in this City”; much of that opprobrium, naturally, fell on Morris. Robert Morris
  • Whatever you might think about the man, his morals, or his use of drugs, you have to admire his tenacity in the face of illness.
  • Whatever the short-term problems in this area, the outlook and for twentieth-century sculpture in general remains bright.
  • We need people with talent, whatever their political persuasions.
  • Because actually your intention includes whatever you aim at achieving.
  • The loss of the barbican had also this unfortunate effect, that, notwithstanding the superior height of the castle walls, the besieged could not see from them, with the same precision as before, the operations of the enemy; for some straggling underwood approached so near the sallyport of the outwork, that the assailants might introduce into it whatever force they thought proper, not only under cover, but even without the knowledge of the defenders. Ivanhoe
  • Whatever they were telling her, Dakota was gasping and laughing, hands to her mouth. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • He's always happy to talk, frank in his opinions, entertaining in his manner and perceptive about whatever matter is in hand.
  • According to the sailor, any animal, whatever it was, would be a lawful prize, and the rodents or carnivora which might get into the new snares would be well received at Granite House. The Mysterious Island
  • It is an absolute impossibility for one kind of electricity to be generated without an equal quantity of the opposite kind being produced, although it is not strictly correct to use the term generated or produced in relation to electricity, as electricity cannot really be produced by any process whatever. Aether and Gravitation
  • It is especially noteworthy that The New York Times, itself culpable of, or accessory to whatever alleged crimes Mr. Assange may be accused of, has kept its lips discretely, if unheroically sealed. Michael Brenner: Obama's War on WikiLeaks -- and Us
  • The monkey learns to administer himself a dose of whatever it is he wants by pulling the right lever. BLACK EAGLES
  • Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
  • It's been obvious for some time that Rick Orlov gets a lot of his "news" from a few blogs including this one, or just sits on his butt at City Hall gossipping with Dennis Zine then writes up whatever he says as a Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
  • I think that it's just the excessive amounts of alcohol I consumed last night, whatever!
  • The mortality on board some of the emigrant ships was terrible; and, whatever the cause, the deaths in _British ships_ enormously exceeded those in the ships of any other country. [ The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
  • I should be safely back at the Glacier while he deals with Hedge and whatever else is out there! LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Britain should therefore not hesitate to use whatever powers and diplomatic skills she possesses to ensure that it does not come about.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • They never let me walk with them so I trailed behind them, copying whatever they did. GYPSY MASALA
  • D. Hayworth has now weighed in with his own bookful of border and immigration remedies, titled Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security, and the War on Terror. Exodus
  • The most curious usage, because it seems to have spread furthest from its origins, whatever they are, is snail.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • The "gaucho" approach to meals suits me well: every few moments there was another skewer of luscious beef, lamb, ribs, or whatever coming by to be loaded on my plate. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • But they'd get an Identikit or whatever they called it, use computer imaging under her direction, and they'd get a likeness. DOLL'S EYES
  • Whatever our expectations are of Cotswold cuteness, we're out of step with the locals, who clearly haven't been alienated by the refurb.
  • As if whatever lurks in your dreams - in your visions - might take tangible form and threaten you. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • 'This house will do whatever is incumbent upon it in good conscience,' said the abbot with chilly emphasis, and watched with an unrevealing face as Drogo Bosiet, with only the curtest of nods by way of leavetaking, turned on his booted heel and strode out of the chapterhouse. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • One of the key elements in designing the dies used to make them is to make sure there's enough material to make whatever it is you need, but not too much.
  • So at the end of the night, when we cashed out, whatever money we had over the gross amount of the totaled checks, we kept as tips.
  • I wish you had run all risks, and cudgelled the old burgomaster, stadholder, or whatever else he may be, soundly. The Purcell Papers
  • Taggers are sociopathic maladjusted, angry misfits who need attantion a the cost of whatever they destroy. South African Reverse Graffiti Artists Tag Up Walls By Scrubbing Them Clean | Inhabitat
  • Under normal circumstances I would say: whatever, the choice is yours.
  • Compromises and concessions need to be reached on both sides, so that whatever choices are made about family and career are mutually acceptable and agreeable.
  • Whatever tensions that exist within Uzbek culture -- between Russians and Uzbeks, between Uzbeks and A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • Mrs. Babbit would bring a pot of the "Soup of the Day" from the adjoining diner for the maids to enjoy with whatever oddment they had brought from home to eat. Everyday Things Made Beautiful
  • He has had his heart set on launching a punitive war on whatever pretext.
  • It would make me feel good to know I had in someway helped ease you closer to whatever it is you want so badly. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Regular for a fortnight were the inquiries of the Antiquary at the veteran Caxon, whether he had heard what Mr. Lovel was about; and as regular were Caxon's answers, "that the town could learn naething about him whatever, except that he had received anither muckle letter or twa frae the south, and that he was never seen on the plainstanes at a '. The Antiquary — Complete
  • Whatever the reason, Sullivan was convinced that he would now witness the final confrontation between the two men.
  • Whatever it is that day, we make our gripes, put his "progressiveness" in meanie scare quotes, or maybe even go all the way with "so-called progressive. Josh Mull: What's worse: Steele's Afghanistan comments or the reaction?
  • The thing about George Bush the elder is that if you paid enough attention to him and what he said, at a certain point you could safely assume that whatever statement issued from his mouth, invariably the opposite was the case. — The Political Revival of George Herbert Walker Bush - The Caucus Blog -
  • Whatever happened to that unwritten rule about not prying into each others personal lives?
  • He often summons the image of a bridge, as he does here in his perhaps most definitive passage about the Overman: There it was too that I picked up the word "overman" by the way, and that man is something that must be overcome-that man is a bridge and no end: proclaiming himself blessed in view of his noon and evening, as the way to new dawns-Zarathustra's word of the great noon, and whatever else I hung up over man like the last crimson light of evening. Archive 2005-10-01
  • If Khan was actually up to something, there was no way the ingrown CIA was ever going to get onto it before it happened---whatever" it "was. FALLOUT
  • And let's make the distinction clear: American football, or gridiron, or whatever you want to call it, is football.
  • As an outcome of meditative experience, whatever appearances may arise can be transformed through meditative insight into a realization of the nature of all things as insubstantial, uncompounded, and only existing interdependently.
  • We'll do whatever it takes to recover the bodies and to raise the submarine and to figure it out.
  • But whatever they assimilated from other cultures and traditions, they applied in a specifically Judaic context.
  • We refuse to just bow down and let the government do whatever it wants.
  • It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.
  • The singing part of the audition went well, she said I had a beautiful voice and made me a second soprano, which is strange because Ive been an alto my whole life, but whatever. Skipperjbk8: hey pook...I found a Pierre!!
  • They had a scene where they have the most horrible kinkiest sex I have ever seen in a film in a long time, where she would punch him in the face while riding him and whatever. Yeti: A Love Story (2006)
  • Tan seems not to realize that this old canard about the Inuit having 32 different words for snow, or whatever the number, is pure myth.
  • But whatever the lok sabha holds in store for the bill, what we all know for certain is that the feminine face of Indian politics is slowly changing, and one can confidently believe that it could be for the better. WSJIDEBATE: Is the Women's Reservation Bill Good for India?
  • Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers. Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • I eat whatever I want and I still don't seem to put on weight.
  • It will simply conceal whatever gaps in communication there are under another layer of imprecise language.
  • The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 
  • The exercise of the right of nature requires as a matter of logic that men do whatever the law of nature requires.
  • Therefore, the boat was equipped with fifteen watertight compartments, strictly divided up lengthways and breadthways, so she could stay afloat whatever happened.
  • He shouted something about the Disk Jockey being a "bunkie" (whatever that was) and made a disparaging remark about the Disk Jockey's costume (like he was in a position to criticize), before hurling a punch that had a lot in common with some express trains. The Sinister Six Combo
  • There is a class of persons (happily not quite so numerous as formerly) who think it enough if a person assents undoubtingly to what they think true, though he has no knowledge whatever of the grounds of the opinion, and could not make a tenable defence of it against the most superficial objections. On Liberty
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • Scoop in piles of cashews, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or whatever you please.
  • The 44 eminences charge that Britain's apparent lack of transparency and accountability threatens to undermine whatever moral high ground there is left.
  • Whatever the truth, this surely is a case where a gesture of goodwill would have been the appropriate course of action.
  • Thus, the standard is not just that of the averagely competent and well-informed junior houseman (or whatever the position of the doctor) but of such a person who fills a post in a unit offering a highly specialised service.
  • But whatever we may lack in hygiene, we make up for in ecological smarts.
  • Whatever be our inward frame, we are apt to perceive a wonderful congeniality in the world without us.
  • Lucy could only conclude that, whatever Charlie had been saying, it hadn't included specific mention of her name.
  • But whatever the circumstances, most would prefer to borrow more affordably if only they could. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had hoped to meet Simon by now, in the pub or somewhere, but the lad seemed to lead a hermitical existence apart from going out with the girl, whatever her name was. The Fifth Rapunzel
  • Will we be able to control whatever fuel is going into that plant, so that it does not become a source of nuclear weapons-grade material?
  • Twenty-six of these letters contained comments of the kind we presume Makhanya identified as amounting to "attacks on people who irked the President in one way or another", whatever this means. ANC Today
  • Whatever Lewis lacked in intellect, he compensated with hard work, observation, patience, perfectionism, rote learning, and attention to detail.
  • Whatever the future holds, Strasser will always have his high-profile past to relish.
  • From whatever standpoint or philosophy, works of art can never be judged as essential to basic living.
  • It was clear that the native tutors had no control whatever over their illustrious pupil, and every creature in and about the zenana was his submissive slave, so that Gerrard became seriously exercised as to the development of his character. The Path to Honour
  • He gives illustrations of some neolithic axes and hammers, and then proceeds to state that in the opinion of philosophers they are generated in the sky by a fulgureous exhalation (whatever that may look like) conglobed in a cloud by a circumfixed humour, and baked hard, as it were, by intense heat. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • I was just kind of scatting, mumbling, whatever and, you know, and going, well, I'll figure out what has to write there, but I've decided I liked the scatting better than any more words. A Veteran Songwriter's 'Old Man' Music
  • Whatever it is, I find it highly offensive.
  • Whatever they're calling Rowena now, it's not manic-depressive! Jinx High
  • If people want to believe in tooth fairies, or leprechauns, or hobgoblins, or taniwha, or whatever, it is their right to do that.
  • It's as if the ISG glued blinders to their collective head, ignoring the fact that both Iran and Syria are engaging in hegemonic actions to control Iraq; that either of these countries will only support the parts of the ISG that assist in the achievement of their goals, and that they will tell us anything while they do whatever the hell they want, because they do not fear us. Sound Politics: Re: The Israel Gambit
  • Whatever the identity of the plotter, and whomever they were batting for, the aim was simple and consistent: discredit the leadership, destabilise the leader, and stay out of the open.
  • That's journalese for ‘these rich jerks have so much money they can just do whatever they want.’
  • Whatever reaction it provokes, there is an obligation to history to unmask an apparent lie of this magnitude and establish the truth.
  • But whatever means they find to perpetrate this assault they must be opposed for the warmongers they are.
  • Five-star hotels are so called because a lot of thought and work goes into whatever they do.
  • But it's hard not to be moderately consternated by the comments, or consterned, or whatever the word is. Woman drives 200 miles to kill internet commenter?
  • I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.
  • Whatever his capacity as a poet, Theobald was no fool as an editor or as a critic.
  • All and sundry want to be part of it though on mutually beneficial terms and all wish to be respected for whatever unique particularity they may bring to the common agenda.
  • In the mid to late fifties, guys spent all their time souping up older cars with whatever parts they could find.
  • These unhealthful eating habits carried on into adulthood, and by the time I entered my mid-20s, I ate whatever my heart desired, without any thoughts about nutrition.
  • In any event, for whatever reason, humanity first began to encounter the virus during the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Whatever the level of voluntary service, we want to hear from you.
  • Evergreens suffer worst of all from wind-chill because their leaves exhale watery vapour whatever the temperature, even if minimally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever be the parts or abilities of men, whatever diligence they may use in the investigation of the truth, whatever disciplinary knowledge they may attain thereby, the Spirit of God never did nor ever will instruct a proud, unhumbled soul in the right knowledge of the Pneumatologia
  • The bad news for his rivals, however, is that protest candidates have proved very effective at indelibly soiling whatever image the party is trying to convey at the moment.
  • To his rescue, to head off any eviction warrants, comes Mrs Whatsername, from Whatever Company, complete with a patronising understanding smile.
  • For the athlete, if he's lucky, it's a medal, world recognition, splashy endorsement deals, the adoration of millions of compatriots, whatever.
  • Whatever one's views, it's great to rediscover the ability to animate politics through a discussion of ideas rather than personality or passing tittle-tattle.
  • Meanwhile, very expensive thoroughbred horses, stud bulls, or whatever animals they may be could well be under threat.
  • But we did compete in sack races, running races, egg-and-spoon races, swimming races, whatever.
  • He who votes against the rights of another whatever his religion, colour or sex, thereby abjures his own.
  • The war between Charles and public opinion will go on, whatever the outcome, but already the fightback has started.
  • We poured our own drinks, dictated which songs should be played and pretty much did whatever we wanted.
  • Jules Galdea explained to us that these revolving fan-like wheels on top of the cars destroyed atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood by the term gravitation, and with this force thus destroyed or rendered nugatory the car is as safe from falling to one side or the other from the single rail track as if it were in a vacuum; the fly wheels in their rapid revolutions destroying effectually the so-called power of gravitation, or the force of atmospheric pressure or whatever potent influence it may be that causes all unsupported things to fall downward to the earth's surface or to the nearest point of resistance. The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World
  • Speaking of which ... has anyoine else seen the photo of him as head kleagle or whatever they call the leadwer of the klan? Latest Articles
  • I wear whatever I want whenever I want and they can all go hang.
  • There he worked as a busboy, waiter, whatever it took to make ends meet in Albany. Culinary Journey
  • The original of all the cabbage tribe is the wild plant sea-colewort, which is to be found wasting whatever sweetness it may have on the desert air, on many of the cliffs of the south coast of England. The Book of Household Management
  • On more than one occasion I have sat down and given the hairdressed full power over my head, letting her do whatever she wants. MWLM Blog : Mom writers who have something to say...
  • Whatever mojo Campbell had conjured up previously, his methods were now clearly failing.
  • Ursula prefers variety, and like most of the other collectors she chooses not to specialize but rather just to do whatever's needed. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Whatever their secret longings, the family organized relentlessly around bourgeois correctness.
  • I pause to flex my muscles and prepare for flight in case some sort of ghost or troglodyte bursts out to eat our bones or whatever part of us a ghost might eat.
  • Hanson's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys.
  • But whatever the Vatican decides to do, will you stand with those already outcast from the presbyterate?
  • Indeed, whatever stands in dispute and needs a ruling the pointer of the balance will determine.
  • For whatever sophistication guess hitting may require, it's also a touchy subject.
  • Whatever the source of the arrangement, I'm mostly glad for it.
  • She empowered him to tell them, that whatever blame she might throw on Mary's conduct, any opposition to their sovereign was totally unjustifiable, and incompatible with all order and good government: that it belonged not to them to reform, much less to punish, the maleadministration of their prince; and the only arms which subjects could in any case lawfully employ against the supreme authority, were entreaties, counsels, and representations: that if these expedients failed, they were next to appeal by their prayers to The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • Whenever the opportunity presented itself, she did her level best to play off one faction against another, so as to reap from the resultant feud whatever benefit she could. The Fight for Democracy in China
  • She went over the list of treatment options: “cryosurgery, or freezing of the pre-cancerous cells; laser surgery to burn off whatever was left over.” This Family of Mine

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