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[ US /ˌwɛstɝnɪˈzeɪʃən/ ]
  1. assimilation of Western culture; the social process of becoming familiar with or converting to the customs and practices of Western civilization

How To Use Westernization In A Sentence

  • Tremendous changes have transpired during the last decade in Central and Eastern Europe, both in the economy and in the westernization of everyday life.
  • So, I posted something about the westernization of clothing in Japan at what, sixish last night? That was fast! - A Dress A Day
  • Emperor Meiji had only a representational role in the Westernization of Japan.
  • At this level, she represents what I have elsewhere called reactionary traditionalism, a vehement rejection of modernity or westernization through the assertion of tradition as a categorial identity.
  • All proceeded from a premise that equated modernization with Westernization.
  • Some skeptics have dismissed this diffusion of democratic ideas as ‘Westernization’ pure and simple.
  • There is also a process of easternization, said in management circles to be replacing an exhausted process of westernization, as western techniques of management and organization are replaced by those of Asia.
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