How To Use Westerner In A Sentence

  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition. Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
  • In much discourse about the Middle East, there is a widespread myth that Jews are interlopers from Europe and the US - white westerners who came to 'colonise' and 'steal land' from the 'native' Palestinian people to whom it rightfully belongs. San Francisco Sentinel
  • The yogi contemplating his navel often figures for Westerners as an object of amusement, being taken as a symptom of indolence or narcissistic self-absorption.
  • He is both an insider and outsider, in filial and affiliated bonds with his home and his present, and he is connected to the various sectors of Vietnamese society and to the Westerners through a principled ethics.
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  • The godless communists won't tolerate the godless Westerners.
  • Then gradually it assumed a specific regional identity in the West, developing a strong imaginative appeal to both easterners and westerners.
  • Westerners have also taken concepts from India's ancient scriptures, and used them to go beyond behavioural and humanistic psychology to what is termed 'transpersonal' psychology and 'transpersonal' psychotherapy. Immense potential of Indian traditions
  • The problem is that it was done in sich a god awful way that it makes this country's "friends" in Iraq look no better than a bunch of islamic terrorist isurgents about to behead another westerner live on video. Am I bovvered ?
  • Perhaps OUR UNDEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION will inspire Easterners to fight harder when Westerners seek to use their Senatorial advantages to gain undeserved highway and anti-terrorist funds. Balkinization
  • The benefit received from by the donee is claimed to be offset by the substantial amount of compensation provided to the donor, which is even more significant when Westerners pay in their funds. Unconscionable Organ Donations : Law is Cool
  • Most of the westerners who met him, in Germany and America, took an instant dislike to what they saw as his arrogant and aloof personality.
  • We Westerners love confronting the inadequacy of our rationalism and Amagatu capitalises on that, giving us also polished performances and exquisite stagecraft to hold our attention when our metaphysical appreciation wanes.
  • The few westerners she knew seemed impervious to the muffled warnings of her Chinese friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many 21st Century Westerners imagine that there are two Gods; the God of the Old Testament - harsh and unmerciful - and the God of the New Testament - loving and forgiving.
  • Terrorist groups have placed a growing emphasis on recruiting Westerners and inspiring them to launch small-scale attacks.
  • Westerners balk at the prospect of snake on the menu.
  • The midwesterners who composed Canby's army were probably among the more racist members of the Union army, but in diaries and letters home they reflectively pondered the performance of their fellow soldiers as peace loomed.
  • The food may be healthy, but the conditions under which it's made are far from the standards demanded by fastidious Westerners.
  • These parties, these pro-Westerners here in the Russian government, they insisted that Iran, being fundamentalist, could at some time aggress us. Dugin talks to the LA times!
  • Sanctuary Cruises Accommodations on the Yangzi Explorer -- which explores the river Westerners call the Yangtze -- vary from deluxe cabins that are merely spacious (31 square meters) to master suites that could hold three deluxe cabins with room to spare (110 square meters). Current Events
  • Westerner's perplexed by the artificiality of Hangzhou's dredged, diked and manipulated Xihu need only recall their own foundational myths.
  • There's two issues here worth noting: Westerners are paying alot of money for something being merchandized as Buddhist, and the difficulties that Chinese companies face in exploiting these kinds of opportunities. China Missing Out on Overcharging Hipsters
  • It may be a long time before Westerners reach the fabled city again. The Sun
  • Go ahead and call me a misguided Westerner if you like, or even a bleeding heart; I much prefer those titles to "bystander" -- innocent or not. Kristi York Wooten: The Sachs-Moyo-Easterly Aid Debate: An Activist's Perspective
  • As for the high-tech field, not only westerners have inventions and originative ideas. The Huawei Factor
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • It isn't hard to guess that most westerners are appalled at the levels of violence and animal cruelty that go hand in hand with the sport of cockfighting.
  • His friends were Westerners for the most part, and though he was a sophisticated man and an artist with a broad range of interests, he was in many respects a regionalist, in the finest sense of that word.
  • The artifacts from Ozette testify to the central role of whaling in the Tribe before contact with westerners.
  • The long-term financial responsibility of starting a new family at the age most Westerners retire can be awesome and burdensome.
  • The government doesn't need Westerners' investment as much as it once did, and it is increasingly bald-faced about its desire to acquire their technology.
  • Down the centuries, Westerners enjoyed the sheer pleasure that they found in inquiring, gaining insights, and making well-founded judgments. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • A middle-class Midwesterner, he was weaned on Daniel Defoe and raised on hunting, hiking, and taxidermy.
  • Just because it holds a high "ew" factor for many of us westerners does not make it a bad practice. Who's Your Mommy?
  • No westerner could fly in without a visa.
  • The designs of the characters are a mixed bag of sharply defined, appealing simplicity on the one hand, and offensive, badly drawn 'westerner' stereotypes on the other. Antenna
  • Maybe it's ok to meet other westerners from a different country - but not from your own.
  • That leaves a nagging question: if Africa doesn't inspire a possessiveness in visiting Westerners, then what is it about China or East Asia in general that does inspire this possessiveness?
  • Westerners to the toilet as defloration , Japan called the convenience of men hunting in the wild.
  • Indeed, Gabon's oil is making more Westerners rich than natives.
  • Most Westerners made the mistake of classing Dr. Salama with the hard-line Islamists. Day of Honey
  • I think for me, when you go to your work it sort of fortifies that that belief system that we Westerners have, which is oh, I know you're going through a hard time. Sheryl Crow On Love, Loss And Bouncing Back
  • There is dirt and poverty all around, but the richness in the lives of these people, if different to that which Westerners broadly value, is undeniable.
  • These are sharply defined acquirements, giving to the figure of the Westerner an apparent moral clarity which corresponds to the clarity of his physical image against his bare landscape…
  • I'd probably call chaos magic a western magic because it was developed by westerners, and tantra eastern because it was developed by easterners.
  • When we ran out of money during post-production of the film, I had to sell this same apartment, and found that the only potential buyers were other Westerners.
  • jazz being a colloquial euphemism for what I suppose the Westerner would call juju To google or not to google,a sense of deja vu and jazzed liberal democrats
  • Facing many of the same problems Tibetans have due to their religious views such as religious restrictions, forced abortions, imprisonment and execution, the Uyghurs '(also spelled as Uygur, Uigur, Uighur) plight isn't as visible to westerners as the Buddhist's situation. Global Voices in English » The Uyghurs: Persecuted Muslim Minority in NorthWest China
  • I guess you're more of a "westerner" than a "southerner", Arizona, right? but I recommend trying votre main at okra. Vivace - French Word-A-Day
  • As a result, a line can be drawn through the middle of Libya dividing Arabs into easterners and westerners, who differ in language, customs, and cuisine.
  • This rattles secular-minded Arab liberals and many well-wishing Westerners.
  • The end of the cold war inaugurated a new period, where non-Westerners were no longer the helpless recipients of Western power, but now counted amongst the movers of history.
  • Most accept Westerners though at peak times they're inclined to shoo you away curtly.
  • It was the disaffected young westerners moving into the endless possibilities of the East. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girls who show off to their friends that they've married a "white guy", or a "rich guy", or a "westerner", or a "convert". Unique Muslimah
  • And Andrew Jackson was less a populist than a "westerner," with the "west" then being places like Tennessee.) The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • While condemning it in the strongest terms, many Westerners admired the courage of women who went willingly to their death in such a manner.
  • They have been behind many of the kidnappings of westerners in recent weeks.
  • I guess you're more of a "westerner" than a "southerner", (Arizona, right?) but I recommend trying votre main at okra. Vivace - French Word-A-Day
  • Gary the guide reported that for all Beijing's attractions, westerners are magnetically attracted to the local flea market, the Silk Alley Market.
  • Citizens aware of the royal displeasure reacted with criticism and understanding, aware that Chinese people can appear somewhat brusque to westerners. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was also, in a way, one of us, a Northwesterner from little Payette, Idaho, probably the greatest athlete to ever come out of the Gem State. The Seattle Times
  • The late Ninian Smart, a doyen in the comparative study of religion, argued that it is through the comparative analysis of worldviews that we will generate the normative conceptual resources and categories for worldview evaluation, if only because the process itself will serve to “detribalize Westerners,” that is, enable us to overcome our dispositional tendency to “treat our tradition normatively, either explicitly or secretly. The rainbow as refracted truth
  • Westerner, and blend it with the history and literature of my age, and conclude it with his death, it seems like some tragic play, superior to all else I know -- vaster and fierier and more convulsionary, for this America of ours, than Eschylus or Shakespeare ever drew for Our American Holidays: Lincoln's Birthday A Comprehensive View of Lincoln as Given in the Most Noteworthy Essays, Orations and Poems, in Fiction and in Lincoln's Own Writings
  • He was the first Westerner to be ordained as a monk by the Dalai Lama and now teaches at Columbia University.
  • It is therefore not without significance that since the 1970s African social scientists have dispensed with the concept of tribalism and have displayed great hostility to its continued use by Westerners.
  • Negotiations are the heroin of Westerners addicted to self-delusion.
  • Westerners have accepted the Japanese selection of the word ‘gentleness’ and have, arbitrarily, without familiarity or regard for the founder's intentions, taken the word in its absolute denotation.
  • Wikner lumps the cerebral and dental consonants together, since the sounds are difficult for the Westerner to distinguish.
  • You depict rare occurrences - like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country - as a major problem.
  • Since the preacher hadn't shown up, and he was there, and he is a westerner, and all westerners are Christians, they told him he should preach the sermon.
  • However, researchers believe such measures, while helping the new Germany integrate with the rest of Europe, have not addressed social problems between easterners and westerners.
  • Barthes's text is a melancholic testament to the horror and fascination Westerners have felt in reaction to the primitivism ushered in by their own civilization, its modernity and its explosive production of mimetic technologies.
  • Now, whenever this little runt wants some publicity and an air of legitimacy for his tyrranical dictatorship, he knows all he has to do is take more westerners prisoner. Kim Jong Il pardons and orders release of 2 U.S. journalists
  • Americans are being urged to avoid places frequented by Westerners and cancel unnecessary travel.
  • There's much more acceptance that to move forward, the country and the people in it are going to have to interact with westerners and with the west.
  • The area was held by Subiya chiefs for the Barotse kings in 1898, when westerners began to settle. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • The westerner is lulled into a dreamland and as the money is quickly drained away, so are his standards.
  • Being in the desert was a new experience for me, a native Westerner who had never seen birds nesting in a saguaro nor tasted a prickly pear margarita.
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • ROBERTS: You know, Gerald Ford's an interesting figure because he represents an older style of Republican, sort of a moderate, Middle Westerner. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2001
  • Martinez is doubtful that home mealworm farms will catch on in a big way, but she is hopeful that there will be a shift in attitude in the near future and Americans and other Westerners might at least consider ordering a serving of crickets or wax moth larvae as the basis of a home-cooked meal. Kirsten Dirksen: Are Edible Bugs the New Sushi? (Video)
  • I was reminded of what Rudyard Kipling once said: A westerner can be friendly without being intimate while an easterner tends to be intimate without being friendly.
  • Another surprised spectator acknowledges that Westerners actually do have a sense of humour.
  • The food may be healthy, but the conditions under which it's made are far from the standards demanded by fastidious Westerners.
  • Curiously, the word works as both dysphemism and euphemism: Americans were repelled in 1940 at the fictional account of lynching called The Ox-Bow Incident, but when Chinese Communist officials want to minimize what Westerners call “the massacre at Tiananmen Square,” they call that crushing of studentled protest “the incident of June 4, 1989” in Chinese, liu si, “six four”. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • And when the frontier did move west beyond our boundaries, the settled middle westerners became middlemen: innkeepers and bartenders and provisioners for those choosing to go farther on.
  • Westerners find the smell of durians too strong.
  • Thanks to these RUS loans, more rural Midwesterners are seeing the benefits of the telecommunications revolution that has been sweeping across our nation and the globe. Shirley Bloomfield: Obama Administration Is Sending Mixed Signals on Rural Economic Development
  • Chinese cuisine is one of the glories of the world, and their meals are well balanced, but in ways that we westerners have no idea. The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
  • In this regard, Kojève is oddly sympathetic towards Japan, and he predicts that the Japanization (or snobbery) of Westerners will prevail over Americanization (or animalization). Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Azuma Hiroki on Postmodernism
  • Notably, the Boxers ' vocal hatred for Westerners was concentrated in a few key areas, most particularly Peking.
  • It was the disaffected young westerners moving into the endless possibilities of the East. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the Buddhists came from Sri Lanka, South-East Asia and East, while others were Westerners by birth and upbringing.
  • Displaced Midwesterner: Assuming cert is granted, this is going to turn on how broadly the statute’s savings clause for state licensing should be construed. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the SG’s Brief in U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Candelaria
  • That I am a westerner (as much as someone born in Eastern Europe can be) is viscerally obvious to me every time I have to fly east.
  • In fact, anglophone residents from Ontario and New Brunswick would be more likely to meet francophones from Quebec in their own province of residence than westerners since these are the provinces Quebeckers are most likely to visit.
  • Changing the country's official English name back to Cambodia (which has been used by the US State Department all along) was intended as a symbolic move to distance the present government in Phnom Penh from the bitter connotations of the name Kampuchea, which westerners and overseas Khmer alike associate with the murderous Khmer Rouge regime. Recent Updates
  • One of our soldiers gets killed because we have "micromanaged" our soldiers to the point of being a target for every bad guy who wants to take a day off and kill a westerner. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Unlike Chinese people who wait for death peacefully, Westerners will fight it to their last breath.
  • China's stimulus took the form of a massive expansion of bank lending, rather than the kind of fiscal spending Westerners typically think of when they hear the word Keynesian. The Phony Success of China's Stimulus
  • The Georgian, the Londoner, the Welshman and the Middle Westerner can understand the same printed language, precisely because it does not at all represent their peculiarities of dialect. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • The place was poor beyond the conceptions of a privileged 21 st-century Westerner.
  • Bear in mind, then, that expressions of regret over the defilement of sacred images are likely to attract rebukes from certain ‘modern’ and ‘spiritual’ types of Westerner.
  • What Westerners construed as effeminate is in fact virile, an assertion of perfected control and independence.
  • Just to drive in the twenty miles or so from Santa Cruz to Bombay is to confront a festering mass of degrading humanity, for which despite his reading the imagination of the Westerner has not really prepared him. The Christian Minority in the World of Tomorrow
  • Her criticisms dismiss her as a country bumpkin with rough features only westerners could appreciate.
  • We've all heard this critique: Westerners have replaced spiritual authenticity with the empty worship of money and property.
  • It exists in westerner countries too, and that's extremely odd. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
  • Last August I was one of five Persians and four Westerners - three women and six men - who set off to recce a route by jeep through the deserts, mountains and ‘emptylands’ of north and north-east Iran.
  • After all, eastern Canada didn't have any problem helping name westerner Tommy Douglas as the Greatest Canadian. Question
  • He jabs a pudgy finger at people in photos, many westerners, stuck into a scrap book.
  • It gave him the chance to find out what westerners are like.
  • As a Midwesterner, I am particularly sensitive to an exclusive focus on East and West Coast gatherings.
  • Like a lot of westerners, they had a fascination with the good life.
  • The Orient is associated with an uncivilized nature, the Westerner with a proprietary consumption of it.
  • Even though most Westerners are religious, and profess to believe in the hereafter, they still see death as a terrible wrenching away of someone they love.
  • An Easterner or a Middle Westerner would have thought it over first. Vignettes of San Francisco
  • You depict rare occurrences - like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country - as a major problem.
  • It wants the Kashmiri original -- the wool Westerners call "cashmere" -- to be easily distinguished from imitations as the popularity of pashmina has soared and the word itself has become synonymous with a large scarf of thin wool. The Latest Dispute
  • Although Westerners were once reliant on whale oil for lighting, we never actually ran out of whales.
  • The "bean counting" approach to qualifying students with standardized tests, curriculum, etc. has led to what Asian students call a "duck feeding" approach to education for westerners unfamiliar with the term "duck feeding," think about how foie gras is produced with the student being the duck, and education being the food that they force down their throats. Dr. Gino Yu: Education in the Age of Information
  • There are no ethnic or religious restrictions, and intermarriage in Thailand is quite common, especially between Thai and Chinese, and Thai and Westerners.
  • | Reply | Permalink pssst - don't tell anyone, but I think the east coast liberal establishment is really chagrinned that a midwesterner is going to be president and will get lot of help from the South getting there. Obama Camp: Joint Chiefs Wouldn't Approve Of McCain's Petraeus Attack On Obama
  • Cowboys were of course plainsmen - Midwesterners operating from Texas to Kansas to the Dakotas.
  • Her criticizers dismiss her as a country bumpkin with rough features only Westerners could appreciate.
  • They are common throughout China, but many Westerners consider their hothousing of developing child athletes as cruel.
  • Dudley Pickering was a middle-aged Middle Westerner, who by thrift and industry had amassed a considerable fortune out of automobiles. Uneasy Money
  • The few westerners she knew seemed impervious to the muffled warnings of her Chinese friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • These independent churches are called autocephalous and several smaller churches are autonomous and under the authority of autocephalous bodies. negative theology to experience God, whereas Westerners focused on Oriental Orthodox Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The cismontane people opposed this, since any change in this direction would tend to place too much political power in the hands of the westerners. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • And yet he had never been so deeply conscious of the gulf which lay between the oriental fatalism of his life and ways and the placid self-assurance of these westerners, so well-content with the earth upon which their feet fell. The Great Prince Shan
  • Rather, the region was often viewed as a preserve where savage wars were still fought, and where even Westerners could still experience mortal fear.
  • As Westerners bow down before multiculturalism, we anesthetize ourselves into believing that anything goes.
  • Despite the divine origins, thunderstones are not uncommon in Haiti; Westerners think of them as pre-Columbian axe heads and attribute their origins to the Arawakan Indians. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • I see Westerners wearing chubas and showing off their malas.
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • After the arrival of Westerners, the tar from these pits was mined and used for roofing.
  • When we ran out of money during post-production of the film, I had to sell this same apartment, and found that the only potential buyers were other Westerners.
  • Even the most bigoted Westerner envies a nice tan, but not so for millions of Pacific Rim residents … and Chinese Singaporeans. Let’s talk about … millions of Kims & Parks — Fusion Despatches
  • I'm sure the 'westerner' was CIA/FBI.The 'central figure' to me was always the 'old man'. Lunch with Gordon ... Or Was It?!
  • I don't capitalize the words because middle westerners don't call that much attention to themselves.
  • Now we are like westerners and want one as a companion. Times, Sunday Times
  • If westerners still hold our country in high esteem, the credit for this should go to our family system.
  • Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.
  • Though Westerners were starting to import mass-produced porcelain and lacquerware from China, they had no access to goods of the quality supplied to the court in Beijing.
  • I thought only igno-ramous Westerners say they can't tell one from the other. The Miko
  • For all the insensitivity of this mistake, it represents the abysmal lack of knowledge about the Baltics in the minds of many a Westerner.
  • Westerners need time to adjust to this toytown furniture - it calls for anatomical contortions that a non-yogi may find difficult.
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • I have lived all over this great country and the true test of an authentic southerner is how he (she) phrases the above mentioned conflict, civil war, (northern term) war between the states (Midwesterner), war of northern aggression (true southern child). The James Rifle
  • Scientists found more dehydrogenates in Chinese livers than westerners through studies of intoxicated people from various countries.
  • Now westerners are beginning to realise the benefits of encouraging rather than suppressing the natural exercises babies do anyway.
  • If anything, it is the westerners who become the butt of the jokes.
  • Westerners balk at the prospect of snake on the menu.
  • Westerners may no longer subscribe so openly to the nonsense of Japanese inscrutability .
  • Coolmore recently purchased Ecurie Wildenstein's homebred Westerner, a champion stayer in Europe, to stand in 2006 as a National Hunt stallion.
  • Or maybe something else is making so many Westerners immovably sceptical.
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • Westerners balk at the prospect of snake on the menu.
  • Surely now national sentiment demanded that he return to Baghdad and await big bombs dispatched by white-gloved Westerners.
  • The staff and anchorpeople come from different Arab countries, and only one anchorwoman wears the hijab (and she did so after working for years without it) - not that this matters but I know how obsessed Westerners are with the ‘veil’.
  • Westerners expecting the standard sleek decor and prissy presentation will be disappointed, but those who crave unaffectedly plebeian Japanese flavors will return again and again, as do multitudes of homesick Japanese.
  • Surely now national sentiment demanded that he return to Baghdad and await big bombs dispatched by white-gloved Westerners.
  • Westerners are constantly surprised and sometimes delighted by the casual approach of the miniaturist to his art.
  • Where are the images of young westerners working alongside people of their own age? Times, Sunday Times
  • This 'westerner' had his hands on his hips and a face like thunder. Lunch with Gordon ... Or Was It?!
  • The British drink two gallons of pure alcohol per person per year: more than almost all other Westerners.
  • For many Westerners with a Biblical upbringing, the term wrathful deity carries the connotation of an almighty being with righteous vengeful anger. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 5 Tantric Imagery
  • I love his current name, it's replete with the heritage of the part of Nigeria he comes from and it isn't even one of thosee supposedly jawbreaking Nigerian ones that Westerners who have no problem with pronouncing Cholmondeley-Smythson or Condoleezza or even Freud complain about.... Archive 2006-03-01
  • You depict rare occurrences - like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country - as a major problem.
  • The thing I didn’t know about mountains when I was what my husband rudely calls a flatlander and the rest of the world calls a Midwesterner is that often the valleys between mountain peaks are significantly higher than sea level. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2009 » November » 05
  • After dinner in a Persian restaurant a few nights ago I asked for a ghalyan - a water pipe known in other parts of the Middle East as a shisha or nargila or to westerners as a hubble-bubble.
  • Modern westerners tend to think there are only two kinds of property: public and private.
  • Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South.
  • He must laugh himself silly every day when he hears just how many westerners tune into his commo channel every day.
  • The values of easterners and westerners showed remarkable consistency through time.
  • In fact, most of the westerners residing in Korea during the Choson period hunted.
  • All of us “civilized Westerners” would still be living in sod huts. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • Typical preconceived notion of a modern "westerner". In Lithuania, Pre-Lent Carnival Has Anti-Jewish Overtones
  • No doubt having two westerners in prison was a novelty.
  • Blond - haired blue - eyed Westerners also come for a look-see .
  • Long associated by Westerners with the whole of Vietnam, the name Annam became associated henceforth with central Vietnam; and Tonkin (or Tongking) became associated with the north (taken over by the French, 1884). 4. Vietnam, 1802-1902
  • A critical juncture in his career was a four-month visit to Japan in 1876 and 1877, where he was able to tour potteries and religious sites that few Westerners had visited.
  • He is just another in a line of westerners who decided to go native with the Masai.
  • Such suppositions often invite skepticism and scorn, especially among Westerners.
  • And as westerners tighten their belts, the number of high-spending tourists is falling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Citizens aware of the royal displeasure reacted with criticism and understanding, aware that Chinese people can appear somewhat brusque to westerners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thing westerners worry about before getting to Tokyo is that all the signs are pictograms.
  • Midwesterners call the insects corn earworms, but farmers elsewhere grumble about cotton bollworms and tomato fruitworms.
  • A dose of market reality for get-the-government-off-our-backs westerners could benefit the environment - and save the taxpayer money.
  • Westerners were often prone to neglect the ordinary precautions concerning health, which gradually weakened their constitutions.
  • Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
  • Very few educated Westerners would argue that men are naturally brighter, wiser, and better suited for high-paid jobs than women.
  • Along with Westerners, the Chinese merchant class dominated the economy in the nineteenth century, especially with the exportation of rice.
  • Westerners call what they have established out here a civilization, but it would be more accurate to call it a beachhead.
  • The Westerners, on the other hand, envisaged progress towards civil liberty and economic justice along Western lines.
  • When westerners first arrived in Brazil there were five million indigenous people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The medieval traveler and writer Marco Polo, one of the earliest westerners to visit China, had used the word Chin to refer to the land in his native language, Venetian. The English Is Coming!

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